On Wed, Aug 24, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Edouard De Oliveira

<doe_wan...@yahoo.fr> wrote:
> On 8/21/11 11:48 PM, Alan D. Cabrera wrote:
>> On Aug 21, 2011, at 11:39 AM, Edouard De Oliveira wrote:
>>> But i'm feeling more and more confused by the fsm need : as you said some 
>>> management bits in the session can switch on/off some filters why do we 
>>> want to complicate the coder 's life using a two state FSM (in the case of 
>>> multiple filters it would generate  a much more complicated FSM that the 
>>> coder would have to describe with code ... better ?) ?
>>> Do you want the fsm to control the flow between filters (state=filter ?) or 
>>> do you want your fsm to control if a filter is active ?
>> There's no reason why one could not have a chain of FSMs.  You get the exact 
>> same behavior with less framework code.
>>The reason why MINA 1 and 2 has a chain is unclear. One possible 
>>explainaition is that MINA was supposed to implement the SEDA >architecture 
>>(each filter communicate with the next filter using a queue, and as this 
>>architecture is supposed to spread filters on more than >one computer, then 
>>it's easier to implement it using a chain. Well, that's my perception. One 
>>other reason was the lack of vision about the >possible use cases. 6 years in 
>>restrospect, I do think that this need never surfaced...
> With the growing of the base code it's easier just by looking at what exists 
> to find some use case one would not have though of at this time
>>The more I think about this problem, the more I think that FSM is the way to 
>>go :
>>- we don't add filters dynamically on a created session
>>- we *always* know which filter we will call whatever state we are : it's a 
>>protocol we are handling, it's well defined !
> +1 : it's just that it will require much more preliminary toughts to start 
> coding a server -> that's our good practices promoting thing
>>- debugging will be easier
> i won't be so categorical about this as whatever graph type you use to 
> describe your 'chain' it will still be session/data dependent
>>- we won't have to use some strange Mutiplexer filter in order to call one 
>>filter or another depending on the message we are dealing with, like >it's 
>>currently the case in MINA 2
> not so strange as it is a well known design pattern (Command Pattern)
>>- coding a protocol will be easier
> we have to make basic servers easier (or as easy as before) too
>>- we can define @ to declare the FSM, making the developper's life easier (an 
>>idea that needs to be developed...)
>>i was also planning on some @ (like @unique to limit the presence of a filter 
>>in the chain or some more generic one that would provide the name and the 
>>unicity of the filter for Mina 2 obviously)
>>for mina 3 i indeed was wondering if somehow we could use @ to prevent 
>>bloated FSM declaration code and found this interesting article >which could 
>>be a good base to start with :
> You can find a fast hack at the following pastebin url which shows how i 
> changed the original code of the article to add data dependent transitions :
> http://pastebin.com/CjXjJ2Q1
>>Do we all agree on that ?
>>There's lot of momentum on this solution so it should be given at least a try 

>it's hard for me to figure if it's going to be the solution witout a
>more complex example implementation

it's far from being an implementation it's just a basic poc that a fsm can be 
built with @

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