RE: We have another version of MyFaces web page :)

2007-12-14 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
I like the other one


De: Adonis Raduca [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:55 AM
Para: MyFaces Development
Asunto: We have another version of MyFaces web page :)



We have another version of MyFaces web page. :)
What do you think about this one ?

Have a nice evening !

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Has anybody integrated Sitemesh+JSF/Tomahawk?

2007-12-12 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros


In this URL 
the user has taken the sitemesh-example.war plus the jsf-guessNumber to work.


Question is:

I would like to know if Sitemesh works with Tomahawk library using the 
extensions filter tomahawk needs, that is, Sitemesh template decorates pages 
written in JSF technology and I also wonder if the Sitemesh template can be 
also a JSF page.


Any thoughts?

Or should I use Facelet?

Or should I use Tiles 2?




Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


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Has anybody integrated Sitemesh+JSF/Tomahawk?

2007-12-12 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros


In this URL 
the user has taken the sitemesh-example.war plus the jsf-guessNumber to work.


Question is:

I would like to know if Sitemesh works with Tomahawk library using the 
extensions filter tomahawk needs, that is, Sitemesh template decorates pages 
written in JSF technology and I also wonder if the Sitemesh template can be 
also a JSF page.


Any thoughts?

Or should I use Facelet?

Or should I use Tiles 2?



Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


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On Tomahawk panelNavigation clickability

2007-12-10 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros


I just wonder why the panel navigation component calls the onclick javaScript 
event for each node in the hierarchy.

That is.  If I have a tree like this

+ parent 1

  + parent 2

 - child 1

 - child 2

  + parent 3

 - child 3


And if I click on child 2 then a on click event is called for each node above 
it, i.e., parent 2 and then for parent 1




Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


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RE: Question: Extension Filter

2007-11-30 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
I forgot.  If this is not the correct place to ask something related to 
Tomahawk 1.1.6, then, I world like to know to which mailing list I should post, 


De: Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Friday, November 30, 2007 1:34 PM
Para: MyFaces Development
Asunto: Question: Extension Filter


Has anybody come across with a solution that really Works in Tomahawk 1.1.6 
that does not encode the whole page while using the Extension filter?


That is if I put a character in my JSP page like á it gets converted to #255; 
which is wrong?



Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


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Question: Extension Filter

2007-11-30 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
Has anybody come across with a solution that really Works in Tomahawk 1.1.6 
that does not encode the whole page while using the Extension filter?


That is if I put a character in my JSP page like á it gets converted to #255; 
which is wrong?



Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


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A Bug in org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter functionallity

2007-11-29 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
HI you all

This is a repost, as I have not got a solution to my question by tomahawk 
developers (this is regarding the Extension Filter class 
org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter which I consider there is a 
bug because the resulting page gets HTML encoded which should not be, that is, 
where in the page there is a á character and using the page encoding 
windows-1252  it is converted to the equivalent #255; HTML code and thus 
altering the functionality of the page as such). Following is the original POST.

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you all.


After a great amount of time trying to find why web page in the source code 
gets altered I concluded that the Extensions Filter is doing something that 
should not be doing or perhaps I don't know how to fix.


Here is the situation.

First code sample

%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=h%

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=f%




  meta http-equiv=Content-Type

content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/

  meta name=Eddy Johana Angarita Navarro content=TRÉBOL Software 

script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript

//Valida la longitud de un texto.

function validaLongitud(texto, longitud, e) {

if (!e) e = window.event;


if (!isEdicionKey(e)  texto.value.length = longitud) {

alert(No puede digitar más de  + longitud +  caracteres.);

return false;



return true;


// Valida si la tecla presionada es de edición.

// Utilizar unicamente en evento onkeydown.

function isEdicionKey(e) {

if (!e) e = window.event;

var key = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;


return (key==8 || key==9 || (key = 33  key = 40) || key==45 || key==46);



function doOnKeyDown(e) {

  var obj = document.getElementById(frmSistemas:nombreSistema);

  validaLongitud(obj.value, 10, e);



  titleThis is a full text sample/title


body onload=alert('más o áéíóúñÑ');This is it verbatim and maacute;s to


h:inputText maxlength=10 onkeypress=return validaLongitud(this, 10, 





See the text in bold above.

