Re: Persisting beans in the content repository

2006-10-12 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Hi Christophe,

A few people pointed out graffito already, and I was greatly  
impressed as I've said in a previous email.

We have the same goal indeed and I also like the comments on  
hibernate which I find very valid.
But as written on the page you've been liking to, there has been no  
release yet.
Also surfing the svn repository, no code has been committed since  
december last year, so I thought the project was not developed  
anymore and nobody denied my impression on a previous post.

Therefore, this was developped.



On Oct 12, 2006, at 5:36 PM, Christophe Lombart wrote:

It seems that we have the same target :


On 10/10/06, Nicolas Modrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi All,

We've developed something called a bean coder for our application.
We've made it open source in case other people would want to use it.
With it, you can easily persist some java beans to the repository,
and retrieve them at any time.

The pretty cool thing is that it plays nicely with the repository
searches facility so that you can quickly and easily retrieve some
persisted objects from list or maps.

A short tutorial is available at the following URL:

Not sure this is suitable for everyone, especially developers
concerned with more complete solutions (like ..?), but this has been
working very well so far in our production environment, so just felt
like we should contribute back something to the community.


Nicolas  John,

Re: Persisting beans in the content repository

2006-10-12 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Hi Alexandru,

I did not try it, but I read the doc online for jcr-mapping: 
Graffito sounded way more complete when you want to write the whole  
mapping strategy.

The bean mapper sounded simpler for basic functional use. We did not  
have more requirements than map the bean to the repository(with good  
speed) so that its fields were searchable using the regular query  


On Oct 12, 2006, at 6:11 PM, Alexandru Popescu wrote:

On 10/12/06, Nicolas Modrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Hi Christophe,

A few people pointed out graffito already, and I was greatly
impressed as I've said in a previous email.

We have the same goal indeed and I also like the comments on
hibernate which I find very valid.
But as written on the page you've been liking to, there has been no
release yet.
Also surfing the svn repository, no code has been committed since
december last year, so I thought the project was not developed
anymore and nobody denied my impression on a previous post.

Therefore, this was developped.

Nicolas, all the above are valid points. However, the source base
haven't changed a lot because it was stable enough (I am using it in
Also, we (Christophe and myself) haven't done much work on it as both
have been quite busy lately and also we were thinking on what new
features should we include. I am wondering if you tried it before
starting to work on your project ;-) ?

.w( the_mindstorm )p.



On Oct 12, 2006, at 5:36 PM, Christophe Lombart wrote:

 It seems that we have the same target :


 On 10/10/06, Nicolas Modrzyk [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi All,

 We've developed something called a bean coder for our application.
 We've made it open source in case other people would want to  
use it.

 With it, you can easily persist some java beans to the repository,
 and retrieve them at any time.

 The pretty cool thing is that it plays nicely with the repository
 searches facility so that you can quickly and easily retrieve some
 persisted objects from list or maps.

 A short tutorial is available at the following URL:

 Not sure this is suitable for everyone, especially developers
 concerned with more complete solutions (like ..?), but this has  
 working very well so far in our production environment, so just  

 like we should contribute back something to the community.


 Nicolas  John,

Re: Persisting beans in the content repository

2006-10-12 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk


Given the thing we like in our tool, is the fact that no  
configuration is needed, you just need a reference to the node you  
want to store the bean, could that be fitted in Graffito by any means ?

Also, what Timur said on the thread on the server side:

He had the api to also do the reverse. Meaning, he could create a  
bean from some data available in the repository.
I could imagine use-cases where this could be useful. Would this be  
possible within Graffito ?


there is a plan (at least some discussion) to move this tools inside

would that be committed in the contrib section ? would there be fo

Re: JCR Apps and Exchangable

2006-10-12 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Hi Frans,

Your question is a bit like asking how to I move my application from  
postgresql to mysql given that both postgres and mysql are using SQL  
as a language to access the data.

You even have tools to import/export data in both of them.

As a short answer, you can't. Most of the cms have custom nodes that  
can be read but surely cannot be shown or handled properly by other CMS.

1. I just try to save my Magnolia data, and make another CMS that  
can read Magnolia data, because I find that Magnolia dont have  
feature to show the content in sort by date which for me it is a  
basic feature for CMS, and to make a module on top of Magnolia, I  
still cannot get the guide.

I am crossposting to the user of magnolia. To create a module for it,  
you basically copy and paste an other module and start creating your  
own. The guys are busy with a industrial production-ready 3.0  
version, so the documentation is still a bit behind.

I don't understand your problem on sorting by dates, this is just a  
simple query on the jcr, and any of the CMS can do that (magnolia  

Hope I have, to some extend, answered your question. Do not hesitate  
to ask more on the project's user list.



Persisting beans in the content repository

2006-10-09 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Hi All,

We've developed something called a bean coder for our application.  
We've made it open source in case other people would want to use it.
With it, you can easily persist some java beans to the repository,  
and retrieve them at any time.

