Dear all,

I've opened an issue months ago in order to revisit the default startup options.

I did not came up with anything really big, besides removing the client VM specification. However I think we can add string deduplication feature of G1 GC (-XX:+UseStringDeduplication), which is available since JVM 1.8.0_20.

Honestly I used NetBeans with that for years and I did not notice any drawbacks of that so far. What I noticed, when I started to use theSnap packages I'm building for Linux, is that NetBeans is a bit more power hungry when I working on NB modules. This meant that my 1 Gb heap was almost fully consumed when module indexing/parsing happened and forced the IDE to more garbage collecting. Re-enabling String deduplication helped a lot.

String Deduplication feature has been available since 2014 and even Eclipse is using that option from 2016. I think it is safe to enable it for 9.0.


What do you think?

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