

[Anil] GEODE-2776: Setting version tag on the client event from the current

[gzhou] GEODE-2824: When advisor cannot found target nodes for bucket id, should

[nnag] GEODE-2881: Wait for waitForFlushBeforeExecuteTextSearch to complete

[eshu] GEODE-2882: Check if region is destroyed before throw

[dbarnes] GEODE-2352 Document that REST API requires two properties

[dbarnes] GEODE-2815 Incorrect Error Message in REST API docs for {region}/{key}

[jstewart] GEODE-2876: Add logging to diagnose CI failure

[klund] GEODE-2858: Add test for parsing of simple XML file w pool

[klund] GEODE-2884: fix NPE when calling getLatestAsClassLoader before getLatest

[klund] GEODE-2887: exclude build-* output directories from rat

[klund] GEODE-2738: Corrected misspellibng of "occured" to "occurred"

[jstewart] GEODE-2876: Revert 65821d1 due to broken tests

[nnag] GEODE-2879: Shutdown() called from close() in LonerDistributionManager

[nnag] GEODE-2754: Changed the name of unknown host

[upthewaterspout] GEODE-1728: Http session filter should not be applied to 

[...truncated 108.88 KB...]
:geode-json:flakyTest NO-SOURCE
:geode-json:integrationTest NO-SOURCE
:geode-junit:signArchives SKIPPED
:geode-junit:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:geode-lucene:compileTestJavaNote: Some input files use or override a 
deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.


org.apache.geode.cache.lucene.internal.cli.LuceneIndexCommandsDUnitTest > 
searchWithoutIndexShouldReturnError FAILED
        at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(
        at org.junit.Assert.assertTrue(

300 tests completed, 1 failed
:geode-lucene:distributedTest FAILED
:geode-old-client-support:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:javadoc NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:signArchives SKIPPED
:geode-old-versions:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
:geode-old-versions:checkMissedTests NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:test NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:distributedTest NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:flakyTest NO-SOURCE
:geode-old-versions:integrationTest NO-SOURCE
 uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
 uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

:geode-rebalancer:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:geode-wan:compileTestJavaNote: Some input files use or override a deprecated 
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

:geode-web:compileTestJavaNote: Some input files use or override a deprecated 
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.

:geode-web:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
:geode-web-api:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
All test reports at 
:compileJava NO-SOURCE
:processResources NO-SOURCE
:classes UP-TO-DATE
:extensions/geode-modules-assembly:uploadArchives SKIPPED
:geode-assembly:uploadArchives SKIPPED
:geode-benchmarks:uploadArchives SKIPPED
:geode-old-versions:uploadArchives SKIPPED

FAILURE: Build completed with 3 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':geode-core:distributedTest'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: 
> file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug 
option to get more log output.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':geode-core:flakyTest'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: 
> file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug 
option to get more log output.

3: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':geode-lucene:distributedTest'.
> There were failing tests. See the report at: 
> file://<>

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug 
option to get more log output.


Total time: 14 hrs 28 mins 53.387 secs
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure
Archiving artifacts
Compressed 328.09 MB of artifacts by 40.7% relative to #808
Recording test results
ERROR: Step ?Publish JUnit test result report? failed: No test report files 
were found. Configuration error?
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user
Not sending mail to unregistered user

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