Re: [Trinidad] Required/message icon positions

2008-04-15 Thread Jeanne Waldman


Stephen Friedrich wrote, On 4/15/2008 12:59 AM PT:

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

What's the JIRA number?
What exactly are your requirements? I wouldn't over-design it by 
putting in too many hooks.

- Jeanne

Here's the Jira issue:

I couldn't apply your patch. Probably because it is too old?
I was interested in seeing the code.

Any yes, it is more complicated than it feels it should be.

We develop applications for a large customer who has a very rigid 
style guide.

My particular use case is quite simple:
1) The required icon must be behind the label.
I think you can use the .AFRequiredIconStyle:alias and add a skin 
property to it.

Like the user would do this:

.AFRequiredIconStyle:alias {-tr-required-icon-position: end}

Then the skinning framework registers this on the skin (see SkinImpl's 

with the key
and the value

So your renderer would get the skin, and call 
skin.getProperty(".AFRequiredIconStyle:alias-tr-required-icon-position") and

with the answer, it would render the icon at the beginning or the end.

(of course, I'm making up the -tr-required-icon-position name. Skinning 
keys are public apis, so the name and values need to be

agreed upon on the Trinidad dev list.)

2) There must not be message icon at all.

Do you use .AFErrorIcon:alias, etc for this, and inhibit the icon?

3) A labels should display in red when a message is added to it.
You can add styleclasses to your root dom element when you have these 

:error, :fatal, :warning, :info, and :confirmation
(the styleclass would be p_AFError, p_AFFatal, p_AFInfo, p_AFConfirmation)

Your html would look like ...

Then, you can do something like:
af|inputText:error::label {color: red}.
this looks like
.af_inputText.p_AFError .af_inputText_label {color: red}

I don't know the message code well enough to know if you know what 
message 'state'

you are in when you render the input.

- Jeanne

2) is not a problem at all with the current skinning selectors.
For now I got away without doing 3) - I am not sure if it is currently 

For 1) I am using a patched version of Trinidad.

Re: [Trinidad] Required/message icon positions

2008-04-15 Thread Stephen Friedrich

Jeanne Waldman wrote:

What's the JIRA number?
What exactly are your requirements? I wouldn't over-design it by putting 
in too many hooks.

- Jeanne

Here's the Jira issue:

Any yes, it is more complicated than it feels it should be.

We develop applications for a large customer who has a very rigid style guide.
My particular use case is quite simple:
1) The required icon must be behind the label.
2) There must not be message icon at all.
3) A labels should display in red when a message is added to it.

2) is not a problem at all with the current skinning selectors.
For now I got away without doing 3) - I am not sure if it is currently possible.
For 1) I am using a patched version of Trinidad.

Re: [Trinidad] Required/message icon positions

2008-04-14 Thread Jeanne Waldman

What's the JIRA number?
What exactly are your requirements? I wouldn't over-design it by putting 
in too many hooks.

- Jeanne

Stephen Friedrich wrote, On 4/14/2008 2:22 PM PT:

Jean, thanks for the reply.
I did create a Jira issue and went ahead and tried to see if I can 

Trinidad well enough to supply a patch, then asked for opinions.
Looking back I now think the way I implemented it can be both improved 

If you (or somebody else) shares her opinion on the principal way to 

it, I'll give it a second try.

The main problem is that there also is the message icon, so not only 
should the
required icon position be configurable, but when doing that the 
message icon

should be generalized as well.
Then to do it properly the relative positioning of the two icons 
should be

somehow configurable, too.
Then again it maybe makes sense to be able to configure both a start 
and a
leading required or message icon, so that for example a labels for a 
field with

a message could look like this:
--> First name <--

Any suggestion how the skinning selectors should look like?

Jeanne Waldman wrote:


This would have been a good skinning feature to add, so that anyone 
else that
wants to do this could use skinning to change the position of the 
field label.

With a skinning property, a person that wants his "*" behind field 
labels would

simply have to add to their skin something like:

.AFLabelPosition:alias { -tr-before-label: false }

And then the renderers of labels would check this skin property when 
they are rendering the label,

and render it either in front or behind.

- Jeanne

Stephen Friedrich wrote, On 4/13/2008 11:26 PM PT:
Blake, in general you point of view is a very theoretical one from a 

ebony tower. Do you say so in english? ;-)

In real life those private methods do make using Trinidad more 

that it needs to be.

For example it is currently not possible to make a simple change 
like moving

"*" _behind_ field labels.
I agree that there should be a well defined contract how to adjust 

- in theory. Practically speaking to fix that little issue, I had to
understand trinidad sources, create a patch and recompile that whole 

Not really a better solution, isn't it?

If you don't personally agree to go through each and every source 
file in
Trinidad and fix those issues with hardcoded, unchangeable 
behaviour, then

please have some understanding for the purpose of the request.

It goes without saying that overriding protected methods in trinidad 

sources can break if you blindly update to the next trinidad version.
Yet, I better like to have that documented in my app, than having to 
"well, and then you have to download trinidad sources, make these 
and that
patches, check if they are still compatible with the new trinidad 

recompile the lib and ship with that modified copy of trinidad".

Blake Sullivan wrote:

Andrew Robinson said the following On 4/10/2008 1:36 PM PT:

I wasn't suggesting blind removal. IMO final should rarely ever be
used, for open source it almost never does anyone any good.
Really. Why would good programming practice in the closed source 
world be bad programming practice in open source?  If anything, it 
is easier to change these restrictions in open source, if necessary.

What you are really saying is that you disagree with the decisions 
made by the class designers with respect to the trade-offs between 
intertwining the subclasses and superclasses and the convenience of 
tweaking implementation.

There is a real cost to the maintainability and evolution of the 
superclasses if they are burdened with huge numbers of protected 
hooks.  Especially if those hooks became protected without the 
necessary work to  nail down their precise contract.

 I would
suggest a renderer-by-renderer approach though, not method-by-method
as that would take too long to file that many bugs.

Right now Trinidad and facelets are by far the most inflexible open
source code I have worked with.
Functions are private or final because the class designer because 
those aren't designed extension points.  I suspect that Trinidad 
and Facelets are being honest about this.  I would be suspicious of 
a class with huge numbers of protected methods--it is doubtful that 
all of the possible interactions have actually been considered.

One of the advantages of open source is that it is easy to test 
opening up particular pieces and ask for your change to be approved.

 Both over-use final and both assume
that out-of-the box behavior is enough fore everyone's needs. For
Trinidad renderers, many only expose encodeAll as protected then do
most of the work in private methods. As a result a person needing to
customize a renderer has to use copy & paste (generate an entirely 

renderer using the source of the core one) which really sucks for
On the other hand, the renderer author