Re: [VOTE] Require Java 17 for Maven 4

2024-03-01 Thread Ceki Gulcu

+1 (non binding)

The preceding discussion was quite insightful and informative.

Ceki Gülcü

Sponsoring SLF4J/logback/reload4j at

On 2/28/2024 8:30 AM, Benjamin Marwell wrote:
> Hi Maven Devs/Users/Committers and PMC members!
> After several discussions on the mailing lists, I would like to
> start a vote in favour of setting the minimal Java bytecode target
> of Maven-Core 4 to 17 and hence require Java 17 for Maven 4.
> This is a procedural majority vote [1*]:
> You can also vote with fractions and negative votes are not vetoes.
> Please also notice:
> * Maven 3 will stay at Java 8 no matter what.
> * We may raise Maven 4 to JDK 21 later if we feel like it (depending
> on the release date).
>   This is not part of this vote.
> * The linked PR is not part of this vote (this is not a code vote).
>   But you may take a look at it to understand the intended change.
> PR:
> Maven-Parent will not be raised with this vote, the other PR is not
> part of this vote.
> Please refrain from starting discussions in this thread, but do
> include a reasoning on downvotes and feel free to start a new
> discussion on the mailing list, or comment on the existing ones.
> ---
> Vote open for 72 hours:
> [ ] +1 (set JDK17 min version for Maven 4.x)
> [ ] +0
> [ ] -1 (please include reasoning)
> ---
> - Ben
> [1*]:
> -
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Re: [DISCUSS] Java version for Maven

2024-02-27 Thread Ceki Gulcu

On 2/25/2024, 2:49 PM Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:

>> For #2, reproducible builds mean we have to be able to support what
>> customers are using and that can be anything from Java 8 - 21. It is
>> not sufficient to say Java 21 can compile to Java 8 since that does
>> not produce the same byte code as compiling with Java 8.

On 2/26/2024 8:22 PM, Benjamin Marwell wrote:

> That is the point.
> If you built the project with JDK 21 using the -release=8, you can get
> the same (reproducible) output with a similar OS and JDK 21.

I wrote about 6 or 7 paragraphs of word salad to essentially convey the
same message as Benjamin.

If the goal is verification of the artifact with respect to the code in
the software repo, the verifier needs the same JDK version as the
version used to produce the artifact being checked in order to compare
binaries. The Java version can be any Java version and only depends on
the producer of the artifact (the owner of the artifact). Obviously,
this Java version needs to be equal or higher than the "release"
version, but that is it.

Claiming that if the release version is 8, the Java version must also be
8 seems quite incorrect.

Ceki Gülcü

Sponsoring SLF4J/logback/reload4j at

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Re: [DISCUSS] Java version for Maven

2024-02-26 Thread Ceki Gulcu

Hello Bernd,

I was unaware of the capabilities of the release flag. Thank you for

Ceki Gülcü

Sponsoring SLF4J/logback/reload4j at

On 2/25/2024 1:37 AM, Bernd Eckenfels wrote:
> It has been mentioned before, but just to add, since the bytecode
> level is IMHO the smallest problem:
> Jorge Solórzano wrote on 25. Feb 2024 00:41 (GMT +01:00):
>> you can use JDK 17 to produce Java 8 bytecode using Java 8
>> features, that is the distinction I made between runtime and build time,
>> but it looks it's still not clear.
> In the past a newer JDK version could compile for an older Bytecode version 
> and
> compatible with the source code constructs, BUT it used its own classlibrary 
> which
> had usually different method and therefore create NON-compat results. For that
> reason you had to provide the old bootpath if you wanted a clean build (or, 
> since this
> Is nearly the same work than just using the old JDK always use the same 
> build/target
> Version, this was very typical for java7 builds and many think it is needed 
> for 8 as well).
> But, this is no longer a problem since Java9, the new -release option does 
> not only simplify
> -source and -target into a single option it additionally makes the Java 
> compiler use an
> internal list of approved JCL signatures, therefore being save for cross 
> compile (only
> If you switch to the new flag).
> Unfortunatelly -release 8 has still problems with removed libraries, so it is 
> a bit of a
> work to use newer JDKs to compile old codebase (not a drop-in in some cases 
> like jaxb).
> Btw Java8 POMs are a bit annoying since you can’t build them on Java 8
> With maven.compiler.release and you can’t (should not) build them on 9+ with
> Luckily you can solve that with a profile activated by 
> runtime version.
> Gruß
> Bernd
> — 

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Re: Race condition in slf4j-simple

2021-07-08 Thread Ceki

Hi Tibor,

Your analysis makes sense. As SimpleLogger acts as an appender as found 
in log4j/logback backends, SimpleLogger should cater for concurrent 
access with some sort of synchronization. It currently does not.

Please create a jira issue for this problem.

Best regards,
Ceki Gülcü

On 08.07.2021 15:23, Tibor Digaňa wrote:

Hi Ceki,

We have observed a strange behavior of the logger slf4j-simple when two 
or more parallel Maven modules log the exceptions and the messages.

It produces corrupted lines in the log and they are partially mixed with 
other lines.

The lines look like this and they are obviously not expected in the log.

[ERROR] R] *.util.json.formatter.JsonFormatterTest
  [ERROR] Process Exit Code: 0
[ERROR] *.util.json.formatter.JsonFormatterTest

After our analysis we found the place in SLF4J code which seems to be 
the root cause.

The method [1] is a critical section and must be synchronized with a 
singleton lock which avoids reordering of the nested method calls across 
multiple Threads. Without it, the normal messages and stack trace may 
mix especially if two parallel Maven modules print the stacktrace.


Pls analyse the class and answer with your opinion 
about this issue and a proposal with the fix.
If there are more other critical sections which need to have some 
concurrency treatments, we can talk about it in this mailing list.


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Re: Thoughts on MR-Jar support in Maven

2017-03-24 Thread Ceki Gülcü

Hi Robert,

I would have thought that it was not Maven's responsibility to ascertain 
that test passed in various JDKs, old and new.

Nevertheless,  there is no doubt that once you pay attention to the 
details, things can get messy awfully quick.

BTW, thank you for your previous response.


On 3/24/2017 11:45, Robert Scholte wrote:

Hi Ceki,

the compilation-part isn't the real issue (it is acutally the easy
part), but e.g. the testing-part is.
You must ensure that surefire is also executed at least twice: once for
pre-java9 and for java9.
And what to do with other plugins which are part of the lifecycle up
until the package-phase? Very likely they need to be executed twice as
If you look closer you'll see that you're actually executing 2 build
lifecycles which are in the end packaged to a single jar.
The demo-project is the purest form but comes with overhead.
Maven has a forking mechanism, but I don't think it is strong enough
(yet) to fully support this.


