Re: updates On Migration from MariaDB to PostgreSQL

2019-05-10 Thread Isaac Kamga
Hello Graham,

Thanks for the feedback.

Given the test was successful in lite mode, did you also check that the
tables in databases seshat and playground in PostgreSQL were rightly
created ?

As for the error you encountered, I think it's not from the PostgreSQL
setup since you've encountered it before in the MariaDB one.

Kindly test with all services once more and share the entire error log
using pastebin.

At Your Service,
Isaac Kamga.

On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 4:06 AM Ebenezer Graham 

> Hi Isaac,
> Thanks for this effort.
> I have tried testing with all the services. but, I get the error below. 
> *complete
> log here: *
>1. 06:21:47.050 [Thread-13] INFO  o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler
>- Stopped o.s.b.c.e.j.JettyEmbeddedWebAppContext@3e1fd62b
> {/identity/v1,file:///tmp/jetty-docbase.1273617126957352135.2021/,UNAVAILABLE}
>2. E06:21:47.790 [DefaultMessageListenerContainer-1] ERROR
>o.s.j.l.DefaultMessageListenerContainer - Could not refresh JMS Connection
>for destination 'portfolio-v1' - retrying using FixedBackOff{interval=5000,
>currentAttempts=0, maxAttempts=unlimited}. Cause: Error while attempting to
>retrieve a connection from the pool; nested exception is
>javax.jms.JMSException: Could not connect to broker URL:
>tcp://localhost:61616. Reason: Connection
>refused (Connection refused)
> I usually get this same error even with the MariaDB setup. I know its
> related to the Message broker but I don't know how to resolve it or how to
> avoid it. Can anyone share their experience on this issue?
> Also, I dropped the playground and seshat keyspaces in Cassandra as well
> as in Postgres.
> I changed the max-connection to 120 in PostgresSQL and also restarted the
> system.
> I am convinced the problem is not with PostgreSQL or Cassandra, plus, it
> worked a few hours ago when I started it in lite mode.
> PS: In light of this, how soon will this be merged into the develop
> branches. I would love to completely switch to PostgreSQL. Toggling
> between MariaDB and PostgreSQL is not easy :)
> *At your service,*
> *Graham.*
> On Thu, 9 May 2019 at 20:13, Isaac Kamga  wrote:
>> Hello Dev,
>> Thanks very much for testing Graham
>> I've raised pull requests for the Migration to PostgreSQL. Demo-server
>> runs to completion successfully in both cases and databases and tables are
>> rightly being created.
>> I had to make some adjustments to default-setup's ledgers.csv file
>> because of an error that came from the CSVParser.
>> *Testing demo-server lite for minimal set of services*
>> I have fixed the issue with connecting to the right databases. You can
>> use the
>> script to test the minimal set of libraries and services. After the run,
>> you should be able to ascertain that databases are created and tables are
>> created where they have to be.
>> +Juhan Aasaru  please provide feedback how this test
>> goes.
>> *Testing demo-server for all services*
>> Given that the connection issues have been resolved, it's time to do more
>> testing;
>> @Juhan, @Graham and anyone else, in order to test the migration in it's
>> entirety using script
>> ,
>> ensure to;
>> 1. Install PostgreSQL
>> 2. Change password for user postgres to postgres
>> 3. Change max_connections to 120 in your postgresql.conf file ( usually
>> in /etc/postgresql/... ) and restart the Postgresql service.Many
>> connections to databases happening since all services are started.
>> 4. Ensure Cassandra has no keyspaces seshat and playground
>> 5. cd into a completely new directory from your usual Fineract CN
>> development pwd
>> 5. In integration-tests/fineract-cn-demo-server/build/libs/ and Run
>> demo-server jar using *java -Ddemoserver.provision=true
>> -Ddemoserver.persistent=true
>> -Dcustom.cassandra.contactPoints=
>>  -Dcassandra.cluster.user=cassandra
>> -Dcassandra.cluster.pwd=password
>> -Dcustom.postgresql.user=postgres -jar demo-server-0.1.0-BUILD-SNAPSHOT.jar*
>> Kindly provide feedback on how the run goes in the both cases.
>> At Your Service,
>> Isaac Kamga.
>> On Fri, May 3, 2019 at 7:21 PM Ebenezer Graham 
>> wrote:
>>> Hello Isaac / Juhan
>>> I missed a number of relevant steps and this led to the initial failure.
>>> The test has been successful and I will list the conditions which led to
>>> the successful run below.
>>> 1. I created a new directory and cloned the repositories using the
>>> script you provided (
>>> )
>>> 2. I 

RE: Unable to add or reverse or modify older transactions

2019-05-10 Thread Angel Cajas
Hi Parth,

I may not be an expert in Fineract but from what I’ve seen and tested with the 
code in the develop branch you can actually reverse and add transactions made 
before the last one but that would depend on your loan product configuration. 
If you enabled the loan interest recalculation that is not allowed or if you 
are trying to reverse a transaction made before a loan interest waiver 
transaction. What configuration are you using in your loan products?

