Re: Checkstyle plugin 2.8 release?

2011-10-24 Thread Mark Hobson
Great, thanks Olivier.  Just back from holiday so apologies for the delay.

I'll push the release now.



On 16 October 2011 17:37, Olivier Lamy wrote:
 I don't know if you follow commits logs but you have karma back :-)
 Let me know if you want to push the release.

 2011/10/14 Mark Hobson
 That'd be great, thanks Olivier!


 On 14 October 2011 08:26, Olivier Lamy wrote:
 I can probably do that around middle next week. Ping me if I miss :-)

 2011/10/13 Mark Hobson

 I need to use maven-checkstyle-plugin 2.7 for the checkstyle upgrade
 but am being blocked by MCHECKSTYLE-159.  This is fixed in trunk and
 there are no further unresolved issues targeting 2.8, so any
 objections to performing a release?

 Next question is would someone mind doing it? :)  I'm happy to but
 have appeared to have dropped into emeritus status again, so would
 have to get reinstated first.



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[VOTE] Release Maven Checkstyle Plugin version 2.8

2011-10-24 Thread Mark Hobson

We solved 2 issues:

There are still a couple of issues left in JIRA:

Staging repo:

Staging site:

Guide to testing staged releases:

Vote open for 72 hours.

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Re: Maven and JigSaw thoughts

2011-10-24 Thread Jesse Glick

On 10/22/2011 05:00 AM, Mark Struberg wrote:

there is atm a strict 1:1 between a Modul and a ClassLoader.

This would not be true for the special case of JDK modules (what is now rt.jar + tools.jar); probably TBD whether user modules will be permitted to share class loaders 
for ease of migration of legacy apps. But in general, yes, each module would be associated with its own loader at runtime.

modules which need multiple classloaders (like EARs) or a specific deployment 
task (like WARs)

As far as I know, Java EE is not supported by the current Jigsaw work.

A Module is a JAR.

Actually a true Jigsaw module would be a *.jmod file - a new format capable of good compression and other advantages. There is also support for creating legacy *.jar 
files for use in premodular JVMs (just as an OSGi bundle can be used in degraded form without a container).

Thus also the notion of an 'attached artifact' is completely missing. If you 
need such a thing, you would need to stuff it into a jar and access it via

Probably true, though this is already more or less the case at runtime: a premodular app cannot use attached artifacts at runtime (without embedding Maven code). At least 
the common case of System.loadLibrary would work more smoothly with a jmod (no need to extract to a temporary file).

On a related topic, it seems unclear how creation of modules from a Maven project should work. Suppose packagingjmod/packaging. Should ${finalName}.jmod be the 
primary and only artifact? But then a legacy packagingjar/packaging project will not be able to consume this module's classes in flat classpath mode, which would be 
a huge obstacle to adoption. Should ${finalName}.jar be the primary artifact with ${finalName}.jmod (*) a secondary artifact (**)? This would permit interoperability with 
jar-packaging projects but seems clumsy because the primary artifact would not be used at runtime in a module-aware app.

And should dependency artifact(s) be resolved to ${basedir}/target/classes/ inside a reactor build? Jigsaw should have support for exploded modules so this would be 
fine for compiling, and for running (e.g. in Surefire) most Java code; but not for testing code using JNI, unless the Surefire plugin can be taught to set 
$LD_LIBRARY_PATH / %Path% (***) intelligently.

What we could do is to populate the local jigsaw repo on mvn install. Or even 
provide a mechanism to do a mvn jigsaw:deploy for upstream jigsaw module repos.

Jigsaw already has a (prototype) repository connector which can read Maven 
repositories, so this might be unnecessary for most users.

As the dependency resolution is built into the java runtime, we don't need to 
do anything for resolving jigsaw modules.

This is actually the main problem as I see it: Jigsaw's javac expects src/main/java/ to have the exact list of Java dependencies (the -classpath argument 
is illegal in modular mode), which means that any part of Maven other than maven-compiler-plugin which needs to know the list of dependencies is going to be out of luck. 
Possible solutions:

1. Signal an error at build time if is out of synch with 
pom.xml, and force the user to maintain both. Yuck.

2. Create target/generated-sources/jigsaw/ from pom.xml before calling javac. Not clear if this can work; and some module information (e.g. list of 
exported classes) would then have to be encoded somewhere in pom.xml (compare maven-bundle-plugin's configuration), which is not great.

3. Force Maven core to load (at least some) dependency information from I understand Tycho does something like this already.

Of course we could provide something like resolving
dependencies from an upstream jigsaw repo if those artifacts are not present in 
the local maven repo.

And/or provide a batch tool to create a Maven 2-format mirror of a Jigsaw repo.


the dependency matching (what happens if you have 2 transitive dependencies 
with different versions, version ranges, etc) must not happen at runtime

Final version resolution would happen at install time. Note that Jigsaw's decisions would not match Maven's in all scenarios; it might prefer the newest available version 
of a contentious dependency rather than the version closest to the top-level module of the app.

(*) Perhaps ${finalName}-something.jmod. It is not obvious from Maven's limited documentation whether a secondary artifact must have a classifier. nbm-maven-plugin 
(analogous in many ways to Jigsaw) creates secondary ${finalName}.nbm artifacts with no classifier, but this seems to cause subtle problems, especially in Maven Indexer.

(**) -Pdeployment could add *.deb and other native variants.

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How to set src-folder correctly

2011-10-24 Thread Martin Eisengardt

We are using maven for own project types. However the source folders 
(src/main/java and src/test/java) are not the same since we are not using java. 
To let some plugins work correctly we need to ovrwrite them with the correct 

For know we created a small goal that will be executed early. It will overwrite 
the source folders directly. It works but I don't feel it is the correct way. 
Do you recommend another way, for example some hint in components.xml I did not 
see yet? How do we tell maven that the source folders for our own packaging are 
not the java ones?

If having an early goal setting the source folders programtically, what goal 
should we choose? The validate goal is the first one and so the best one to 
set the new source folders but it is focused of validation of the project and 
not focused on hack project pom to fit the best needs.


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