[native-lang] New Co-Lead of the germanophone project

2005-01-20 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
as Andre already announced, I follow him in his job as Co-Lead of the 
germanophone project.

At first many thanks to you, Andre, you did an excellent job and I hope 
you'll be with us for a long time yet!

Some of you might know me from the OOo Conference last year in Berlin, 
but the most of you probably not, so I try to find some words about me 
and my work in the germanophone project to introduce myself.

I am 31 years old, live and work in Dortmund, in the west of germany, 
and I am owner of a small company which deals with Linux services.

Working with OpenSource-Software was also the beginning not only being a 
user of OpenOffice.org, but to get a more intensively view on OOo and 
the project. Today my job is providing training courses in OOo 
espacially in business environments and supporting companies migrating 
to Linux and to OOo. My last year published book is focused on these 
topics, including strategies to migrate and how to administrate OOo in 
network environments.

Up to now my main focus in the germanophone project was on marketing, 
espacially helping to plan and execute the various events in germany as 
the „Insider workshop“, the CeBIT, Linuxtag, etc. and establishing the 
recently founded non profit association „OpenOffice.org Deutschland 
e.V.“. I always try to promote OOo in companies and to demonstrate, 
which benefits OOo in business has.

So, I think, that`s enough for the moment! I hope I can deal with this 
challenge in an as excellent way as Andre did before.

It`s a pleasure for me being a part of a great project,
Jacqueline Rahemipour
## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org
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Re: [native-lang] New Co-Lead of the germanophone project

2005-01-21 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Hi Sophie,

First of all a double welcome, welcome to you, and you can imagine why 
I'm welcoming a woman here : I'm not alone any more !! well that's a 
joke, all those guys around are very very kind ;)
Thanks for the warm welcome. I`m sure, that you haven`t been alone 
before, but I'm happy, if I can sustain you. :-)

It's very interesting, and I would like to know if the fact that you 
work with OOo doesn't interfer with the leading of the projet, as you're 
kind of 'juge in your own case'. This is a concern for all consultants 
who would like to act as co-lead in francophone projetct and make them 
resign, so I'm very interested in your feedback here.
Very interesting question. Up to now I didn`t see a disadvantage in the 
constellation working with OpenOffice.org and at the same time beeing a 
Co-Lead or or holding an other appointment in the project. I rather 
think, that we can take advantage of it.

By the work with so many different OOo-users, who are using 
OpenOffice.org very intensive, I get many suggestions, I never would get 
only in my own work with it. Many of these business users don`t know 
anything about OOo, the project and open souce in general. So these 
suggestions would be lost, if I wouldn`t give the feedback to the project.

Business users often have different requirements and I think it`s 
important to have various views on OOo to improve the software. In 
contrast to private users they are often constrained to work with OOo 
and they don't feel much sympathy for it.

Currently we have in germany an interesting discussion, if our 
politicians have the permission for a part-time work in private 
enterprise. The opinion of many german people is, that it is absolute 
necassary, that they do that, because only on this way they can imagine 
about the needs of the working people.

Up to now my main focus in the germanophone project was on marketing, 
espacially helping to plan and execute the various events in germany 
as the „Insider workshop“, the CeBIT, Linuxtag, etc. and establishing 
the recently founded non profit association „OpenOffice.org 
Deutschland e.V.“. I always try to promote OOo in companies and to 
demonstrate, which benefits OOo in business has.

Great to ear this, and I wish you all the best for this association. Our 
(named Cusoon) would required more attention to go further, but it 
allows us to finance all our participations in events.
It`s the same to us. We are just at the beginning, but I am confidently, 
that this is the right way to get more attention.

So, I think, that`s enough for the moment! I hope I can deal with this 
challenge in an as excellent way as Andre did before.

I'm sure of it, and I'm sure that Rolf and Andre won't be very far :)
They are both really a great help and they surely hope, that I soon stop 
bugging them.

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Re: [native-lang] New Co-Lead of the germanophone project

2005-01-21 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Hi khirano,

> > My last year published book
> It must be in German.  I want to read it, though I have to learn German first

Yes, so it is, I`m sorry. But a very good reason to start learning German :-)

> > the recently founded non profit association
> > OpenOffice.org Deutschland e.V.
> I am very interested in this.
> I might ask you a lot of questions about it later :)

Feel free to contact me, if you have questions about it.



