Re: [PROPOSAL] OFBiz integrated Extension Manager conception

2014-09-08 Thread Malin Nicolas

Le 05/09/2014 16:48, Adrian Crum a écrit :

 - Concerning labels management, the creation of an extension for rarely
 used languages would allow to not load all languages in OFBiz.

I am not sure what this means, but the only languages that are 
loaded (kept in memory) are the ones that current users have selected. 

It's more for adding label traduction on standard OFBiz file.
For example if I want add a new traduction on some entity label, I can  
override on the fly by a hot-deploy definition but need :

 * create an extend-entity of each updated labels
 * duplicate label files on hot-deploy and improve it.

Other possibility, is by patch :
Index: framework/common/config/CommonEntityLabels.xml
--- framework/common/config/CommonEntityLabels.xml(révision 1623319)
+++ framework/common/config/CommonEntityLabels.xml(copie de travail)
@@ -89,6 +89,7 @@
 value xml:lang=enGENERAL_MAILING/value
 value xml:lang=esMailing/value
 value xml:lang=frMailing/value
+value xml:lang=fr_CTListe d'échange/value!-- Les 
français catalan parle français--

 value xml:lang=itPosta generale/value
 value xml:lang=pt_BRCorreio/value
 value xml:lang=thGENERAL_MAILING/value

And an other better way is by semantic patch
add node=property:[key=DataSource.description.GENERAL_MAILING]
value xml:lang=fr_BYListe d'échange/value!-- Les 
français du berry parle français--


If you store all traduction labels in a extension, you can use on each 
production site where this language would be used without load more the 
standard OFBiz file.


Reflexion on extend Widget Renderer

2014-03-20 Thread Malin Nicolas


I work on little POC to extend the screen widget macro freemarker with 
customer dedicated attribute to help the creation of specific renderer.

My first step was going to pass any parameters to the macro library 
without modify the MacroFormRenderer.
To realise this, I add a path attribute on all rendered elements 
(extParams) that converted a Map to a String for the macro call and 
reverted to Map during macro process. After the information contains on 
adding element would be rendered directly on the specific provider macro

Like this on Display field element :
+++ src/org/ofbiz/widget/form/ de travail)
@@ -218,6 +218,8 @@
 sr.append(\ alert=\);
 sr.append(modelFormField.shouldBeRed(context) ? true : false);
+sr.append(\ extParams=\);
+sr.append(UtilMisc.toMap(my, map with my).toString());
 if (ajaxEnabled) {
 String url = inPlaceEditor.getUrl(context);
+++ templates/htmlFormMacroLibrary.ftl(copie de travail)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@

-#macro renderDisplayField type imageLocation idName description title 
class alert inPlaceEditorUrl= inPlaceEditorParams=
+#macro renderDisplayField type imageLocation idName description title 
class alert extParam inPlaceEditorUrl= inPlaceEditorParams=

   #if type?has_content  type==image
 img src=${imageLocation} alt=#lt/
@@ -45,6 +45,10 @@
+  #if extParams?has_content OK ExtParams present
+  #assign extParamsMap = 

+  #if${}/#if
+  /#if

Of course the last example to use the extParams would be never present 
on ofbiz ootb.

The next step would be build automatic the map from the xsd definition. 
An ofbiz provider can be extend the *-widget xsd and the macro renderer 
search the new element to adding on path attribute

I see two solutions :
1. By prefixed attribute
display ext-key1=value1/

2. Dedicate sub-element
extend key1=value1

It's possible to support the both solution.
If you have an other idea (I'm not a xsd hacker)

I just started my thinks on this subject so if you have an other idea, 
I'm really open !

Re: OFBiz In 2014

2014-01-20 Thread Malin Nicolas

Le 31/12/2013 13:55, Adrian Crum a écrit :
Maybe we can use the start of the new year as an opportunity to 
consider the future of OFBiz and update our road map: 

I'm interested  to help some commiter on subject as :
 * Screen and Form widget enhancements
 * Complete the migration of older bsh/ftl files to widgets
 * UI (User Interface) enhancements

We have some good feedback on UI (and some error that I prefer escape ;) ).
I planned between 2 and 4 hours per week to works only on OFBiz.



