Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-10 Thread John Sisson

Hernan Cunico wrote:
We already have some "structure" for monitoring (or better trying to 
monitor) the project development status 

Any ideas how we could reuse this info/templates?

Would it be better to have the "Apache Geronimo Development Status" 
moved under "Apache Geronimo Development"?

What would help us to stay on track

I agree it would be helpful to track progress using the report card and 
package tracking wiki pages from the link above, possibly updated with 
links to the appropriate JIRAs.



Bruce Snyder wrote:

On 9/7/06, Hiram Chirino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm a big believer that 1.3 will have a ton of nice features!  If you
release it, users will use it :)  I don't think we need to feature
pack every release.

It seems to me we spent a bunch of time feature packing a 1.1.x
release.  If we would do that to trunk instead, our 1.n releases would
be more impressive.

Agreed - forward progress and a visible roadmap are what users want to
see. Right now Geronimo is headed pretty squarely down the path of
updates every six months. IMO, we need to change that and feature
packing every release is only going to keep things on that track.


[Summary] Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-08 Thread Dain Sundstrom
This has been a great discussion and a lot of important issues have  
been raised.  We don't seem to have a consensus just yet, but I think  
we have made good progress toward one.  I've snipped out the  
highlights of the discussion below:

On Sep 6, 2006, at 12:40 PM, Joe Bohn wrote:
I've heard several people talk about functions that they would like  
to see included in 1.2:  Yoko, Java 5, JPA integration, clustering,  
GShell, pluggable JACC (may be already there), CMP for JPA,  
Usability improvements (esp. web console), performance  
improvements, etc...   What of these capabilities do we as a  
community feel are critical to be competitive?

On Sep 6, 2006, at 3:49 PM, Jason Dillon wrote:
I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the  
path of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The  
alpha can also serve to help us get some experience using the m2  
release plugin so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta  
release that we have confidence in the procedure... and this will  
give us time to make sure that we have the right configurations and  
setup to make a release with relative ease.

On Sep 7, 2006, at 6:22 AM, Dave Colasurdo wrote:
IMHO, trunk is not currently in an Alpha state [] It seems that  
trunk is currently in a pre-alpha state and I believe making an  
occasional unstable/nightly build available would allow users/ 
developers to get familiar with the latest and greatest functions  
in trunk without giving the false impression that G1.2 is currently  
in Alpha state.

On Sep 7, 2006, at 11:57 AM, Hiram Chirino wrote:
Lets stop trying to feature box so much and try to time box more.  
[] If we don't release often then we can't tap our user  
community to help us QA and provide feedback more often.

On Sep 7, 2006, at 3:16 PM, Aaron Mulder wrote:

I'd be happy to call it a pre-alpha or whatever.

On Sep 7, 2006, at 8:43 PM, Bruce Snyder wrote:
forward progress and a visible roadmap are what users want to see.  
Right now Geronimo is headed pretty squarely down the path of  
updates every six months. IMO, we need to change that and feature  
packing every release is only going to keep things on that track.

On Sep 7, 2006, at 10:28 AM, David Jencks wrote:
There are a bunch of jiras/bug fixes that still need to be forward  
ported to trunk, and the stuff in all_changes.log is still not  
addressed to a considerable extent.

And finally a comment from an actual user :)

On Sep 6, 2006, at 8:47 AM, Brian Chan wrote:
I would love to see that as well. I'm waiting on a few fixes (ejb  
compile leaking) to get on a stable Geronimo release so we can  
release Liferay 4.2.0 with Geronimo on the enterprise level (thanks  
to Jeff Grenender for that). Otherwise, will just have to go with a  
snapshot which doesn't look as good.

I'm going to start a new thread to attempt to gain a consensus on 1.2  
and a separate one for the issue David Jencks raised about dead-1.2.


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-08 Thread jason . dillon
Why would we make a 1.1.2 from trunk?  That seems rather odd todo since 1.1.x 
is on its own branch.  If we did, then we would have another huge merge to 

Just release it as 1.2



-Original Message-
From: "Paul McMahan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2006 18:11:04
Subject: Re: Release Early, Release Often

Wow I didn't realize trunk had accumulated so much stuff.  I like the
mantra Dain used in the subject line, but understand the concerns
about calling what's in trunk right now version 1.2 without some
additional rounding.  Should we discuss cutting and releasing a 1.1.2
branch off of trunk instead?  Or is there already too much stuff in
there to call it a 1.1.x release?


On 9/7/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I spent a long time looking through JIRA and the svn log comments and
> there are a lot of changes in trunk already.  Just to start with we
> have 290 JIRAs closed against 1.2 and there are a few big changes
> that don't have JIRAs (these were mostly my fault :).  I whipped
> together a preliminary roadmap report using swizzle, but as you will
> see many of the issues are classified incorrectly.
> Anyway, here is a list of the items we have completed in trunk
> already.  Did I miss any completed work?  How do you want to proceed?
> -dain
> New Features (7):
>* [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http://
> for features)
>* [NOJIRA] Add Maven 2 deployment tools
>* [GERONIMO-1133] UUID primary key generator
>* [GERONIMO-1192] Installer should create a config.xml for the
> target install
>* [GERONIMO-1259] reduce the size of the combined deployment plan:
> package deployment plans in a jar and pass this jar to the deployer
>* [GERONIMO-1573] Spring integration -- wrap our components in
> spring interfaces
>* [GERONIMO-1593] Add SMTP Authentication and STARTTLS support.
>* [GERONIMO-2071] Move Geronimo build to M2 (new 1.2 trunk)
>* [GERONIMO-2132] Move activemq gbean integration modules from
> ActiveMQ to Geronimo
> Major Improvements (21):
>*[ NOJIRA] Simplify EJB container configuration
>* [GERONIMO-790] JettyModuleBuilder should use references to
> templates, not their names
>* [GERONIMO-1163] improve jmx debug console
>* [GERONIMO-1194] Installer should only install packs(features)
> selected at install time
>* [GERONIMO-1278] Upgrade to XML Beans 2.1.0 from 2.0.0
>* [GERONIMO-1335] Create issues for making the plugins run in more
> ways
>* [GERONIMO-1401] Updates to BUILDING.txt about the last changes
> to the build process
>* [GERONIMO-1434] Allow GBeans to be bound into a component's
> java:comp/env namespace
>* [GERONIMO-1527] InternetAddress does not properly implement
> address parsing.
>* [GERONIMO-1554] Installer - Move advanced features to non-
> default installer path (simplify default installation)
>* [GERONIMO-1563] [RTC] Make the JACC implementation pluggable
>* [GERONIMO-1613] Eliminate unncessary dependencies to reduce
> assemnbly footprint size
>* [GERONIMO-1647] Enabling access to session id on Tomcat
>* [GERONIMO-1651] Complete implementation of javamail MimeMessage
> and MimeUtil classes.
>* [GERONIMO-1772] Application class loader should not see server
> classes
>* [GERONIMO-1960] Reject invalid GBean references at deployment time
>* [GERONIMO-2092] Modules migration to M2
>* [GERONIMO-2152] Update for new OpenEJB 2.2
>* [GERONIMO-2224] Add a geronimo specific system property for
> controlling dom, sax, and transformer creation
>* [GERONIMO-2277] Remove TransactionContextManager
>* [GERONIMO-2300] Use jar or assembly plugin to generate classpath/
> manifest bits for stuff in bin/*
>* [GERONIMO-2374] use junit decorators with selenium
> Critical Bug Fixes (16):
>* [GERONIMO-1176] Bad "resource" reference is not caught at
> deployment time
>* [GERONIMO-1196] Keystore portlet: Viewing trusted certificate
> results in an error
>* [GERONIMO-1307] JMX connector doesn't shut down cleanly
>* [GERONIMO-1433] Security vulnerability of WEB-INF contents on
> windows platforms
>* [GERONIMO-1455] Start of CAR does not load and start its GBeans
>* [GERONIMO-1480] Cross context include does not set jacc
> contextID for 2nd web app. (Tomcat only)
>* [GERONIMO-1596] Repeated interface in JMS connection factory
> plan causes deployment failure
>* [GERONIMO-1599] HOWLLog throws NPE because XidFactory is missing
>* [GERONIMO-1649] Invalid deployment descriptor error when
> deploying an EJB