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Re: [native-lang] New Co-Lead of the germanophone project

2005-01-21 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
> Guten Abend Jacqueline,

Ich wünsche Dir auch einen guten Abend, Charles :-)

> Welcome to the Native-Lang Confederation! I think we only got to shake
> our hands in Berlin, but I hope to meet you again next year at the OOoCON.

Yes, me too. I hope, I can make it possible to come to the next OOoCON.
Certainly a very good reason to visit france or what other nice country will
host the conference.

> Your marketing/training profile will be very useful to us and to the NLC.
> My profile is similar, without the training orientation, though :-)

Oh, interesting! I hope I can add some useful aspects to the NLC and you excuse
my bad english!

> Please don't hesitate to ask for any help, and of course, your comments
> are welcome.

Thank you for that!



## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
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Re: [native-lang] UPDATE. Re: [native-lang] IRC meeting for NLC 2005-01-25 0800 UTC

2005-01-25 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Louis Suarez-Potts schrieb:
Cristian just contacted me on IRC and indicated he cannot make 08:00
UTC.  He can, hoever, make 21:00.  That time translates to:
Paris: 22:00, Tokyo 06:00
Please indicate if that works out with you.
I`ll try to be on time!
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Re: [native-lang] NL project of the Month

2005-02-07 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Hi Charles, all,
Comments welcome,
the idea sounds very good! I think, there are many people, who are 
interested in the other NL projects, but do not have much chance to get 
the information in a short and summarized way. In addition to it its 
certainly a problem, that we dont speak all the different languages. Its 
not long ago, that I was interested in the work of the dutch NL project, 
but I`m afraid, that my dutch is too bad :-)

The „NL project of the month“ would be a big step to assess, how many 
people work in each NL project, where they see their main focus and 
maybe where they need support.

Certainly I can only speak for the germanophone project, but I think, 
there are some members of our team, who have interest to carry together 
some useful information about our country and our germanophone project. 
For instance it would be very nice, to hear about some of the people, 
which are very active in each country and work very hard, but you never 
heard of them, because they are not active in the international lists.

Jacqueline Rahemipour
## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org
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Re: [native-lang] NLC Marketing repository

2005-02-07 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Hello again,
a while ago I had started a NLC newsletter. Unfortunately, it
was a lot of work, the newsletter was very long and took some
time to read, and worse, it was overlapping with Erwin's
official OOo newsletter. 
The good point at that time though, was that I had news from
pretty much everybody around the NLC. I would like to keep
this flow of information alive, and stop bugging all of you
with my newsletter... :-)
This is why I thought that all the NL projects should once a
month post a very small summary of what's going on for them on
the com@native-lang.openoffice.org . Even if there is nothing,
just post "there's nothing going on. See you next month!".
Hence everybody would know and hear about each other, and
Erwin could tap into another relibale ressource for the OOo
What do you think?
Yes, I think it`s a great idea, to keep the others on this way informed, 
even if it seems to be a lot of work. Last weekend we had our „german 
community meeting“ in a hotel in Essen and it was great to have plenty 
of time to speak about the project and the difficulties in some special 
parts. Even within our country we see, how important communication and 
exchange of experience is. I expect of these small summaries to hear 
about national events, about „successes“ but also about difficulties, 
maybe in other NL projects its the same and we dont have to do the work 

Jacqueline Rahemipour
## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org
## Vorstand OpenOffice.org Deutschland e.V.
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Re: [native-lang] NLC Marketing repository

2005-02-09 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Yes, I think it`s a great idea, to keep the others on this way informed, 
even if it seems to be a lot of work. Last weekend we had our „german 
community meeting“ in a hotel in Essen

Just out of curiosity: how big is OOo in Essen? My father comes from
What a coincidence! As Andre already mentioned, OOo is everywhere in the 
Ruhr area very big and not only there :-) The hotel, where we had the 
meeting, is called "Linux-Hotel", a very nice building, where they offer 
Linux- and of course OOo-Trainings including board and lodgings. An 
ideal place for our de.community meeting.

