--------- Original Message --------- Subject: Re: svn commit: r1611169 - in 
/httpd/httpd/trunk: CHANGES server/mpm/winnt/service.c
From: "Mike Rumph" <mike.ru...@oracle.com>
Date: 1/14/15 12:24 pm
To: dev@httpd.apache.org

Hello Bill,

 Sorry to respond to this so late, but I see that this is up for a vote 
 against httpd 2.4. 
We love any code review, early, late, post-release, whatever!  Thanks for 
 I noticed a possible problem in the code.
 I have a question inserted below.

> + SC_HANDLE schService;
 > +
 > + {
 > + schService = OpenServiceW(schSCManager,
 > + (LPCWSTR)mpm_service_name_w,
 > + }
 > +#endif /* APR_HAS_UNICODE_FS */
 > + {
 > + schService = OpenService(schSCManager, mpm_service_name,
 > + }
 > +#endif
 > if (schService) {
 If neither of these defines are set, then schService appears to be 
 Is this a problem?
No, it cannot be an issue, nor are they mutually exclusive.  One or both are 
always defined.  I trust you didn't trip over this during compilation; good 
eyes though :)  See also os/win32/ap_regkey.c for much more code that follows 
this pattern.
This is the pattern behind all APR (and httpd) portability from win98 API to 
winNT (Unicode).  For example, the internal representation of an apr_dir_t;
 struct {
 WIN32_FIND_DATAW *entry;
 } w;
 struct {
 WIN32_FIND_DATAA *entry;
 } n;
 We have no members, w, or n, and therefore no directory entries, if one of 
these defines has not been set.
apr_arch_misc.h contains these two macros.  The pattern exists because it was 
possible to use the same binary on either OS.   IF_WIN_OS_IS_UNICODE and 
ELSE_WIN_OS_IS_ANSI handled the dynamic behavior, if only one is set, those 
macros are a no-op.  If both are set, those macros become if-else cases 
(against the version of Windows in use).
With Win9x dead, it is past time to prune these, at least on trunk and apr-2.0. 
I'm not sure whether users are building the 'ANSI-only' flavor for use on 
modern Windows OS (as all 8bit chars devolve to the OEM code page of the 
installed version of Windows).
So I left well enough alone for now (no harm to users moving from 2.4.10 -> 
2.4.11), and would plan to follow whatever decisions are made on dev@apr with 
respect to dropping 8-bit OEM code page logic, altogether, from trunk.

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