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-08 Thread Hernan Cunico
For Geronimo v1.1 we gathered a list with the user requirements and made 
it available in the wiki.

I would propose we do the same for the next release (v1.2 for now) and 
include, along with the user requirements, the features we would like to 
have. Yup, that's the roadmap we are all talking about.

Here is a template based on what we had for v1.1

If we want to release early/often then we could add a tentative target 
date per feature, not necessarily release, just feature added to trunk.

I know adding dates is not too appealing but if we want to deliver often 
 on regular basis we need to somehow time-box the releases.

There is already a discussion about uncertified weekly builds but, how 
often do we want to deliver a fully certified release?

We already have some "structure" for monitoring (or better trying to 
monitor) the project development status

Any ideas how we could reuse this info/templates?

Would it be better to have the "Apache Geronimo Development Status" 
moved under "Apache Geronimo Development"?

What would help us to stay on track


Bruce Snyder wrote:

On 9/7/06, Hiram Chirino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm a big believer that 1.3 will have a ton of nice features!  If you
release it, users will use it :)  I don't think we need to feature
pack every release.

It seems to me we spent a bunch of time feature packing a 1.1.x
release.  If we would do that to trunk instead, our 1.n releases would
be more impressive.

Agreed - forward progress and a visible roadmap are what users want to
see. Right now Geronimo is headed pretty squarely down the path of
updates every six months. IMO, we need to change that and feature
packing every release is only going to keep things on that track.


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Sergey Elin
I think it is good idea! ;)2006/9/7, Jeff Genender <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
We kind of discussed this before...But why not have the automated nightly build from trunk?Jason Dillon wrote:> I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass> any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their
> apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is> nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has changed,> or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments of new and
> upcoming stuff:>> ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.>> Derby is about to get upgraded.>> Log4j is about to get upgraded.>> Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport-concurrent-util.
>> Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly impacts> development, but also has an impact on the configuration files, and> plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really good to get an
> alpha out so that people can easily test and provide feedback.>> New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.>> A bunch of bug fixes.>>  * * *
>> I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the path> of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha can> also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release plugin so
> that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that we have> confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to make sure> that we have the right configurations and setup to make a release with
> relative ease.>> Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps control> the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of build system> related fluff and other bits...
>> I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next days> or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not to... we> don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes, because we
> don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on an alpha and> then cut the release, which should be easy with the maven release> plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to sign and upload all
> artifacts.>> I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community, showing> that we are going to start releasing more often, give people a chance to> provide feedback more often an earlier.
>> I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but I do> expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for> deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha
> release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.>> I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish, in> the next week or so.>> --jason>
>> On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:> On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:> According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (
1.1) was on>>> 2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what>>> we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough>>> to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today
>>> browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features we>>> have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and>>> we can figure out what we want to do.
 I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk,>> OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1... --kevan

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Bruce Snyder

On 9/7/06, Hiram Chirino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm a big believer that 1.3 will have a ton of nice features!  If you
release it, users will use it :)  I don't think we need to feature
pack every release.

It seems to me we spent a bunch of time feature packing a 1.1.x
release.  If we would do that to trunk instead, our 1.n releases would
be more impressive.

Agreed - forward progress and a visible roadmap are what users want to
see. Right now Geronimo is headed pretty squarely down the path of
updates every six months. IMO, we need to change that and feature
packing every release is only going to keep things on that track.

perl -e 'print unpack("u30","D0G)[EMAIL 
Apache ActiveMQ -
Apache ServiceMix -
Castor -

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Hiram Chirino

I'm a big believer that 1.3 will have a ton of nice features!  If you
release it, users will use it :)  I don't think we need to feature
pack every release.

It seems to me we spent a bunch of time feature packing a 1.1.x
release.  If we would do that to trunk instead, our 1.n releases would
be more impressive.

On 9/7/06, Aaron Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

And I guess to return to the original subject -- I'd be fine release
something like this as a 1.n.m+1 release -- it has plenty to be "an
advance".  But I think there's enough incompatibility with 1.1.x that
I don't think it would make a good 1.1.2.  I wish we already had a
solid 1.2 release down so we could say this is a great looking 1.2.1
release, you know?  I'm not so sure it's exciting as a 1.2 release on
its own.

But I'd be happy to call it a pre-alpha or whatever.


On 9/7/06, Aaron Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 9/7/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ActiveMQ 4.1 is a massive upgrade (a really good thing)  from the
> > previous offering in G 1.x
> It is a good upgrade, but looking over that list, it's practically the
> only big advance for a typical user, and that's assuming they care
> that much about JMS.  I wish we had more big bang features for our
> next 1.x release (especially EE 5 stuff -- where's the web and web
> services integration?  How is OpenEJB 3 coming?  What about XBean
> integration?  Retrotranslator?  Yoko?).  Also, a fair amount of
> non-new-feature items on the list were included in 1.1.1...
> Thanks,
>  Aaron
> > On Sep 7, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Hiram Chirino wrote:
> >
> > > On 9/7/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >>* [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http://
> > >> for features)
> > >
> > > You can find a list of new features in ActiveMQ 4.0 here:
> > >
> > > and the new features in 4.1 here:
> > >
> > >
> > > --
> > > Regards,
> > > Hiram
> > >
> > > Blog:
> >
> >



Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Aaron Mulder

And I guess to return to the original subject -- I'd be fine release
something like this as a 1.n.m+1 release -- it has plenty to be "an
advance".  But I think there's enough incompatibility with 1.1.x that
I don't think it would make a good 1.1.2.  I wish we already had a
solid 1.2 release down so we could say this is a great looking 1.2.1
release, you know?  I'm not so sure it's exciting as a 1.2 release on
its own.

But I'd be happy to call it a pre-alpha or whatever.


On 9/7/06, Aaron Mulder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 9/7/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> ActiveMQ 4.1 is a massive upgrade (a really good thing)  from the
> previous offering in G 1.x

It is a good upgrade, but looking over that list, it's practically the
only big advance for a typical user, and that's assuming they care
that much about JMS.  I wish we had more big bang features for our
next 1.x release (especially EE 5 stuff -- where's the web and web
services integration?  How is OpenEJB 3 coming?  What about XBean
integration?  Retrotranslator?  Yoko?).  Also, a fair amount of
non-new-feature items on the list were included in 1.1.1...


