Re: Regex based publisher proposal

2006-09-08 Thread Dan Eloff

* DB connection pooling

Got that. It's actually very simple. Just derive from the Queue class,
it's already synchronized. Override pop with the logic for handing out
connections. Simply use put to return it when you're done. I recommend
putting the db information in a config file like rails does, nobody
wants to have to put that all over the place.

* Generic rendering template system (empowering the developer to use
virtually ANY templating system avail in python)

That's the way mod_python is as far as I know, it pretty much lets you
do your own thing for templates. Since everyone seems to have
different ideas about what templates they like, I think that's great.

* Remote DB Sessions (for scalability)

Got that for mysql, but is based on a different session model than
mod_python uses. Someone else posted a mysql session here recently, I
do not know what became of it, I would recommend you follow up before
it goes cold.

* Advanced Debugging

Get wingide, I've never seen a better debugger for python. It handles
remote debugging on mod_python flawlessly. When PythonDebug is on, I
automaticaly connect to the debugger from python. I tried Komodo first
for the same, but it is worse than useless. If you want help getting
that working let me know.


Re: Regex based publisher proposal

2006-09-07 Thread Nicolas Lehuen
What Sébastien proposes is the kind of dispatching mechanism used in Django, and (without regular expressions) in Rails and Routes ( This tends to prove that some people find it useful.
The proposed implementation, however, is another story. There are the problems that Graham noticed, plus the fact that the current publishing system is richer than the simple controller + action couple (you can buidl hierarchies of objects, have callable object anywhere in the hierarchy, etc.).
Also, the publisher supports skipping the extension part of the module, so you CAN have /controller/action URIs that already behave quite like what Sébastien suggests.Regards,Nicolas
2006/9/7, Jorey Bump <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Sébastien Arnaud wrote:> > AddHandler mod_python .py .html> PythonHandler mod_python.pubre> PythonOption "pubregex"> "(?P[\w]+)?(\.(?P[\w]+))?(/(?P[^/]+))?(\?$)?"
>> >> I know that not all grammars will work with the current version attached> (due to some code being still dependent on the conservative url> structure /path/file.ext), eventually though, I hope I can get this
> solved and allow any regex grammar to work.>> Anyway, please share your comments and feedback to make sure I am headed> in the right direction by keeping in mind that my first goal is to be
> able to publish using a defined regex url grammar a callable class> within a module. I believe that once this first step is accomplished the> real design of the web framework can begin.Is regex essential to what you're trying to accomplish? I do something
similar in a minimal handler I've written that simply makes a list ofthe URL parts:  resource = req.path_info.strip('/').split('/')Then I walk the list in order to determine the action that needs to be
taken. A very primitive example would be:if resource[0] == 'time': # use first item only, returns formatted local date & time # i.e. http://host/path/to/handler/time
 import time now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') req.content_type = "text/plain" req.write(now)elif resource[0] == 'color': # use second URL part as a key in a data structure
 # i.e. http://host/path/to/handler/color/Lance data = "" 'blue', 'Robin': 'idunno', 'Galahad': 'yellow'} 
req.content_type = "text/plain" try: req.write("%s's favorite color is %s." % (resource[1],data[resource[1]])) except KeyError: req.write("%s's favorite color is unknown." % (resource[1],))
 except IndexError: req.write('Specify a name (/color/Someone).')Then http://host/handler/time returns:  2006-09-07 11:17:19and 
http://host/handler/color/Lance returns:  Lance's favorite color is blue.My motivation was to support friendly dynamic URLs(http://host/handler/foo/bar/baz
) in the simplest way possible. Sincethe action taken is handled in logic (instead of a strict mapping toeither functions, modules, or objects), it's extremely flexible. Thetrick is in determining if an argument should be part of the abs_path or
handled as a query (http://host/handler/foo?bar=baz).Of course, there's nothing stopping you from using the remainder of thelist as values for your app:
if resource[0] == 'order': # use remaining resources as multiple values for single argument # http://host/path/to/handler/order/item/item/item
 if len(resource) > 2: # there was a list of items order = '%s and %s' % (', '.join(resource[1:-1]), resource[-1]) elif len(resource) == 2: # there was a single item
 order = resource[1] else: # no items in URL order = 'nothing' req.content_type = "text/plain" req.write('You have ordered %s.' % (order))Then this URL:
  http://host/handler/order/spam/spam/spam/eggs/spamwould return:  You have ordered spam, spam, spam, eggs and spam.This isn't always appropriate, and one needs to be careful (too much
rope, as they say). It's normally better to handle arbitrarily longlists of values with query arguments or POST variables.Anyway, I don't mean to hijack your thread, Sébastien. I'm justwondering if you are trying to accomplish the same thing, or have a
specific reason for using regex, which really can slow an applicationdown. You could easily adapt this simpler approach to enforce a strictermapping of your own convention.

