
Just to update on the work for the GeoSPARQL module.

I've setup the previous property and filter functions from the
jena-spatial module. These can be used with both Lat/Lon geo predicates
and the geometry literals of GeoSPARQL. There are also some additional
filter functions added for convenience, e.g. convert lat/lon values to
geometry literals and calculating distances.

A spatial index is used for these functions on a per dataset basis. If
the spatial index is available then the GeoSPARQL property functions
will use it. The GeoSPARQL property functions will also do a fall back
test for geo predicates if no geometry literals are found so there is
some accomodation for those wanting to stay with geo predicates, but
only a few spatial relations are valid for point-point relations.

Methods for converting datasets to GeoSPARQL structure are also
included. I've also tried to incorporate Bruno's previous feedback with
more consistent ExprEvalExceptions within the functions.

I will send out a message on the users mailing list to invite people to
test the GitHub project as there was some interest in assisting.

What is the process for creating the new module within Jena?



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