> On Sep 7, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Hiram Chirino wrote:
> > On 9/7/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >>* [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http://
> >> for features)
> >
> > You can find a list of new features in ActiveMQ 4.0 here:
> >
> > and the new features in 4.1 here:
> >
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Hiram
> >
> > Blog:

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Aaron Mulder

On 9/7/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

ActiveMQ 4.1 is a massive upgrade (a really good thing)  from the
previous offering in G 1.x

It is a good upgrade, but looking over that list, it's practically the
only big advance for a typical user, and that's assuming they care
that much about JMS.  I wish we had more big bang features for our
next 1.x release (especially EE 5 stuff -- where's the web and web
services integration?  How is OpenEJB 3 coming?  What about XBean
integration?  Retrotranslator?  Yoko?).  Also, a fair amount of
non-new-feature items on the list were included in 1.1.1...


On Sep 7, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Hiram Chirino wrote:

> On 9/7/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>* [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http://
>> for features)
> You can find a list of new features in ActiveMQ 4.0 here:
> and the new features in 4.1 here:
> --
> Regards,
> Hiram
> Blog:

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Paul McMahan

Wow I didn't realize trunk had accumulated so much stuff.  I like the
mantra Dain used in the subject line, but understand the concerns
about calling what's in trunk right now version 1.2 without some
additional rounding.  Should we discuss cutting and releasing a 1.1.2
branch off of trunk instead?  Or is there already too much stuff in
there to call it a 1.1.x release?


On 9/7/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I spent a long time looking through JIRA and the svn log comments and
there are a lot of changes in trunk already.  Just to start with we
have 290 JIRAs closed against 1.2 and there are a few big changes
that don't have JIRAs (these were mostly my fault :).  I whipped
together a preliminary roadmap report using swizzle, but as you will
see many of the issues are classified incorrectly.

Anyway, here is a list of the items we have completed in trunk
already.  Did I miss any completed work?  How do you want to proceed?


New Features (7):

   * [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http:// for features)
   * [NOJIRA] Add Maven 2 deployment tools
   * [GERONIMO-1133] UUID primary key generator
   * [GERONIMO-1192] Installer should create a config.xml for the
target install
   * [GERONIMO-1259] reduce the size of the combined deployment plan:
package deployment plans in a jar and pass this jar to the deployer
   * [GERONIMO-1573] Spring integration -- wrap our components in
spring interfaces
   * [GERONIMO-1593] Add SMTP Authentication and STARTTLS support.
   * [GERONIMO-2071] Move Geronimo build to M2 (new 1.2 trunk)
   * [GERONIMO-2132] Move activemq gbean integration modules from
ActiveMQ to Geronimo

Major Improvements (21):

   *[ NOJIRA] Simplify EJB container configuration
   * [GERONIMO-790] JettyModuleBuilder should use references to
templates, not their names
   * [GERONIMO-1163] improve jmx debug console
   * [GERONIMO-1194] Installer should only install packs(features)
selected at install time
   * [GERONIMO-1278] Upgrade to XML Beans 2.1.0 from 2.0.0
   * [GERONIMO-1335] Create issues for making the plugins run in more
   * [GERONIMO-1401] Updates to BUILDING.txt about the last changes
to the build process
   * [GERONIMO-1434] Allow GBeans to be bound into a component's
java:comp/env namespace
   * [GERONIMO-1527] InternetAddress does not properly implement
address parsing.
   * [GERONIMO-1554] Installer - Move advanced features to non-
default installer path (simplify default installation)
   * [GERONIMO-1563] [RTC] Make the JACC implementation pluggable
   * [GERONIMO-1613] Eliminate unncessary dependencies to reduce
assemnbly footprint size
   * [GERONIMO-1647] Enabling access to session id on Tomcat
   * [GERONIMO-1651] Complete implementation of javamail MimeMessage
and MimeUtil classes.
   * [GERONIMO-1772] Application class loader should not see server
   * [GERONIMO-1960] Reject invalid GBean references at deployment time
   * [GERONIMO-2092] Modules migration to M2
   * [GERONIMO-2152] Update for new OpenEJB 2.2
   * [GERONIMO-2224] Add a geronimo specific system property for
controlling dom, sax, and transformer creation
   * [GERONIMO-2277] Remove TransactionContextManager
   * [GERONIMO-2300] Use jar or assembly plugin to generate classpath/
manifest bits for stuff in bin/*
   * [GERONIMO-2374] use junit decorators with selenium

Critical Bug Fixes (16):

   * [GERONIMO-1176] Bad "resource" reference is not caught at
deployment time
   * [GERONIMO-1196] Keystore portlet: Viewing trusted certificate
results in an error
   * [GERONIMO-1307] JMX connector doesn't shut down cleanly
   * [GERONIMO-1433] Security vulnerability of WEB-INF contents on
windows platforms
   * [GERONIMO-1455] Start of CAR does not load and start its GBeans
   * [GERONIMO-1480] Cross context include does not set jacc
contextID for 2nd web app. (Tomcat only)
   * [GERONIMO-1596] Repeated interface in JMS connection factory
plan causes deployment failure
   * [GERONIMO-1599] HOWLLog throws NPE because XidFactory is missing
   * [GERONIMO-1649] Invalid deployment descriptor error when
deploying an EJB 2.0 MDB
   * [GERONIMO-2058] Invalid gbean names in config.xml do not prevent
server starting or module starting
   * [GERONIMO-2100] Subject can remain attached to thread on return
from web app request, causing problems later on subsequent use of
that thread
   * [GERONIMO-] Application errors in static initialization
blocks during serialization of configuration during deployment  due
to incorrect TCCL
   * [GERONIMO-2234] User can lock the default keystore without
warning, making jetty server unusable
   * [GERONIMO-2237] Filtering of in
TomcatDeployer plan creates CNF Exceptions in Ears
   * [GERONIMO-2270] Redeploy broken in 1.1.1
   * [GERONIMO-2305]
geronimo.kernel.classloader.JarFileUrlStreamHandler fails with Trinidad

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Jason Dillon
ActiveMQ 4.1 is a massive upgrade (a really good thing)  from the  
previous offering in G 1.x


On Sep 7, 2006, at 2:52 PM, Hiram Chirino wrote:

On 9/7/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   * [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http:// for features)

You can find a list of new features in ActiveMQ 4.0 here:
and the new features in 4.1 here:



Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Hiram Chirino

On 9/7/06, Dain Sundstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

   * [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http:// for features)

You can find a list of new features in ActiveMQ 4.0 here:
and the new features in 4.1 here:



Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Dain Sundstrom
For those of you interested in the unfiltered list of completed  
JIRAs, here they are :)


New Features (8):

  * [GERONIMO-1133] UUID primary key generator
  * [GERONIMO-1192] Installer should create a config.xml for the  
target install
  * [GERONIMO-1259] reduce the size of the combined deployment plan:  
package deployment plans in a jar and pass this jar to the deployer
  * [GERONIMO-1573] Spring integration -- wrap our components in  
spring interfaces

  * [GERONIMO-1593] Add SMTP Authentication and STARTTLS support.
  * [GERONIMO-2071] Move Geronimo build to M2 (new 1.2 trunk)
  * [GERONIMO-2132] Move activemq gbean integration modules from  
ActiveMQ to Geronimo

  * [GERONIMO-2148] Add javamail 1.4 to geronimo specs.