On Fri, 24 Mar 2017 11:34:20 +0100, Ceki Gülcü <> wrote:

Hi All,

Currently in the process modularizing the SLF4J project in preperation
for Java 9/Jigsaw, I ran into many wrinkles most of which are due to
my own ignorance about Java 9 modules. Now that the initial phase of
modularization is done, I am looking into creating mutlti-release
jars (MR-Jars).

Herve's mutli-version demo project [1] (thanks Hervé) while
instructional, shows that MR-Jar support in Maven is perhaps lacking
at the moment.

As a developer, I really don't want to muck about with multiple maven
project modules or learn the intricacies of the maven assembly plugin
just to add to my project's artifact.

As a moderately-skilled Maven user, I would like to see MR-Jar
supported by way of directory layout conventions, perhaps along the
lines of:

src/main/java/  -> target/classes
src/test/java/  -> target/test/classes
src/main/java-9/ -> target/classes/META-INF/versions/9
src/test/java-9/ -> target/test-classes/META-INF/versions/9

Thus, I would need to change little in my pom.xml files to support
MR-jars. Most of the leg work would be done by the compiler plug-in
and Maven conventions.




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Thoughts on MR-Jar support in Maven

2017-03-24 Thread Ceki Gülcü

Hi All,

Currently in the process modularizing the SLF4J project in preperation
for Java 9/Jigsaw, I ran into many wrinkles most of which are due to
my own ignorance about Java 9 modules. Now that the initial phase of
modularization is done, I am looking into creating mutlti-release
jars (MR-Jars).

Herve's mutli-version demo project [1] (thanks Hervé) while
instructional, shows that MR-Jar support in Maven is perhaps lacking
at the moment.

As a developer, I really don't want to muck about with multiple maven
project modules or learn the intricacies of the maven assembly plugin
just to add to my project's artifact.

As a moderately-skilled Maven user, I would like to see MR-Jar
supported by way of directory layout conventions, perhaps along the
lines of:

src/main/java/  -> target/classes
src/test/java/  -> target/test/classes
src/main/java-9/ -> target/classes/META-INF/versions/9
src/test/java-9/ -> target/test-classes/META-INF/versions/9

Thus, I would need to change little in my pom.xml files to support
MR-jars. Most of the leg work would be done by the compiler plug-in
and Maven conventions.




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SimpleLogger prints to the latest value of System.out

2017-01-11 Thread Ceki Gülcü

Hello all,

In issue SLF4J-389 [1] user Igor Polevoy observed that once initialized, 
SimpleLogger always used the same reference to System.out (or 
System.err). He feels that this can interfere in test where  System.out 
is modified in order to capture log output.

Commit 69be5f7f [2] ensures that SimpleLogger prints to the latest value 
of System.out.

Please let me know if this may be an issue for you.

Best regards,



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Re: Log4j2/Logback integration updates

2013-07-16 Thread Ceki Gulcu

FYI, in the next version of logback, i.e. 2.0, we will be using JDK 1.6. 
However, the logback 1.1.x series will continue to be based on JDK 1.5.

On 16.07.2013 07:06, Stephen Connolly wrote:

So what I am hearing is that until we bump core to require JDK6 (or 7) then
logback is the only runner from a technical point of view (never mind that
log4j2 is still not GA)

OTOH I would be interested in bumping JDK all the way to 7 if we were happy
that toolchains is good enough and we had tests in play that use toolchains

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Re: [VOTE] Apache 3.1.0-alpha-1

2013-05-02 Thread ceki

Hello all,

Out of curiosity, are there any other non-resolved issues holding up 
this release?

Best regards,

On 23.04.2013 12:24, Stephen Connolly wrote:

+1 (binding) for 3.1.0-alpha-1

The following issue needs to be resolved before I will vote +1 on a
non-alpha release:

RAT is reporting the 391 files are either missing license headers or
have not been flagged as files that cannot support a license header.
Most of these are test data files and I would be happy to argue that the
test may require a specific exact content for reproducibility, but the
following I do not feel I can make a case for. I will require these 39
files to be addressed in some way before the final 3.1.0 release or I
cannot provide a binding vote for the release. (the MANIFEST.MF may be
one where a header does not make sense, but it is a non-generated file)

I cannot speak for the rest of the PMC, but my understanding is that as
a PMC member it is one of our duties to ensure that the source (which is
what the vote is on) has met with the ASF requirements for license headers.


Unapproved licenses:






Attached is the full report (if it makes it through the mailing list


On 1 April 2013 13:12, Jason van Zyl wrote:

Here are the release bits for 3.1.0-alpha-1:

Release notes:

Staging repository:

Staged distribution:

Anyone trying this in advance should know that the Site, Dependency,
and Shade plugin are not going to work. We are aware of this and
those responsible for those plugins are looking into it.



Jason van Zyl
Founder  CTO, Sonatype
Founder,  Apache Maven

We know what we are, but know not what we may be.

   -- Shakespeare

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Re: maven pull request: Fix call to SimpleLoggerFactory.reset method

2013-03-18 Thread ceki
sorry about the unused INSTANCE field in SimpleLoggerFactory which is 
unnecessarily confusing. Just got rid of it:

On 18.03.2013 19:59, mcculls wrote:

GitHub user mcculls opened a pull request:

 Fix call to SimpleLoggerFactory.reset method

 Use LoggerFactory to make sure we get the right instance to reset, as 
SimpleLoggerFactory.INSTANCE is not actually used by slf4j-simple's 
StaticLoggerBinder (instead it has its own SINGLETON field to hold the logger 

 Can now remove temporary reflection workaround.

You can merge this pull request into a Git repository by running:

 $ git pull slf4j-simple-reset

Alternatively you can review and apply these changes as the patch at:

commit bae4b5a5613737c99ae99eca7d5ea7bbed99419a
Author: Stuart McCulloch
Date:   2013-03-18T18:57:04Z

 Fix call to SimpleLoggerFactory.reset method (use LoggerFactory to make 
sure we get the right instance to reset, as SimpleLoggerFactory.INSTANCE is not 
actually used by slf4j-simple's StaticLoggerBinder) and remove temporary 
reflection workaround

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Re: Logger and Embedded Maven Core ITs

2013-03-17 Thread ceki

On 17.03.2013 00:47, Jason van Zyl wrote:

If that's the case Ceki might be able to add the clearing of the logger map to 
the reset method.

Ceki, would this be hard to change?

I just added a reset method to SimpleLoggerFactory. See for the 
commit.  Here is sample code for invoking this method in Maven tests:

import org.slf4j.ILoggerFactory;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

  ILoggerFactory iLoggerFactory = LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();
  if(iLoggerFactory instanceof SimpleLoggerFactory) {
((SimpleLoggerFactory) iLoggerFactory).reset();

As the reset() method is package protected, it needs to be invoked from 
code in the org.slf4j.impl package. A friend class could expose the 
reset method to classes in other packages.

Anyway, let me know how if this works for you.

