Re: Streaming Graph processing

2017-06-30 Thread Ameet BD
Hi Paris,

Thanks for the reply. Any idea when will be Gelly-Stream become part of
official Flink distribution?

On Fri, Jun 30, 2017 at 8:20 PM, Paris Carbone <> wrote:

> Hi Ameet,
> Flink’s Gelly currently operates on the DataSet model.
> However, we have an experimental project with Vasia (Gelly-Stream) that
> does exactly that.
> You can check it out and let us know directly what you think:
> Paris
> On 30 Jun 2017, at 13:17, Ameet BD <>> wrote:
> Hi ,
> Can anyone please point me to examples on streaming graph processing based
> on Gelly.
> Regards,
> Ameet

Streaming Graph processing

2017-06-30 Thread Ameet BD
Hi ,

Can anyone please point me to examples on streaming graph processing based
on Gelly.


Re: Tracking API

2017-06-15 Thread Ameet BD

I want to know which CEP API resulted in a call to a certain invocation of
submitTask function. I think the  stack trace will not tell me that because
they are in different thread contexts.


On Thu, Jun 15, 2017 at 3:16 PM, Aljoscha Krettek <>

> Hi,
> Would this be what you’re looking for:
> questions/1069066/get-current-stack-trace-in-java <
> stack-trace-in-java> ?
> Best,
> Aljoscha
> > On 14. Jun 2017, at 12:46, Ameet BD <> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I am trying to print which Flink API (e.g Complex Event Processing or
> > Streaming SQL) was called that resulted in a call down the function stack
> > in task handling code. Please tell me how it could be done using existing
> > code base (1.3.0).
> > Regards,
> > Ameet

Tracking API

2017-06-14 Thread Ameet BD

I am trying to print which Flink API (e.g Complex Event Processing or
Streaming SQL) was called that resulted in a call down the function stack
in task handling code. Please tell me how it could be done using existing
code base (1.3.0).

disabling checkstyle

2017-02-18 Thread Ameet BD
Hi All,

Please let me know if I can disable checkstyle  for a specific sub module
so that I don't get into issues like tab vs space in the early stage of
learning to make changes to flink code base.
Thanks in advance.

compiling flink

2017-02-17 Thread Ameet BD
Hello All,

If I want to compile just one sub-project inside flink for example
flink-core, what command should I use?
Please help.
Thanks in advance.

build error

2016-09-15 Thread Ameet BD
Hi All,

I am trying to build latest Flink code from by running command

$ git clone
After that I am running command
$ mvn clean install -DskipTests

The build fails I have attached the build log.

Kindly let me know why it may be failing.

# A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment:
#  SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x7fa3b34ea3c7, pid=10719, tid=140341028869888
# JRE version: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (8.0_91-b14) (build 1.8.0_91-8u91-b14-0ubuntu4~14.04-b14)
# Java VM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (25.91-b14 mixed mode linux-amd64 compressed oops)
# Problematic frame:
# V  []
# Failed to write core dump. Core dumps have been disabled. To enable core dumping, try "ulimit -c unlimited" before starting Java again
# If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:

---  T H R E A D  ---

Current thread (0x7fa3ac01f800):  GCTaskThread [stack: 0x7fa3b11c5000,0x7fa3b12c6000] [id=10723]

siginfo: si_signo: 11 (SIGSEGV), si_code: 2 (SEGV_ACCERR), si_addr: 0xe573c300

RAX=0x7fa3b3effac0, RBX=0xe573c2f8, RCX=0x001f, RDX=0x8000
RSP=0x7fa3b12c4bc0, RBP=0x7fa3b12c4bc0, RSI=0x0001, RDI=0xe573c2f8
R8 =0xe573c2f8, R9 =0x0011, R10=0x7fa3b3f29080, R11=0x0080
R12=0x7fa3ac074890, R13=0x0001001d2a08, R14=0xe089c124, R15=0xe089c138
RIP=0x7fa3b34ea3c7, EFLAGS=0x00010202, CSGSFS=0x0033, ERR=0x0004