Re: svn commit: r1512587 - /ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/data/DemoTaxAuthority.xml

2013-08-12 Thread Malin Nicolas

Hello jacques,
Just a tiny correction :

Ministère de l'économie _et_ des finances


Le 10/08/2013 11:46, a écrit :

+PartyGroup partyId=FRA_TA groupName=Ministère de l'économie est des 

Re: svn commit: r1500424 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools: config/WebtoolsUiLabels.xml webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/controller.xml webapp/webtools/XsdToJava.ftl webapp/webtools/main.ftl widget/MiscForm

2013-07-09 Thread Malin Nicolas

As propose jacques, we can move this code on ofbiz extra deposit.

It's on the way to slim ofbiz without less functionality.

Adrian, If you have a recent patch for the trunk on your local, can you 
send me it ?

I will create the corresponding addon for all community.


Le 08/07/2013 14:54, Adrian Crum a écrit :


On 7/8/2013 8:29 AM, Pierre Smits wrote:

Removing code from trunk without consulting others before the removal,
without preservation of functionality (if it actually works) is bad

Pierre Smits

On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 4:22 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

This could maybe be kept as an addon?



Author: adrianc
Date: Sun Jul  7 13:05:14 2013
New Revision: 1500424

Removed the XSD-to-Java feature. Tools to make OFBiz development

are outside the scope of the project.


Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/config/WebtoolsUiLabels.xml


--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/config/WebtoolsUiLabels.xml
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/config/WebtoolsUiLabels.xml Sun Jul

  7 13:05:14 2013

@@ -5823,19 +5823,4 @@
 value xml:lang=zh创建一个实体 


 value xml:lang=zh_TW創建一個實體 


-property key=WebtoolsXsdToJava
-value xml:lang=enXSD to Java/value
-property key=WebtoolsXsdFileName
-value xml:lang=enXSD File Name/value
-property key=WebtoolsPackageName
-value xml:lang=enPackage Name/value
-property key=WebtoolsExceptionClassName
-value xml:lang=enException Class Name/value
-property key=WebtoolsVisitorClassName
-value xml:lang=enVisitor Class Name/value








ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/WEB-INF/controller.xml Sun

Jul  7 13:05:14 2013

@@ -609,11 +609,6 @@ under the License.
 response name=success type=view

-request-map uri=XsdToJava
-security https=true auth=true/
-response name=success type=view value=XsdToJava/
 !-- end of request mappings --

 !-- View Mappings --
@@ -715,7 +710,6 @@ under the License.
 view-map name=LookupGeo type=screen


 view-map name=WebtoolsLayoutDemo


-view-map name=XsdToJava


 !-- end of view mappings --

Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/main.ftl


--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/main.ftl (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/webtools/webapp/webtools/main.ftl Sun Jul  7

13:05:14 2013

@@ -44,7 +44,6 @@ under the License.
   lia href=@ofbizUrlArtifactInfo/@ofbizUrl


   lia href=@ofbizUrlentityref/@ofbizUrl

target=_blank${uiLabelMap.WebtoolsEntityReference} -



-  lia

Re: Slim-down effort: current situation

2013-01-16 Thread Malin Nicolas

Hi Jacopo,
Your solution is a good pragmatism and give a clear work to do for 

If other people are ok with your proposition, I will try to find a 
solution to activate a component with ant.

PS : My apologies for the latency


Le 07/01/2013 09:20, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Let's see if we can move on the slim-down effort in this direction; here is a 
slightly more detailed proposal:

* svn layout of the project will stay as is now: 
framework+applications+specialpupose; if you checkout the trunk you will get 
everything as it is now
* however all the specialpupose components will be disabled by default; 
building the project will not build them, running tests will not run the tests 
on them etc...
* we will provide easy mechanisms (ant scripts/settings or similar) to enable 
specialpurpose components; in this way developers interested in testing/working 
on some specialpurpose components will have an easy way to do this
* the official releases (and release branches) will not contain the 
specialpurpose folder
* we could release specialpurpose components separately (OFBiz Extra 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc...) if 
there is interest; we could even release individual components if there is interest (OFBiz Extra - POS 
1.0, OFBiz Extra - Birt 1.0)
* key point: it will be acceptable to commit code to improve OFBiz even if it 
breaks some of the specialpurpose components: e.g. API changes, jar updates 
(duplicated of jars in some specialpurpose components) etc...

