I have no useful general information about the reasoning framework, but I am 
copying this over to dev@. Discussions of how to extend Jena definitely have a 
place there.

> On Jan 14, 2019, at 6:40 AM, Nouwt, B. (Barry) <barry.no...@tno.nl.INVALID> 
> wrote:
> Hi all, I want to investigate the inner workings of the GenericRuleReasoner 
> (with the purpose of extending it in the future). In Jena's documentation I 
> read:
> "Jena includes a general purpose rule-based reasoner which is used to 
> implement both the RDFS and OWL reasoners but is also available for general 
> use. This reasoner supports rule-based inference over RDF graphs and provides 
> forward chaining, backward chaining and a hybrid execution model. To be more 
> exact, there are two internal rule engines one forward chaining RETE engine 
> and one tabled datalog engine - they can be run separately or the forward 
> engine can be used to prime the backward engine which in turn will be used to 
> answer queries."
> source: https://jena.apache.org/documentation/inference/#rules
> Apart from Jena's documentation, Jena's mailing lists and its source code, 
> are there any resources that can better help me grasp what is happening 
> inside the generic rule reasoner? For example, the text above mentions the 
> forward chaining RETE engine and the tabled datalog engine, are there any 
> scientific papers that I might read to better understand their inner workings?
> Maybe this question is better suited for the 
> dev@jena.apache.org<mailto:dev@jena.apache.org>?
> Regards, Barry
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