Do I schedule something and draft a
small announcement?
## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
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[native-lang] Germanophone project has a new Co-Lead

2005-05-12 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour
Hi all,
some of you might already know, that we held Co-Lead elections in april 
in the germanophone project. We had four excellent candidates and 
obviously it wasn`t easy to come to a decision. But the de-community 
made a good choice and now the winner is definite: Helga Fischer.

She follows Rolf Meyer in his job as Co-Lead, who decided to leave the 
de-project to complete his degree and spend more time for his private 
life. At this point many thanks to Rolf for all his valuable work in the 

Please welcome Helga in an as pleasant way as I was received at my start 
as Co-Lead. I`m looking forward to the forthcoming work together with her.

Special thanks go to Cristian Driga, Stefan Taxhet, Manfred Reiter and 
Louis for setting up the voting tool and making the elections possible.

Is it true, that the germanophone project is the only native-lang 
project with two front women or am I mistaken? :-)

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Re: [native-lang] Next IRC Conference.

2005-05-27 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi *,

Daniel Carrera schrieb:

Greetings all,


Date:   Saturday, June 4  (time TBA, probably 15:00 UTC).
Speaker: Urska Colner (Slovenian Native-Lang).
Title:The Adriatic experience: OOoCon2005.
IRC conf URL:  http://native-lang.openoffice.org/conference/
IRC instructions: 


I'm very sorry, that I can't attend this IRC Talk and some others of the 
de-project too, because on saturday we have our next de-community 
meeting in munich.

I would have had many questions to Urska and the conference, espacially 
how the germanophone project can assist. But I'm looking forward to read 
the irc-logs and I`m sure, that we can talk about it later, too!

Good luck, Urska!


Jacqueline Rahemipour

## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org

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Re: [native-lang] Next IRC Conference.

2005-05-29 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Daniel, *,

Daniel Carrera schrieb:

Jacqueline Rahemipour wrote:

I'm very sorry, that I can't attend this IRC Talk and some others of 
the de-project too, because on saturday we have our next de-community 
meeting in munich.

I would have had many questions to Urska and the conference, 
espacially how the germanophone project can assist. But I'm looking 
forward to read the irc-logs and I`m sure, that we can talk about it 
later, too!

Jacqueline, is there another date that might work better for you? Would 
Sunday be okay? These dates are not set in stone. The talk can be any 
day when people can make it.

That's very kind of you, but I don't want to cause any inconvenience. 
Sunday doesn't work better, because I'm on my way home from munich. I`m 
sure, that someone else from the germanophone project can attend the irc 
talk in place of me.


Jacqueline Rahemipour

## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org

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Re: [native-lang] IRC talk next Weekend.

2005-06-06 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Daniel, *,

Daniel Carrera schrieb:

Hello all,

Please accept my sincerest apologies in not being able to offer the IRC 
talk this weekend as expected. Production and organization was hampered 
by several "real life" factors.

But not to worry, the IRC talk will happen next week. A nice upshot of 
this is that now the German team can come :-)

Thanks a lot, I'll be there. I forwarded this information to the 
germanophone project and hope, that many of us will attend the talk next 



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[native-lang] Summary LinuxTag Karlsruhe - Germany

2005-07-06 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi *,

(sorry for crossposting - if you want to answer, please do this only on 
one of the mailinglists)

as some of you have interest in our german marketing activities and 
espacially our fairs I would like to give a short summary from the 
LinuxTag in Karlsruhe (22.06.-25.06.), where the germanophone project 
presented OOo.

The LinuxTag is one of the biggest Open Source events in germany. We had 
a small booth, where we answered many user questions and talked to 
people from companies, which think about a migration to OOo or already 
use it. Additionally we had several lectures and two workshops.

Have a look at our summary (german):

English version:

Several photos from the event:

Linux is very popular at the moment, so many radio and tv stations were 
interested in reporting from the event. We gave several interviews and 
in one broadcast you can get a visual impression from the LinuxTag. OOo 
is mentioned and you can see our booth (only short) and some Screenshots 
from OOo, too.

Have a look at the archive (3sat "neues", 25.06.2005, "LinuxTag 2005"):

For some more german marketing news, see [EMAIL PROTECTED] (sorry, I 
can't post the link, because the archive is not updated yet).


