Re: [DISCUSS] Full-dev role in PR testign

2019-05-01 Thread Justin Leet
> My impression is that this is already the status quo. But, if we think we
> need to be more clear on this, let's put up a vote to change the coding
> guidelines and PR checklist. I've done this many times in the past, the
> most obvious instances are when I've made doc changes or unit test
> modifications because those will not impact full dev. I will own this item.
> I think it can probably get rolled in with my dev guideline changes for
> architecture diagrams.

For completeness in our PR checklist: "- [ ] Have you verified the basic
functionality of the build by building and running locally with Vagrant
full-dev environment or the equivalent?"  In practice, you're right, but
any newer contributors aren't necessarily going to know this.

1. I think we should create Jiras with the end deliverable being that our
> private vs public API endpoints are clearly delineated. From there, we
> create another round of javadoc - for the public APIs let the javadocs rain
> from the heavens to your heart's content. It's for public consumption and
> should assist end users. See Mockito, for example -
> .
> For developer docs, I'm of the *extremely strong* opinion that this should
> be limited. Emphasize module, package, class, and method naming conventions
> over all else. If it doesn't make sense just reading the code, take a
> minute to summarize what you're doing and consider refactoring. For
> legitimately more complex and necessary code passages, add a note. For
> multi-class interactions that provide a larger story arc, add dev docs to
> the relevant READMEs. Our use of Zookeeper Curator and its interaction with
> our topology config loading is a perfect example of a feature that would
> fit this need.
2. I'm an immediate -1 on any documentation that looks like " /** Open the
> car door **/ public void openCarDoor() {...}" :-). The code speaks for
> itself.
> 3. Publish javadocs for public APIs, not our internal dev APIs. Let your
> fav IDE fill in the gaps for devs.

I'm +1 on delineating public vs private APIs like you've outlined there.  I
think our dev stuff is *better* than our general usage guides, but there's
room for improvement. I'm fairly agnostic on the dev docs because to be
honest, a ton of our older code is not at all self explanatory, and to be
blunt refactoring a lot of it is a substantial lift (as we've all seen
multiple times trying to refactor it).  If this were greenfield, I'd be in
much stronger agreement with you, but I suspect in practice there's a lot
of stuff nobody's going to refactor for awhile.

> Full dev until we vote to replace the existing setup and can be confident
> that the new approach 1. is stable, 2. takes <= the amount of time to
> complete as full dev. I am +1 for migrating towards this approach and think
> we should do so when it's dialed in.

Great, I look forward to that getting in.

Justin, what are your thoughts on leveraging this approach along with
> long-lived Docker containers?

Apparently, there's actually an extension for running Docker containers,
see  My main hesitation there
is more around how much effort to migrate it is. I think that's almost
certainly a cleaner long term solution, but I suspect the 80% solution of
migrating what we have *might* be easier.  There might also be ways of just
leveraging this by moving stuff over to failsafe from surefire, but I
really don't know enough about it.

 Clean/reset component state after test method and/or test class

Probably doable regardless of approach, but things can take nontrivial
amounts of time to clean up (e.g. topic deletion or clearing). I believe we
do this right now, so I'd expect to continue with that.

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 8:48 PM Michael Miklavcic <> wrote:

> Justin, what are your thoughts on leveraging this approach along with
> long-lived Docker containers? I think the lifecycle would look like:
>1. I need components A, B, C
>2. If not started, start A, B, C
>3. If started, clean/reset it
>4. Setup pre-test state
>5. Run test(s)
>6. Clean/reset component state after test method and/or test class
>completion (we may consider nuking this step - I assisted in designing
> an
>acceptance testing framework in the past where we handled cleanup on the
>front end. This meant that remediation for failed tests became simpler
>because I still had the state from the failed test run)
> Stopping/removing the containers could be a manual process or just a simple
> script in the project root. We could also add a special module that runs
> last that handles shutting down containers, if desired.
> I know this has been a perennial thread for us. I can dig up the original
> discuss threads on this as well if folks think they're still pertinent, but
> I think we're pretty far removed 

Re: [DISCUSS] Full-dev role in PR testign

2019-05-01 Thread Michael Miklavcic
Justin, what are your thoughts on leveraging this approach along with
long-lived Docker containers? I think the lifecycle would look like:

   1. I need components A, B, C
   2. If not started, start A, B, C
   3. If started, clean/reset it
   4. Setup pre-test state
   5. Run test(s)
   6. Clean/reset component state after test method and/or test class
   completion (we may consider nuking this step - I assisted in designing an
   acceptance testing framework in the past where we handled cleanup on the
   front end. This meant that remediation for failed tests became simpler
   because I still had the state from the failed test run)

Stopping/removing the containers could be a manual process or just a simple
script in the project root. We could also add a special module that runs
last that handles shutting down containers, if desired.

