
I have a use case that goes as follows,

InputPort (Flat files ) --> ProcessFlowfiles (combination of ExecuteScripts to 
filter out few fields) --> Load to Teradata(using a custom processor)

To do so I have to be sure that I process the flowfiles in certain order across 
the nodes so that the individual transactions are correct ( ex. An update 
statement executing before there is an Insert statement  for that record ). I 
receive all the flat files via remote NiFi instance meaning they all will be 
distributed across nodes and there is no way for me to know in what order the 
files are processing. Has anyone encountered similar problem before and know a 
way out of this scenario?

Also, I came across this JIRA ( https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NIFI-4155 
). I see that there is a patch available for this already but don't see a 
release Version tied to this. Is there a plan to include this patch as a part 
of 1.5.0 or any future releases?

Another question, apart from what Koji Kawamura mentioned in the comment 
section for the above JIRA to use
EnforceOrder --> Wait to block only 1 FlowFile can go through --> Processors 
required to run serially --> Notify to release the latch

Is there any other way to enforce order across multiple nodes?


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