Jacqueline Rahemipour

## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org

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Re: [native-lang] new CCR - Laurent Godard

2005-07-18 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour


Jacqueline McNally schrieb:

Laurent Godard is the new Community Council Representative winning with
53% of the total votes.

Congratulations, Laurent and all the best for your new job!



## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
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Re: [native-lang] is that a special day?

2006-01-05 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Charles,

Charles-H.Schulz schrieb:

Of course, I meant that Jacqueline had her birthday as a the co-lead of
the DE community today...
Sorry for the inconvenience,

thanks a lot for your congratulations! I'm very surprised, that you 
meant me and have come to know about it :-)

I rather have to thank the de-community and all the others, who made 
brilliant work for OOo in 2005 and I'm looking forward to 2006!

Hope to meet you again at the next OOoCon in ...?



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Re: [native-lang] Re: [qa-dev] Re: [native-lang] Two days in Hamburg (QA and l10n meeting results)

2006-02-15 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Sophie, *,

Sophie Gautier schrieb:

Hi Rafaella,
Rafaella Braconi wrote:

Hi Sophie,


Regarding the German Help review project in particular the  Community 
has followed the instructions as posted some time ago on the [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
list (see posting on  L10n Help Testing / Linguistic Review). This 
gives you the possibility of checking all Help files following the 
hierarchic structure.

Thanks, I have installed the patch to get help id, but I was interested 
by the workflow the german project used and how they organized their 
team too.

ok... I try to specify it...

First, we tried to find a team, which is able to review the online-help. 
The reviewers needed to have knowledge about at least one of the modules 
(Writer, Calc, etc.), if possible not only in OOo 2.x but also in 1.x, 
so I asked on our users mailinglist for help, too. Experience in filing 
issues was not important for that, because it is very easy to file the 
help-issues as we had proper instructions for that.

We now have a team about 9 community-members, who read all of the 2236 
(!) online-help-files and this work still goes on. We divided the work 
in sections and the more experienced reviewers assumed the 
responsibility for every section and organized the teams.

Still in progress is the review of writer and basic and we have to 
review calc again, because this part was basically checked for spelling 
mistakes, not regarding the content.

We read all the files checking
- spelling, grammar and phrasing
- formatting
- correct UI-strings
- changes from 1.x to 2.x

So we had to compare the descriptions with the UI, not only regarding 
the correct strings, but also regarding a possible changing of the 
functionality. In cases of doubt we additionally checked the 
specification documents.

In case of mistakes which occured because the functionality changed from 
1.x to 2.x we checked the english online-help, too.

The reviewers filed the issues in l10n/helpcontent and assigned it to 
iano and me. Regina and I confirmed the issues. When it was foreseeable, 
that we have so many issues, Rafaella decided, that Berit Bonde and Sven 
Klawitter help fixing them directly in the database.

For organising the review in detail we used a wiki:

If the reviewers had concrete questions, they could ask on our qa 
mailinglist and in our german irc-channel.

Short before our visit in Hamburg I asked the reviewers some questions 
about the review, how we can optimize the process and so on. Together 
with a small statistic I resumed the answers here (only in german, sorry):




## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org

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Re: [native-lang] Re: [qa-dev] Re: [native-lang] Two days in Hamburg (QA and l10n meeting results)

2006-02-21 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Sophie, *,

Sophie Gautier schrieb:

Hi Jacqueline,

Jacqueline Rahemipour wrote:


ok... I try to specify it...

Thanks a lot, this will be of great help for me :)
One more question : On your wiki, each module contains a list of file 
names. If I can see the file names at the top the OLH page, how did you 
get them listed ?

Regina Henschel prepared the wiki for us. She used for it the 
allfiles.tree which is necessary to modify the online-help and lists all 
the xhp-files.

She opened the allfiles.tree with a browser, copied the complete text 
and pasted it in a calc-file. Easy trick, but effective :-)



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[native-lang] New Co-Lead in the germanophone project

2006-05-10 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi all,

I am pleased to announce that Marko Moeller has been elected as the new 
Co-Lead of the germanophone project. We had two excellent candidates and 
obviously it wasn't easy to come to a decision. But I'm sure, that the 
de-community made a very good choice.