I know this has been a perennial thread for us. I can dig up the original
discuss threads on this as well if folks think they're still pertinent, but
I think we're pretty far removed now from that original point in time and
should just move forward with fresh perspectives.

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 9:21 AM Justin Leet  wrote:

> Re: the integration testing point above, a strategy I used recently to
> alleviate a similar problem was to exploit JUnit 5's extensions.  I haven't
> played with this at all in Metron's code, so 1) Take this with a several
> grains of salt and 2) Feel encouraged to point out anything
> wrong/problematic/ludicrous.  My use case was pretty tame and easy to
> implement.
> Essentially, you can set up an extension backed by a singleton cluster (in
> the case I was doing, I had two extensions, one for a Kafka cluster and one
> for MiniDfs).  The backing clusters expose some methods (i.e. create topic,
> get brokers, get file system, etc.), which lets the tests classes setup
> whatever they need. Classes that need them just use an annotation and can
> be setup under the hood to init only when tests in the current run suite
> actually use them and spin down after all are done. This saved ~1 min on a
> 4 minute build.  It ends up being a pretty clean way to use them, although
> we might need to be a bit more sophisticated, since my case was less
> complicated. The main messiness is that this necessarily invites tests to
> interfere with each other (i.e. if multiple tests use the kafka topic
> "test", problems will be involved). We might be able to improve on this.
> We could likely do something similar with our InMemoryComponents. Right now
> these are spun up on a per-test basis, rather than the overall suite. This
> involves some setup in any class that wants them, just to be able to get a
> cluster.  There's also some definition of spin up order and so on, which is
> already taken care of with the extensions (declaration order).  The other
> catch in our case is that we have way more code covered by JUnit 4, which
> doesn't have the same capabilities.  That migration doesn't necessarily
> have to be done all at once, but it is a potential substantial pain point.
> Basically, I'd hope to push management of our abstraction further back into
> actual JUnit so they're get more reuse across runs and it's easily
> understood what a test needs and uses right up front.  In our case, the
> InMemoryComponents likely map to extensions.
> If we did something like this, it potentially solves a few problems
> * Makes it easy to build an integration test that says "Give me these
> components".
> * Keeps it alive across any test that needs them
> * Only spins it up if there are tests running that do need them. Only spins
> up the necessary components.
> * Lower our build times.
> * Interaction with components remains primarily through the same methods
> you'd normally interact (you can build producers/consumers, or whatever).
> * IMO, easier to explain and have people use.  I've had a couple people
> pretty easily pick up on it.
> I can't share the code, but essentially it looks like (And I'm sure email
> will butcher this, so I'm sorry in advance):
> @ExtendWith({ ...
> @BeforeAll
> public static void beforeAll() {
>// Test specific setup, similar to before. But without the cluster
> creation work.
> }
> Everything else gets handled under the covers, with the caveat that what I
> needed to do was less involved than some of our tests, so there may be some
> experimenting.
> On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 10:59 AM Justin Leet  wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I wanted to start a discussion on something near and dear to all of our
> > hearts: The role of full-dev in our testing cycle.
> >
> > Right now, we require all PRs to have spun up the full-dev environment
> and
> > make sure that things flow through properly. In some cases, this is a
> > necessity, and in other cases, it's a fairly large burden on current and
> > potential contributors.
> >
> > So what do we need to do to reduce our dependence on full dev and
> increase
> > our confidence in our CI process?

[DISCUSS] Dev guideline changes for architecture diagrams

2019-05-01 Thread Michael Miklavcic
Picking up where things left off in the VOTE thread on the subject,
I'm presenting a revision to my original proposal below. I'd like to get
this signed off on before submitting it for another vote. Otto, picking up
where we left off, let me know if this looks good to you.