The last point is the most important because with it we will reach some 
important goals that could alleviate the tension/conflicts we had in the past 
while discussing topics about what should go in OFBiz and what not:
a) committers will have a core set of common, generic and more frequently used 
components (framework/applications) to focus on; it will be easier to maintain 
a smaller codebase and this will speed up the evolution of OFBiz; it will also 
remove a lot of burden in the release management because we will have less 
external dependencies to look for for vulnerability reports; for example, if a 
vulnerability report is reported by the Birt community, and we are distributing 
the Birt jars in our releases, in the current situation we would be forced to 
issue a new release (as a side note, I am not even sure if we are keeping an 
eye on vulnerability reports from all the projects we have pulled jars from)
b) committers interested in keeping up-to-date some of the specialpurpose 
components could easily update the code and commit it; over time we will see 
what are the specialpurpose components that are actively maintained (and we 
could issue releases for them) and what are the components that are not (and we 
could discuss if it is worth of keeping them in the trunk or not, but they will 
not cause any major issues even if they stay there)

Some clarifications:
* we may want to review over time the list of components currently under 
specialpurpose; if there is a general consensus in the direction of keeping a 
few of them in the releases then we could keep them enabled and include them in 
* we will have to change something in the way we build the classpath in ant in 
order to include jars and build the component only if the component is enabled; 
it should not be difficult to achieve but this is important because it will 
allow us to have potentially conflicting jars in the framework/applications and 

As a roadmap, we could try to implement this approach before the next cut of 
the 13.04 release branch (in April 2013): that branch could be the first one 
without the specialpurpose components.

What do you think?


On Dec 31, 2012, at 11:39 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Yes thanks!


From: Jacopo Cappellato

On Dec 16, 2012, at 9:07 AM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

I even wonder if Jacopo did not make a more recent (and flexible) proposition 
with which I totaly agreed (during fall, it seems to me but, I can't find it), 

Do you mean the following?

BTW, some time ago I also proposed an alternative path: see email with subject 
[PROPOSAL] from specialpurpose to extras: to that I can add that we could 
provide two set of ant scripts, one similar to the one we have that builds/tests 
everything (framework+applications+specialpurpose) and one (the default) that only 
builds/tests the framework+applications; the release branches may only contain the 
framework+applications and separate releases of specialpurpose applications could be 
voted/released at different time. This approach may reach two goals:
1) slim down the main code that the community is more focused to 
2) keep under the OFBiz community the ownership of all the other specialpurpose 
components; if one of them will get more attention and interest and could grow 
in quality or it is generic enough we could decide to move it to the 

Re: Slim-down effort: current situation

2013-01-16 Thread Malin Nicolas
It's sound good, I just see a little problem if we want only one 
specialpurpose component, we need to do

$ svn co ofbiz-trunk
$ cd ofbiz-trunk
$ mkdir specialpurpose
$ cd specialpurpose
$ svn co
$ svn co 
(as example)

$ #create your component-load.xml

Why not use hot-deploy (and/or improve hot-deploy) for specialpurpose 
components to obtain a result like this :

$ svn co ofbiz-trunk
$ cd ofbiz-trunk
$ cd hot-deploy
$ svn co

and an other solution for branch :
$ svn co 

$ cd ofbiz-13.04
$ ant load-special-component birt


Le 16/01/2013 14:38, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Thanks Nicolas.
I had a quick look too to find a way to exclude specialpurpose components from 
the build/test process and the easiest way (I didn't test it) would be to set 
the property:
specialpurpose.present to false.
At the moment it is set with:
available file=specialpurpose/build.xml property=specialpurpose.present/
Another way would be to change the layout of our trunk, from:




In this way in order to checkout OFbiz only (no specialpurpose) you could do:

svn co ofbiz

And in order to download everything you would do:

svn co ofbiz-trunk
cd ofbiz-trunk
svn co

I like the latter more.

Kind regards,


On Jan 16, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Malin Nicolas wrote:

Hi Jacopo,
Your solution is a good pragmatism and give a clear work to do for contributors

If other people are ok with your proposition, I will try to find a solution to 
activate a component with ant.

PS : My apologies for the latency


Le 07/01/2013 09:20, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Let's see if we can move on the slim-down effort in this direction; here is a 
slightly more detailed proposal:

* svn layout of the project will stay as is now: 
framework+applications+specialpupose; if you checkout the trunk you will get 
everything as it is now
* however all the specialpupose components will be disabled by default; 
building the project will not build them, running tests will not run the tests 
on them etc...
* we will provide easy mechanisms (ant scripts/settings or similar) to enable 
specialpurpose components; in this way developers interested in testing/working 
on some specialpurpose components will have an easy way to do this
* the official releases (and release branches) will not contain the 
specialpurpose folder
* we could release specialpurpose components separately (OFBiz Extra 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc...) if 
there is interest; we could even release individual components if there is interest (OFBiz Extra - POS 
1.0, OFBiz Extra - Birt 1.0)
* key point: it will be acceptable to commit code to improve OFBiz even if it 
breaks some of the specialpurpose components: e.g. API changes, jar updates 
(duplicated of jars in some specialpurpose components) etc...