Improvements (41):

  * [GERONIMO-790] JettyModuleBuilder should use references to  
templates, not their names
  * [GERONIMO-1075] Configuration classloaders should support an  
inverse classloading delegation model.

  * [GERONIMO-1163] improve jmx debug console
  * [GERONIMO-1194] Installer should only install packs(features)  
selected at install time

  * [GERONIMO-1278] Upgrade to XML Beans 2.1.0 from 2.0.0
  * [GERONIMO-1317] Rename the "new" goals to more meaningful names  
with additional build properties
  * [GERONIMO-1335] Create issues for making the plugins run in more  
  * [GERONIMO-1401] Updates to BUILDING.txt about the last changes  
to the build process
  * [GERONIMO-1429] Post Geronimo Schemas online (e.g. http://
  * [GERONIMO-1434] Allow GBeans to be bound into a component's  
java:comp/env namespace
  * [GERONIMO-1479] Add the maxPostSize and maxSavePostSize  
attributes to the Tomcat ConnectorGBean
  * [GERONIMO-1527] InternetAddress does not properly implement  
address parsing.
  * [GERONIMO-1554] Installer - Move advanced features to non- 
default installer path (simplify default installation)

  * [GERONIMO-1563] [RTC] Make the JACC implementation pluggable
  * [GERONIMO-1571] Just a suggestion to state in the source  
distributin's BUILDING.txt file that compilation requires a JDK  
compatible with version 1.4, and that 1.5 will not work.
  * [GERONIMO-1605] Display PID of started process when using start or
  * [GERONIMO-1606] Display message indicating Geronimo is being  
started in another window when started with geronimo.bat start or  
  * [GERONIMO-1607] Allow user to specify arguments to be used on  
the Windows START command issued by geronimo.bat

  * [GERONIMO-1608] Improve Geronimo script documentation
  * [GERONIMO-1613] Eliminate unncessary dependencies to reduce  
assemnbly footprint size

  * [GERONIMO-1647] Enabling access to session id on Tomcat
  * [GERONIMO-1648] Eliminate unnecessary config parent (import)  
  * [GERONIMO-1651] Complete implementation of javamail MimeMessage  
and MimeUtil classes.

  * [GERONIMO-1664] Export / Import configurations capability
  * [GERONIMO-1705] Use AJAX to provide for a progress bar when  
downloading a JDBC jar
  * [GERONIMO-1772] Application class loader should not see server  

  * [GERONIMO-1796] Improve SMTP transport debug trace output.
  * [GERONIMO-1798] Bring NNTPStore and NNTPTransport to same level  
of debugging tracing added to SMTP.

  * [GERONIMO-1881] Remove obsolete interop module
  * [GERONIMO-1960] Reject invalid GBean references at deployment time
  * [GERONIMO-2092] Modules migration to M2
  * [GERONIMO-2135] Improve the ActiveMQ GBeans
  * [GERONIMO-2147] Remove javamail-transport from Geronimo build  
and replace with javamail-provider dependency.

  * [GERONIMO-2152] Update for new OpenEJB 2.2
  * [GERONIMO-2216] Use JLine API to get password interactivly when  
using shutdown
  * [GERONIMO-2224] Add a geronimo specific system property for  
controlling dom, sax, and transformer creation

  * [GERONIMO-2277] Remove TransactionContextManager
  * [GERONIMO-2299] Unpack assemblies for easier development/testing
  * [GERONIMO-2300] Use jar or assembly plugin to generate classpath/ 
manifest bits for stuff in bin/*

  * [GERONIMO-2345] Windows Version of bootstrap
  * [GERONIMO-2374] use junit decorators with selenium

Bug Fixes (180):

  * [GERONIMO-526] Default domain not added to object names
  * [GERONIMO-592] Startup failure in Turkish language settings
  * [GERONIMO-973] Add security to /console-standard
  * [GERONIMO-1012] Tomcat integration does not set a subject in an  
unsecured web module in a secured ejb application
  * [GERONIMO-1097] (Patch) Keystore Portlet should point to the  
default keystore file instead of ssl-keystore-1
  * [GERONIMO-1165] Changing System DB pool size to 65 causes  
ActiveMQ to fail to get a connection
  * [GERONIMO-1176] Bad "resource" reference is not caught at  
deployment time

  * [GERONIMO-1182] Connector portlet delete challenge
  * [GERONIMO-1183] Console/Tomcat: Add/Edit Jetty HTTPS Connector  
page does not provide "key password" field

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Dain Sundstrom
I spent a long time looking through JIRA and the svn log comments and  
there are a lot of changes in trunk already.  Just to start with we  
have 290 JIRAs closed against 1.2 and there are a few big changes  
that don't have JIRAs (these were mostly my fault :).  I whipped  
together a preliminary roadmap report using swizzle, but as you will  
see many of the issues are classified incorrectly.

Anyway, here is a list of the items we have completed in trunk  
already.  Did I miss any completed work?  How do you want to proceed?


New Features (7):

  * [NOJIRA] Upgrade ActiveMQ from 3.2 to 4.1 (see http:// for features)

  * [NOJIRA] Add Maven 2 deployment tools
  * [GERONIMO-1133] UUID primary key generator
  * [GERONIMO-1192] Installer should create a config.xml for the  
target install
  * [GERONIMO-1259] reduce the size of the combined deployment plan:  
package deployment plans in a jar and pass this jar to the deployer
  * [GERONIMO-1573] Spring integration -- wrap our components in  
spring interfaces

  * [GERONIMO-1593] Add SMTP Authentication and STARTTLS support.
  * [GERONIMO-2071] Move Geronimo build to M2 (new 1.2 trunk)
  * [GERONIMO-2132] Move activemq gbean integration modules from  
ActiveMQ to Geronimo

Major Improvements (21):

  *[ NOJIRA] Simplify EJB container configuration
  * [GERONIMO-790] JettyModuleBuilder should use references to  
templates, not their names

  * [GERONIMO-1163] improve jmx debug console
  * [GERONIMO-1194] Installer should only install packs(features)  
selected at install time

  * [GERONIMO-1278] Upgrade to XML Beans 2.1.0 from 2.0.0
  * [GERONIMO-1335] Create issues for making the plugins run in more  
  * [GERONIMO-1401] Updates to BUILDING.txt about the last changes  
to the build process
  * [GERONIMO-1434] Allow GBeans to be bound into a component's  
java:comp/env namespace
  * [GERONIMO-1527] InternetAddress does not properly implement  
address parsing.
  * [GERONIMO-1554] Installer - Move advanced features to non- 
default installer path (simplify default installation)

  * [GERONIMO-1563] [RTC] Make the JACC implementation pluggable
  * [GERONIMO-1613] Eliminate unncessary dependencies to reduce  
assemnbly footprint size

  * [GERONIMO-1647] Enabling access to session id on Tomcat
  * [GERONIMO-1651] Complete implementation of javamail MimeMessage  
and MimeUtil classes.
  * [GERONIMO-1772] Application class loader should not see server  

  * [GERONIMO-1960] Reject invalid GBean references at deployment time
  * [GERONIMO-2092] Modules migration to M2
  * [GERONIMO-2152] Update for new OpenEJB 2.2
  * [GERONIMO-2224] Add a geronimo specific system property for  
controlling dom, sax, and transformer creation

