The meaning of karaf-bom

2023-09-24 Thread Robert Varga


One thing that strikes me is "Bill of Materials" as perceived by karaf-bom.

As it currently stands, karaf-bom includes all declarations of 

As I understand the bill-of-materials concept under Maven, it should 
only list artifacts provided by a particular project, nothing more, 
nothing less.

In the latter regard, we should be only declaring org.apache.karaf 
artifacts in karaf-bom.

From a downstream's perspective, there is a difference between 
importing karaf-bom (in which case the downstream takes the 
resposibility to align any shared depdendencies) and karaf.git/pom.xml 
(in which case I am trusting Karaf with a ton of dependencies).

Currently, there is no distinction between those two.

Is it fair to align karaf-bom with the above expectation (and hence not 
leak things like org.slfj4.api's version)?

As it stands there is no distinction, with this proposal current 
downstreams wishing to retain current state would scope=import 
karaf.git/pom.xml instead of karaf-bom (a change of maven coordinates) 
with no otherwise-observable change.

Does this make sense?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature

Questions about KARAF-5680

2023-09-24 Thread Robert Varga


now that we are going for Java 11, we need to deal with JPMS and the 
migration is showing some friction I have not seen in OpenDaylight.

OpenDaylight is a Karaf downstream, which requires Java 17 and is in a 
shape I would expect it to Just Work(tm) sans Karaf.

One of such points of friction is karaf.git/specs/java.xml -- which is 
overriding JVM classes.

As I understand it the point of this package override is to perform 
resolution to OSGi registry in service of

If my understanding is correct, everything we are overriding here could 
be just resolved via an OSGi-service loader. For example 
XMLInputFactory.newInstance() says, among JVM-defaults, this:

"Use the service-provider loading facility, defined by the ServiceLoader 
class, to attempt to locate and load an implementation of the service 
using the default loading mechanism: the service-provider loading 
facility will use the current thread's context class loader to attempt 
to load the service. If the context class loader is null, the system 
class loader will be used."

As I see it, we can satisfy the requirements of KARAF-5680 by saying the 
Karaf container always implements Service Loader Mediator Specification 
In karaf.git terms, spifly is not a separate feature, but is always 
included in Karaf.

I mean, with JPMS, ServiceLoader is the platform-acknowledged extension 
mechanism, hence we should be integrating no matter what...

I this a sensible direction, or am I missing something?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature vs. JEP220?

2023-09-24 Thread Robert Varga

Hello everyone,

with karaf-4.5.0 requiring Java 11 
(, there are a number 
of places where we can safely forget about how JVM < 9 did things, which 
could lead to simplifications.

One of these is Karaf's, which (as I understand it) 
define the set of packages which are to be advertised by the OSGi 
framework (bundle 0, or somesuch, sorry, I am quite rusty on the spec).

JEP 220 (, integrated in Java 9, exposes 
the set of runtime-available packages as jrt:/packages/ (see

This would mean we can figure out the set of packages at runtime, would 
make (and our adding a new jre-XY entry every 6 months), 

There is one wrinkle, which is javax.transaction.xa, but, with my all of 
no knowledge of J2EE, I think this a problem we need to deal with only 
until we transition to the jakarta namespaces (karaf-5?)[0]

Does this effort sound reasonable, or am I missing something?


[0] I think it might make sense to list Karaf, and perhaps Pax Web, 
somewhere searchable, like .

Description: OpenPGP digital signature