The last point is the most important because with it we will reach some 
important goals that could alleviate the tension/conflicts we had in the past 
while discussing topics about what should go in OFBiz and what not:
a) committers will have a core set of common, generic and more frequently used 
components (framework/applications) to focus on; it will be easier to maintain 
a smaller codebase and this will speed up the evolution of OFBiz; it will also 
remove a lot of burden in the release management because we will have less 
external dependencies to look for for vulnerability reports; for example, if a 
vulnerability report is reported by the Birt community, and we are distributing 
the Birt jars in our releases, in the current situation we would be forced to 
issue a new release (as a side note, I am not even sure if we are keeping an 
eye on vulnerability reports from all the projects we have pulled jars from)
b) committers interested in keeping up-to-date some of the specialpurpose 
components could easily update the code and commit it; over time we will see 
what are the specialpurpose components that are actively maintained (and we 
could issue releases for them) and what are the components that are not (and we 
could discuss if it is worth of keeping them in the trunk or not, but they will 
not cause any major issues even if they stay there)

Some clarifications:
* we may want to review over time the list of components currently under 
specialpurpose; if there is a general consensus in the direction of keeping a 
few of them

Re: Slim-down effort: current situation

2013-01-16 Thread Malin Nicolas

:) right, so change 13.04 by 14.04 on my last comments ;)

On my side, I will test OFBiz without specialpurpose to find bad depends.


Le 16/01/2013 16:21, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Yes, it makes a lot of sense to treat the specialpurpose components as 
hot-deploy components.
However I'd suggest to move at small steps in this direction because right now 
there are specialpurpose components that depends on each other and this would 
make the story more complicated if you want to use just one.
For this reason I would suggest to first implement the ability to run OFBiz or 
OFbiz with all specialpurpose components and then improve it to run specific 
specialpurpose components only.


On Jan 16, 2013, at 3:50 PM, Malin Nicolas wrote:

It's sound good, I just see a little problem if we want only one specialpurpose 
component, we need to do

$ svn co ofbiz-trunk
$ cd ofbiz-trunk
$ mkdir specialpurpose
$ cd specialpurpose
$ svn co
$ svn co (as 
$ #create your component-load.xml

Why not use hot-deploy (and/or improve hot-deploy) for specialpurpose 
components to obtain a result like this :
$ svn co ofbiz-trunk
$ cd ofbiz-trunk
$ cd hot-deploy
$ svn co

and an other solution for branch :
$ svn co ofbiz-13.04
$ cd ofbiz-13.04
$ ant load-special-component birt


Le 16/01/2013 14:38, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Thanks Nicolas.
I had a quick look too to find a way to exclude specialpurpose components from 
the build/test process and the easiest way (I didn't test it) would be to set 
the property:
specialpurpose.present to false.
At the moment it is set with:
available file=specialpurpose/build.xml property=specialpurpose.present/
Another way would be to change the layout of our trunk, from:




In this way in order to checkout OFbiz only (no specialpurpose) you could do:

svn co ofbiz

And in order to download everything you would do:

svn co ofbiz-trunk
cd ofbiz-trunk
svn co

I like the latter more.

Kind regards,


On Jan 16, 2013, at 2:23 PM, Malin Nicolas wrote:

Hi Jacopo,
Your solution is a good pragmatism and give a clear work to do for contributors

If other people are ok with your proposition, I will try to find a solution to 
activate a component with ant.

PS : My apologies for the latency


Le 07/01/2013 09:20, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Let's see if we can move on the slim-down effort in this direction; here is a 
slightly more detailed proposal:

* svn layout of the project will stay as is now: 
framework+applications+specialpupose; if you checkout the trunk you will get 
everything as it is now
* however all the specialpupose components will be disabled by default; 
building the project will not build them, running tests will not run the tests 
on them etc...
* we will provide easy mechanisms (ant scripts/settings or similar) to enable 
specialpurpose components; in this way developers interested in testing/working 
on some specialpurpose components will have an easy way to do this
* the official releases (and release branches) will not contain the 
specialpurpose folder
* we could release specialpurpose components separately (OFBiz Extra 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 etc...) if 
there is interest; we could even release individual components if there is interest (OFBiz Extra - POS 
1.0, OFBiz Extra - Birt 1.0)
* key point: it will be acceptable to commit code to improve OFBiz even if it 
breaks some of the specialpurpose components: e.g. API changes, jar updates 
(duplicated of jars in some specialpurpose components) etc...