On Mar 16, 2013, at 4:38 PM, Stuart McCulloch wrote:

On 16 Mar 2013, at 13:58, Jason van Zyl wrote:


Can you take a look at the logging changes you made to try and use the SLF4J 
package private method for resetting the logger? The streams are being reset 
correctly but the logging level doesn't appear to be reset which causes the 
embedded ITs to fail.

Did some investigating and the issue seems to be that SLF4J Simple uses a 
static singleton logger factory which contains a map of cached loggers.

Because embedded test mode uses the same classloader for all the tests (it only 
forks once at the start) each test therefore sees the same logger factory and 
any previously cached loggers.

This means that although the MavenCLI successfully resets SLF4J to refresh the 
log level, the new setting doesn't affect previously cached loggers (they only 
pick up the level in their constructor).

This can be shown with the following hack to clear the logger map (not sane 
code, just proof-of-concept) which solves the embedded logging IT failures:

diff --git 
index 6a7f385..f1af143 100644
@@ -58,5 +58,20 @@ public void activate()
 // property for root logger level or System.out redirection need to be 
taken into account
+ org.slf4j.ILoggerFactory loggerFactory = 
+ synchronized ( loggerFactory )
+ {
+ java.lang.reflect.Field loggerMap = 
loggerFactory.getClass().getDeclaredField( loggerMap );
+ loggerMap.setAccessible( true );
+ ( (java.util.Map) loggerMap.get( loggerFactory ) ).clear();
+ }
+catch ( Exception e )
+// ignore for now...



Jason van Zyl
Founder  CTO, Sonatype
Founder,  Apache Maven

People develop abstractions by generalizing from concrete examples.
Every attempt to determine the correct abstraction on paper without
actually developing a running system is doomed to failure. No one
is that smart. A framework is a resuable design, so you develop it by
looking at the things it is supposed to be a design of. The more examples
you look at, the more general your framework will be.

-- Ralph Johnson  Don Roberts, Patterns for Evolving Frameworks

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Re: Logback in Maven Core

2012-12-11 Thread ceki

On 11.12.2012 21:28, Mark Struberg wrote:

 Folks, don't you see it? we cannot use logback as this is a
 LocationAwareLogger and would break all projects which use slf4j  1.6
 and older.  Please go back to the original mail from 4 month where
 Ceki himself explained it!

Hi Mark,

You are assuming that a plugin somehow sees it's own version of
slf4j-api on the class path but sees logback (the version that ships**
with Maven) instead of it's preferred logging framework. Isn't that an
overly pessimistic scenario which could not occur in practice?

**subject to approval


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Re: [VOTE] Maven 3.1.0

2012-12-07 Thread ceki

On 07.12.2012 07:25, Anders Hammar wrote:

*If* we go this path, I think the default should be the other way around.
I.e., the default would be to use core's slf4j and it's impl. So the plugin
developer needs to do an active choice to go outside Maven's logging. Sure,
this could imply problems with existing plugins doing funky logging stuff
(like the Sonar plugin), but I don't really see a problem with those
plugins having to release a new version. I think it's more important that
we get good defaults than trying to make every existing plugin work as they
are implemented right now.

Very nicely put.


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Re: [VOTE] Maven 3.1.0

2012-12-07 Thread ceki

On 07.12.2012 02:34, Jason van Zyl wrote:

 One benefit is that it would hopefully fix the Sonar problem. But I'm
 not sure what the exact behaviour of SLF4J is. Even if a plugin
 blocked SLF4J entirely to use their own SLF4J setup, like in the Sonar
 case, I think SLF4J is already loaded. Ceki might want to comment on
 how that works. If two SLF4J systems can run in the same JVM it may
 work. For the non-SLF4J case it's not using SLF4J, obviously, so there
 is no need to block it.

SLF4J uses an extremely simple/primitive binding (aka plugin)
mechanism. When the LoggerFactory class is loaded into memory by a
given class loader, the first call to the getILoggerFactory() will
perform initialization. The getILoggerFactory() method is called by
the getLogger(String) method.

Thus, if LoggerFactory class is loaded into memory N times but various
class loaders, then LoggerFactory class will be initialized N times,
under the very likely assumption that the getLogger() method is called
at least once for each LoggerFactory instance.


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Re: [DISCUSS] the art of logging - was: [VOTE] Maven 3.1.0

2012-12-07 Thread ceki

On 07.12.2012 18:32, Jason van Zyl wrote:


 I'm going to look at problem with the logging while embedding and
 Hervé wants to look at the SLF4J isolation.

 From what I understand in talking to Ceki, for each classloader SLF4J
 can be initialized so it appears theoretically possible to block the
 all SLF4J from reaching a plugin and it will still be able to
 initialized its own SLF4J system though it will not be connected to
 the core's.

 So then it's a matter of deciding on sensible defaults and I agree
 with Anders here in that the default should be to pass on the core's
 SLF4J implementation. I think exceptional cases should use a flag for
 exceptional cases. This still will not help Sonar today but we can
 also add some heuristics to help plugins like the Sonar plugin. If we
 inspect the dependencies and see SLF4J is there we can block SLF4J
 from the plugin's classloader. I'm not sure yet how this will work for
 Mojo.log() or injected loggers but that might not matter for plugins
 that get no SLF4J system from the core because its doing it's own

The above seems very reasonable.

I hesitate to bring up another angle to this already heated debate. If
it were up to me which it clearly is not, I'd go with exporting
slf4j-api and the underlying logging framework to all plugins without
hindrance. This would translate into the following worse-is-better
[1] logging policy:

As of 3.1.0. Maven exports its SLF4J logging environment to its
plugins. Plugins are encouraged to use this SLF4J logging
environment. They may attempt to configure this environment but should
not blindly assume that the underlying logging framework is the
default logging framework shipping with Maven.

This policy would break the current Sonar plugin. Although I imagine a
new version of Sonar would be released within weeks including the
relevant fix. After a short adaptation period, I'd expect the rare
plugins doing their own logging to fall in line with the
worse-is-better logging policy outlined above.

The alternative policy outlined by Jason while offering compatibility,
would be murkier, at least to the uninitiated.


 Hervé I will assume you're looking at this. Let me know if you need
 any help.

 I don't plan on introducing a logging framework in this
 version. That's a subsequent discussion.

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Re: [DISCUSS] the art of logging - was: [VOTE] Maven 3.1.0

2012-12-07 Thread ceki

On 07.12.2012 18:52, Anders Hammar wrote:

This still will not help Sonar today but we can also add some heuristics
to help plugins like the Sonar plugin. If we inspect the dependencies and
see SLF4J is there we can block SLF4J from the plugin's classloader. I'm
not sure yet how this will work for Mojo.log() or injected loggers but that
might not matter for plugins that get no SLF4J system from the core because
its doing it's own thing.