  * [GERONIMO-2277] Remove TransactionContextManager
  * [GERONIMO-2300] Use jar or assembly plugin to generate classpath/ 
manifest bits for stuff in bin/*

  * [GERONIMO-2374] use junit decorators with selenium

Critical Bug Fixes (16):

  * [GERONIMO-1176] Bad "resource" reference is not caught at  
deployment time
  * [GERONIMO-1196] Keystore portlet: Viewing trusted certificate  
results in an error

  * [GERONIMO-1307] JMX connector doesn't shut down cleanly
  * [GERONIMO-1433] Security vulnerability of WEB-INF contents on  
windows platforms

  * [GERONIMO-1455] Start of CAR does not load and start its GBeans
  * [GERONIMO-1480] Cross context include does not set jacc  
contextID for 2nd web app. (Tomcat only)
  * [GERONIMO-1596] Repeated interface in JMS connection factory  
plan causes deployment failure

  * [GERONIMO-1599] HOWLLog throws NPE because XidFactory is missing
  * [GERONIMO-1649] Invalid deployment descriptor error when  
deploying an EJB 2.0 MDB
  * [GERONIMO-2058] Invalid gbean names in config.xml do not prevent  
server starting or module starting
  * [GERONIMO-2100] Subject can remain attached to thread on return  
from web app request, causing problems later on subsequent use of  
that thread
  * [GERONIMO-] Application errors in static initialization  
blocks during serialization of configuration during deployment  due  
to incorrect TCCL
  * [GERONIMO-2234] User can lock the default keystore without  
warning, making jetty server unusable
  * [GERONIMO-2237] Filtering of in  
TomcatDeployer plan creates CNF Exceptions in Ears

  * [GERONIMO-2270] Redeploy broken in 1.1.1
  * [GERONIMO-2305]  
geronimo.kernel.classloader.JarFileUrlStreamHandler fails with Trinidad

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Hiram Chirino

Good point.. it might not even be legally possible to do none
certified releases.  I'm really hoping that we can.

Perhaps we add big "J2EE Certified" and "NOT Certified" logos next to
the releases and clear text in the README regarding the certification
status of a release.

I'm just suggesting this since I don't think release early and release
often is possible if every release has to be certified.

On 9/7/06, Matt Hogstrom <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

How would you handle J2EE certification then?  I don't know the rules around it 
but I want to be
careful about confusing users.

I'm all for release early and often (tried to do that with 1.1.1 but these 
pesky security issues and
other problems pop up).  I think getting a weekly drop available will be a 
significant help.  We
tried that in the past (I think Blevins spearheaded new feature Wednesdays).

If we got that going first (and not considering releases) I think that would be 
a huge help.  I'm
happy to assist when 1.1.1 gets out the door.

Jason Dillon wrote:
> Something tells me that we are gonna end up with a 6mo+ release cycle
> (with additional month just to make the release)... and that if we are
> lucky.
> So far I'm not hearing anyone else signing the "Release Early, Release
> Often" tune.
> I'd stop thinking about 1.2 as JEE5 or whatever thing that is gonna take
> a bunch of time to do... and just get some incremental work done and
> push out a release.
> --jason
> On Sep 7, 2006, at 7:22 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:
>> I think Dain said he was scouring the primordial soup of trunk to
>> determine which level of life form would emerge.  At this point if its
>> a single cell organism then a .2 release might seem inappropriate.  If
>> its an intergalactic space traveler that can cure cancer, solve world
>> peace and make a good pina colada then perhaps we should go to 3.0 :)
>> Dain, how are we doing with the data mining?  Seem like the natives
>> are getting restless :-0
>> Dave Colasurdo wrote:
>>> Here is the wikipedia definition for Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, etc..
>>> The definitions pretty much agree with my preconception of what an
>>> Alpha  would contain.
>>> IMHO, trunk is not currently in an Alpha state and doesn't accurately
>>> reflect the "majority of the software requirements" that will be
>>> addressed in G1.2.
>>> It seems that trunk is currently in a pre-alpha state and I believe
>>> making an occasional unstable/nightly build available would allow
>>> users/developers to get familiar with the latest and greatest
>>> functions in trunk without giving the false impression that G1.2 is
>>> currently in Alpha state.
>>> Just my .02
>>> -Dave-
>>> Jason Dillon wrote:
>>>> I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to
>>>> pass any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test
>>>> their apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While
>>>> there is nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot
>>>> has changed, or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with
>>>> comments of new and upcoming stuff:
>>>> ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.
>>>> Derby is about to get upgraded.
>>>> Log4j is about to get upgraded.
>>>> Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to
>>>> backport-concurrent-util.
>>>> Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly
>>>> impacts development, but also has an impact on the configuration
>>>> files, and plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really
>>>> good to get an alpha out so that people can easily test and provide
>>>> feedback.
>>>> New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.
>>>> A bunch of bug fixes.
>>>>  * * *
>>>> I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the
>>>> path of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The
>>>> alpha can also serve to help us get some experience using the m2
>>>> release plugin so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta
>>>> release that we have confidence in the procedure... and this will
>>>> give us time to make sure that we have the right configurations and

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Matt Hogstrom
How would you handle J2EE certification then?  I don't know the rules around it but I want to be 
careful about confusing users.

I'm all for release early and often (tried to do that with 1.1.1 but these pesky security issues and 
other problems pop up).  I think getting a weekly drop available will be a significant help.  We 
tried that in the past (I think Blevins spearheaded new feature Wednesdays).

If we got that going first (and not considering releases) I think that would be a huge help.  I'm 
happy to assist when 1.1.1 gets out the door.

Jason Dillon wrote:
Something tells me that we are gonna end up with a 6mo+ release cycle 
(with additional month just to make the release)... and that if we are 

So far I'm not hearing anyone else signing the "Release Early, Release 
Often" tune.

I'd stop thinking about 1.2 as JEE5 or whatever thing that is gonna take 
a bunch of time to do... and just get some incremental work done and 
push out a release.


On Sep 7, 2006, at 7:22 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

I think Dain said he was scouring the primordial soup of trunk to 
determine which level of life form would emerge.  At this point if its 
a single cell organism then a .2 release might seem inappropriate.  If 
its an intergalactic space traveler that can cure cancer, solve world 
peace and make a good pina colada then perhaps we should go to 3.0 :)

Dain, how are we doing with the data mining?  Seem like the natives 
are getting restless :-0

Dave Colasurdo wrote:

Here is the wikipedia definition for Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, etc..
The definitions pretty much agree with my preconception of what an 
Alpha  would contain.
IMHO, trunk is not currently in an Alpha state and doesn't accurately 
reflect the "majority of the software requirements" that will be 
addressed in G1.2.
It seems that trunk is currently in a pre-alpha state and I believe 
making an occasional unstable/nightly build available would allow 
users/developers to get familiar with the latest and greatest 
functions in trunk without giving the false impression that G1.2 is 
currently in Alpha state.