I am using MyFaces tomahawk and have configured the ExtensionsFilter as stated 
in the page


I have put this page in a tomcat server and captured the generated java code 
and the characters are preserved but when I look at the source code in the 
Internet Browser, it gets altered to HTML characters, that is á is changed to 
aacute; or #255;.


See in page

%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

meta http-equiv=Content-Type

content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/


To enforce page is interpreted correctly by browser


I think this is a bug because the whole page should not be encoded, only what 
needed by the filter.

Is there a way to fix this or it is indeed a bug in the library.




Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


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spreading, copy or illegal use of this information is strictly prohibited and 
will be sanctioned by legal means.

RE: A Bug in org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter functionallity

2007-11-29 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
Gracias, Simon

I am using tomahawk version 1.1.6 and I think this match must be present in 
this version, I will check, by the way, I am new to this process and I actually 
happen not to know what to do with the add_resource_encoding.diff file and how 
I am to compile the source.

Debugging is an option.  I will have it present but as you say, I do not have 
enough time to set a debugging session.

I am also new to the mailing lists to communicate.
Hope to be more helpful with time.

Thanks in advance and I think I will use this information somehow.

-Mensaje original-
De: Simon Kitching [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Thursday, November 29, 2007 12:57 PM
Para: MyFaces Development
Asunto: Re: A Bug in org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter 

Hi Carlos,

I've done some work on the ExtensionsFilter in the past.

You may well be right that this class is the cause of your problems. It does 
create a fake ResponseWriter object in order to buffer all the data generated 
for the page. It then performs some post-processing of the generated page and 
finally writes the data out to the real ResponseWriter. It's possible that some 
setting is getting lost on the way.

I'm not sure what effect something like this has:
 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%
but I presume it sets properties on the HttpResponse object.

See class ExtensionsResponseWrapper and ExtensionsFilter.

To actually write stuff, the ExtensionsFilter calls this method in 

public void writeResponse(HttpServletRequest request,
  HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException
ResponseWriter writer = new 
HtmlResponseWriterImpl(response.getWriter(), HtmlRendererUtils

I can see that the final writer is created using response.getCharacterEncoding, 
which looks like it is trying to follow the current setting.

Actually, I see that this bit of code to set the characterEncoding was added 
for this issue:
in revision 379145 (2006-02-20) so you should check that you've got a release 
that is newer than that date as this might fix the problem.

You don't mention what version of Tomahawk you are using.

If using a version with this patch in it doesn't help then I guess you'll have 
to do some debugging on your own. At least with open source that is possible!

Note that I don't have any time to personally try to debug this for you, but I 
hope this info is some help. If you do come up with a patch I will try to 
review it and commit it.



 Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros [EMAIL PROTECTED] schrieb:
 HI you all
 This is a repost, as I have not got a solution to my question by tomahawk 
 developers (this is regarding the Extension Filter class 
 org.apache.myfaces.webapp.filter.ExtensionsFilter which I consider there is a 
 bug because the resulting page gets HTML encoded which should not be, that 
 is, where in the page there is a á character and using the page encoding 
 windows-1252  it is converted to the equivalent #255; HTML code and thus 
 altering the functionality of the page as such). Following is the original 
 Any help is appreciated.
 Thank you all.
 After a great amount of time trying to find why web page in the source code 
 gets altered I concluded that the Extensions Filter is doing something that 
 should not be doing or perhaps I don't know how to fix.
 Here is the situation.
 First code sample
 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%
 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=h%
 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=f%
   meta http-equiv=Content-Type
 content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/
   meta name=Eddy Johana Angarita Navarro content=TRÉBOL Software 
 script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript
 //Valida la longitud de un texto.
 function validaLongitud(texto, longitud, e) {
 if (!e) e = window.event;
 if (!isEdicionKey(e)  texto.value.length = longitud) {
 alert(No puede digitar más de  + longitud +  caracteres.);
 return false;
 return true;
 // Valida si la tecla presionada es de edición.
 // Utilizar unicamente en evento onkeydown.
 function isEdicionKey(e) {
 if (!e) e = window.event;
 var key = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;
 return (key==8 || key==9 || (key = 33  key = 40) || key==45 || key==46);
 function doOnKeyDown(e) {
   var obj = document.getElementById(frmSistemas:nombreSistema);
   validaLongitud(obj.value, 10, e);
   titleThis is a full text sample