Re: Regex based publisher proposal

2006-09-07 Thread Jorey Bump

Sébastien Arnaud wrote:

AddHandler mod_python .py .html
PythonHandler mod_python.pubre
PythonOption "pubregex" 

I know that not all grammars will work with the current version attached 
(due to some code being still dependent on the conservative url 
structure /path/file.ext), eventually though, I hope I can get this 
solved and allow any regex grammar to work.

Anyway, please share your comments and feedback to make sure I am headed 
in the right direction by keeping in mind that my first goal is to be 
able to publish using a defined regex url grammar a callable class 
within a module. I believe that once this first step is accomplished the 
real design of the web framework can begin.

Is regex essential to what you're trying to accomplish? I do something 
similar in a minimal handler I've written that simply makes a list of 
the URL parts:

 resource = req.path_info.strip('/').split('/')

Then I walk the list in order to determine the action that needs to be 
taken. A very primitive example would be:

if resource[0] == 'time':
# use first item only, returns formatted local date & time
# i.e. http://host/path/to/handler/time
import time
now = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
req.content_type = "text/plain"
elif resource[0] == 'color':
# use second URL part as a key in a data structure
# i.e. http://host/path/to/handler/color/Lance
data = {'Lance': 'blue',
'Robin': 'idunno',
'Galahad': 'yellow'}
req.content_type = "text/plain"
req.write("%s's favorite color is %s." % (resource[1], 

except KeyError:
req.write("%s's favorite color is unknown." % (resource[1],))
except IndexError:
req.write('Specify a name (/color/Someone).')

Then http://host/handler/time returns:

 2006-09-07 11:17:19

and http://host/handler/color/Lance returns:

 Lance's favorite color is blue.

My motivation was to support friendly dynamic URLs 
(http://host/handler/foo/bar/baz) in the simplest way possible. Since 
the action taken is handled in logic (instead of a strict mapping to 
either functions, modules, or objects), it's extremely flexible. The 
trick is in determining if an argument should be part of the abs_path or 
handled as a query (http://host/handler/foo?bar=baz).

Of course, there's nothing stopping you from using the remainder of the 
list as values for your app:

if resource[0] == 'order':
# use remaining resources as multiple values for single argument
# http://host/path/to/handler/order/item/item/item
if len(resource) > 2:
# there was a list of items
order = '%s and %s' % (', '.join(resource[1:-1]), resource[-1])
elif len(resource) == 2:
# there was a single item
order = resource[1]
# no items in URL
order = 'nothing'
req.content_type = "text/plain"
req.write('You have ordered %s.' % (order))

Then this URL:


would return:

 You have ordered spam, spam, spam, eggs and spam.

This isn't always appropriate, and one needs to be careful (too much 
rope, as they say). It's normally better to handle arbitrarily long 
lists of values with query arguments or POST variables.

Anyway, I don't mean to hijack your thread, Sébastien. I'm just 
wondering if you are trying to accomplish the same thing, or have a 
specific reason for using regex, which really can slow an application 
down. You could easily adapt this simpler approach to enforce a stricter 
mapping of your own convention.

