[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-26 Thread james-sirota
Github user james-sirota commented on the issue:

+1 from me as well. Great job @justinleet  


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-26 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

+1  This was more challenging than meets the eye.  Thanks for working 
through this @justinleet .  We have some use cases to figure out, but this is a 
good first step toward metaalerts.


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-25 Thread justinleet
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:

Master is merged in, so this Travis run should be legit


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-25 Thread justinleet
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:

Travis failure should be resolved once 
https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/816 is in, and I'll merge in master and 
push again once it is.


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-25 Thread justinleet
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:

@nickwallen I added testing around the status stuff, and a couple docs. Let 
me know if there's anything else that should be updated (or isn't clear or 
whatever else).


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-25 Thread justinleet
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:

### Testing
Testing purely based on the REST API. Having said that, if you want to do 
like @nickwallen did and pull in https://github.com/apache/metron/pull/803 into 
the same branch, you should be able to follow his examples that he posted 
screenshots for. Having done this myself, there should be no merge conflicts.

Throughout the following instructions, make sure to substitute GUIDs and 
index appropriately.

Create a meta alert.
  "groups": [
  "guidToIndices": {

Retrieve the meta alert.  Either use curl or use `findOne` endpoint on the 
returned GUID from the previous response.
curl -XGET 

Ensure the contained alert has the appropriate guid, e.g.
"guid": "c4060f38-aa20-4670-a85f-9d6e9fe0931a",

Retrieve the child alert, again through curl or `findOne`
curl -XGET 

Ensure the meta alerts field contains a link to the meta alert we created.
  "metaalerts": [

Run a search that should match both and ensure only the meta alert is 
  "fields": [
  "from": 0,
  "size": 10,
  "indices": [
  "query": "guid:\"c4060f38-aa20-4670-a85f-9d6e9fe0931a\" OR 

  "total": 1,
  "results": [
  "id": "54f979ec-1491-4c8d-9292-db9202cdba86",
  "source": {
"_timestamp": 1508942592157
  "score": 1,
  "index": "metaalert_index"

This can also be run where multiple matches happen
  "fields": [
  "from": 0,
  "size": 10,
  "indices": [
  "query": "ip_dst_addr: OR alert.ip_dst_addr:"

Results are omitted for size, but the child alert should not show up, but 
the meta alert should.  Just do a find on the results if there are a lot or 
modify the query.

Updating Status
A status update will carry through for all the child alerts.  I.e. going 
from "active" to "inactive" and vice-versa will manage the links.
  "guid": "54f979ec-1491-4c8d-9292-db9202cdba86",
  "index": "metaalert",
  "patch": [{
  "op": "replace"
, "path": "/status"
, "value": "inactive"
  "sensorType": "metaalert",
  "source": {}

Retrieving the meta alert will now give an "inactive" status

Retrieving the alert itself again will now have the metaalerts field as 
follows (assuming this alert isn't in any other meta alerts):
"metaalerts": []

It should also show up in our search again (but the metaalert won't!)

Try changing it back to active and ensure the child is linked again and is 
hidden from the results.
  "guid": "54f979ec-1491-4c8d-9292-db9202cdba86",
  "index": "metaalert",
  "patch": [{
  "op": "replace"
, "path": "/status"
, "value": "active"
  "sensorType": "metaalert",
  "source": {}

The link in the alert should also be back.


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-24 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

Thanks @justinleet .  This is working well with @iraghumitra UI work in 

The metalerts show-up in the left-side "Filters" panel, which provides a 
decent short-cut to retrieve the metaalerts.  For example, here I created 4 
metaalerts.  If I click on "metaalerts" on that left panel, it filters 
everything down to metaalerts.

![screen shot 2017-10-24 at 6 31 39 

Filtering does nicely retrieve both alerts and metaalerts.

![screen shot 2017-10-24 at 6 33 19 


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-24 Thread justinleet
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:

@nickwallen It's not a perfect solution, but I added the "source:type" 
field for consistency and to allow for filtering and retrieval of just meta 
alerts in an obvious way.  Should just be "source:type" of "metaalert"


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread justinleet
Github user justinleet commented on the issue:

Kick Travis


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

Another thing I noticed is that there does not seem to be a way to retrieve 
meta-alerts that you have created.  

For example, I created a meta-alert where `host:ip-addr.es`.  Assuming we 
exclude metaalerts from all the nice "group by" functionality, then I need to 
find it using search.  But if I search with `host:ip-addr.es` or even 
`alert.host.ip-addr.es` it does not return any results.

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 6 12 46 

When using `alert.host`  the UI submits the following which returns no 
  "indices": [
  "facetFields": [
  "query": "(host:ip\\-addr.es OR alert.host:ip\\-addr.es)",
  "from": 0,
  "size": 25,
  "sort": [
  "field": "host",
  "sortOrder": "asc"

I ran this by @justinleet and we found that it is the `sort` field that 
prevents the meta-alerts from being returned.  Removing the sort field like the 
following query does actually return the meta-alert.

