Re: [DISCUSS] batch ownership

2018-04-30 Thread Paul Rogers
I missed this as a discussion since it had the title of a GitHub discussion. 
Comments below.

On Friday, April 27, 2018, 5:42:37 PM PDT, salim achouche 
 > Another point, I don't see a functional benefit from avoiding a change of
ownership for pass-through operators. 

Please read my responses to Vlad. Change of ownership is critical to how 
Drill's memory allocators work today. Of course, you are right that, if we 
could do a new design (perhaps based on the budget-based approach), we would 
not need the ownership stuff. But, without ownership changes now, the existing 
allocators will simply cause us all manner of problems. In particular, none of 
the spill logic added to Sort or HashAgg would work as they rely on a 
properly-functioning allocator.

> Consider the following use-cases:

Example I -
- Single batch of size 8MB is received at time t0 and then is passed
through a set of pass-through operators
- At time t1 owned by operator Opr1, time t2 owned by operator t2, and so
- Assume we report memory usage at time t0 - t2; this is what will be seen
- t0: (fragment, opr-1, opr-2) = (8Mb, 0, 0)
- t1: (fragment, opr-1, opr-2) = (0, 8MB, 0)
- t2: (fragment, opr-1, opr-2) = (0, 0, 8MB)

You are right. Each minor fragment is single-threaded: only one operator is 
"active" at a time as control passes from downstream to upstream operators. 
(Yes, this is the unfortunate Drill terminology: downstream calls upstream, 
data flows in the direction opposite to calls.)
This single-threaded model is the insight behind the budget-based memory model. 
But, to get there, we must consider the whole system, we can't just make 
localized changes, unfortunately.

> Example II -
- Multiple batches of size 8MB are received at time t0 - t2 and then is
passed through a set of pass-through operators
- At time t1 owned by operator Opr1, time t2 owned by operator t2, and so
- Assume we report memory usage at time t0 - t2; this is what will be seen
- t0: (fragment, opr-1, opr-2) = (8Mb, 0, 0)
- t1: (fragment, opr-1, opr-2) = (8Mb, 8MB, 0)
- t2: (fragment, opr-1, opr-2) = (8Mb, 8Mb, 8MB)

The above can, AFAIK, never happen. A batch is owned by an operator, not a 
fragment. A batch passes up the operator tree until it reaches the top or until 
it reaches a "buffering" operator such as Sort.

> The key thing is that we clarify our reporting metrics so that users do not
make the wrong conclusions.

This is a good thing. But, we need to understand how the batches flow and 
report that accurately. Further, we must deeply understand this flow if we want 
to move to budget-based allocation without per-operator allocators.

Let's separate various concepts. First is the instantaneous "stats" maintained 
by each operator allocator to enforce memory limits. Second is the total data 
that has passed through an operator. Third is the maximum memory used at any 
one time over the life of the operator.

These are all very useful, but they measure different things.

- Paul


Re: [DISCUSS] batch ownership

2018-04-29 Thread Paul Rogers
Hi Vlad,
More responses.
> The same approach [as for internal operators] applies to senders and 
> receivers. Senders gets batches 
from the upstream operators taking ownership of those batches and send 
data to receivers.

Senders receive data from an "upstream" operator, then serialize over the wire. 
As a result, Senders take ownership from the upstream operator, but then must 
transfer ownership to Netty. Here I'll speculate. I believe that we create a 
Netty composite buffer that strings together the buffers that underlie the 
value vectors in the outgoing record batch. (Yes, there are many layers in 

Netty does not know about our allocator model. It does, however, have a 
reference count. So, my guess is that the Sender somehow gives up ownership of 
the outgoing buffer in the sense of the Drill allocator, but lets Netty drop 
the reference count once Netty has sent the buffer.

I believe you are quite familiar with Netty, so perhaps you can dig around here 
and explain how this actually works.

> Receivers get data from senders and reconstruct 
record batches.

You are right logically. But, physically there is a difference. Data arrives 
via Netty which allocates buffers for the data. Receivers take these raw 
buffers and turn them into batches. Here things get even more complex (if that 
is possible.) The Receiver creates multiple vectors on top of a single Netty 
buffer. That is, multiple vectors were serialized together and were read 
together. Much of the complexity of Drill's memory model comes from the ability 
to create multiple (logical) DrillBufs on top of a single (physical) Netty 
buffer. This is where we need reference counts (so we know when the last shared 
use goes away), and where we need the UDLE/DrillBuf separation.

So, again, Netty does not play the Drill "ownership" game, it only does 
reference counts. So the Receiver must convert from the Netty reference count 
of the big incoming buffer, to reference counts for each materialized vector, 
and create some kind of entry in Drill's allocator. I'm not sure how this is 
done; it would be great if you could figure this out.