Re: Regex based publisher proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On 07/09/2006, at 2:59 PM, Sébastien Arnaud wrote:
Anyway, please share your comments and feedback to make sure I am  
headed in the right direction by keeping in mind that my first goal  
is to be able to publish using a defined regex url grammar a  
callable class within a module. I believe that once this first step  
is accomplished the real design of the web framework can begin.

A few comments while I work out what your code actually does.

class Mapper:
""" This is the object to cache the regex engine """
	regex = "(?P[\w]+)?(\.(?P[\w]+))?(/(?P 

regex_compared = 0

def __init__(self):
self.reobj = re.compile(self.regex)

def __call__(self, uri, cre):
if(cre!=None and not self.regex_compared and cre!=self.regex):
self.regex = cre
self.reobj = re.compile(self.regex)
self.regex_compared = 1
m = self.reobj.match(uri)
if m:
			return ('controller'),'extension'), 

return (None, None, None)

mapper_cache = Mapper()

This is not thread safe and use in a multithreaded MPM, ie., winnt  
and worker, may
result in failure. I also suspect if you would have problems where  
two different parts
of the URL namespace use different regex's and they aren't executing  
in different

Python interpreter instances.

path,module_name =  os.path.split(req.filename)

# Trimming the front part of req.uri
if module_name=='':
req_url = ''
req_url = req.uri[req.uri.index(module_name):]

This is not a very robust way of doing this can technically could  
fail in certain cases.

# Now determine the actual Python module code file
# to load. This will first try looking for the file
# '/path/.py'.
req.filename = path + '/' + controller + '.py'
if not exists(req.filename):
raise apache.SERVER_RETURN, apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND

I am not really sure why you go to all this trouble. For the way the  
default regex
is written, this could possibly just as easily be achieved using  
standard mod_python.publisher,
using subdirectories in document tree and use of MultiViews matching  
in an appropriate


In other words, am not convinced that your code is required at all  
and you may be
able to achieve the same thing as default regex using standard  
At worst case, you might need to use Apache RewriteRule. In  
mod_python 3.3, you

could probably do all this with a very simple fixup handler as well.

Thus, as already requested, can you actually supply some examples of  
how this is

used in practice.

BTW, you could also have done this by using a wrapper handler around the
existing mod_python.publisher handler as well, thereby avoiding  
having to cut and

paste all the code.


Re: Regex based publisher proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Graham Dumpleton

On 07/09/2006, at 2:59 PM, Sébastien Arnaud wrote:


I have been following with passion mod_python development for quite  
a while now, and in the light of a few emails over the past few  
months discussing web frameworks in mod_python, I decided I would  
attempt to contribute to the project in order to move towards a  
fast, flexible MVC mod_python only based web framework.

I have written 2 or 3 different ones along the past couple of  
years, but nothing worthy of sharing by any mean. They have helped  
me however to define what would be the "dream" web framework for  
mod_python, but more importantly to identify the needed plumbing  
improvements to mod_python.

One of the first needed improvements, in my opinion, is the  
capacity to route web requests in a more flexible manner than via  
the current publisher module. So, I would like to propose the  
following module ( It is basically a copy of the  
mod_python.publisher module to the exception that a lot of the core  
handler code has been modified to use regex in order to route a web  
request to the appropriate module/function.

I have been developing against mod_python/trunk and I attached the  
file for whoever wants to review it and give it a try. Keep in mind  
though it is still probably rough around the edges and not any  
solid testing has been performed yet. I only performed some trivial  
benchmarking/stress testing to make sure that performance wise it  
was on par with the current mod_python.publisher.

The default behavior is suppose to be 100% compatible with the way  
mod_python.publisher behaves. Eventually though you would be able  
to pass as a PythonOption the grammar of the urls in your web  
application, by simply declaring something like:

AddHandler mod_python .py .html
PythonHandler mod_python.pubre
	PythonOption "pubregex" "(?P[\w]+)?(\.(?P 

I know that not all grammars will work with the current version  
attached (due to some code being still dependent on the  
conservative url structure /path/file.ext), eventually though, I  
hope I can get this solved and allow any regex grammar to work.