Just my .02
Jason Dillon wrote:
I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to 
pass any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test 
their apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While 
there is nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot 
has changed, or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with 
comments of new and upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to 

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly 
impacts development, but also has an impact on the configuration 
files, and plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really 
good to get an alpha out so that people can easily test and provide 

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the 
path of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The 
alpha can also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 
release plugin so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta 
release that we have confidence in the procedure... and this will 
give us time to make sure that we have the right configurations and 
setup to make a release with relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps 
control the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of 
build system related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next 
days or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not 
to... we don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes, 
because we don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on 
an alpha and then cut the release, which should be easy with the 
maven release plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to 
sign and upload all artifacts.

I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community, 
showing that we are going to start releasing more often, give people 
a chance to provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but 
I do expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps 
for deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an 
alpha release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish, 
in the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last f

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Hiram Chirino

I agree.  Lets stop trying to feature box so much and try to time box
more.  I really don't have a problem if we get up to ver 1.14.0 in 12
months :)

If we don't release often then we can't tap our user community to help
us QA and provide feedback more often.

On 9/7/06, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Something tells me that we are gonna end up with a 6mo+ release cycle
(with additional month just to make the release)... and that if we
are lucky.

So far I'm not hearing anyone else signing the "Release Early,
Release Often" tune.

I'd stop thinking about 1.2 as JEE5 or whatever thing that is gonna
take a bunch of time to do... and just get some incremental work done
and push out a release.


On Sep 7, 2006, at 7:22 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

> I think Dain said he was scouring the primordial soup of trunk to
> determine which level of life form would emerge.  At this point if
> its a single cell organism then a .2 release might seem
> inappropriate.  If its an intergalactic space traveler that can
> cure cancer, solve world peace and make a good pina colada then
> perhaps we should go to 3.0 :)
> Dain, how are we doing with the data mining?  Seem like the natives
> are getting restless :-0
> Dave Colasurdo wrote:
>> Here is the wikipedia definition for Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, etc..
>> The definitions pretty much agree with my preconception of what an
>> Alpha  would contain.
>> IMHO, trunk is not currently in an Alpha state and doesn't
>> accurately reflect the "majority of the software requirements"
>> that will be addressed in G1.2.
>> It seems that trunk is currently in a pre-alpha state and I
>> believe making an occasional unstable/nightly build available
>> would allow users/developers to get familiar with the latest and
>> greatest functions in trunk without giving the false impression
>> that G1.2 is currently in Alpha state.
>> Just my .02
>> -Dave-
>> Jason Dillon wrote:
>>> I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to
>>> pass any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to
>>> test their apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).
>>> While there is nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the
>>> alpha, a lot has changed, or will change very shortly.  Here is a
>>> list with comments of new and upcoming stuff:
>>> ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.
>>> Derby is about to get upgraded.
>>> Log4j is about to get upgraded.
>>> Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport-
>>> concurrent-util.
>>> Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly
>>> impacts development, but also has an impact on the configuration
>>> files, and plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be
>>> really good to get an alpha out so that people can easily test
>>> and provide feedback.
>>> New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.
>>> A bunch of bug fixes.
>>>  * * *
>>> I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down
>>> the path of changing the perception of how quickly we release.
>>> The alpha can also serve to help us get some experience using the
>>> m2 release plugin so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta
>>> release that we have confidence in the procedure... and this will
>>> give us time to make sure that we have the right configurations
>>> and setup to make a release with relative ease.
>>> Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps
>>> control the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of
>>> build system related fluff and other bits...
>>> I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the
>>> next days or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why
>>> not to... we don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK
>>> passes, because we don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient
>>> to vote on an alpha and then cut the release, which should be
>>> easy with the maven release plugin, and even easier with my gpg-
>>> sign'ing mojo to sign and upload all artifacts.
>>> I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community,
>>> showing that we are going to start releasing more often, give
>>> people a chance to provide feedback more often an earlier.

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Jason Dillon
Something tells me that we are gonna end up with a 6mo+ release cycle  
(with additional month just to make the release)... and that if we  
are lucky.

So far I'm not hearing anyone else signing the "Release Early,  
Release Often" tune.

I'd stop thinking about 1.2 as JEE5 or whatever thing that is gonna  
take a bunch of time to do... and just get some incremental work done  
and push out a release.


On Sep 7, 2006, at 7:22 AM, Matt Hogstrom wrote:

I think Dain said he was scouring the primordial soup of trunk to  
determine which level of life form would emerge.  At this point if  
its a single cell organism then a .2 release might seem  
inappropriate.  If its an intergalactic space traveler that can  
cure cancer, solve world peace and make a good pina colada then  
perhaps we should go to 3.0 :)

Dain, how are we doing with the data mining?  Seem like the natives  
are getting restless :-0

Dave Colasurdo wrote:

Here is the wikipedia definition for Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, etc..
The definitions pretty much agree with my preconception of what an  
Alpha  would contain.
IMHO, trunk is not currently in an Alpha state and doesn't  
accurately reflect the "majority of the software requirements"  
that will be addressed in G1.2.
It seems that trunk is currently in a pre-alpha state and I  
believe making an occasional unstable/nightly build available  
would allow users/developers to get familiar with the latest and  
greatest functions in trunk without giving the false impression  
that G1.2 is currently in Alpha state.

Just my .02
Jason Dillon wrote:
I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to  
pass any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to  
test their apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).   
While there is nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the  
alpha, a lot has changed, or will change very shortly.  Here is a  
list with comments of new and upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport- 

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly  
impacts development, but also has an impact on the configuration  
files, and plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be  
really good to get an alpha out so that people can easily test  
and provide feedback.

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down  
the path of changing the perception of how quickly we release.   
The alpha can also serve to help us get some experience using the  
m2 release plugin so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta  
release that we have confidence in the procedure... and this will  
give us time to make sure that we have the right configurations  
and setup to make a release with relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps  
control the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of  
build system related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the  
next days or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why  
not to... we don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK  
passes, because we don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient  
to vote on an alpha and then cut the release, which should be  
easy with the maven release plugin, and even easier with my gpg- 
sign'ing mojo to sign and upload all artifacts.

I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community,  
showing that we are going to start releasing more often, give  
people a chance to provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this,  
but I do expect that app developers will, so they can ready their  
apps for deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this  
as an alpha release, and clear state that it has not been TCK  

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk  
soonish, in the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1)  
was on 2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure  
exactly what we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most  
likely have enough to do a release right now.   I'm going to  
spend a few hours today browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and  
compile a list of the features we have in trunk right now.  
Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and we can figure out  
what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo  
trunk, OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread David Jencks
I'd like to get the cm jpa stuff I'm working on in, together with the  
reorganization of naming-builder I'm working on.  With luck the  
latter will be ready soon, the former I'm waiting for votes.

There are a bunch of jiras/bug fixes that still need to be forward  
ported to trunk, and the stuff in all_changes.log is still not  
addressed to a considerable extent.

Other than these, I'm fine with releasing something soon.

david jencks

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on  
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly  
what we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have  
enough to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours  
today browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the  
features we have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know  
what I find and we can figure out what we want to do.



Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Matt Hogstrom
I think Dain said he was scouring the primordial soup of trunk to determine which level of life form 
would emerge.  At this point if its a single cell organism then a .2 release might seem 
inappropriate.  If its an intergalactic space traveler that can cure cancer, solve world peace and 
make a good pina colada then perhaps we should go to 3.0 :)

Dain, how are we doing with the data mining?  Seem like the natives are getting 
restless :-0

Dave Colasurdo wrote:

Here is the wikipedia definition for Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, etc..

