Hi Dawid,

The symptoms you mention sound similar to the SOLR-11809 symptoms and the 
SOLR-11501 changes are probably the 'mysterious' change you might have been 
looking for?


----- Original Message -----
From: dev@lucene.apache.org
To: dev@lucene.apache.org
Cc: m...@apache.org
At: 02/28/18 14:06:05

I am in the process of upgrading from Solr 6.x to 7.2.1 and one of the
tests does query for:

{!complexphrase inOrder=false}"(foo1 foo2) ba*"

This works just fine. Another test specifies the query parser using
defType=complexphrase and this query no longer parses:

{!inOrder=false}"(foo1 foo2) ba*"

Resulting in an exception on the server:

2018-02-28 13:55:36.749 ERROR (qtp581374081-50) [   x:proposals]
o.a.s.h.RequestHandlerBase org.apache.solr.common.SolrException:
org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException: Cannot parse
'{!inOrder=false} "(foo1 foo2) ba*"': Encountered " "}" "} "" at line
1, column 15.
Was expecting:
    "TO" ...


Caused by: org.apache.solr.search.SyntaxError:
org.apache.lucene.queryparser.classic.ParseException: Cannot parse
'{!inOrder=false} "(foo1 foo2) ba*"': Encountered " "}" "} "" at line
1, column 15.
Was expecting:
    "TO" ...


Anybody cares to tell me why is this a difference? Last significant
commit to ComplexPhraseQParser was from Mikhail... but how does
passing the query parser make a difference here?


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