I'd like to propose a vote to change our dev guidelines which will clarify
the tooling we use to produce diagrams and share the source files for those
diagrams. The original discuss thread is noted at the end of this email. I
propose the dev guidelines and
PR checklist
changed in the following ways:

   1. Under "1.1  Contributing A Code Change"
  1. Change <<"New features and significant bug fixes should be
  documented in the JIRA and appropriate architecture diagrams should be
  attached.  Major features may require a vote.">> to <<"New features
  and significant bug fixes should be documented in the JIRA. Appropriate
  architecture diagrams should be created in
and committed
  to source control as per section 2.4. Diagrams may be requested of PR
  submitters during review either as documentation or as an aid to the
  reviewer. Major features may also require a vote.">>
   2. Under "2.4 Documentation"
  1. New line item <<"Diagrams - We save architecture diagram source
  files in an xml format rendered by (instructions below). This
  is the free tool of choice that we've agreed  to use for exchanging
  diagrams and their source files in Metron.">>
  2. New line item >. This section
  would provide basic instructions for downloading source files from
   3. Add a new checkbox item under PR checklist heading "For documentation
   related changes" with the following text
  1. Have you ensured that any documentation diagrams have been
  updated, along with their source files, using See
   4. Here is the Jira for migrating/redoing existing diagrams

   - Original DISCUSS thread -
   - Original VOTE thread -

Re: [DISCUSS] Full-dev role in PR testign

2019-05-01 Thread Justin Leet
Re: the integration testing point above, a strategy I used recently to
alleviate a similar problem was to exploit JUnit 5's extensions.  I haven't
played with this at all in Metron's code, so 1) Take this with a several
grains of salt and 2) Feel encouraged to point out anything
wrong/problematic/ludicrous.  My use case was pretty tame and easy to

Essentially, you can set up an extension backed by a singleton cluster (in
the case I was doing, I had two extensions, one for a Kafka cluster and one
for MiniDfs).  The backing clusters expose some methods (i.e. create topic,
get brokers, get file system, etc.), which lets the tests classes setup
whatever they need. Classes that need them just use an annotation and can
be setup under the hood to init only when tests in the current run suite
actually use them and spin down after all are done. This saved ~1 min on a
4 minute build.  It ends up being a pretty clean way to use them, although
we might need to be a bit more sophisticated, since my case was less
complicated. The main messiness is that this necessarily invites tests to
interfere with each other (i.e. if multiple tests use the kafka topic
"test", problems will be involved). We might be able to improve on this.

We could likely do something similar with our InMemoryComponents. Right now
these are spun up on a per-test basis, rather than the overall suite. This
involves some setup in any class that wants them, just to be able to get a
cluster.  There's also some definition of spin up order and so on, which is
already taken care of with the extensions (declaration order).  The other
catch in our case is that we have way more code covered by JUnit 4, which
doesn't have the same capabilities.  That migration doesn't necessarily
have to be done all at once, but it is a potential substantial pain point.

Basically, I'd hope to push management of our abstraction further back into
actual JUnit so they're get more reuse across runs and it's easily
understood what a test needs and uses right up front.  In our case, the
InMemoryComponents likely map to extensions.

If we did something like this, it potentially solves a few problems
* Makes it easy to build an integration test that says "Give me these
* Keeps it alive across any test that needs them
* Only spins it up if there are tests running that do need them. Only spins
up the necessary components.
* Lower our build times.
* Interaction with components remains primarily through the same methods
you'd normally interact (you can build producers/consumers, or whatever).
* IMO, easier to explain and have people use.  I've had a couple people
pretty easily pick up on it.

I can't share the code, but essentially it looks like (And I'm sure email
will butcher this, so I'm sorry in advance):
@ExtendWith({ wrote:

