Fellow Jackrabbits,
I'm working on an "socia media" type application and trying to add a
feature that allows a user to share a node with another user, but the
person getting shared to should ONLY be able to ADD child nodes, and not
actually edit the node being shared. This means I would like
for Privilege.JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES to actually do what it's name implies.
But it doesn't. It seems that in order to get Privilege.JCR_ADD_CHILD_NODES
to work, I *also* have to include Privilege.JCR_WRITE which I specifically
do NOT want. Think of it like this: I have a blog node (for example), and I
want people to be able to make comments on my blog under it but not edit my
blog themselves. Am I doing something wrong? Should this work?

The app is meta64.com if anybody cares.

​- ​
Clay Fergu

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