Speaking of Loan Interest recalculation, I think this is not possible since a 
new payment or reversion done in a previous date than the last one would most 
likely require to recalculate interests and regenerate the repayment schedule 
for every following transaction because the interest portion of the following 
installments would certainly change. Schedule regeneration and interest 
recalculation are run when you add a new payment but this is done before or 
after the payments are processed.

Like I said I’m not an expert so maybe someone else could give you a better 

Angel Cajas
From: Parth Mangroliya 
Sent: jueves, 9 de mayo de 2019 12:10
Subject: Unable to add or reverse or modify older transactions

Hello ,

According to current fineract functiionality, user can not add or reverse a 
loan transaction made before last transaction for that loan. To put this in 
other words, system only allows adding or reversing chronologically latest 
transaction. I am unable to think the use cases for this restriction as I 
thought that system should allow adding older transactions as system is already 
recalculating repayment schedule from that transaction date. Can anyone help me 
understand this ?
Thanks in advance

Parth Mangroliya

Re: CORS Error

2019-05-10 Thread Santosh Math
Thank you Sampath.

@Abhay, could you check now?

On Fri 10 May, 2019, 11:22 AM Sampath Kumar G, <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> The server is updated successfully. Kindly check.
> Regards,
> *Sampath Kumar*
> | Banking Made Easy
> [image:]
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> check.
> On Fri, May 10, 2019 at 11:02 AM Santosh Math <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks  Vishwas. I will start the patch release.
>> @Sampath, please update the staging with latest code from develop branch
>> of Fineract and Community App and reply back once it is done.
>> On Fri 10 May, 2019, 1:52 AM Vishwas Babu, <
>>> wrote:
>>> Hi Abhay,
>>> The commit
>>>  was
>>> causing the CORS preflight request to fail. I have now reverted the same
>>> and you should be able to work with the latest develop branch or
>>> @ Santosh: The latest fineract release (1.3.0) which ships this change
>>> is broken, can you please start the process for shipping a patch release
>>> with the newly created branch at
>>>  (created from 1.3
>>> branch with the pr for reverting
>>>  cherry-picked)
>>> Regards,
>>> Vishwas
>>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 2:48 AM Abhay Chawla 
>>> wrote:
 Hi Vishwas,

 Could you please help us figure out the issue and resolve the same? I
 am not very much familiar with the backend code.


 On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 2:11 PM Santosh Math <> wrote:

> +vishwas 
> Hi Abhay,
> Yes, we have updated staging/mobile with latest code from Fineract
> develop branch. At least 10 PRs are merged in Fineract branch since March
> 15(last update of staging)  out of which one of them may be causing you 
> the
> error. Here are the PRs which were merged :
> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 1:48 PM Abhay Chawla 
> wrote:
>> @Santosh Math  has there been some
>> change in the latest deployment of the staging and mobile server for the
>> latest release? We are unable to send cross-origin requests as the header
>> is no longer present in the response due to which we cannot use it for
>> development. Could you please assist?
>> Headers are present in the demo server but it frequently becomes
>> inaccessible.
>> On Thu, May 9, 2019 at 12:36 PM Abhay Chawla <
>>> wrote:
>>> Adding to the discussion. +Jivjyot Singh 
>>> On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 11:19 PM Abhay Chawla <
>>>> wrote:
 Hi Chirag/Ed/Sampath/Santosh/Nayan,

 I rechecked and now I have started to face the same issue. I
 verified that we are getting the required headers within the demo 
 only now, it seems like there has been some change with the 

 Ed/Santosh/Sampath/Nayan has there been any change within the
 configurations of the staging and mobile servers in the past few days?
 Earlier we had these headers and we were able to send cross-origin 
 but now they seem to be absent in these servers and that is why it has
 become inaccessible. Could you please assist?

 Also, if possible we should work on stabilizing the demo server
 before the coding period.