> Hi all,
> I wanted to start a discussion on something near and dear to all of our
> hearts: The role of full-dev in our testing cycle.
> Right now, we require all PRs to have spun up the full-dev environment and
> make sure that things flow through properly. In some cases, this is a
> necessity, and in other cases, it's a fairly large burden on current and
> potential contributors.
> So what do we need to do to reduce our dependence on full dev and increase
> our confidence in our CI process?
> My initial thoughts on this encompass a few things
> * Increasing our ability to easily write automated tests. In particular, I
> think our integration testing is fairly hard and has some structural issues
> (e.g. our tests spin up components per Test class, not for the overall test
> suite being run, which also increases build times, etc.). How do we make
> this easier and have less boilerplate?  I have one potential idea I'll
> reply to this thread with.
> * Unit tests in general. I'd argue that any area we thing need full-dev
> spun up to be confident in needs more testing. Does anyone have any
> opinions on which areas we have the least confidence in?  Which areas of
> code are people afraid to touch?
> * Our general procedures. Should we not be requiring full-dev on all PRs,
> but maybe just asking for a justification why not (e.g. "I don't need
> full-dev for this, because I added unit tests here and here and integration
> tests for the these components?"). And then a reviewer can request a
> full-dev spin up if needed?  Could we stage this rollout (e.g.
> metron-platform modules require it, but others don't, etc.?) This'll add
> more pressure onto the release phase, so maybe that involves fleshing out a
> checklist of critical path items to check.
> * Do we need to improve our docs? Publish Javadocs? After all, if docs are
> better, hopefully we'd see less issues introduced and be more confident in
> changes coming in.
> * What environment do we even want testing to occur in?
> has seen a lot of work, and
> getting it across the finish line may help make the dev environment less

[DISCUSS] Full-dev role in PR testign

2019-05-01 Thread Justin Leet
Hi all,

I wanted to start a discussion on something near and dear to all of our
hearts: The role of full-dev in our testing cycle.

Right now, we require all PRs to have spun up the full-dev environment and
make sure that things flow through properly. In some cases, this is a
necessity, and in other cases, it's a fairly large burden on current and
potential contributors.

So what do we need to do to reduce our dependence on full dev and increase
our confidence in our CI process?

My initial thoughts on this encompass a few things
* Increasing our ability to easily write automated tests. In particular, I
think our integration testing is fairly hard and has some structural issues
(e.g. our tests spin up components per Test class, not for the overall test
suite being run, which also increases build times, etc.). How do we make
this easier and have less boilerplate?  I have one potential idea I'll
reply to this thread with.
* Unit tests in general. I'd argue that any area we thing need full-dev
spun up to be confident in needs more testing. Does anyone have any
opinions on which areas we have the least confidence in?  Which areas of
code are people afraid to touch?
* Our general procedures. Should we not be requiring full-dev on all PRs,
but maybe just asking for a justification why not (e.g. "I don't need
full-dev for this, because I added unit tests here and here and integration
tests for the these components?"). And then a reviewer can request a
full-dev spin up if needed?  Could we stage this rollout (e.g.
metron-platform modules require it, but others don't, etc.?) This'll add
more pressure onto the release phase, so maybe that involves fleshing out a
checklist of critical path items to check.
* Do we need to improve our docs? Publish Javadocs? After all, if docs are
better, hopefully we'd see less issues introduced and be more confident in
changes coming in.
* What environment do we even want testing to occur in? has seen a lot of work, and
getting it across the finish line may help make the dev environment less
onerous, even if still needed.

Re: [DISCUSS] Metron Release - 0.7.1 next steps

2019-05-01 Thread Justin Leet
Short version: I'm in favor of #2 of 0.7.1 and #1 as a blocker for 0.8.0.
#3 seems like a total waste of time and effort.

The wall of text version:
I agree this isn't "just the wrong thing shown", but for completely
different reasons.

To be extremely clear about what the problem is: Our "dev" environment
(whose very name implies the audience is develops) uses a performance-based
advanced feature to ensure that all our of sample flows are regularly run
and produce data. This feature has a bare minimal implementation to be
enabled via Ambari, which it currently is by default.  This is because of
the limited resources available that previously resulted in us turning off
Yaf, and therefore testing it during regular full dev runs. Right now
however, this feature is not exposed through the management UI, and
therefore it isn't obvious what the implications are. Am I missing anything

For users actually choosing to use the parser aggregation feature in a
non-full-dev environment, I'd expect substantially more care to be involved
given the lack of easy configuration for it (after all, why would you
bother running the aggregated parser alongside the regular parser? This
could be more explicitly stated, but again that feels like a doc problem.
Right now I could essentially provide two of the same parser and create the
same problem, so right now aggregation is only special because it runs on
dev by default).  This is, in my opinion, primarily a first impression
problem and likely one of many areas that could use improved documentation.