I'm thinking this will introduce another problem. If a plugin wants to use
slf4j for logging instead of Plexus logger, but want the logging to be
handled by core's logging. They would then need to declare a dependency to
slf4j-api. If they're only supporting v3.1+, then they could declare a
provided scope dependency and not include a dep to an impl. But if they
want their plugin to work with older Maven versions as well (which they
very likely want), then they need to have a compile scope dependency to
slf4j AND an impl.

So true. Every plugin would want to be compatible with Maven 3.1 as well 
as older versions. As such, I withdraw by earlier worse-is-better 
logging policy.


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Re: Colorized console and logging implementation choice was Re: Re-spinning 3.1.0

2012-12-04 Thread ceki

On 04.12.2012 19:18, Jason van Zyl wrote:

 I've been talking to Ceki about configuration in SLF4J as there is
 really no way to change the log level without assuming an
 implementation. If that's the way then for embedding the user can
 change the SLF4J implementation but for the CLI this will not be
 possible. What I would effectively have to do is what the Sonar folks
 did which is to grab hold of the implementation and programmatically
 change the log level.

 So if the default log level is INFO I don't think it's possible to
 ship all implementations and be able to flip to debug mode easily. So
 I think if we pick one implementation then for the CLI we can make
 that assumption. Again this should not affect folks who embed like m2e
 as we just use the components and do our own SLF4J integration.

It would be possible to set the level of a logger by invoking
framework-specific directives. Here is some pseudo-code:

// pseudo code
public void setLevel(Logger logger, int level) {
  if(logger instanceof org.apache.log4j.Logger) {
log4jSetLevel(logger, level);
  } else if(logger instanceof ch.qos.logback.classic.Logger) {
logbackSetLevel(logger, level);
  } else if (logger instanceof java.util.logging.Logger) {
julSetLevel(logger, level);
  } else if (you get the idea...) {

Historically, SLF4J has shied away from providing abstractions for
logging configuration for two reasons:

1) logging configuration can have quite a large scope.
2) insufficient demand

If the scope of configuration is limited to logger level
configuration, the problem becomes much easier to tackle as
illustrated by the pseudo code above. Would Maven's logging
configuration requirements be satisfied by logger level configuration
or are there requirements beyond logger level configuration?

By the way, the is no reason why Maven could not implement similar
level configuration code on its own without depending on a slf4j
configuration module which currently does not exist.


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Re: [VOTE] Maven 3.1.0

2012-11-30 Thread ceki

Hi All,

In sonar-core, looking at the Logback class in the
org.sonar.core.config package, you can find following lines:

import ch.qos.logback.classic.LoggerContext;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

LoggerContext lc = (LoggerContext) LoggerFactory.getILoggerFactory();

Sonar is assuming that SLF4J is bound with Logback, not an
unreasonable assumption for stand-alone Sonar or for a maven-plugin
before Maven started using SLF4J.

However, with Maven 3.1, this assumption proves to be incorrect. I
would suggest to contact Sonar people so that the code which
configures Logback first checks that SLF4J is bound to Logback. If
not, the code should not attempt to configure logback. Basically,
Sonar should add a few lines of defensive code.

My 2c.

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Re: Merged or separated logs WAS: SLF4J integration

2012-10-12 Thread ceki

On 12.10.2012 00:01, Jason van Zyl wrote:

 Ceki made some sample plugins and we'll post something tomorrow about
 some options for integration. Basically Merged vs Mixed: do we want to
 funnel everything into the the core logging backend, or let the plugin
 completely decided by declaring both the API and implementation. The
 outcome of this discussion will determine how to export (or not)
 packages from the core.

I prefer to use the term separated logging to mixed logging.

Now is a good time to discuss the merged vs. separated logging
strategies for Maven.

In the merged strategy, all logging goes through the slf4j-api
instance created by maven-core, regardless of slf4j-related dependency
declarations in a given plugin. In the separated strategy, a given
plugin gets its own separate logging environment by declaring
slf4j-related dependencies.

The separated strategy raises the issue of whether getLog() and
injected SLF4J loggers should be attached to the maven-core logging
environment or the plugin's own logging environment.

I am a big fan of separated logging strategy in application servers
where forced merging the logs of all applications with the logs of the
server is rather counter-intuitive not to say counter-productive. In
the case of Maven however, I fail to see the added value in letting a
given plugin have a separated logging environment.

Merged logging offers the following advantages:

1) a very simple mental model for logging in Maven
2) seems that it is already implemented in trunk
3) few possible surprises in the future.

and the following disadvantages:

1) the logging behavior of existing plugins (those declaring
dependencies on slf4j) will change, i.e. merged into maven-core
2) relatively heavy handed approach

In the context of Maven, is there any added value in pluging having a
separated logging environment? If there is no added value, then merged
logging is the way to go.

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Re: SLF4J integration

2012-10-11 Thread ceki

On 11.10.2012 08:37, Mark Struberg wrote:

Hi Mark,

Hi Ceki, thanks for the reply!

 The method signatures of classes in the org.slf4j package such as?
 Logger, LoggerFactory, Marker, MDC, etc. are the same since 2005.?

 No they are not. I did a diff between 1.2 and the latest and it
 seems a few trace() methods got added. This is only a minor problem
 but still. This change is perfectly backward compatible, but it's not
 forward compatible. If there is any new signature added/changed in a
 newer version which we will not yet use, then we would just crash if a
 plugin uses the newer version. Now this is highly unlikely. But I've
 seen this with commons logging and I've seen this with the
 LocationAwareLoger as you already mentioned below. This is btw exactly
 the reason why we shade in all commons-* stuff to private packages...

Correct. The trace method was added in SLF4J version 1.4 released on
May 16th 2007. Interestingly enough, I can't remember a single
complaint about missing trace method. About 1% of slf4j-users use
versions earlier than 1.4. Among that 1%, even fewer have a dependency
requiring the trace method. As an end result, and as far as I can
tell, no one complains about the missing trace method in earlier slf4j

My point is that there are some imaginary problems that never occur in
practice. In practice, the slf4j version some software is compiled
with is never a problem assuming it only imports from the org.slf4j

 this means that the minor version of the SLF4J binding
 must match that of the slf4j-api. The maintenance
 number is unimportant.

 That's perfectly fine that way! Please understand that this is
 nothing against slf4j! I just like to avoid that we introduce build
 problems to existing projects. As highlighted in my previous post
 there ARE ways to do that (by shielding via ClassWorlds), but this is
 not in place in trunk yet. Also there are zero integration tests for
 it atm!


Maven uses a child-first classloading strategy (with exceptions) - a
plugin would only see exactly 1 version. Currently (again: there is
atm no shielding in place yet) if a plugin would would provide it's
own slf4j-api-1.4.2 then the plugin would get this version of the
Class. And if the plugin would invoke
LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.class()) then what would happen? Most
probably a classcast exception, right? There is a minor chance that we
do not blow up as there is a complex ClassLoading environment in
place. But we only know after we have some IT in place which do not
exist yet. All the change got committed without a single IT, thus my
-1 in the first place.