The pretty cool thing is that it plays nicely with the repository  
searches facility so that you can quickly and easily retrieve some  
persisted objects from list or maps.

A short tutorial is available at the following URL:

Not sure this is suitable for everyone, especially developers  
concerned with more complete solutions (like ..?), but this has been  
working very well so far in our production environment, so just felt  
like we should contribute back something to the community.


Nicolas  John,

Re: Object-content mapping tool in Graffito

2006-09-01 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk


I had a look at Graffito before, and while it looked promising the  
site hasn't been updated since february, and no activity has been  
recorded for a while now (5 weeks ago the license header was updated).

Does anyone knows what the status of the project is ?

If the project is still moving then yes, this is a great move to do.


On Sep 1, 2006, at 5:50 PM, Jukka Zitting wrote:


The incubating Graffito project
( is building a nice
portlet-based content management framework. One of the design goals is
to be independent of the underlying storage model using mapping tools
to present a pure Java object model to higher level components.
Graffito is currently is using Apache OJB to achieve this on top of
relational databases, but they also want to support JCR content
repositories as storage components. To achieve this they've already
created a relatively complete object-content mapping (ocm) tool called
Graffito JCR Mapping

There was recent discussion on the Graffito mailing lists about the
ocm tool being ptoentially useful to other people as well, and that
being a Graffito subproject probably doesn't give the tool enough
visibility among JCR users. One idea would be to graduate the Graffito
JCR Mapping subproject into a Jackrabbit subproject to get greater
exposure. The initial response within the Graffito community was
positive to this idea, so I'd like to ask for opinions also from the
Jackrabbit community. Would you think that bringing in the ocm tool
would be a good addition to the set on-top-of-JCR components we
already have?

There are a number of stakeholders to consider and practical issues to
sort out to actually make the idea happen, but I can start taking care
of those if there is general consensus that this would be a good move.


Jukka Zitting

Software craftsmanship, JCR consulting, and Java development

Re: web dav (only folders displayed when using custom repository)

2006-07-11 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Good morning,

Regarding the following:

One minor suggestion would actually to create a:
jackrabbit-webdav-servlets jar file, instead of putting them into the  
webapp if possible.

Main reason for that being that when using maven, you can rely on  
dependencies for jar files, but not for war files.
My work now is extending some of the webdav servlets, and if there  
are in war file, as you described it in the link above, it makes it  
hard for others to keep in sync and extends those servlets.

What do you think ?


On Jul 11, 2006, at 2:12 PM, Nicolas Modrzyk wrote:

Hey Angela,

thank you for your answers again.
I am planning on using the webdav framework from jackrabbit real  
soon now, so if there's any configuration task I can help on let me  



On Jul 10, 2006, at 10:14 PM, Angela Schreiber wrote:

Nicolas Modrzyk wrote:

Hi again,
I am realizing only now, that even though I can define multiple   
handlers from the webdav xml configuration, I can't seem to be  
able  to assign nodetypes/collections for each of them, even  
though it's  possible to achieve this programmatically.

you are right. you can't specify separate nodetypes mappings
for the various handlers.

the configuration is one of the issues that needs to
be address for JCR-417. this has been discussed twice
in the dev-list and i started with the split some time
ago. however, i need some quite time to think about it
carefully and perform some minimal test.

kind regards

Re: web dav (only folders displayed when using custom repository)

2006-07-10 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Hey Angela,

thank you for your answers again.
I am planning on using the webdav framework from jackrabbit real soon  
now, so if there's any configuration task I can help on let me know.



On Jul 10, 2006, at 10:14 PM, Angela Schreiber wrote:

Nicolas Modrzyk wrote:

Hi again,
I am realizing only now, that even though I can define multiple   
handlers from the webdav xml configuration, I can't seem to be  
able  to assign nodetypes/collections for each of them, even  
though it's  possible to achieve this programmatically.

you are right. you can't specify separate nodetypes mappings
for the various handlers.

the configuration is one of the issues that needs to
be address for JCR-417. this has been discussed twice
in the dev-list and i started with the split some time
ago. however, i need some quite time to think about it
carefully and perform some minimal test.

kind regards

web dav

2006-07-07 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Hi All,

I am written a class that extends the SimpleWebDavServlet from the  
jackrabbit webapp. It will give access to a custom jackrabbit  
It's working great, except I can only see and handle folders. Any  
obvious reasons for that ? Did I mis-configured or forgot to do  
something ?


Nicolas Modrzyk,

mysql for filesystem

2006-05-24 Thread Nicolas Modrzyk

Hi All,

I'm trying to have a full mysql set up running with jackrabbit.

I am getting this exception while trying to the simpledb
ERROR  org.apache.jackrabbit.core.fs.db.DbFileSystem 
(init:368) 24.05.2006 09:53:08  failed

to initialize file system
com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLSyntaxErrorException: Specified key  
was too long; max key length is 1000 byte

Is the DbFileSystem not recommended ?
Or am I doing something wrong ?