Quite frankly, I think the issue pointed out here could mostly be resolved
by documenting how the current aggregation is done in dev, and telling how
to change it.  Especially for a 0.x.1 release, which is primarily bug
fixes. As can be inferred from my vote, I don't think this problem is a
problem that needs solving in a point release.  I would support improving
the documentation, both full-dev and for aggregation in general for the
0.7.1 point release, while making a 0.8.0 release contingent upon the
outstanding PRs to enable it in the management UI.

There are a couple deeper issues, imo, that I care substantially more about
than this in particular
* The dev environment is being used as our intro for users, because it's
convenient for us to not maintain more environments (which has been a major
pain point in the past). Worse, the dev environment strongly implies it's
for Metron developers, rather than people looking to build on top of
Metron. We need an actual strategy for providing end users a clean
impression of Metron (this could be clarifying what the expectations of
full dev are, renaming it to something like "full-demo", something more
involved, etc.). This is something that we've needed for awhile in general,
and includes larger topics like improving our website, potentially
improving the site book, actually publishing our Javadocs somewhere so
people can develop things easier, publishing out info about Stellar
functions in a better manner, etc.
* The fact that parsers are handled in Ambari at all. It's awful and leads
to situations like this. To the best of my knowledge, once we can do
chaining and aggregation in the Management UI, we should be able to
entirely divorce these two overlapping domains.  I'd love to see parsers
ripped out of Ambari, then full-dev manages all the setup via REST. At that
point, we can easily tell everyone to just use the management UI.

On Wed, May 1, 2019 at 7:23 AM Otto Fowler  wrote:

> I think it would help if the full consequences of having the UI show the
> wrong status where listed.
> Someone trying metron, will, by default , see the wrong thing in the UI for
> the ONLY sensors they have that are running and doing data.
> What happens when they try to start them to make them work? One, two or
> all?
> What happens when he edits them or try to add transformations? One, two or
> all?
> What other things can you do with the sensors in the ui?  What happens?
> Are we recommending aggregation on the list and elsewhere for users?  Are
> we recommending something that is going to ensure they get into this
> situation?
> I think this is more than ‘just the wrong thing shown’ in the ui.
> On April 30, 2019 at 20:48:10, Michael Miklavcic (
> wrote:
> The vote for RC1 did not pass and I'd like to kickstart some discussion
> about what we should do.
> I started taking a look at PR#1360 and it looks like this isn't quite as
> close to being able go in as I had originally expected. I want to talk
> about options here. It seems to me that we can:
> 1. Wait for PR#1360 to go in, but this is likely going to take more time
> than originally anticipated
> 2. Accept the issue in full dev, but add some notes in the developer
> docs about the current feature gap and why sensors aren't showing status in
> the management UI when aggregation is enabled.
> 3. Find some other workable UI solution.
> 4. 

Re: [DISCUSS] Metron Release - 0.7.1 next steps

2019-05-01 Thread Otto Fowler
I think it would help if the full consequences of having the UI show the
wrong status where listed.

Someone trying metron, will, by default , see the wrong thing in the UI for
the ONLY sensors they have that are running and doing data.

What happens when they try to start them to make them work? One, two or all?
What happens when he edits them or try to add transformations? One, two or
What other things can you do with the sensors in the ui?  What happens?

Are we recommending aggregation on the list and elsewhere for users?  Are
we recommending something that is going to ensure they get into this

I think this is more than ‘just the wrong thing shown’ in the ui.

On April 30, 2019 at 20:48:10, Michael Miklavcic ( wrote:

The vote for RC1 did not pass and I'd like to kickstart some discussion
about what we should do.

I started taking a look at PR#1360 and it looks like this isn't quite as
close to being able go in as I had originally expected. I want to talk
about options here. It seems to me that we can:

1. Wait for PR#1360 to go in, but this is likely going to take more time
than originally anticipated
2. Accept the issue in full dev, but add some notes in the developer
docs about the current feature gap and why sensors aren't showing status in
the management UI when aggregation is enabled.
3. Find some other workable UI solution.
4. Other option?

All things considered, I'm personally leaning towards #2 in the short-term,
but I think we should probably talk about this a bit before deciding what
RC2 should be.