An Extensions Filter Bug

2007-11-28 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
HI you all


After a great amount of time trying to find why web page in the source code 
gets altered I concluded that the Extensions Filter is doing something that 
should not be doing or perhaps I don't know how to fix.


Here is the situation.

First code sample

%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=h%

%@ taglib uri=; prefix=f%




  meta http-equiv=Content-Type

content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/

  meta name=Eddy Johana Angarita Navarro content=TRÉBOL Software 

script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript

//Valida la longitud de un texto.

function validaLongitud(texto, longitud, e) {

if (!e) e = window.event;


if (!isEdicionKey(e)  texto.value.length = longitud) {

alert(No puede digitar más de  + longitud +  caracteres.);

return false;



return true;


// Valida si la tecla presionada es de edición.

// Utilizar unicamente en evento onkeydown.

function isEdicionKey(e) {

if (!e) e = window.event;

var key = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;


return (key==8 || key==9 || (key = 33  key = 40) || key==45 || key==46);



function doOnKeyDown(e) {

  var obj = document.getElementById(frmSistemas:nombreSistema);

  validaLongitud(obj.value, 10, e);



  titleThis is a full text sample/title


body onload=alert('más o áéíóúñÑ');This is it verbatim and maacute;s to


h:inputText maxlength=10 onkeypress=return validaLongitud(this, 10, 





See the text in bold above.

I am using MyFaces tomahawk and have configured the ExtensionsFilter as stated 
in the page


I have put this page in a tomcat server and captured the generated java code 
and the characters are preserved but when I look at the source code in the 
Internet Browser, it gets altered to HTML characters, that is á is changed to 
aacute; or #255;.


See in page

%@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

meta http-equiv=Content-Type

content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/


To enforce page is interpreted correctly by browser


I think this is a bug because the whole page should not be encoded, only what 
needed by the filter.

Is there a way to fix this or it is indeed a bug in the library.



Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


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de TRÉBOL Software S.A. Es  únicamente para el uso del destinatario
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TREBOL Software S.A. Only the destiny user is able to make use of the data here 
contained, which is private and/or confidential. Any revision, broadcasting, 
spreading, copy or illegal use of this information is strictly prohibited and 
will be sanctioned by legal means.

RE: An Extensions Filter Bug

2007-11-28 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
I am using Tomahawk library, JSF1.2, and traed the f:verbatim and nothing 
happened that way. It is the extension filter.

-Mensaje original-
De: Scott O'Bryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:42 PM
Para: MyFaces Development
Asunto: Re: An Extensions Filter Bug

Are you using JSF 1.2 or JSF 1.1. If you are using 1.1, you'll either 
want to use the f:verbatum tag to wrap non-faces content.


Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros wrote:

 HI you all

 After a great amount of time trying to find why web page in the source 
 code gets altered I concluded that the Extensions Filter is doing 
 something that should not be doing or perhaps I don't know how to fix.

 Here is the situation.

 First code sample

 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=h%

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=f%




 meta http-equiv=Content-Type

 content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/

 meta name=Eddy Johana Angarita Navarro content=TRÉBOL Software 

 script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript

 //Valida la longitud de un texto.

 function validaLongitud(texto, longitud, e) {

 if (!e) e = window.event;

 if (!isEdicionKey(e)  texto.value.length = longitud) {

 *alert(No puede digitar más de  + longitud +  caracteres.);*

 return false;


 return true;


 // Valida si la tecla presionada es de edición.

