Re: Early warning: bintray is going away, deb/rpm packages will have to move

2021-04-14 Thread Joan Touzet
Dropping user@ for now...

I've been granted temporary access to the new Artifactory setup at

Permanent access will be LDAP mapped, but there are technical problems
preventing this at the moment.

The new repos are at:

Unfortunately, the Debian repo is no longer signed, and we can no longer
use the Bintray global key for signing it as we have done in the past.
This is a problem.

The new Artifactory system gives the entire Apache org a single signing
key, which will be used for all packages uploaded to any Apache repo.
:-( I've handed the task back to Gavin (ASF Infra in charge of this
effort) to create that key and upload it to Artifactory through the
admin API.

Once that's done, I will need to:

* Publish the public key to various GPG keyservers (if Gavin doesn't)
* Re-sign every binary in our repo with the new key (this may involve
  downloading and re-uploading every asset, ugh)
* Test test test (we MAY get signed RPMs out of this, too!)
* Update our Dockerfiles to use the new repo location & push downstream
* Update all of the documentation to indicate the new URLs
* Announce the change on user@, twitter, etc.

This needs to happen in the next two weeks, and ideally before April
26th (the next "brown-out" day).


On 12/04/2021 12:54, Joan Touzet wrote:
> Hello again,
> It turns out that I didn't read the notice from Bintray carefully
> enough. The notice says that today, and April 26th, the service will
> experience a forced "brown out" to let users know the service is going
> offline at the end of the month.
> This means you won't be able to install our packages today between 6AM
> and 2PM Pacific Daylight Time.
> I'm accelerating efforts to move to the new system with Infra's help,
> and will be focused on this work this week.
> -Joan
> On 28/03/2021 13:00, Joan Touzet wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> ASF Infra has once again come through for us. We'll be moving to the
>> JFrog Artifactory service. There will be a single, simple URL change to
>> the documentation to access the new repositories.
>> Once we're sure we have update access to the new repos, we'll update our
>> documentation tags so that and our website list the
>> correct URLs to the new repositories.
>> Finally, we'll update our Docker containers to build from the new repos
>> as well.
>> Over on the developer side, our upload scripts for new builds will need
>> to be updated for the new system's API.
>> I'll email again when all of this is taken care of.
>> Cheers,
>> Joan
>> On 01/03/2021 11:09, Joan Touzet wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> One month ago, we were informed that JFrog are shutting down Bintray - a
>>> service we currently use to host our .deb and .rpm packages for Debian
>>> and Ubuntu, & CentOS and RHEL respectively. (Win/Mac downloads are now
>>> provided by Neighbourhoodie.)
>>> New uploads to bintray will be disabled end of March, and the service
>>> will be taken offline as of May 1st. This doesn't give us a lot of time
>>> to migrate, but the work to move the repository is not extensive.
>>> While ASF Infra hasn't provided a replacement for us yet , as soon as
>>> something is identified, I'll let the community know.
>>> Here's the INFRA ticket to follow:
>>> -Joan "packages packages packages" Touzet

Re: Early warning: bintray is going away, deb/rpm packages will have to move

2021-04-12 Thread Joan Touzet
Hello again,

It turns out that I didn't read the notice from Bintray carefully
enough. The notice says that today, and April 26th, the service will
experience a forced "brown out" to let users know the service is going
offline at the end of the month.

This means you won't be able to install our packages today between 6AM
and 2PM Pacific Daylight Time.

I'm accelerating efforts to move to the new system with Infra's help,
and will be focused on this work this week.


On 28/03/2021 13:00, Joan Touzet wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> ASF Infra has once again come through for us. We'll be moving to the
> JFrog Artifactory service. There will be a single, simple URL change to
> the documentation to access the new repositories.
> Once we're sure we have update access to the new repos, we'll update our
> documentation tags so that and our website list the
> correct URLs to the new repositories.
> Finally, we'll update our Docker containers to build from the new repos
> as well.
> Over on the developer side, our upload scripts for new builds will need
> to be updated for the new system's API.
> I'll email again when all of this is taken care of.
> Cheers,
> Joan
> On 01/03/2021 11:09, Joan Touzet wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> One month ago, we were informed that JFrog are shutting down Bintray - a
>> service we currently use to host our .deb and .rpm packages for Debian
>> and Ubuntu, & CentOS and RHEL respectively. (Win/Mac downloads are now
>> provided by Neighbourhoodie.)
>> New uploads to bintray will be disabled end of March, and the service
>> will be taken offline as of May 1st. This doesn't give us a lot of time
>> to migrate, but the work to move the repository is not extensive.
>> While ASF Infra hasn't provided a replacement for us yet , as soon as
>> something is identified, I'll let the community know.
>> Here's the INFRA ticket to follow:
>> -Joan "packages packages packages" Touzet

Early warning: bintray is going away, deb/rpm packages will have to move

2021-03-01 Thread Joan Touzet
Hello everyone,

One month ago, we were informed that JFrog are shutting down Bintray - a
service we currently use to host our .deb and .rpm packages for Debian
and Ubuntu, & CentOS and RHEL respectively. (Win/Mac downloads are now
provided by Neighbourhoodie.)

New uploads to bintray will be disabled end of March, and the service
will be taken offline as of May 1st. This doesn't give us a lot of time
to migrate, but the work to move the repository is not extensive.

While ASF Infra hasn't provided a replacement for us yet , as soon as
something is identified, I'll let the community know.

Here's the INFRA ticket to follow:

-Joan "packages packages packages" Touzet