Hey everyone,

HPL/SQL has been part of Hive for a long time now. Surprisingly (at
least for me), the main website and documentation around HPL/SQL[1] is
not under the hive domain and I don't know how many people have access
to it. Looking at the website [1] at the moment some things appear
broken but I have no clue where are the sources to possibly fix those.

Since HPL/SQL is part of Hive, I think we should migrate the content
of the website [1] under our official Hive web page [2]. Like that it
can benefit from the new look and feel of the Hive website [2] and it
will facilitate contributions from the Hive community.

I assume that the current website [1] is maintained by Dmitry Tolpeko
so big thanks for keeping this up and running for all these years.
Hopefully, the migration will remove some maintenance burden from
their shoulders.

What do you think?


[1] http://www.hplsql.org/
[2] https://hive.apache.org/

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