Re: [Mifos-developer] CI/CD now always automatically deploys the latest Fineract develop branch

2020-05-17 Thread qwert test
Thanks for the update

On Sun, May 17, 2020, 4:50 PM Michael Vorburger  wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> I'm happy to share that now always automatically
> updates itself from the very latest source code available on the develop
> branch of Fineract! (I actually used to manually update it before.)
> New deployments take about 15’ after any of our great committer merges
> Pull Requests from you - our contributors. Something that is pretty cool is
> that on anyone
> can now actually see the exact Git commit revision that is currently
> running (this is based on FINERACT-883
> ).
> If you are curious about some of the technical details involved here
> behind the scenes,
> may interest you. You can see one part of what my blog post describes in
> live action on - note the new
> "Deploy to; workflow, driven by
> .
> Something perhaps worth pointing out here is that this is based on modern
> cloud native CI/CD... to users, it's made to look like the "server" never
> "stops". Incoming API HTTP traffic is transparently switched over from old
> to new runtimes. So as you use, it's now entirely possible
> that, following the merge of a Pull Request, in one instant you hit "old"
> code, but your next API request hits "new" code that just got deployed!
> Cool, right?
> I'm hoping this makes even more useful to the community, and
> will serve both as a showcase for the project, as well as be of value e.g.
> for your QA. (Should you have an interest in a non-demo more stable hosted
> instance of Apache Fineract, please reach out to me privately - I'm
> interested in learning more about the need and expectations in this space.)
> Stay safe & keep hacking and contributing!
> Best,
> M.
> ___
> Michael Vorburger
> Mifos-developer mailing list
> Unsubscribe or change settings at:

Re: [Mifos-developer] Null Transaction Dates for Savings Products

2020-05-10 Thread qwert test
Hi Team,
I am facing below error can anyone help me

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from
origin 'http://localhost:9002' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to
preflight request doesn't pass access control check: Redirect is not
allowed for a preflight request.
angular.js:13236 TypeError: Cannot read property 'errors' of null
at responseError (notificationWidget.js:165)
at processQueue (angular.js:15552)
at angular.js:15568
at Scope.$eval (angular.js:16820)
at Scope.$digest (angular.js:16636)
at Scope.$apply (angular.js:16928)
at done (angular.js:11266)
at completeRequest (angular.js:11464)
at XMLHttpRequest.requestError (angular.js:11415)
(anonymous) @ angular.js:13236
(anonymous) @ angular.js:9965
processQueue @ angular.js:15560
(anonymous) @ angular.js:15568
$eval @ angular.js:16820
$digest @ angular.js:16636
$apply @ angular.js:16928
done @ angular.js:11266
completeRequest @ angular.js:11464
requestError @ angular.js:11415
error (async)
(anonymous) @ angular.js:11418
sendReq @ angular.js:11235
serverRequest @ angular.js:10945
processQueue @ angular.js:15552
(anonymous) @ angular.js:15568
$eval @ angular.js:16820
$digest @ angular.js:16636
$apply @ angular.js:16928
(anonymous) @ angular.js:24551
dispatch @ jquery.js:4732
elemData.handle @ jquery.js:4544
angular.js:11442 POST
(anonymous) @ angular.js:11442
sendReq @ angular.js:11235
serverRequest @ angular.js:10945
processQueue @ angular.js:15552
(anonymous) @ angular.js:15568
$eval @ angular.js:16820
$digest @ angular.js:16636
$apply @ angular.js:16928
(anonymous) @ angular.js:24551
dispatch @ jquery.js:4732
elemData.handle @ jquery.js:4544

On Sat, May 9, 2020 at 11:06 PM Michael Vorburger  wrote:

> Airsay,
> If I were you, what I would do first to be able to contribute to driving
> your problem to an eventual resolution, is see if you can figure out if
> this is a problem in the "back-end" (so a bug in
> or a display issue in the UI (so a
> bug in Once that's clear, I
> would try to create an easy way to reproduce this issue. Then create a bug
> in the respective project's issue tracker. Then you can see if there any
> volunteers willing to contribute a fix. Or perhaps one of the partners
> would want to step up and contribute a fix working for you.
> BTW Wouldn't it be cool if we used some sort of "tech support auction open
> marketplace" kind of site? What if Airsay, instead of posting his problem
> only here to our mailing lists, would create a bug in the appropriate issue
> tracker, and then be able to put a "bounty" on it - expressing "fixing this
> would be worth $N to me" (as in "currently", it would have to be possible
> to adjust it, in reaction to feedback..), to which interested parties and
> individuals (possibly even several!) could "bid" to mean "Heck yeah, I'd
> willing to contribute an upstream fix for this for $M!" (or maybe "not
> really sure what the problems is exactly and how to fix it, but.. for $X I
> would be willing to make some time to have a closer look for you, and then
> make you a quote"), out of which Airsay could pick one of the offers. The
> platform would be some sort of neutral middle man, and would have some sort
> of fancy game-ified reputation system... ;-) I've never seriously searched
> for anything like this, but I wouldn't be surprised if someone somewhere
> already thought of building a site like that... has anyone ever come across
> something like this? It's just a wild thought.
> Best,
> M.
> On Sat, 9 May 2020, 13:22 Airsay Longcon,  wrote:
>> Same under issue in Chrome, Edge, Chromium
>> Sent from my iPhone
>> On 9 May 2020, at 10:04, Samuel Joseph  wrote:
>> Try another browser
>> Chrome
>> Opera, etc
>> Safari or FireFox usually have that issue.
>> Cheers.
>> On Sat, 9 May 2020 at 10:02, airsay longcon 
>> wrote:
>>> I am running fineract (develop) on the following infrastructure
>>> Server: Windows 10
>>> Tomcat: Tomcat 9.0.34
>>> MySQL: MySQL 5.5.62
>>> JDK: OpenJDK 11.0.7
>>> Fineract: Fineract (develop)
>>> So I have been testing Fineract over the past four months with good
>>> success until last weekend.
>>> I have four products, two each under Recurring Deposit and Fixed
>>> Deposit. My preference would be Recurring Deposit but I can live with Fixed
>>> Deposit.
>>> After Properly Setting up products, I created a Client, created a
>>> back-dated recurring deposit account then calculated and posted interest.
>>> Prior to now interest posted (correct dates and amounts). However on
>>> Saturday May 01 (while still running on Tomcat 7 with JDK8) I noticed that
>>> Transaction Dates for Deposit and Interest displays null
>>> Product is correctly setup as below