
I'm happy to announce that the 5th alpha version of Ignite 3 is out!

On top of the functionality that was previously released, Alpha 5 adds
the following major features:

 - Pluggable storages: ability to choose a specific storage for a
table (RocksDB based storage, Page memory persistent and in-memory
storage) with some known limitations.
  - Compute API (A simple remote job execution): The first phase of
Compute API design and implementation. Of course, with known
  - Data colocation: The colocation key concept replaces the affinity
key concept. DDL introduces COLOCATE BY clause. Colocated job
  - Open API for the Ignite REST endpoints: A Specification to
generate a client for any language + auto-generated docs for REST API.
  - Ignite REPL: The Ignite CLI as a REPL with autocompletion and improved UX.
  - Cluster lifecycle: It introduces cluster initialization logic and
allows to specify cluster management and meta storage groups. Improved
node join protocol.
  - Local and distributed recovery: Now it is possible to restart a
cluster/node without data loss.
  - Data rebalance improvements (in progress and could be excluded
from the release), including dynamically changing the number of
partition replicas.
  - Robust client connection with seamless reconnection support and
retry policies.
  - Java API for SQL: A simplified API for executing SQL
queries on a cluster.

Code examples have been added for the new features, you can check them out
here: https://github.com/apache/ignite-3/tree/3.0.0-alpha5/examples

The best way to try the release out is to go through the Getting Started
Guide: https://ignite.apache.org/docs/3.0.0-alpha

If there are any questions, issues, or thoughts, please do not hesitate to
reply to this email. Ignite Community is welcoming any feedback and will
consider it in future development.

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