The definitions pretty much agree with my preconception of what an Alpha 
 would contain.

IMHO, trunk is not currently in an Alpha state and doesn't accurately 
reflect the "majority of the software requirements" that will be 
addressed in G1.2.

It seems that trunk is currently in a pre-alpha state and I believe 
making an occasional unstable/nightly build available would allow 
users/developers to get familiar with the latest and greatest functions 
in trunk without giving the false impression that G1.2 is currently in 
Alpha state.

Just my .02


Jason Dillon wrote:
I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass 
any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their 
apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is 
nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has changed, 
or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments of new and 
upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to 

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly impacts 
development, but also has an impact on the configuration files, and 
plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really good to get 
an alpha out so that people can easily test and provide feedback.

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the 
path of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha 
can also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release 
plugin so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that we 
have confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to make 
sure that we have the right configurations and setup to make a release 
with relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps control 
the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of build system 
related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next 
days or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not to... 
we don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes, because we 
don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on an alpha and 
then cut the release, which should be easy with the maven release 
plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to sign and upload 
all artifacts.

I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community, 
showing that we are going to start releasing more often, give people a 
chance to provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but I 
do expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for 
deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha 
release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish, in 
the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on 
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what 
we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough 
to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today 
browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features 
we have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find 
and we can figure out what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk, 
OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Dave Colasurdo

Here is the wikipedia definition for Pre-Alpha, Alpha, Beta, etc..

The definitions pretty much agree with my preconception of what an Alpha 
 would contain.

IMHO, trunk is not currently in an Alpha state and doesn't accurately 
reflect the "majority of the software requirements" that will be 
addressed in G1.2.

It seems that trunk is currently in a pre-alpha state and I believe 
making an occasional unstable/nightly build available would allow 
users/developers to get familiar with the latest and greatest functions 
in trunk without giving the false impression that G1.2 is currently in 
Alpha state.

Just my .02


Jason Dillon wrote:
I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass 
any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their 
apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is 
nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has changed, 
or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments of new and 
upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport-concurrent-util.

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly impacts 
development, but also has an impact on the configuration files, and 
plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really good to get an 
alpha out so that people can easily test and provide feedback.

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the path 
of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha can 
also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release plugin so 
that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that we have 
confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to make sure 
that we have the right configurations and setup to make a release with 
relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps control 
the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of build system 
related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next days 
or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not to... we 
don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes, because we 
don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on an alpha and 
then cut the release, which should be easy with the maven release 
plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to sign and upload all 

I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community, showing 
that we are going to start releasing more often, give people a chance to 
provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but I do 
expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for 
deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha 
release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish, in 
the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on 
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what 
we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough 
to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today 
browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features we 
have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and 
we can figure out what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk, 
OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-07 Thread Joe Bohn
Before we start thinking of a 1.2-alpha release we must decide what it 
is that we intend to include the final 1.2 release.  I don't think that 
we have done this yet (which is what I was getting at with my other post 
on this thread).

Once we have that content decided then we need to take a look at where 
we are at with regard to delivery of that content.   If we have the 
major functions nearly complete then we could consider cutting an alpha 
release while we continue to refine the capabilities and continue to 
deliver the more minor function of the release.  Anything short of that 
seems to me to be just exposing a nightly build.


Jason Dillon wrote:
I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass  
any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their  
apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is  
nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has  changed, 
or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments  of new and 
upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport-concurrent- 

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly  impacts 
development, but also has an impact on the configuration  files, and 
plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really  good to get 
an alpha out so that people can easily test and provide  feedback.

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the  path 
of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha  can 
also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release  plugin 
so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that  we have 
confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to  make sure 
that we have the right configurations and setup to make a  release with 
relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps  control 
the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of  build system 
related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next  days 
or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not  to... we 
don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes,  because we 
don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on  an alpha and 
then cut the release, which should be easy with the  maven release 
plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to  sign and upload 
all artifacts.

I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community,  
showing that we are going to start releasing more often, give people  a 
chance to provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but I  
do expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for  
deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha  
release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish,  in 
the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was  on 
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly  what 
we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have  enough 
to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours  today 
browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the  features 
we have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know  what I find 
and we can figure out what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk,  
OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Matt Hogstrom

From an ASF perspective is there a difference between releasing an Alpha versus 
a full release ?

Avoiding TCK will help significantly.

Jason Dillon wrote:
We will get to that soon enough, though I don't believe that would be a 
replacement for alpha/beta releases.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 3:55 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

We kind of discussed this before...

But why not have the automated nightly build from trunk?

Jason Dillon wrote:

I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass
any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their
apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is
nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has changed,
or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments of new and
upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to 

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly impacts
development, but also has an impact on the configuration files, and
plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really good to get an
alpha out so that people can easily test and provide feedback.

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the path
of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha can
also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release plugin so
that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that we have
confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to make sure
that we have the right configurations and setup to make a release with
relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps control
the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of build system
related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next days
or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not to... we
don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes, because we
don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on an alpha and
then cut the release, which should be easy with the maven release
plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to sign and upload all

I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community, showing
that we are going to start releasing more often, give people a chance to
provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but I do
expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for
deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha
release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish, in
the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what
we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough
to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today
browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features we
have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and
we can figure out what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk,
OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Jason Dillon
We will get to that soon enough, though I don't believe that would be  
a replacement for alpha/beta releases.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 3:55 PM, Jeff Genender wrote:

We kind of discussed this before...

But why not have the automated nightly build from trunk?

Jason Dillon wrote:

I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass
any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their
apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is
nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has  

or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments of new and
upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport- 

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly  

development, but also has an impact on the configuration files, and
plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really good to  
get an

alpha out so that people can easily test and provide feedback.

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the  

of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha can
also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release  
plugin so

that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that we have
confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to make  
that we have the right configurations and setup to make a release  

relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps  
the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of build  

related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next  

or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not to... we
don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes, because we
don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on an alpha  

then cut the release, which should be easy with the maven release
plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to sign and  
upload all


I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community,  
that we are going to start releasing more often, give people a  
chance to

provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this,  
but I do

expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for
deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha
release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk  
soonish, in

the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly  
we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have  

to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today
browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the  
features we

have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and
we can figure out what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk,
OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Jeff Genender
We kind of discussed this before...

But why not have the automated nightly build from trunk?