 // Utilizar unicamente en evento onkeydown.

 function isEdicionKey(e) {

 if (!e) e = window.event;

 var key = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;

 return (key==8 || key==9 || (key = 33  key = 40) || key==45 || 


 function doOnKeyDown(e) {

 var obj = document.getElementById(frmSistemas:nombreSistema);

 validaLongitud(obj.value, 10, e);



 titleThis is a full text sample/title


 body onload=*alert('más o áéíóúñÑ'*);This is it verbatim and 
 maacute;s to


 h:inputText maxlength=10 onkeypress=return validaLongitud(this, 
 10, event);/




 See the text in bold above.

 I am using MyFaces tomahawk and have configured the ExtensionsFilter 
 as stated in the page

 I have put this page in a tomcat server and captured the generated 
 java code and the characters are preserved but when I look at the 
 source code in the Internet Browser, it gets altered to HTML 
 characters, that is á is changed to aacute; or #255;.

 See in page

 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

 meta http-equiv=Content-Type

 content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/

 To enforce page is interpreted correctly by browser

 I think this is a bug because the whole page should not be encoded, 
 only what needed by the filter.

 Is there a way to fix this or it is indeed a bug in the library.


 Ingeniero de Desarrollo

 **TRÉBOL Software S.A.**

 Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

 Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

 Medellín - Colombia

 La información de este mensaje y sus anexos son propiedad exclusiva
 de TRÉBOL Software S.A. Es  únicamente para el uso del destinatario
 intencional  y  pueden  contener  información de carácter privado o
 confidencial. Le  informamos que cualquier revisión, retransmisión,
 divulgación,  copia  o  uso  indebido  del mismo está estrictamente
 prohibida  y será sancionada legalmente.

 Information contained in this message and every attachment is property of 
 TREBOL Software S.A. Only the destiny user is able to make use of the data 
 here contained, which is private and/or confidential. Any revision, 
 broadcasting, spreading, copy or illegal use of this information is strictly 
 prohibited and will be sanctioned by legal means.

La información de este mensaje y sus anexos son propiedad exclusiva
de TRÉBOL Software S.A. Es  únicamente para el uso del destinatario
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Information contained in this message and every attachment is property of 
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contained, which is private and/or confidential. Any revision, broadcasting, 
spreading, copy or illegal use of this information is strictly prohibited and 
will be sanctioned by legal means.

RE: An Extensions Filter Bug

2007-11-28 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
You are right. I am trying to encode page as Windows-1252 page. The problem as 
you can read the JSP page I have included, in the original message. There I 
have characters like á, I ask the Tomcat server to handle the page and I 
capture the generated Java source for page and the characters like á is therein 
and the page gets to the Internet browser but surprise, when I look at the 
generated code the á is converted to a#255; which is the equivalent to the á 
in HTML encoding.

I am using Tomahawk 1.1.6
MyFaces Tomahawk 1.1.6 Distribution and configured the Extensions Filter 
because I indeed use the t:Tags such as t:inputcalendar, etc, and if I put this 
Extension the page works well (although in the example there is no reference to 
it, but elsewhere the page works but renders á the way I don't want, and if I 
take away the Extension filter and use t:inputCalendar an exception is 
raisedthat's why I suspect this is a bug.

You can try for yourself, I think!

-Mensaje original-
De: Scott O'Bryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Enviado el: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 4:16 PM
Para: MyFaces Development
Asunto: Re: An Extensions Filter Bug

Yeah sorry I got side tracked with the syntax.  :)  JSF1.2 handles 
inline html correctly.  :)

Now for your question.  What exactly are you asking?  In your page 
declaration, you are setting the charset to be windows-1252.  This means 
that code will be transmitted to the browser using that encoding.  The 
meta tag tells the browser what character set you are using.  Should it 
be doing something different?


Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros wrote:
 I am using Tomahawk library, JSF1.2, and traed the f:verbatim and nothing 
 happened that way. It is the extension filter.

 -Mensaje original-
 De: Scott O'Bryan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Enviado el: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 3:42 PM
 Para: MyFaces Development
 Asunto: Re: An Extensions Filter Bug

 Are you using JSF 1.2 or JSF 1.1. If you are using 1.1, you'll either 
 want to use the f:verbatum tag to wrap non-faces content.


 Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros wrote:
 HI you all

 After a great amount of time trying to find why web page in the source 
 code gets altered I concluded that the Extensions Filter is doing 
 something that should not be doing or perhaps I don't know how to fix.

 Here is the situation.

 First code sample

 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=h%

 %@ taglib uri=; prefix=f%




 meta http-equiv=Content-Type

 content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/

 meta name=Eddy Johana Angarita Navarro content=TRÉBOL Software 

 script type=text/javascript language=JavaScript

 //Valida la longitud de un texto.

 function validaLongitud(texto, longitud, e) {

 if (!e) e = window.event;

 if (!isEdicionKey(e)  texto.value.length = longitud) {

 *alert(No puede digitar más de  + longitud +  caracteres.);*

 return false;


 return true;


 // Valida si la tecla presionada es de edición.

 // Utilizar unicamente en evento onkeydown.

 function isEdicionKey(e) {

 if (!e) e = window.event;

 var key = e.which ? e.which : e.keyCode;

 return (key==8 || key==9 || (key = 33  key = 40) || key==45 || 


 function doOnKeyDown(e) {

 var obj = document.getElementById(frmSistemas:nombreSistema);

 validaLongitud(obj.value, 10, e);



 titleThis is a full text sample/title


 body onload=*alert('más o áéíóúñÑ'*);This is it verbatim and 
 maacute;s to


 h:inputText maxlength=10 onkeypress=return validaLongitud(this, 
 10, event);/




 See the text in bold above.

 I am using MyFaces tomahawk and have configured the ExtensionsFilter 
 as stated in the page

 I have put this page in a tomcat server and captured the generated 
 java code and the characters are preserved but when I look at the 
 source code in the Internet Browser, it gets altered to HTML 
 characters, that is á is changed to aacute; or #255;.

 See in page

 %@ page contentType=text/html;charset=windows-1252%

 meta http-equiv=Content-Type

 content=text/html; charset=windows-1252/

 To enforce page is interpreted correctly by browser

 I think this is a bug because the whole page should not be encoded, 
 only what needed by the filter.

 Is there a way to fix this or it is indeed a bug in the library.


 Ingeniero de Desarrollo

 **TRÉBOL Software S.A.**

 Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

 Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

 Medellín - Colombia

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 de TRÉBOL Software S.A. Es  únicamente para el uso del destinatario
 intencional  y  pueden  contener  información de carácter privado o
 confidencial. Le  informamos que

How to effectivly change the CSS for INPUTCalendar

2007-11-28 Thread Carlos Adolfo Ortiz Quiros
What is the best or suggested way to change the CSS for the InputCalendar?



Ingeniero de Desarrollo

TRÉBOL Software S.A.

Tel : (574)3110663 Fax : (574)3113474

Dirección Cll 16 # 28-195

Medellín - Colombia 


La información de este mensaje y sus anexos son propiedad exclusiva
de TRÉBOL Software S.A. Es  únicamente para el uso del destinatario
intencional  y  pueden  contener  información de carácter privado o
confidencial. Le  informamos que cualquier revisión, retransmisión,
divulgación,  copia  o  uso  indebido  del mismo está estrictamente
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Information contained in this message and every attachment is property of 
TREBOL Software S.A. Only the destiny user is able to make use of the data here 
contained, which is private and/or confidential. Any revision, broadcasting, 
spreading, copy or illegal use of this information is strictly prohibited and 
will be sanctioned by legal means.