freeing after usr1 or not?

2009-12-23 Thread basteon
I'm hope so someone be able help me with recontiguration tricks apache.
for instance, if I append something in my apache configuration

file_play /file/system/path/to/file.avi /uri/path

and do
kill -s USR1 ppid

and so as to add new files I do...
  if(play_list-files) {
for(n = 0 ; play_list-files[n] != NULL ; n++);
  play_list-files = (char**)realloc(play_list-files,(n+2)*sizeof(char*));
  if(play_list-files ==NULL) {

  play_list-files[n] = strdup(file);
  play_list-files[n+1] = NULL;

question concludes with flushing play_list if my apache will be
reconfigured by USR1?

wider http

2009-11-20 Thread basteon
g' time of day 2 every1,
my question to implies of wider http proto, e.g. I needs add to http
few headers looks like POST and GET, it must be used only with own
client application. and I need implement new fat http implementation
or can add this headers in the more convenient way and don't rewrite
whole http in my mod_wider_http ?
I mean may be I can make it by apache hook's api, but still haven't any clue.

need a suggestion

2009-10-27 Thread basteon
hi there,
I need a suggestion about modules comunication. For instance I need to
write module which must be listening few sockets for data and rcp.
Well, I seeing this in different ways..
1) make 2 different modules? like pop3 and smtp, but how i can
communicate my modules instead of pipes and aditional socket, perhaps
by internal apache modules api, or not?
2) make it into one module and do poll for selecting this few sockets
into some module.