  "indices": [
  "facetFields": [
  "query": "(host:ip\\-addr.es OR alert.host:ip\\-addr.es)",
  "from": 0,
  "size": 25


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread james-sirota
Github user james-sirota commented on the issue:

@nickwallen to avoid scope creep on this PR I created a follow-on PR to 
figure out how to represent meta alerts in the facet panel.  

I agreee with @merrimanr that meta alerts contains multiple alerts each 
with with distinct meta data and faceting them with the non-grouped alerts 
doesn't make sense IMO.  We do need to figure out a way to visualize metadata 
of the meta alert (maybe have a separate facet panel for meta alerts?), but I 
think this will add scope to this PR and therefore should be resolved outside 
of this PR.


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

> @nickwallen suppose you have a metaalert that contains 2 alerts. Then 
suppose each alert has a different value for the host field. If you grouped on 
host, which group would you expect the metaalert to appear in?

I would say both.  Let me try and explain that.

To me, the "group by" functionality is super-powerful for digging down deep 
into the alerts data.  When I group by hostname and open that accordian, I 
expect to see all the alerts related to that hostname.  That would include a 
meta-alert that has even 1 contained alert related to that hostname.  

Maybe there are other corner cases that I am not considering, but that's 
what I would expect.


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

> I find that extremely confusing as a user of the tool.

To explain that a bit more (and continuing with that same basic example)... 

As a user I created a meta-alert where the hostname is "ip-addr.es".  Since 
I created a meta-alert around that specific hostname, that must be a pretty 
important host name.  It is probably something I am investigating right now.

Now imagine I ask my Tier III to take a look at that weird hostname.  He's 
going to do something like this to attempt to find that problematic hostname.  

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 4 55 17 

It appears that the hostname "ip-addr.es" is completely missing.  It is as 
if we lost data.  This is the kind of work flow that I think is very confusing.


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread merrimanr
Github user merrimanr commented on the issue:

@nickwallen suppose you have a metaalert that contains 2 alerts.  Then 
suppose each alert has a different value for the host field.  If you grouped on 
host, which group would you expect the metaalert to appear in?


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

@james-sirota I find that extremely confusing as a user of the tool.  We 
need to document that fact and some reasoning behind it at the very least.


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread james-sirota
Github user james-sirota commented on the issue:

@nickwallen what you are looking at is a desired behavior.  If the alerts 
are a part of the meta alert they do not appear in the facets 


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread merrimanr
Github user merrimanr commented on the issue:

I believe excluding metaalerts from the group by view is the desired 


[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

I am seeing another issue that may or may not be related.  It seems that 
when I am using the "group by" functionality, I cannot see meta-alerts at all.

(1) If I am not using the "group by", I can see the meta-alert perfectly 

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 4 40 01 

(2) Now I want to group by host.  I click the "host" group by widget, but 
there are no results.  I am left thinking... Where did the meta-alert go?   The 
only way I can see the meta-alert is to not use the "group by" functionality.

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 4 42 29 

(3) And the UI screenshots match what is returned by the underlying API.  
In the case of the missing meta-alert, this is the request/response. 

  "indices": [
  "scoreField": "threat:triage:score",
  "groups": [
  "field": "host",
  "order": {
"sortOrder": "desc",
"groupOrderType": "term"
  "query": "(host:ip\\-addr.es OR alert.host:ip\\-addr.es)"



[GitHub] metron issue #811: METRON-1272: Hide child alerts from searches and grouping...

2017-10-23 Thread nickwallen
Github user nickwallen commented on the issue:

It appears to me that the alerts contained within a meta-alert are not 
contributing to the facet counts returned by a search request.  I think we 
still do want that to happen.  Let me explain with an example and screenshots.

Note: I am testing this together with the UI changes in #803 .

1. First, I isolate 10 alerts with a specific host name that I want to work 
with.  I have turned off ingest so that no additional alerts should appear 
during the running of this example.  I can see that the facet counts are what I 
would expect.

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 3 01 45 

2. Next, I group by host so that I can create my meta-alert.

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 3 01 58 

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 3 02 09 

3. Immediately after creating the meta-alert, I do not immediately see it.  
I think this is a problem with the UI itself not refreshing after creating the 
alert.  This might need fixed in #803 .

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 3 02 37 

4. If I then trigger another search, I do see the meta-alert.  Great!

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 3 03 14 

5. Next I just expand the meta-alert to validate that the 10 original 
alerts were added.  You can see from this screenshot that the facet counts all 
show 0.  This tells me that the facet counts are not including meta-alerts.

![screen shot 2017-10-23 at 3 08 55 