Marko follows Helga Fischer as Co-Lead, who decided to resign, having 
more time for her private life and for other tasks in the de-project. At 
this point again many thanks to Helga for all her valuable work in the 
de-project - in the past and hopefully in the future.

Please welcome Marko in an as pleasant way as I was received at my start 
as Co-Lead. I`m looking forward to the forthcoming work together with him.



## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org

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Re: [native-lang] OOoCON & NLC meeting agenda

2006-08-21 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Florian, Charles,

Florian Effenberger schrieb:
that's what I thought, and I'm happy that the Germanophone project 
will be represented by its lead in Lyon as well. :-) 

That said, I don't know if she will be there, don't know her schedule 
for the Con - but we'll see. :-)

Certainly I will attend the NLC meeting (and the party afterwards :-) )



## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
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[native-lang] Updating old records in bibliography database - request for assistance

2007-07-09 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi all,

I asked this already some months ago on a different mailinglist, but now 
its time to start with the work :-)

The version 2 is out now for a long time, but the records of the 
bibliography database still show only literature which fits to version 1.x.

Some users complain about the existing records in general, because they 
have to be removed manually. On the other hand the bibliography database 
is often used as example for the modul base or for mail merge.

So I suggest following:

Remove all records from biblio.dbf, add a second file samples.dbf to 
collect literature for OOo 2x.

I would like to update the database records now and ask other 
native-lang projects to provide lists with their literature.

If you want to help me and like to see your literature included too, 
please send me following information:


I will include the language in the existing field custom1. I think, it 
doesn't matter, because we use a seperat file.

Send your file directly to my email-adress or attach it to issue

I think, this has also a positive marketing effect, if users see, that 
there is much literature about OOo 2.

Thanks for your help,

Jacqueline Rahemipour

## Co-Lead de.openoffice.org
## http://de.openoffice.org - www.openoffice.org
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[native-lang] Re: Updating old records in bibliography database - request for assistance

2007-08-01 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Cor,

Cor Nouws schrieb:

Hi Jaccqueline,

Jacqueline Rahemipour wrote:

I asked this already some months ago on a different mailinglist, but 
now its time to start with the work :-)


Send your file directly to my email-adress or attach it to issue

I think, this has also a positive marketing effect, if users see, that 
there is much literature about OOo 2.

Ahum, there's not much in Dutch yet. But I feel it's a good initiative 
so I support it.

I attach a file with few titles to #79392

thanks, this helps a lot.

The second book you listed is about OOo 1.0, right? So I prefer only to 
list books about version 2.x.

I propose to add some English / German / French titles to the list for 
the Dutch bibliograpy.

As far as I know the bibliography is the same for all languages. At 
least for english and german we have the same records.

I finished the list for german and english books, but I will try to get 
some french books, too. I hope, I will be ready in the next few days.

Kindest regards,



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Re: [native-lang] Re: Updating old records in bibliography database - request for assistance

2007-08-01 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi Sophie,


Hi Jacqueline,

Selon Jacqueline Rahemipour <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

I finished the list for german and english books, but I will try to get
some french books, too. I hope, I will be ready in the next few days.

I've planed to upload it tomorrow morning on the issue. Sorry for the delay.

no problem and no need to hurry. I know, that you have much to do.

Thanks a lot,



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Re: [native-lang] Re: Updating old records in bibliography database - request for assistance

2007-08-09 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Cor Nouws schrieb:

Jacqueline Rahemipour wrote:

Hi Cor,

The second book you listed is about OOo 1.0, right? So I prefer only 
to list books about version 2.x.

Your are right.
AFAIK, there only one book in Dutch (that from 2006) at the moment :-\

Oh, yes. You are right. :-( I thought, that the last book you listed 
(Franz Böhm) is about OOo 2.0, because of the late publication date. I 
think, it doesn't matter, that I listed both...

Any idea why? You may have noticed the use percentage of FireFox in a 
recent survey. Down at the bottom: The Netherlands...

Some work to do.

May be because the most people in the netherlands also speak german or 
english? I don't know... Should be the motivation for you to become an 
author. :-)



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Re: [native-lang] L10n Meeting on IRC

2007-09-26 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi *,

Rafaella Braconi schrieb:

Dear All,

it's time again to start scheduling regular l10n meeting on IRC.