While I agree with the gist of your argument, I still maintain that
slf4j versions is not the crux of the matter here. However, as you
point out, class isolation should be implemented and tested.

2.) if you use slf4j, then ALL the funnels and logging backends must
have the very same version number than the slf4j-api. Otherwise you
are pretty much doomed. Ceki, is this correct as well?

I would not go as far as doomed. For example, the following
combination will work fine: slf4j-api-1.7.2.jar,
sfl4j-simple-1.6.5.jar, log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.2.jar,
jcl-ocer-slf4j-1.7.1.jar and jul-to-slf4j-1.6.0.jar. In other words,
you can freely mix artifacts in the 1.6.x and 1.7.x families.

 But can you freely mix 1.5.x and 1.6.x? or 1.7 and 1.5 or 1.4? No
 you cannot as far as I've seen. So we cannot make a general assumption
 on that! The only safe rule is to not mix slf4j parts with diverging
 major or minor number. Is this correct?

Yes, that is correct.

Sounds good. I would recommend isolation regardless of the version of
the discovered slf4j dependency. The plugin author probably wishes
logging isolation. Maven should let the plugin have its own separate
logging environment distinct from Maven's own logging.

 But that would actually be a big step backwards imo.

No, separating maven logging and plugin logging (for the plugins that
explicitly set their own slf4j logging environment) is not a step
backwards. On the contrary, it preserves existing behavior.

In my earlier message, I apparently did not insist enough on the the
point that isolation was only required for the minority of plugins
which set up their own slf4j-based logging environment. The vast
majority of plugins which do not declare an slf4j dependency, would
get their slf4j loggers either via injection or via getLogger().

 Currently any plugin is forced to 'funnel' the output into the
 logger it obtains via getLogger() itself. This is an instance of
 org.apache.maven.plugin.logging.Log and we have it perfectly under our
 own control. It's not a perfectly convenient logging api but it works
 and shields us from all implementation details!

This has been discussed earlier so I won't respond.

 If we would isolate away all the logging of a plugin (because it
 contains a diverging slf4j version) then we would loose all this logs,

Of course

Re: SLF4J integration

2012-10-11 Thread ceki

On 11.10.2012 10:24, Anders Hammar wrote:

Just to get this clear in my head:
When you're talking about slf4j dependency in a plugin, are you
talking about dependency to slf4j-api or an slf4j impl?

A plugin declaring a dependency on slf4j-api without declaring a
dependency on an implementation does not makes sense imo. It follows
that the term declaring a dependency on slf4j means a dependency on
both slf4j-api as well as a binding, aka implementation.


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Re: SLF4J integration

2012-10-11 Thread ceki

On 11.10.2012 11:18, Mark Struberg wrote:

Oh I missed one more constellation

a plugin could have slf4j-1.5.x + a logging backend we do not know of.

I hope such things dont often exist, but in theory it could happen.

For all of those cases we need isolation.

A few months before creating the SLF4J project, I had a lengthy
conversation on the commons-dev mailing list about logging scenarios.
Richard Sitze (from IBM) offered a number of complex scenarios, and
that's when the penny finally dropped for me [1]. It is a waste of time
catering for all imaginable logging scenarios. The space of possible
logging scenarios is truly vast. However, only a very limited number of
these scenarios occur in practice. It makes more sense to concentrate
on the common scenarios to ensure that they are well supported.

More concretely, I propose that we find one or two examples of plugins 
declaring an slf4j dependency and test these plugins with the upcoming 
version of maven (the one using slf4j).


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Re: SLF4J integration

2012-10-11 Thread ceki

On 11.10.2012 12:17, Anders Hammar wrote:

A plugin declaring a dependency on slf4j-api without declaring a
dependency on an implementation does not makes sense imo. It follows
that the term declaring a dependency on slf4j means a dependency on
both slf4j-api as well as a binding, aka implementation.

If the get the slf4j logger injected they would only have a slf4j-api
dependency, wouldn't they? I'm asking as I *think* we said we would
use slf4j as the logging interface in Maven.

Yes, the maven-core dependency is on slf4j-api, not any particular impl. 
Only classes from the org.slf4j package are imported.

What I'm thinking is that the aim is to allow plugins to use the core
slf4j logging, right? But we would like to keep any existing behavior
where a plugin logs to it's own logging file through slf4j, right?
So then we can't check on a slf4j-api dependency, but need to look for an impl.

If a plugin declares a dependency on say slf4j-jdk14, and assuming dep
declarations in plugins are transitive, than plugin's classloader will
also have classes from slf4j-api.jar in addition to those from
slf4j-jdk14.jar. Thus, when the plugin imports
org.slf4j.LoggerFactory, the instance of LoggerFactory will be bound
to JUL.

I think it makes sense to study actual plugins declaring a dependency
on slf4j, instead of imagining problems which may or may not exist.

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Re: SLF4J integration

2012-10-11 Thread ceki

On 11.10.2012 12:43, Mark Struberg wrote:

 ceki, really, this is perfect example why no container uses
 commons-logging anymore.  Do you like to repeat these errors?

 I reiterate: there is a workaround by isolating this in
 ClassWorlds. It is not yet there, but ff we like to use slf4j then we
 will need to implement that.

How about looking at actual plugins? Do you have examples of plugins 
declaring a dependency on slf4j? Anyone else?

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Re: SLF4J integration

2012-10-11 Thread ceki

Hello all,

I've created a trivial plugin which uses slf4j for logging:

It declares a dependency on slf4j-api and slf4j-jdk14

Here are my observations:

1) when running with maven 3.0.3 the slf4j declaration is honored,
i.e. logging goes through jul (slf4j-jdk14)

2) when running with maven 3.1-SNAPSHOT, the foo-plugins dependency
declaration on slf4j-api and binding are simply ignored. Everything
goes to slf4j-simple (the binding used by Maven)

I find this second result quite surprising. Apparently, this is
because Maven 3.1-SNAPSHOT exports the slf4j packages overriding the
plugin dependency declarations on slf4j.

In both scenarios, no exceptions are thrown.

You are welcome to conduct your own tests.

Best regards,

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Re: SLF4J integration

2012-10-10 Thread ceki

On 10.10.2012 15:42, Mark Struberg wrote:

Hi Mark,


 Here are a few basic observations about slf4j.  slf4j really rocks for
 end user applications, but when it comes to deep container core stuff
 you must take care about classloader clashes much more than within an
 end-user project. We just don't know what a user defined in his
 plugin sections...

 If we like to use slf4j as maven logging api and export it in the core
 classloader then we might probably face the following problematic

 1.) slf4j-api =1.5 and =1.6 are not fully binary compatible
 afaik. Ceki, is this correct? Afair there have been a few minor
 changes between those versions. They do not always cause problems but
 I've seen those in the wild already.

