Would like to submit PR, unable to figure out JIRA

2015-05-04 Thread Matt Steele
Hi folks, I'd like to contribute a change to cordova-lib but am a little
confused by the contribution guidelines.

In particular, I'd like to create a ticket in JIRA, but I can't quite seem
to figure out how. I haven't used JIRA before, but I assumed I could create
an issue using the blue Create button, but that seems to be a dead end (I
can create a Service Desk request, but I don't think that's the same thing?)

I also need to still sign the ICLA, but I'll do that soon.

Anyhow, my PR should be simple and available here:

Could someone point me in the right direction to get started creating an
issue, so I can finish the workflow? Thanks!

Grabbing logs from superspawn.js in cordova-lib

2014-11-21 Thread Matt Steele
Hi all, sorry for the cross-post, but I wasn't sure if this was a
StackOverflow question or something that belonged on the dev list.

Basically I'm looking for a way to capture the ant/xcodebuild/etc output
that's emitted by superspawn.js inside cordova-lib in the compile phase. So
far I haven't had any luck:


Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!