Tomorrow at 11:00 am CEST Aijin and myself will be on IRC to provide you 
with information around the 2.4 translation schedule as well as on Pootle.

I will try to attend, too.



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[native-lang] Annual report of the germanophone project

2008-01-30 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Hi all,

sorry, that our annual report gets rather long, but there is still a lot
missing. First, many thanks to Marko, Florian and André for their
terrific work writing this report.

We mention some numbers about the germanophone project (but keep in
mind, don't trust statistics, cause they never ever show a mirror of the
real world :-) ).

###number of members and active members##

In 2007 we had 310 registered observers, 36 with developer state (or
higher). The count of (permanent) active community members is something
between the developer count and 50. Some of our active members are
involved and very active in other projects on OpenOffice.org and in
other teams outside OOo too.
On the German mailing lists we had in 2007 a total count of 20190
messages, most of them on users (12363) and dev (4350) with peaks every
time a new built was published.

##number of users and downloads##

Unfortunately we cannot provide detailed numbers about users or downloads.
Although we have seen some administrations and companies migrating to
OOo in 2007, there have not been “big news” about that. We feel that our
user base and general interest in OpenOffice.org is growing. Requests
from DLGI (who is maintaining the ECDL in Germany), Federal Ministry of
Economics (who asked the project for input on the OOXML debate) or the
University of Bayreuth (who asked for distribution of our “PrOOo-Box” to
all newcomer students) are indicating that. We have seen several schools
or educational administrations who provide an “electronic pencil case”
(USB drive with portable free software, including OOo) for their
students in the last months.
As we do not use bouncer and the download-statistics integration for our
download page do not seem to work, we have no current download numbers.
The only estimation we can give is that 30% of all downloads for 2.3.1
that have been distributed vie torrent network are German builds.

##issues with localization and/or outstanding, "popular" issues##

Biggest issue with localization was to get the work flow going. As OOo
2.3 was the first version where German became a localization, this was
the first time for us to provide the UI localization. So OOo 2.3 and CWS
mergede01 got extensive testing as well from our side.
Although the quality of the OOo spell checking engine has improved a
lot, this is still an issue. A small team worked on merging two of the
existing three German dictionaries, so that we will get a much better
quality with upcoming releases. During this work we found, that we
actually ship outdated versions of all our dictionaries and the
corresponding issue seems to be stalled at the moment.
There is no single “popular” issue, but we had several discussions that
voices from experienced users are not heard by developers. (This was
once again a request at the Community council session in Barcelona).
With the new UX project and more transparent specification process, this
is better now and some of our project members participate actively in
those processes. (That doesn't mean, that all is perfect )

##resources description or more stringently, a description of your lack
of resources##

Although a team of about 50 active members may look like a  huge number,
this is what we are missing most – active members. Almost all of our
team members are “multi talents” - doing marketing, documentation,
translation, user support, qa ... this leads to lack of resources when
it comes to a release (esp. if we have some other events at the same time).
Besides that we are missing active members outside Germany – So
Switzerland has only a very small team, Austria almost none and other
regions (such as South Tyrol, which has a good user base) cannot be
covered at all.

##general activities##

As you know we have a very active documentation team which is also
active on OOoAuthors.org. Two big goals in 2007 were the complete German
edition of the OOoAuthors.org Writer guide, many other translations and
the network installation and setup customize guide. The writer guide is
fully translated and available at our website. Many documents like the
German setup guide and the FAQ are every time in focus and updated
There are activities to get our web pages more user friendly as you can
see it on the new German homepage on de.openoffice.org and on the pages
of the documentation team and several other pages too.
In 2007 we give 'green light' for QAed German versions of OpenOffice.org
for Linux, Windows and  Mac OSX. Last time (2.3.1) we had  9  German
packages (3 Linux, 2 Windows, 2 Solaris and 2 Mac OSX) a big goal thanks
the work of our QA team. In addition to release testing, we did
extensive testing on the Chart2 CWS build and verified / closed a large
number of Chart2 Issues in an IRC session together with the Chart
Members of our team work on two OOo-related software “distributions”:
The PrOOo-Box team has published new versions of the CD an DVD
distributions close to the release dates. We h

[native-lang] Every end is a new beginning

2010-10-31 Thread Jacqueline Rahemipour

Dear supporters of OpenOffice.org,

the past days and weeks here in the project were marked by sometimes 
heated discussions, about how we perceive the cooperation in the project 
and how we make this more willing and able. Unfortunately, this 
discussion has not always been objective, problem- and goal-oriented, as 
it would have been desirable, but sometimes very emotional.

