Hi Denis,

I fully support the idea. Could you please clarify on following points:
1. I did not get from IEP whether Thin Clients have a separate
repository and a release lifecycle or not.
2. Are we going to exclude tests for unsupported modules from Ignite TeamCity?
3. Will we adress implementing Java 9+ modules during that process?

чт, 27 июн. 2019 г. в 18:11, Denis Magda <dma...@apache.org>:
> Ignite developers and users,
> I'd like us to consider Ignite modularization as part of Ignite 3.0
> timeframe. Presently, Ignite codebase mixes both core capabilities with 3rd
> party integrations. It leads to the following:
>    - Cumbersome and continuously growing codebase with many 3rd-party
>    dependencies.
>    - Some of the integrations are questionable and should no longer be
>    supported by the community at all.
>    - Integrations evolution is bound to Ignite release cycles even though
>    no changes are needed in the core.
>    - Ignite community has to support everything (test, release, fix,
>    continue development) which requires to have particular integration experts
>    on a permanent basis - doesn't work.
> Here is an IEP:
> https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/IGNITE/IEP-36%3A+Modularization
> Please review it, share feedback. Pay attention to the list of integrations
> that should no longer be supported by the community.
> -
> Denis

Best regards,
Ivan Pavlukhin

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