The method signatures of classes in the org.slf4j package such as
Logger, LoggerFactory, Marker, MDC, etc. are the same since 2005.
Client code which only imports the Logger, LoggerFactory, Marker, MDC
classes will run fine with any version of slf4j-api, 1.0.x onwards.

SLF4J bindings such as slf4j-simple, slf4j-log4j etc import classes
from the org.slf4j.spi and org.slf4j.helpers packages which offer
lesser guarantees with respect to stability of method signatures. For
instance, as you mentioned, a method signature in the
org.slf4j.spi.LocationAwareLogger class changed between 1.5 and
1.6. Assuming a major.minor.maintenance versioning scheme, this
means that the minor version of the SLF4J binding must match that of
the slf4j-api. The maintenance number is unimportant.

As a client only importing from the org.slf4j package, you don't have
to worry about the version of the slf4j-api with which some other
dependency was compiled with.

 2.) if you use slf4j, then ALL the funnels and logging backends must
 have the very same version number than the slf4j-api. Otherwise you
 are pretty much doomed. Ceki, is this correct as well?

I would not go as far as doomed. For example, the following
combination will work fine: slf4j-api-1.7.2.jar,
sfl4j-simple-1.6.5.jar, log4j-over-slf4j-1.6.2.jar,
jcl-ocer-slf4j-1.7.1.jar and jul-to-slf4j-1.6.0.jar. In other words,
you can freely mix artifacts in the 1.6.x and 1.7.x families.

 3.) if we would provide a sfl4j funnel (e.g. log4j-over-slf4j) and a
 plugin brings his own log4j.jar then we will have class path clashes
 as well.

There is no need for Maven to provide slf4j bridges (or funnels as you
say) to plugins, is there?

 I'm happy if someone tells me the above observations are wrong and I
 just failed to setup the stuff properly. If not, then we still can use
 slf4j for maven BUT we need to isolate it really well via
 classworlds. And of course that would mean that we miss maven logging
 for those 'isolated' plugins, right?

Most plugins should be able to see org.slf4j.* classes exported by
maven-core.  For the rare few plug-ins which declare their own version
of slf4j artifacts, isolating the org.slf4j.* classes makes
sense. Such isolation would serve two purposes. 1) it would avoid any
version mismatch problem 2) it would isolate the plugin's logging from
the logging in Maven core probably as intended by the plugin author.

 I'll first sum up the problems which will occur if the upper
 assumptions are correct.

 ad 1.) maven provides slf4j-api-1.6 but a plugin uses slf4j-api-1.5,
 1.4, etc  This might cause class cast exceptions (Cannot cast class
 Logger to class Logger) by having different versions of the slf4j-api
 classes in different ClassLoaders

This problem is independent of the version of the slf4j-api
used. According to Section 4.3.4 of the Java Language Specification,
two classes loaded by different class loaders are considered distinct
and hence incompatible.

 ad 2.) we provide slf4j-simple-1.6 and user provides
 slf4j-xxx-1.4. This will most probably end up in a big *boom*. And we
 do not know all slf4j-** as any user might easily add his own backend.

If I understand correctly, by default maven uses a self-first class
loading strategy. Plugin's class loader will load slf4j classes
defined in the plugin and everything may/should work seamlessly for
legacy plugins. For non legacy plugins requesting slf4j logger
injection via annotations and simultaneously declaring dependencies to
slf4j classes, class cast exceptions are likely to be thrown.

 ad 3.) We will face class path clashes since a few slf4j funnels are
 not fully binary compatible with the original impls. So funneling is
 hard to do in maven. If others think it is possible, then please point
 out a way to do this properly, thanks!

As mentioned earlier, I don't think Maven should use, declare or
export any slf4j bridges.

 Now for the workaround we could implement:

 While discussing this topic with Stephen he had the idea to scan
 whether a plugin uses slf4j by unzipping all plugin dependencies and
 do some checks. E.g. check whether there is a
 org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder.class If we detect this or any slf4j
 with a version != the version used in maven

Re: SLF4J implementation [was Re: svn commit: r1380105 - in /maven/maven-3/trunk: ./ apache-maven/ maven-core/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/classrealm/ maven-embedder/ maven-embedder/src/main/java/or

2012-09-10 Thread ceki

On Sep 9, 2012 8:08:34 pm, Ralh Goers wrote:

 First, I also would recommend moving from plexus logging to SLF4J.


 Mark's concerns with incompatibilities only come about with the log4j
 bridge if you are trying to use APis that the SLF4J bridge hasn't
 implemented.  Something being used in a plugin really shouldn't be
 using those.


 Although Ceki is generally careful not to break compatibility, it has
 happened.  For example, you cannot mix applications that use SLF4J
 1.6.x with code that uses SLF4J 1.5.x.  Likewise, Logback is very much
 tied to the SLF4J version.  See  If
 core is using SLF4J and an incompatible change is made again it
 probably won't be that big of a deal. Typically, when compatibility
 has been broken it really hasn't impacted code that uses the SLF4J

SLF4J's user facing API, that is classes or interfaces located in the
org.slf4j package such as Logger, Marker, MDC and LoggerFactory have
been there and remain unchanged since day one (2005). Thus, a user
never has to worry about with which version of slf4j-api a dependency
was compiled with. A user can pick any version of slf4j-api-api.jar
and as long as the version of the binding of her choice matches, slf4j
will function correctly. See also [1,2].

The internal interfaces, those in the org.slf4j.spi or
org.slf4j.helpers packages, may change incompatibly. One of the most
notable occasions was in the 1.6.0 release when the
LocationAwareLogger interface was changed. It was done so in response
to a bug report [3] filed by... Ralph.  The reader will appreciate the

More objectively though, Ralph filed a valid bug report and the only
way to fix it was by making an incompatible change in an *internal*
interface. Unfortunately, given the ubiquity of SLF4J, such
incompatible changes somehow manage to leak into user-space and annoy
the hell out of many developers. SLF4J is designed so that the
problems occurring when deploying SLF4J are obvious with obvious
solutions -- SLF4J is stupid by design. (Feel free to quote.)

 Mark mentioned shading as a way to fix any problems with SLF4J
 conflicts. I am not sure if shading will work with SLF4J.
 Implementations must provide a class named
 org.slf4j.impl.StaticLoggerBinder, org.slf4j.impl.StaticMarkerBinder
 and org.slf4j.impl.StaticMDCBinder.

 Jason made a comment in a previous reply that said Ceki is also a
 committer, and will help us fix anything when necessary so that,
 again, we can focus on Maven and not logging. doesn't list him as a
 committer on Maven and Ceki has said publicly and privately that he is
 unlikely to contribute to ASF projects.  However, while the statement
 is incorrect I don't understand why what Ceki would or wouldn't do
 would have any bearing on whether Maven adopts SLF4J.