Cause of the discussions was the announcement of the establishment of a 
foundation, with the goal to further the free office suite and represent 
the community independent from individual sponsors. This idea is almost 
as old as the OpenOffice.org project itself and has been repeatedly 
discussed within recent years.

The OpenOffice.org project has grown considerably in its first decade of 
existence. This growth was strongly promoted by the support of the main 
sponsor, Sun and Oracle, by employing developers and also through the 
provision and maintenance of the technical platform.

However, many voluntary project members and employees of other companies 
have contributed many hours of work and financial investments to both 
the product OpenOffice.org as well as the underlying project. As 
successful example of this collaboration, it is worth to mention the 
work in the areas of documentation, quality assurance and translation, 
joint marketing efforts or organizing community events and trade shows.

However it showed more clearly that all the cooperation and the common 
finding of solutions sometimes faces limitations. These are places where 
ideas on further development of the working platform, design or 
marketing do not match the ideas of the main sponsor or have just not 
been addressed or implemented because the responsible or (legally) 
capable entity does not make any decision. This has led and still leads 
to unnecessary misunderstandings and discussions. To break through these 
limits, project must evolve and requires an independent body - a Foundation.

Oracle's official response to the announcement of The Document 
Foundation was clear – Oracle will continue OpenOffice.org as usual. The 
result is now indeed the lately postulated conflict of interest for 
those community members who are in charge of or representing project, 
but to whom it is not enough “to continue working as we always did”. 
Although it has been stressed several times that there will be 
collaboration on a technical level, and changes are possible – there is 
no indication from Oracle to change it's mind on the question of the 
project organization and management. For those who want to achieve such 
a change, but see no realistic opportunity within the current project 
and are therefore involved in the TDF, unfortunately this results in an 
“either / or” question.

The answer for us who sign this letter is clear: We want a change to 
give the community as well as the software it develops the opportunity 
to evolve. For this reason, from now on we will support The Document 
Foundation and will – as a team - develop and promote LibreOffice. We 
hope that many are going to join us on this path.

We are also aware that every individual has to make his or her own 
decision freely. We decided to withdraw our previous positions in the 
germanophone project.

Many thanks to all who made the previous development of OpenOffice.org 
possible and with whom we share a long path.

Marko Moeller, Co-Lead, contact website
Jacqueline Rahemipour, Co-Lead, board OOo DeV

Eric Christian, contact PrOOo Box
Rene Hermann, contact for new members
Thomas Krumbein, contact marketing, chairman OOo DeV
Volker Merschmann, contact website
Irmhild Rogalla, contact user support
Friedrich Strohmaier, contact PrOOo Box
Wolfgang Uhlig, contact documentation
Simon Wilper, contact documentation

Thorsten Behrens, development
Rainer Bielefeld, quality assurance
Ulf Brekenfelder, translation
Sigrid Carrera, documentation and user support
Florian Effenberger, marketing, board OOo DeV
Gisbert Friege, website education portal, Dmaths
Gerald Geib, translation und quality assurance
Markus Gommel, treasurer OOo DeV and member support
Thomas Hackert, translation and quality assurance
Volker Heggemann, quality assurance
Edgar Kuchelmeister, user support and documentation
Christian Lohmaier, website and quality assurance
Andreas Mantke, development and documentation
Christoph Noack, user experience and artwork
Jens Nürnberger, PrOOo-Box and quality assurance
Wolfgang Pechlaner, quality assurance and translation
Manfred Reiter, former Co-Lead
Uwe Richter, PrOOo-Box
Bernhard Rückgauer, OOo DeV
André Schnabel, translation, supervisory board OOo DeV
Heinz W. Simoneit, marketing
Klaus-Jürgen Weghorn, website
Stefan Weigel, user support and documentation

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