Jason Dillon wrote:
> I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass
> any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their
> apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is
> nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has changed,
> or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments of new and
> upcoming stuff:
> ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.
> Derby is about to get upgraded.
> Log4j is about to get upgraded.
> Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport-concurrent-util.
> Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly impacts
> development, but also has an impact on the configuration files, and
> plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really good to get an
> alpha out so that people can easily test and provide feedback.
> New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.
> A bunch of bug fixes.
>  * * *
> I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the path
> of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha can
> also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release plugin so
> that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that we have
> confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to make sure
> that we have the right configurations and setup to make a release with
> relative ease.
> Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps control
> the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of build system
> related fluff and other bits...
> I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next days
> or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not to... we
> don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes, because we
> don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on an alpha and
> then cut the release, which should be easy with the maven release
> plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to sign and upload all
> artifacts.
> I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community, showing
> that we are going to start releasing more often, give people a chance to
> provide feedback more often an earlier.
> I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but I do
> expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for
> deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha
> release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.
> I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish, in
> the next week or so.
> --jason
> On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:
>> On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:
>>> According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on
>>> 2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what
>>> we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough
>>> to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today
>>> browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features we
>>> have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and
>>> we can figure out what we want to do.
>> I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk,
>> OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...
>> --kevan

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Jason Dillon
I am thinking about an 1.2-alpha release, which does not need to pass  
any tck, but can still be downloaded by folks that want to test their  
apps on the bleeding edge (with out having to build).  While there is  
nothing major from a J2EE perspective in the alpha, a lot has  
changed, or will change very shortly.  Here is a list with comments  
of new and upcoming stuff:

ActiveMQ 4.1, is about to get committed.

Derby is about to get upgraded.

Log4j is about to get upgraded.

Use of concurrent util is about to get changed to backport-concurrent- 

Lets not forget that we changed the build system, which mostly  
impacts development, but also has an impact on the configuration  
files, and plugins... new CAR m2 plugin.  I think it would be really  
good to get an alpha out so that people can easily test and provide  

New m2 plugin to start/stop Geronimo, soon to have new deploy goals.

A bunch of bug fixes.

 * * *

I think that by releasing a 1.2-alpha, that we also start down the  
path of changing the perception of how quickly we release.  The alpha  
can also serve to help us get some experience using the m2 release  
plugin so that when it comes time for a non-alpha/beta release that  
we have confidence in the procedure... and this will give us time to  
make sure that we have the right configurations and setup to make a  
release with relative ease.

Also, more of a side effect, by making a new release, it helps  
control the JIRA roadmap, right now 1.2 is filled with a bunch of  
build system related fluff and other bits...

I think that we have enough changes (or soon to change in the next  
days or so) to warrant an alpha.  I don't see any reason why not  
to... we don't need to spend days/weeks to ensure the TCK passes,  
because we don't need to run it.  It should be sufficient to vote on  
an alpha and then cut the release, which should be easy with the  
maven release plugin, and even easier with my gpg-sign'ing mojo to  
sign and upload all artifacts.

I believe that having this alpha out will benefit our community,  
showing that we are going to start releasing more often, give people  
a chance to provide feedback more often an earlier.

I certainly do not expect any production customers to use this, but I  
do expect that app developers will, so they can ready their apps for  
deployment on the platform.  We will clearly label this as an alpha  
release, and clear state that it has not been TCK certified.

I don't see any downside to cutting a release off of trunk soonish,  
in the next week or so.


On Sep 6, 2006, at 9:13 AM, Kevan Miller wrote:

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was  
on 2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly  
what we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have  
enough to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours  
today browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the  
features we have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know  
what I find and we can figure out what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk,  
OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Hiram Chirino

ActiveMQ 4.1 is going in now that we got the 3 pmc vote.. woot! thanks
for all who checked the patch out.

On 9/6/06, Joe Bohn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'd also be interested in seeing what is actually in trunk already.
However, I'd be surprised if we really have a enough functionality for
this to be considered a feature release.

I've heard several people talk about functions that they would like to
see included in 1.2:  Yoko, Java 5, JPA integration, clustering,
GShell, pluggable JACC (may be already there), CMP for JPA, Usability
improvements (esp. web console), performance improvements, etc...   What
of these capabilities do we as a community feel are critical to be

There are at least 2 items that I'd like to get into 1.2 before we
release it:

1)  A new repository implementation and/or other improvements in the
file system to provide some relief on the Windows pathlength issue as
well as make it easier to locate deployed applications.

2) A framework assembly (basically little-G without a container) to be
used as a foundation for building template based servers from the
framework + plugins providing a "roll your own" server capability to our
users.  This is just a start at this notion which will also require a
number of other functions (either in 1.2 or, more likely, in a
subsequent release).


Dain Sundstrom wrote:
> According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on
> 2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what  we
> have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough  to do
> a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today  browsing
> the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features we  have in
> trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and  we can
> figure out what we want to do.
> Thanks,
> -dain



Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Joe Bohn
I'd also be interested in seeing what is actually in trunk already. 
However, I'd be surprised if we really have a enough functionality for 
this to be considered a feature release.

I've heard several people talk about functions that they would like to 
see included in 1.2:  Yoko, Java 5, JPA integration, clustering, 
GShell, pluggable JACC (may be already there), CMP for JPA, Usability 
improvements (esp. web console), performance improvements, etc...   What 
of these capabilities do we as a community feel are critical to be 

There are at least 2 items that I'd like to get into 1.2 before we 
release it:

1)  A new repository implementation and/or other improvements in the 
file system to provide some relief on the Windows pathlength issue as 
well as make it easier to locate deployed applications.

2) A framework assembly (basically little-G without a container) to be 
used as a foundation for building template based servers from the 
framework + plugins providing a "roll your own" server capability to our 
users.  This is just a start at this notion which will also require a 
number of other functions (either in 1.2 or, more likely, in a 
subsequent release).


Dain Sundstrom wrote:
According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on  
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what  we 
have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough  to do 
a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today  browsing 
the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features we  have in 
trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and  we can 
figure out what we want to do.



Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Kevan Miller

On Sep 5, 2006, at 4:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on  
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly  
what we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have  
enough to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours  
today browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the  
features we have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know  
what I find and we can figure out what we want to do.

I'd be interested to hear more concretely what's in Geronimo trunk,  
OpenEJB 2.2, etc that's not in 1.1.1...


Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-06 Thread Brian Chan
I would love to see that as well. I'm waiting on a few fixes (ejb compile leaking) to get on a stable Geronimo release so we can release Liferay 4.2.0 with Geronimo on the enterprise level (thanks to Jeff Grenender for that). Otherwise, will just have to go with a snapshot which doesn't look as good.- BrianOn 9/5/06 6:17 PM, Jason Dillon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:I think that trunk might be good enough for an alpha or beta pre- 
release of 1.2.

I would love to see use release early and often...


On Sep 5, 2006, at 1:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

> According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on  
> 2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly  
> what we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have  
> enough to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours  
> today browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the  
> features we have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know  
> what I find and we can figure out what we want to do.
> Thanks,
> -dain--Brian ChanChief Executive OfficerLiferay, LLCEnterprise. Open Source. For Life.

Re: Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-05 Thread Jason Dillon
I think that trunk might be good enough for an alpha or beta pre- 
release of 1.2.

I would love to see use release early and often...


On Sep 5, 2006, at 1:40 PM, Dain Sundstrom wrote:

According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on  
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly  
what we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have  
enough to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours  
today browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the  
features we have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know  
what I find and we can figure out what we want to do.



Release Early, Release Often

2006-09-05 Thread Dain Sundstrom
According to our STATUS file, our last feature release (1.1) was on  
2006-06-26 which is about 2.5 months ago.  I'm not sure exactly what  
we have in trunk right now, but I'd guess we most likely have enough  
to do a release right now.   I'm going to spend a few hours today  
browsing the JIRAs and SVN logs and compile a list of the features we  
have in trunk right now. Anyways, I'll let you know what I find and  
we can figure out what we want to do.

