Hi Greg,

Thanks for sharing this.

On 03.10.2017 04:11, Gregory Elkinbard wrote:
Hi folks per Fri Governance meeting we have updated our summit schedule.

The governance summit will be half-a-day on Dec 5^th in the afternoon allowing folks to fly in the morning if needed. Tentative schedule 1-5pm, with possibility of extending into the evening if needed. We are making an excellent progress on the charter documents so hopefully we can focus on final review and ratification of the initial community charter during this meeting.

What about the rest, that is TSC summit and Infra summit? Maybe Joseph and Paul could comment on this?

May I also re-iterate a question I asked on the previous thread: do one need a KubeCon pass to be on OC Summit? "Undecided yet" is also a valid answer :)

User education track designed to attract new members to the community will be on Dec 7^th in the evening and will be focused on helping new users understand OC and its features and for new members to join the community and be able to navigate it and contribute.

In addition, we are discussing possibility of BOF sessions for the technical community members to meet face to face. We will create these sessions if there is enough demand for them.

This sounds interesting to me. As we want to attract external contributors, an introduction to foundations OC is built on internally would be very helpful. Can we have someone from Juniper to give a walk-through of the contrail-controller concurrency model (Task and co) and the in-memory config db graph representation (partitions, notifications and everything else under db/ in the sources). Personally, I found it quite elaborate to reverse-engineer the architectural decisions behind all of these from the sources, while they seem to be essential for any contribution beyond simple bug fix.

We can also post the recordings of these talks somewhere on opencontrail.org to help people getting started.




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