Upgrading Groovy 2.4.16 → 2.5.8

2019-10-27 Thread Mathieu Lirzin

I have open OFBIZ-11263 [1] to upgrade Groovy to its latest stable
release on ‘trunk’.

I did not detect any issue with the upgrade so I intend to commit the
patch in the following days.  If you are aware of an issue please jump


[1] https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/OFBIZ-11263

Mathieu Lirzin
GPG: F2A3 8D7E EB2B 6640 5761  070D 0ADE E100 9460 4D37

Re: question about ServiceHandler.checkSecureParameter

2019-10-27 Thread Jacques Le Roux

Hi Samuel, Mathieu,

Le 21/10/2019 à 09:43, Samuel a écrit :

If I'm correct this is related to XSS attack [1] but this kind of attack is not limited to url parameters. An attacker can do the same thing with a 
POST request (I mean parameter in body instead of url)

You are right, they just are harder. You need to use CSRF, or an existing stored XSS[1]. We don't handle CSRF yet, with OFBIZ-10427 we are working on 
it. Anyway, even if we don't have any known at the moment, we can't never guarantee a stored XSS . So yes it's theoretically possible in 2 more 
difficult ways than a simple GET. I guess that's why this was implemented in 1st place. Again, because you can do a lot more with services than with 

   "A service with the type Java is much like an event where it is a static 
method, however with the Services Framework we do not limit to web based

Anyway what would you suggest? You know you can set
service.http.parameters.require.encrypted=N, is that not enough?

I am not convinced by the explanation or by the non-solution of keeping
an option with confusing security impacts.

IMO for the sake of both simplicity and sanity we should just nuke the
option and accept URI parameters unconditionally.

Agree with Mathieu, an option to desactivate security check with no clear 
impact seems to me a bad idea.

So as Mathieu said to make thing simpler I'd like to remove this function. In my opinion security is mainly about good practices, if we want to 
increase security maybe we should provide documentation.


It was just that attacking with GET is easier than with POST. A lot has already been done with OFBIZ-2330 and related. We did not have much returns 
since a while. So I have no problem removing this method... and closing OFBIZ-2330, maybe after "fixing" OFBIZ-9804...

[2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/OFBIZ/Service+Engine+Guide


Re: How to deploy Microservice developed using Spring boot to ofbiz

2019-10-27 Thread Victor Hernadez
I Jakob,

Nice! I'm going to definitively play with it, just a few questions:

*Which ofbiz version you used?
*Where the standard ControlFilter, ContextFilter and ControlServlet are
configured? I expected to see them on web.xml
*Are the standard ofbiz url mappings (e.g. /control/*) preserved?


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