Could this be done differently? Probably. Maybe serialize each buffer by itself 
so that Netty creates separate buffers for each. I'd guess the original authors 
started with this design and moved to the present one, perhaps for performance 
reasons. (Anyone know of the history here?)

> It is the business logic of senders and receivers and 
they may rely on other libraries (rpc and netty) or classes to handle 
serialization/de-serialization, buffering, acknowledgment, back-pressure 
or dealing with network. From other Drill operators point of view, 
senders and receivers are operators responsible for passing record 
batches from one drillbit to another.

True. Senders/Receivers should speak Drill operator protocol on one side, Netty 
protocol on the other. They are adapters. Is this not what you see?

> Following your approach it is necessary to modify MergingReceiver as 
well. It also pulls batches from a queue (see 
MergingRecordBatch.getNext()), but instead of almost immediately passing 
it to a next operator as UnorderReceiver does, MergingReceiver creates a 
new record batch from those batches that it pulls from the queue. To be 
consistent with proposed changes to UnorderReceiver, it is necessary to 
change the ownership of batches that MergingReceiver pulls as well 
especially that MergingReciver may keep reference to the original batch 
much longer compared to UnorderedReceiver (while it waits for batches 
from other drillbits).

I personally don't know the details. But, in general, if one operator passes 
data to another, it should play by the Drill ownership rules if it works with 
vectors. If, instead, it works with buffers, then it should probably play by 
the Netty rules.

> I don't see a reason to modify both UnorderedReceiver and 
MergingReceiver, instead, I think, we should modify allocator used when 
batches are created in the first place before they are added to a queue.

My own suggestion here is that we may want to make use of an old-school 
technique that is still often handy: write up the design. Document the rules 
I've been doing my best to explain above. Add a detailed explanation of how 
Drill interfaces with Netty. Then, think through how we wan to handle the 
Drill-opererator-to-Netty interface.

Another particularly nasty area is the "Mux" operators. Several folks struggled 
to understand them and didn't get very far. This is not a good state to be in. 
We should really understand how they work. Perhaps understanding the most 
complex case will help shed light on the case under discussion.

- Paul


Re: [DISCUSS] batch ownership

2018-04-29 Thread Paul Rogers
Specific answers based on my understanding.

 > I did not mean that a pass-through operator should not take the 
ownership of a batch it processes. My question was whether they do so 
and if they do, when and how.

Yes, operators do take ownership, somewhere in the process of calling next() on 
their inputs. The exact place may vary between operators. In the Sort, for 
example, the code first checks the incoming batch size, spills sorted batches 
if needed to make space, then takes ownership. I'd go so far as to say that, if 
an operator does not take ownership, then it is a bug.

> As far as I can see in the 
ProjectorTemplate code, the transfer is not done in all cases and when 
Projector operates in sv2 mode, there is no transfer of the ownership. 

Template code is code that is copied for each generated operator. In general, 
this code should be minimal. Code that is common to all operator instances 
should not reside in the template. Instead, it should reside in the operator 
(the so-called RecordBatch). There is really no reason to copy the same byte 
codes over and over, taking up space in the code cache.

That said, the code to take ownership is likely to be in the Project operator 
implementation. Look for a place that works with "transfer pairs", they are the 
actual transfer mechanism. A quick glance at the code suggests this is done in 
ProjectRecordBatch.setupNewSchemaFromInput(). (An unfortunate name if we also 
do transfers.)

> Additionally, when there is a transfer, it is done when the processing 
of the batch is almost complete. 

Depends on what you mean by "almost complete." Since Project is 
single-threaded, there is no harm in doing the transfer later rather than 
sooner; the upstream operator won't be called until Project again calls next(). 
Makes sense to do it earlier, but not necessary.

> IMO, such behavior is counter intuitive 
and I would expect that if there is a transfer of the ownership, it is 
part of, meaning that once an operator gets a 
reference to a record batch, it owns it. 

Perhaps. But, the Operator (that is, RecordBatch) protocol is a bit fussy. The 
next() call to RecordBatch tells that RecordBatch to build a batch of data and 
make it available. An operator has no visibility to its parent (its downstream 
operator). The caller must do the transfer as only the caller has visibility to 
its own vector container and that of the upstream (incoming) record batch. Yes, 
this is quite confusing. Nothing beats stepping though several operators to see 
how this works in practice.

Here, I will put in a plug for the revised Operator classes in the "batch 
handling" code. The new classes try to disentangle the many bits of 
functionality combined in Record Batch. Those three are: 1) iterator protocol, 
2) batch management, and 3) operator implementation. I believe we'll all 
understand this code better if we can separate these three concerns.

> At this point, an operator may 
consume content of the record batch and create a completely new record 
batch or it can modify the record batch and pass it to the next 
downstream operator.

