Re: Proposed Lua backport for 2.4

2013-03-25 Thread Gregg Smith

On 3/13/2013 1:12 PM, Daniel Gruno wrote:

On 03/13/2013 08:39 PM, Gregg Smith wrote:

On 3/13/2013 4:44 AM, Daniel Gruno wrote:

On 03/13/2013 02:50 AM, Gregg Smith wrote:

Hi Daniel,

I'm seeing segfaults on that dreadful Windows OS when using
LuaMapHandler   LuaRoot together.

The backtrace was actually quite helpful :) It would appear that the bug
(perhaps) pre-dates my work on mod_lua (or it could be something I've
missed completely, who knows).

I can see that vm_construct is creating, or attempting to create, a lua
VM which returns a null pointer meaning that part failed, but it doesn't
check whether the VM is null, making munge_path segfault. At the same
time, the lifecycle_pool being passed is also NULL, which makes even
less sense to me, since you can see in the backtrace that it wasn't null
when it got passed to ap_lua_get_lua_state.

Can you tell me which exact lua directives you used for this? which
LuaScope, LuaCodeCache and so on?

IfModule lua_module
   AddHandler lua-script .lua
   LuaMapHandler /testlua /usr/etc/lua/example.lua
   LuaRoot /usr/etc/lua
Directory /usr/etc/lua
 Options All
 AllowOverride None
 Require all granted

So since not specifically configured, the defaults of once and stat


I am unable to get my own server to segfault, and I can't seem to find
anything in the code that would cause the pool to suddenly become null.

Your backtrace seems to indicate that your request calls:
ap_lua_get_lua_state(apr_pool_t * lifecycle_pool=0x0258c0e8,
ap_lua_vm_spec * spec=0x0258b658, request_rec * r=0x0258a120)

which then calls:
vm_construct(lua_State * * vm=0x036efdc0, void * params=0x0258b658,
apr_pool_t * lifecycle_pool=0x)

except lifecycle_pool never gets changed anywhere in the code, it's just
passed straight through to whatever made it turn into
0x0 is beyond my eyes to spot.

If anyone else can spot something I'm missing, please do speak up,
otherwise I'll probably chalk this one down to a Windows oddity.

It was suggested to me a few days ago off list to give the old module a 
try pre r1200614. I did just that yesterday and it works and no 
segfaults. Just FYI.



Re: mod_cache with Cache-Control no-cache= or private=

2013-03-25 Thread Roy T. Fielding
On Mar 13, 2013, at 10:20 AM, Graham Leggett wrote:

 On 11 Mar 2013, at 12:50 PM, Yann Ylavic wrote:
 The way I read the spec, the specified field-name(s) MUST NOT be sent in 
 the response to a subsequent request without successful revalidation with 
 the origin server. What this means is that if the specified field names 
 are found to be present in the cached response, then the origin server 
 needs to be given the opportunity to update these fields through a 
 conditional request. In the current cache code, we return 0 meaning this 
 is stale, revalidate, and a conditional request is sent to the origin. We 
 hope the origin sends 304 Not Modified, with updated headers 
 corresponding to the fields.
 Ok, I see your point, and this is surely the right reading of the rfc,
 but there is necessarily a difference between no-cache and
 no-cache=header(s), particularly with the handling of that (stale)
 For what I understand now, if the origin does not send (one of) the
 header(s) in its 304 response, the stale header(s) MUST NOT be
 I don't read it that way from the spec, I think it all comes down to the 
 phrase without successful revalidation with the origin server. I read it as 
 without successful revalidation [of the whole request] with the origin 
 server. In other words, the origin server sent the original header, if the 
 origin server doesn't update the header in the 304 response then it means 
 I've had my opportunity to revalidate the entity, current cached value is 
 fine, send it.
 Roy ultimately would be able to answer this?

It means delete the header fields prior to storing them in the cache
for later reuse.  If the origin had wanted must-revalidate, it would
simply use that directive instead.  The successful revalidation bit
is saying that the cache should forward all of the fields for the response
to the original request and for any response that is revalidated
(i.e., forward the new fields received in 304), but not for the
requests that are entirely handled by the cache.


Patches languishing in Bugzilla

2013-03-25 Thread Wim Lewis
There are a number of OK-looking patches in Bugzilla that have been sitting 
there with no action for a while. I just went through the recent Bug report 
looking for bugs of interest to me that have patches. All of the following bugs 
have a patch, and most of them address a pretty straightforward failure to 
implement the spec. None of the bugs' comments indicate objections to their 
patches (although in some cases that's because nobody has commented on them at 
all, beyond the initial problem description and patch submission):

 |35981|New|Maj|2005-08-02|mod_dav overrides dav_fs response on PUT failure  |
 |39287|New|Nor|2006-04-12|Incorrect If-Modified-Since validation (due to syn|
 |50773|New|Nor|2011-02-14|Dav lock database corruption  |
 |51297|New|Nor|2011-05-31|Improve error handling during UNLOCK|
 |52559|New|Nor|2012-01-30|[PATCH] Some PROPPATCH causing segfault in mod_dav|
 |53525|New|Nor|2012-07-09|PROPPATCH delete (svn propdel) errors not returned|
 |53741|New|Min|2012-08-19|Code clean up (Concat string at compile time when |
 |53910|New|Nor|2012-09-21|If: check spuriously succeeds with %-encoded URL a|
 |54145|New|Min|2012-11-14|Poor error handling in dav_method_put()   |
 |54611|New|Nor|2013-02-26|Location header for dav_created not URI encoded   | 
(general case of |54367|New|Maj|2013-01-02|Location header in response to PUT 
is not %-escape|?)
 |54610|New|Nor|2013-02-26|COPY doesn't respect If/If-Modified/etc   |

I'd like to propose that 35981, 39287, 51297, 52559, 53741, 54145 be committed. 

The patches in 50773, 53525, 53910, 54610, and 54611 perhaps should be 
evaluated by someone with more familiarity with the server internals before 
they are committed, but I'd be especially grateful if someone would look at 
53910, 54610, and/or 54611; these are bugs that make the stock Apache unusable 
for us.