Anyway, please share your comments and feedback to make sure I am  
headed in the right direction by keeping in mind that my first goal  
is to be able to publish using a defined regex url grammar a  
callable class within a module. I believe that once this first step  
is accomplished the real design of the web framework can begin.

Can you provide an English description with examples of how your  
extension is
used in practice so we don't have to reverse engineer it to work out  
what it does?



Regex based publisher proposal

2006-09-06 Thread Sébastien Arnaud


I have been following with passion mod_python development for quite a  
while now, and in the light of a few emails over the past few months  
discussing web frameworks in mod_python, I decided I would attempt to  
contribute to the project in order to move towards a fast, flexible  
MVC mod_python only based web framework.

I have written 2 or 3 different ones along the past couple of years,  
but nothing worthy of sharing by any mean. They have helped me  
however to define what would be the "dream" web framework for  
mod_python, but more importantly to identify the needed plumbing  
improvements to mod_python.

One of the first needed improvements, in my opinion, is the capacity  
to route web requests in a more flexible manner than via the current  
publisher module. So, I would like to propose the following module  
( It is basically a copy of the mod_python.publisher module  
to the exception that a lot of the core handler code has been  
modified to use regex in order to route a web request to the  
appropriate module/function.

I have been developing against mod_python/trunk and I attached the  
file for whoever wants to review it and give it a try. Keep in mind  
though it is still probably rough around the edges and not any solid  
testing has been performed yet. I only performed some trivial  
benchmarking/stress testing to make sure that performance wise it was  
on par with the current mod_python.publisher.

The default behavior is suppose to be 100% compatible with the way  
mod_python.publisher behaves. Eventually though you would be able to  
pass as a PythonOption the grammar of the urls in your web  
application, by simply declaring something like:

AddHandler mod_python .py .html
PythonHandler mod_python.pubre
	PythonOption "pubregex" "(?P[\w]+)?(\.(?P[\w] 

I know that not all grammars will work with the current version  
attached (due to some code being still dependent on the conservative  
url structure /path/file.ext), eventually though, I hope I can get  
this solved and allow any regex grammar to work.

Anyway, please share your comments and feedback to make sure I am  
headed in the right direction by keeping in mind that my first goal  
is to be able to publish using a defined regex url grammar a callable  
class within a module. I believe that once this first step is  
accomplished the real design of the web framework can begin.



 # Copyright 2004 Apache Software Foundation 
 # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you
 # may not use this file except in compliance with the License.  You
 # may obtain a copy of the License at
 # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 # implied.  See the License for the specific language governing
 # permissions and limitations under the License.
 # Originally developed by Gregory Trubetskoy.
 # $Id: 384754 2006-03-10 10:20:06Z grahamd $

  This handler is conceptually similar to Zope's ZPublisher, except
  that it:

  1. Is written specifically for mod_python and is therefore much faster
  2. Does not require objects to have a documentation string
  3. Passes all arguments as simply string
  4. Does not try to match Python errors to HTTP errors
  5. Does not give special meaning to '.' and '..'.

import apache
import util

import sys
import os
from os.path import exists, isabs, normpath, split, isfile, join, dirname
import imp
import re
import base64

import new
import types
from types import *

imp_suffixes = " ".join([x[0][1:] for x in imp.get_suffixes()])

### The published page cache ##

from cache import ModuleCache, NOT_INITIALIZED

class PageCache(ModuleCache):
""" This is the cache for page objects. Handles the automatic reloading of pages. """

def key(self, req):
""" Extracts the normalized filename from the request """
return req.filename

def check(self, key, req, entry):
config = req.get_config()
autoreload=int(config.get("PythonAutoReload", 1))
if autoreload==0 and entry._value is not NOT_INITIALIZED:
# if we don't want to reload and we have a value,
# then we consider it fresh
return None
return ModuleCache.check(self, key, req, entry)

def build(self, key, req, opened, entry):
config = req.get_config()
log=int(config.get("PythonDebug", 0))
if log:
if entry._value is NOT_INITIALIZED:
req.log_error('Publisher loading page %s'%req.filename, apache.APLOG_NOTICE)
req.log_error('Publisher reloading page %s'%req.filena