Top of Stack: (sp=0x7fa3b12c4bc0)
0x7fa3b12c4bc0:   7fa3b12c4c30 7fa3b36598f0
0x7fa3b12c4bd0:   0010 7fa3ac0748d0
0x7fa3b12c4be0:   e089c100 0001001d2a10
0x7fa3b12c4bf0:   7fa3b3f29080 0003
0x7fa3b12c4c00:   7fa3ac027340 7fa3b3f250f0
0x7fa3b12c4c10:   7fa3ac0747a0 7fa3ac074890
0x7fa3b12c4c20:   7fa3b12c4d6c 7fa3b12c4d70
0x7fa3b12c4c30:   7fa3b12c4cf0 7fa3b3915de2
0x7fa3b12c4c40:   7fa3ac0748a0 7fa3ac074920
0x7fa3b12c4c50:   7fa3ac074950 e1b33e20
0x7fa3b12c4c60:   7fa3ac0748a0 e20b0e50
0x7fa3b12c4c70:   7fa3ac0748d0 7fa3ac074890
0x7fa3b12c4c80:   7fa3b12c4cf0 7fa3b3659927
0x7fa3b12c4c90:   e089c100 7fa3ac0748d0
0x7fa3b12c4ca0:   001e001b 0001002da968
0x7fa3b12c4cb0:   001f001b 0005
0x7fa3b12c4cc0:   7fa3ac01f800 7fa3ac074890
0x7fa3b12c4cd0:   7fa3ac0747a0 
0x7fa3b12c4ce0:   7fa3b12c4d6c 7fa3b12c4d70
0x7fa3b12c4cf0:   7fa3b12c4dc0 7fa3b38faa2e
0x7fa3b12c4d00:   7fa3ac074890 7fa3ac020298
0x7fa3b12c4d10:   7fa3b3ee52c0 7fa3ac0748d0
0x7fa3b12c4d20:   7fa3b12c4cf0 
0x7fa3b12c4d30:   7fa3b3eddb60 7fa3ac01f800
0x7fa3b12c4d40:   7fa3b12c4d80 7fa3b12c4d70
0x7fa3b12c4d50:   7fa3ac027640 7fa3ac074890
0x7fa3b12c4d60:    00b010d3ac01f170
0x7fa3b12c4d70:   e31a3d30 7fa3b387d61b
0x7fa3b12c4d80:    7fa3
0x7fa3b12c4d90:   7fa3b12c4dc0 0001
0x7fa3b12c4da0:   7fa3ac027640 7fa3b3ac6775
0x7fa3b12c4db0:   7fa3ac01f800 7fa3b3f1e3b8 

Instructions: (pc=0x7fa3b34ea3c7)
0x7fa3b34ea3a7:   8b 42 08 83 f8 00 7e 2c a8 01 75 2d c1 f8 03 5d
0x7fa3b34ea3b7:   c3 0f 1f 84 00 00 00 00 00 48 8d 05 f9 56 a1 00
0x7fa3b34ea3c7:   8b 57 08 8b 48 08 48 d3 e2 48 03 10 8b 42 08 83
0x7fa3b34ea3d7:   f8 00 7f d4 75 1b 0f 1f 00 48 8b 02 48 89 fe 48 

Register to memory mapping:

RAX=0x7fa3b3effac0:  in /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/server/ at 0x7fa3b305f000
RBX=0xe573c2f8 is an unallocated location in the heap
RCX=0x001f is an unknown value
RDX=0x8000 is an unknown value
RSP=0x7fa3b12c4bc0 is an unknown value
RBP=0x7fa3b12c4bc0 is an unknown value
RSI=0x0001 is an unknown value
RDI=0xe573c2f8 is an unallocated location in the heap
R8 =0xe573c2f8 is an unallocated location in the heap
R9 =0x0011 is an unknown value
R10=0x7fa3b3f29080:  in /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/lib/amd64/server/ at 0x7fa3b305f000
R11=0x0080 is an unknown value
R12=0x7fa3ac074890 is an unknown value
R13=0x0001001d2a08 is pointing into metadata
R14=0xe089c124 is pointing into object: 0xe089c100$FileEntry$1 
 - klass: 'scala/reflect/io/FileZipArchive$FileEntry$1'
R15=0xe089c138 is an oop
 - klass: 'java/lang/String'

Stack: [0x7fa3b11c5000,0x7fa3b12c6000],