Re: CORBA and GSSUP fix -- please review

2006-02-13 Thread Jeppe Sommer (Trifork)

The [EMAIL PROTECTED] form is also what we use in the Trifork Server/ORB...

Andy Piper wrote:

At 03:51 PM 2/10/2006, Aaron Mulder wrote:

Just to be clear, I'm talking about GSSUP authentication (where the
client sends a token containing a username and password and an encoded
domain name) not one of the principal name strategies (e.g. ITT*).

Jeppe, I'm not clear whether the GSS Name Form you're describing
applies to the username in a username/password/domain token or the
principal name in a principal name token.  It would seem weird to set
the username to [EMAIL PROTECTED] when the same token already contains a
domain name, in effect.

The format of the name passed in the username field depends on the 
domain. If the mechanism identifier of the target domain is GSSUP, 
then the format of
the username shall be a Scoped-Username (with name_value) as defined 
in Scoped-

Username GSS Name Form on page 26-15

So it applies, although stripping the domain seems legal to me.


Re: CORBA and GSSUP fix -- please review

2006-02-10 Thread Jeppe Sommer (Trifork)

According to the CORBA 3.0.3 spec (and I believe the original CSIv2
spec says the same): 
Scoped-Username GSS Name Form
The scoped-username GSS name form is defined as follows, where name_value
  name_scope contain a sequence of 1 or more UTF8 encoded
  scoped-username ::= name_value | [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
The '@' character shall be used to delimit name_value from name_scope.
All nondelimiter
instances of '@' and all non-quoting instances of '\' shall be quoted
with an
immediately-preceding '\'. Except for these cases, the quoting
character, '\', shall not be
emitted within a scoped-username.

This suggests that the right way to fix this is to make the decoder
tolerant to both name and [EMAIL PROTECTED]. I don't known
how the third variant - just @domain - is to be interpreted

I'm also uncertain how an empty domain part is to be interpreted. To be
on the safe side, I would suggest always encoding the full form
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and live with the redundancy.


Aaron Mulder wrote:

  So it turns out our GSSUP token encoder set the username to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the GSSUP token decoder did not lop off the
@domain part, so Geronimo could not talk to itself using GSSUP.

I changed the token encoder to just pass the username straight through
-- there is a separate field in the token that holds the domain, after
all, so mangling the username did not seem to make much sense.

Just want to make a note of this in case someone thinks it should be
changed the other way (that is, the GSSUP token encoder should send
[EMAIL PROTECTED] and the GSSUP token decoder should lop off and ignore
the @domain part, or compare the @domain to the domain that is sent in
the other field).


P.S. Actually the GSSUP token encoder set the username to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] due to an additional bug in the dynamic GSSUP
configuration, so I gather no one's actually used this code before. 

Re: Question about web app login, user principal, and authentication

2006-01-09 Thread Jeppe Sommer (Trifork)


I agree that there is an amount of implementation freedom wrt. when 
getUserPrincipal can be expected to return non-null depending on the 
caching strategy of the container, at least when using basic login. 
However, with form based login (which, in my experience, is by far the 
most commonly used J2EE username/password authentification mechanism), 
it is reasonable to assume that the user principal is cached in session 
state. For the record, the Trifork server caches user credentials with 
both basic and form based login.

And although it is a valid implementation choice to reauthenticate 
repeatedly, I don't think that it is commonly expected that a user is 
immediatly kicked out of live login sessions if the sysadm changes the 
password (talking IT systems in general).

Cheers, Jeppe

Greg Wilkins wrote:

Jeppe Sommer wrote:

I think that it is possible to read from the servlet spec that
getUserPrincipal should return the current principal for an unprotected
resource. Take the following quote (servlet 2.4, section 12.10):


The problem is that current is just not defined and it is totally
implementation dependant. For FORM authentication, the current user is 
defined by the session.  For BASIC authentication, the current user is
defined by the browser invocation and and path.  For CERT the current 
user is defined by connection and authentication credentials can be 
available before a protected resource has been accessed.

To answer the original question - getUserPrincipal MAY return 
a principal for unprotected resource, but it is undefined when

that is.

So any application that expects unprotected resources to have a 
non-null principal is going to have problems if the authentication

mechanism is changed.   The boundaries simply cannot be defined
as user previously accessed a protected resource.

If the credentials are available in the request, session or connection, 
then they really should be checked before a principal is returned.
The reason for this is that credit expires, permissions are

revoked and bad users can have their accounts cancelled. Also it is
possible that the credentials are present, but have never been checked
within the current session.

So credentials must be (re)checked at some point, again the spec does not 
tell us when and the natural boundaries are very much implementation 
dependant (request, connection, session, etc.).  Thus Jetty checks the 
credentials whenever a request passes a declaritive authentication point 
or whenever a programatic authentication API is called.



Re: Question about web app login, user principal, and authentication

2006-01-06 Thread Jeppe Sommer (Trifork)

The servlet 2.4 spec, section 12.7 states:

A security identity, or principal, must always be provided for use in a 
call to an enterprise bean. The default mode in calls to enterprise 
beans from web applications is for the security identity of a web user 
to be propagated to the EJBTM container.

In other scenarios, web containers are required to allow web users that 
are not known to the web container or to the EJBTM container to make 

...then the spec goes on, describing scenarios where the user is not 
known to the web container - but this is not the case here, since the 
scenario is that the user is logged in.

That is, if you are logged in (= the user is known), the web container 
must use your login principal in calls to the ejb container. Whether the 
current request is visiting a protected or unprotected resource is 


David Jencks wrote:

i've been getting very confused by some behavior related to being  
logged in and authentication while working with jetspeed, and I hope  
someone can shed some light on what should be happening.

Lets suppose you have a web app with some secured resources and some  
unsecured resources.

If you start by accessing the unsecured resources, there is no doubt,  
you have not authenticated, getUserPrincipal() returns null, and you  
would get the DefaultSubject from ContextManager.

Now if you access a secured resource, you log in, getUserPrincipal()  
returns a non-null principal, and you get the actual Subject from  
ContextManager during the call to the secured resource.

Now if you go back and access an unsecured resource while still  
logged in, the servlet spec says you should still get the logged-in  
getUserPrincipal value, but ContextManager returns the  
DefaultSubject.  So in particular calls to say an ejb will be based  
on the defaultSubject, not the logged in Subject, even though you are  
logged in.

Is this correct?  Or, should any access to a resource while logged in  
result in the ContextManager being set to the logged in subject?   
Spec references would be very welcome :-)

david jencks