If need be, I'll happily answer questions and guide you through the
process of migrating to SLF4J. However, I agree with Ralph, my person
should have no bearing to whether Maven adopts SLF4J or not.

 Finally, I've been working on Log4j 2 for over 3 years now. The reason
 I started working on it was due to deficiencies in Logback that occur
 in large scale web applications and probably don't matter in something
 like Maven. But it would be nice to allow the end user the ability to
 swap out the logging implementation if they want.

Absolutely. In light of commit r1380105, the next step is for you
(Maven folks) to formulate a policy for swapping out logging
back-ends. In my not so humble opinion, all other questions are moot
if you don't have a working policy for swapping-in/swapping-out
logging frameworks. Lacking the necessary knowledge about how Maven
bootstraps itself or how it manages its classloaders, I am not in a
position to formulate such policy. On the other hand, there is more
than enough expert knowledge here to address this problem. I intend to
follow your future discussions with interest.



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Re: SLF4J implementation [was Re: svn commit: r1380105 - in /maven/maven-3/trunk: ./ apache-maven/ maven-core/src/main/java/org/apache/maven/classrealm/ maven-embedder/ maven-embedder/src/main/java/or

2012-09-10 Thread ceki

Mark, I hope I did not convey the wrong message in my previous
email. Commit r1380105 provides a backward compatible way for existing
Maven plug-ins to continue using org.codehaus.plexus.Logger. The said
Plexus logger would delegate to org.slf4j.Logger to perform actual
logging. By a policy for swapping out logging back-ends, I meant
formulating a policy leveraging SLF4J's own binding mechanism within

For the purposes of this discussion), if slf4j-simple.jar is the
default logging back-end in Maven, Maven's logging pluggability policy
for switching to j.u.l. could be as straightforward as removing
slf4j-simple.jar from $MAVEN_HOME/lib and replacing it with
slf4j-jul.jar in $MAVEN_HOME/lib. Switching to log4j would entail
replacing slf4j-jul.jar with slf4j-log4j12.jar and log4j.jar in
$MAVEN_HOME/lib. Switching logback would mean replacing
slf4j-log4j12.jar and log4j.jar with logback-core.jar and
logback-classic.jar in $MAVEN_HOME/lib. You get the idea.

As mentioned in my previous message, I don't know if the above would
work due to my ignorance of exactly how Maven bootstraps.

As for exporting SLF4J to Maven plug-ins, you are correct to observe 
that this would tie Maven to the SLF4J API. In my undeniably biased 
view, attempts at mitigating such coupling invariably yield poor 
results. Please see for further discussion.

On 10.09.2012 13:06, Mark Struberg wrote:

Absolutely. In light of commit r1380105, the next step is for you
(Maven folks) to formulate a policy for swapping out logging

 Well that is what this is all about. And we have this solution
 available in Maven since 2004. There is already a logging facade which
 is widely used: org.codehaus.plexus.Logger

 This is used in whole Maven including all plugins which exist. All
 Maven messages get routed through it. I just see no reason for
 swapping out A1 for A2.  At least not if A1 is working for years and
 all the Maven APIs are using it. I'm talking about 100 API signatures
 we would need to change in an incompatible way sooner or later!

 I'm perfectly fine to back the plexus.Logger facade with SLF4J as
 default impl, but please let's not get this into our API or export it
 to users!

 PS: there is a _huge_ difference whether you like to use a logging
 framework in a container or in an end-user application. In a container
 you just don't know what the user will throw into your container. And
 we did tried SLF4J for containers a few times and did hit those
 fundamental problems pretty early on. I'm pretty sure you know exactly
 what I mean. Others can grab the MyFaces, tomcat, OpenWebBeans,
 OpenJPA, ... lists for more info. Most time we either ended up doing
 our own logging facade or used JUL (yea it sucks big times, but at
 least it doesn't create classpath conflicts).


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[jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-685) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

2006-01-17 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
[ ] 

Ceki Gulcu commented on MAVENUPLOAD-685:

Hello Carlos,

You mean the urls of the various bundle.jar files? We do not make the bundle 
files available independently of Ibiblio. The web-server does not 
carry them. Is it absolutely necessary that these links be added? Would it be 
sufficient to supply the jar files in the request as I have done in the past?

Thank you in advance for your response,,

 Upload request for  SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task

 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Assignee: Carlos Sanchez
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, nlog4j-1.2.21-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC5 of SLF4J API and NLOG4J 
 1.2.21. Please kindly add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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[jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-685) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

2006-01-17 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
[ ] 

Ceki Gulcu commented on MAVENUPLOAD-685:


By the way, I forgot to thank you for kindly uploading the bundle files as 

 Upload request for  SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task

 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Assignee: Carlos Sanchez
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, nlog4j-1.2.21-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC5 of SLF4J API and NLOG4J 
 1.2.21. Please kindly add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-685) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

2006-01-16 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Upload request for  SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task

Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, nlog4j-1.2.21-bundle.jar, 

The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC5 of SLF4J API and NLOG4J 
1.2.21. Please kindly add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-685) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

2006-01-16 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-685:

Attachment: slf4j-nop-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 Upload request for  SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task

 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, nlog4j-1.2.21-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC5 of SLF4J API and NLOG4J 
 1.2.21. Please kindly add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-685) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

2006-01-16 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-685:

Attachment: slf4j-simple-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 Upload request for  SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task

 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, nlog4j-1.2.21-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC5 of SLF4J API and NLOG4J 
 1.2.21. Please kindly add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-685) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

2006-01-16 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-685:

Attachment: slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 Upload request for  SLF4J 1.0RC5 and NLOG4J 1.2.21

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task

 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, nlog4j-1.2.21-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-rc5-bundle.jar

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC5 of SLF4J API and NLOG4J 
 1.2.21. Please kindly add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-622) Update request for NLOG4J 1.2.19

2005-12-08 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Update request for NLOG4J 1.2.19

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task

Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.19-bundle.jar

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-621) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0-RC3

2005-12-07 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Upload request for SLF4J 1.0-RC3

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Bug

Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-621) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0-RC3

2005-12-07 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-621:

Attachment: slf4j-nop-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar

 Upload request for SLF4J 1.0-RC3

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Bug

 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-621) Upload request for SLF4J 1.0-RC3

2005-12-07 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-621:

Attachment: slf4j-simple-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar

 Upload request for SLF4J 1.0-RC3

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Bug

 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-rc3-bundle.jar

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-613) Update request for SLF4J 1.0rc2

2005-11-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Update request for SLF4J 1.0rc2

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Wish
Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc2-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-jcl-1.0-rc2-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc2-bundle.jar

The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC2 of SLF4J API. Please kindly 
add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-597) Update request for SLF4J 1.0rc1

2005-11-21 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Update request for SLF4J 1.0rc1

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task
Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, 

The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC1 of SLF4J API. Please kindly 
add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-597) Update request for SLF4J 1.0rc1

2005-11-21 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-597:

Attachment: slf4j-simple-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar

 Update request for SLF4J 1.0rc1

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jdk14-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j12-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j13-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-rc1-bundle.jar, 

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0RC1 of SLF4J API. Please 
 kindly add the attached files to ibiblio's maven repository.