Just to be clear, record batches (specifically vectors) are immutable. It is 
not possible to modify a record batch. One can, however reuse parts of it. A 
Filter can slap on an SV2. A Project can discard some vectors, add others, and 
retain still others. But, in both cases, the operator must produce a new batch 
based on those vectors. Specifically, each operator has its own VectorContainer 
that contain its own vectors. Sharing occurs at the level of DrillBufs that 
underlie the vectors. (Again, quite confusing, but it makes sense once you 
understand the operator allocators we discussed previously.)

Part of the complexity comes from proper memory management. New vectors are 
allocated in the Project operator's allocator. Retained vectors are transferred 
from the upstream operator's allocator (ledger) to the that of the Project 
operator. Discarded vectors are released (perhaps after being shifted into the 
Project operator's allocator.)

OK, again enough for one note. More to come.


- Paul

Re: [DISCUSS] batch ownership

2018-04-29 Thread Paul Rogers
Hi Vlad,

Glad to see you are becoming an expert in the mechanics of data batch handling. 
This is a complex area that deserves the care and attention your are investing.

Drill's current behavior reflects the design decisions of Drill's original 
authors. Unfortunately, those authors are no longer available. (If you are out 
there, lurking, now would be a great time to help out Vlad by explaining the 
original design.) Failing that, we have to use our collective knowledge of the 
intended design. Plus, we should explore ways to improve the design, as you 
seem to be doing.

Drill has a complex memory model that works only if each operator ("record 
batch" in Drill's unfortunate terminology) takes ownership of each incoming 
record batch ("vector container" in Drill's terminology.) Recall that each 
operator has an operator-specific memory allocator with its own budget (though, 
at present, but budget numbers are completely artificial and nonsensical.) In 
addition, the minor fragment as a whole has a budget.

For the operator budget to work, the operator must take ownership of incoming 
batches, and give up ownership of outgoing batches. Why? Because doing so is 
the only way to track the memory that each operator uses in its 
operator-specific allocator. While this may not be the ideal design, it is how 
Drill works today.

If we move fully to the budget-based design, than this level of operator 
control will no longer be necessary, and will be an unnecessary complication. 
Under the budget model, only the minor fragment as a whole needs an allocator; 
each operator plays its part within the overall fragment budget. A planning 
step works out the memory budget for the query, the minor fragments and each 
operator. This is all explained in [1].

Under the budget model, each operator attempts to stay within its budget, 
spilling to disk as needed. The budget model works only if "single batch" 
operators (such as Project, Filter, etc.) are given sufficient memory to hold 
two batches. This, in turn, requires that we control the size of each batch as 
Padma and others are doing.

That said, today exchanges *might* be special. My understanding is that some 
can receive a single batch from the network and feed that single batch to 
multiple slices ("minor fragments") of the same operator. This happens in, say, 
a broadcast exchange.

You mention SV2 mode. In fact, SV2 mode should operate the same as "plain" 
batches: an SV2 is a single indirection vector on a single batch of data. 
Perhaps you meant "SV4 mode." Indeed, SV4 is special since an SV4 sits atop a 
large collection of batches and simulates a batch by picking out a collection 
of rows across the many batches. SV4 is used in the output of an in-memory sort 
(and perhaps other places.) There is no transfer of ownership in SV4 mode 
because the same batches will be used over and over until all data is 
delivered. It is the responsibility of the Sort operator to release the 
collection of batches once it has delivered all results (or the query fails.)

Enough for this response. I'll send additional responses for your other points.

The key concept to keep in mind is that the Drill memory system, as a whole, is 
quite complex. It can certainly be improved (as we are doing with the batch 
handling revisions.) But, we must consider the entire system when considering 
changes to any one part of the system. It is a complex topic; it is great that 
we have someone with your experience exploring our options.

- Paul



On Sunday, April 29, 2018, 9:26:24 PM PDT, Vlad Rozov  
 I did not mean that a pass-through operator should not take the 
ownership of a batch it processes. My question was whether they do so 
and if they do, when and how. As far as I can see in the 
ProjectorTemplate code, the transfer is not done in all cases and when 
Projector operates in sv2 mode, there is no transfer of the ownership. 
Additionally, when there is a transfer, it is done when the processing 
of the batch is almost complete. IMO, such behavior is counter intuitive 
and I would expect that if there is a transfer of the ownership, it is 
part of, meaning that once an operator gets a 
reference to a record batch, it owns it. At this point, an operator may 
consume content of the record batch and create a completely new record 
batch or it can modify the record batch and pass it to the next 
downstream operator.

The behavior above applies to an operator that consumes record batches 
from another operator. An input operator (scan or edge operator) is an 
operator that produces record batches from an external source (parquet 
file, hbase, kafka, etc). IMO, when such operators create record batches 
they should allocate memory using operator allocator compared to 
fragment allocator. If the memory is allocated using fragment allocator, 
there is