There's a case that the partitioned sender elapsed lots of time to wait .
>From the profile ,we saw that the sender waits for 1 hour ,the opposite
recivier and its subsequent hash aggregate operator spends 1 hour to its
process time. (39 sender minor fragments,7 reciver minor fragments, each
sender sends about 8m data)Through reading the codes,some opinions and
wonder please correct me.

1. what's design purpose by setting the DataTunnel holds 3 semaphores? to
throttle the sender part ?

2. The profile stats of sender's wait time does not include the reciver's
subsequent operators' process time . right?

3. Is there any advice to accelerate the sender ,receiver phase?

4. The muxechange's purpose is to merge minor fragments belonging to the
same machines to save the sender buffer memory. right?

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