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-553) pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Wish
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-553) pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-553:

Attachment: slf4j-nop-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar

 pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Wish
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-553) pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-553:

Attachment: nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar

 pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Wish
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 
 nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 

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[jira] Closed: (MAVENUPLOAD-553) pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]
Ceki Gulcu closed MAVENUPLOAD-553:

Resolution: Won't Fix

SLF4J 1.0beta8 will be replaced in just a few minutes with SLF4J 1.0beta8. 
There is no need to upload these files to ibiblio.

 pload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta8

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Wish
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 
 nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta8-bundle.jar, 

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-554) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-nop-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-554) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-554:

Attachment: slf4j-simple-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-555) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j12-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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[jira] Closed: (MAVENUPLOAD-554) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]
Ceki Gulcu closed MAVENUPLOAD-554:

Resolution: Incomplete

I mistakenly uploaded a wrong version of one of the files. Please ignore this 
upload request.

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-555) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-555:

Attachment: slf4j-simple-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-555) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

2005-10-19 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-555:

Attachment: nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.18 and SLF4J 1.0-beta9

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 nlog4j-1.2.18-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-log4j12-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-log4j13-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta9-bundle.jar

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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[jira] Reopened: (MAVENUPLOAD-503) Upload request for jcl104-over-slf4j

2005-09-06 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]
Ceki Gulcu reopened MAVENUPLOAD-503:

Sorry to bug you but I noticed that the issue but  the jcl104-over-slf4j files 
have still not appeared at

Is it due to a delay in refreshing the files?

 Upload request for jcl104-over-slf4j

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Assignee: Carlos Sanchez
  Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar

 Please kindly upload the jcl104-over-slf4j-bundle.jar included as an 
 For details about when to use JCL over SLF4J please refer to

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-503) Upload request for jcl104-over-slf4j

2005-09-05 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Upload request for jcl104-over-slf4j

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: jcl104-over-slf4j-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar

Please kindly upload the jcl104-over-slf4j-bundle.jar included as an attachment.

For details about when to use JCL over SLF4J please refer to

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-493) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7.jar, 
slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7.jar

The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0beta7 of the SLF4J API as well 
as version 1.2.17 of NLOG4J. The POM files for a previous version of SLF4J 
already exist.

Could you please upload the attached jar files to maven? 

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-493) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-493:

Attachment: nlog4j-1.2.17.jar

Added mising NLOG4J 1.2.17 jar.

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7.jar

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0beta7 of the SLF4J API as well 
 as version 1.2.17 of NLOG4J. The POM files for a previous version of SLF4J 
 already exist.
 Could you please upload the attached jar files to maven? 

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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[jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-492) Nees to upload a slf4j beta7 jar

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
[ ] 

Ceki Gulcu commented on MAVENUPLOAD-492:

Duplicate of issue 493,

 Nees to upload a slf4j beta7 jar

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Jeff Genender

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-493) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-493:

Attachment: slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar

Added slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar bundle file

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0beta7 of the SLF4J API as well 
 as version 1.2.17 of NLOG4J. The POM files for a previous version of SLF4J 
 already exist.
 Could you please upload the attached jar files to maven? 

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-493) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-493:

Attachment: slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar


 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0beta7 of the SLF4J API as well 
 as version 1.2.17 of NLOG4J. The POM files for a previous version of SLF4J 
 already exist.
 Could you please upload the attached jar files to maven? 

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-493) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-493:

Attachment: slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0beta7 of the SLF4J API as well 
 as version 1.2.17 of NLOG4J. The POM files for a previous version of SLF4J 
 already exist.
 Could you please upload the attached jar files to maven? 

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[jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-493) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
[ ] 

Ceki Gulcu commented on MAVENUPLOAD-493:

For your convenience I've added bundle files for the various slf4j jars. These 
bundles include LICENSE.txt, project.xml and the relevant jar file.

 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 

 The SLF4J project recently released version 1.0beta7 of the SLF4J API as well 
 as version 1.2.17 of NLOG4J. The POM files for a previous version of SLF4J 
 already exist.
 Could you please upload the attached jar files to maven? 

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[jira] Created: (MAVENUPLOAD-494) Another Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7 (replaces requests 492 and 493)

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
Another Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7 (replaces requests 
492 and 493)

 Project: maven-upload-requests
Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
 Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar

This request supercededs requests 492 and 493. In particular, request 493 
contains bundle files with erroneous project.xml files

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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[jira] Updated: (MAVENUPLOAD-494) Another Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7 (replaces requests 492 and 493)

2005-08-28 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
 [ ]

Ceki Gulcu updated MAVENUPLOAD-494:

Attachment: nlog4j-1.2.17-bundle.jar

 Another Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.17 and SLF4J 1.0-beta7 (replaces 
 requests 492 and 493)

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Ceki Gulcu
  Attachments: nlog4j-1.2.17-bundle.jar, slf4j-jdk14-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, 
 slf4j-nop-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar, slf4j-simple-1.0-beta7-bundle.jar

 This request supercededs requests 492 and 493. In particular, request 493 
 contains bundle files with erroneous project.xml files

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If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators:
For more information on JIRA, see:

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[jira] Commented: (MAVENUPLOAD-431) Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.14 and SLF4J 1.0-beta4

2005-07-20 Thread Ceki Gulcu (JIRA)
[ ] 

Ceki Gulcu commented on MAVENUPLOAD-431:

I can confirm that the file jmxtools.jar ships with JMX 1.2 Reference 
Implementation which you can download from Sun's website.
Please let me know if you need further information.


 Upload request for NLOG4J 1.2.14 and SLF4J 1.0-beta4

  Project: maven-upload-requests
 Type: Task
 Reporter: Alex Karasulu
  Attachments: nlog4j-wrapper-1.2.14.jar, nlog4j-wrapper-1.2.14.jar, 
 slf4j-wrapper-jdk14-1.0-beta4.jar, slf4j-wrapper-jdk14-1.0-beta4.jar, 
 slf4j-wrapper-nop-1.0-beta4.jar, slf4j-wrapper-nop-1.0-beta4.jar, 
 slf4j-wrapper-simple-1.0-beta4.jar, slf4j-wrapper-simple-1.0-beta4.jar

 These files have been listed below rather than using a bundle.  The bundle 
 path is really a URL to our repo at safehaus where we keep these files.  They 
 are not maven based projects so we do not have a project.xml to do this.

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