Summary: SSLPassPhraseDialog exec: always default port in argv

BUG 7862

PATCH 13429

The bug still exists in 2.0.52.  I first noticed this bug in 2.0.52, but
the original reporter opened the bug in 2002-04-09 from CVS and the
version was 2.0-HEAD.  I have not tested how far back it goes.

I simplified the original patch.  The logic is clearer and less
redundant than the original poster's patch, yet achieves the desired end

It appears to work fine, but is not heavily tested, so I seek tests and
comments.  This is apparently an old bug which although mostly cosmetic,
makes the suexec_log file easier to read in the wee hours of the
morning, when a human might not recognize a numeric group id, but would
recognize the alphanumeric group name.  This is simple to fix with no
side effects, so I'd like to see testing and feedback and an eventual
CVS commit.  :-)


suexec configured, SuexecUserGroup set in VirtualHost context, looking
in suexec_log, running a simple script "", with filesystem
permissions and ownsers to match SuexecUserGroup specification and
suexec.c qualifications and sanity checks.

#! /bin/bash

Content-Type: text/plain

id: `id`

WRONG: before patch, actual_gname is always the numeric group id -> gid:

[2004-11-13 01:54:14]: uid: (1248/someuser) gid: (1248/1248) cmd:

RIGHT: after patch, actual_gname shows the alphanumeric group name ->
gid: (1248/someuser)

[2004-11-13 01:55:23]: uid: (1248/someuser) gid: (1248/someuser) cmd:

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