The last point is the most important because with it we will reach some 
important goals that could alleviate the tension/conflicts we had in the past 
while discussing topics about what should go in OFBiz and what not:
a) committers will have a core set of common, generic and more frequently used 
components (framework/applications) to focus on; it will be easier to maintain 
a smaller codebase and this will speed up the evolution of OFBiz; it will also 
remove a lot of burden in the release management because we will have less 
external dependencies to look for for vulnerability reports; for example, if a 
vulnerability report is reported by the Birt community, and we are distributing 
the Birt jars in our releases, in the current situation we would be forced to 
issue a new release (as a side note, I am

Re: svn commit: r1379937 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/accounting/data/ applications/content/entitydef/ applications/content/script/org/ofbiz/content/ applications/content/src/org/ofbiz/content/cont

2012-09-03 Thread Malin Nicolas

Le 03/09/2012 08:27, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Also I wanted to remove these sentences in this section 

change the original first letter to upper case, and specify the 
column-name for the field so it is the same as the original field 
name. For example if you are changing the uomId field to a new name 
then change the field name to oldUomId and specify a column-name of 

In other words from
When changing the name of a field, or deprecating and replacing a 
field that does not require deprecation of the entire entity, then
follow the same pattern leaving the old field there: a old prefix 
added to the field name, change the original first letter to
upper case, and specify the column-name for the field so it is the 
same as the original field name. For example if you are changing
the uomId field to a new name then change the field name to 
oldUomId and specify a column-name of UOM_ID. Just as when
replacing and entity, make sure to write a service to move the data 
from the old field to the new one.

When changing the name of a field, or deprecating and replacing a 
field that does not require deprecation of the entire entity, then
follow the same pattern leaving the old field there: a old prefix 
added to the field name, change the original first letter to
upper case. For example if you are changing the uomId field to a new 
name then change the field name to oldUomId. Just as when
replacing and entity, make sure to write a service to move the data 
from the old field to the new one.
Just to create the service. With col-name attribut all migration works 
with simple service since entity-engine link the old column. Without 
this deprecated method, it would be interesting to give the Best Pratice 
of How move a data not connect on entity-engine by a service. If is 
only by sql sentence make sure to write a service to move the data from 
the old field to the new one. sounds wrong.


It seems that this way of doing has not been used since the Apache 
era. But I'd like to be sure we are not missing something.



From: Adrian Crum
This looks better, but I don't like the deprecation note in 
serviceName field description. There is no need to deprecate the

field - some developers might PREFER to use a service.


On 9/2/2012 10:46 AM, wrote:

Author: jleroux
Date: Sun Sep  2 09:46:20 2012
New Revision: 1379937

A slightly modified patch from Nicolas Malin change serviceName by 
customMethod on Content

When you used a content as template, the content.serviceName value 
used to call the context populate service before rendering.
I propose to replace serviceName field by customMethodId and use 
customMethod pattern for more flexibility.

serviceName field is kept for backward compatibility

Thanks to Scott and Adrian for support





--- ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/data/AccountingTypeData.xml 
+++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/data/AccountingTypeData.xml 
Sun Sep  2 09:46:20 2012

@@ -728,11 +728,13 @@ under the License.
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_CAPTURE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account capture 
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_REFUND 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account refund methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_RELEASE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account release 
+CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_PURCHASE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account purchase

  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_AUTH parentTypeId= 
hasTable=N description=GIFT card authorize methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_CAPTURE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=GIFT card capture methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_REFUND 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=GIFT card refund methods/

Re: svn commit: r1379937 - in /ofbiz/trunk: applications/accounting/data/ applications/content/entitydef/ applications/content/script/org/ofbiz/content/ applications/content/src/org/ofbiz/content/cont

2012-09-03 Thread Malin Nicolas
$ find applications/ -name entitymodel*.xml | xargs grep 
'name=customMethodId' | wc -l

$ find applications/ -name entitymodel*.xml | xargs grep 
'name=serviceName' | wc -l


Three entities not use customMethod to call a service (on functionnal 
framework) : Content, ProductStoreShipmentMeth and ProductPromoAction, 
the proposition was to homogenize thisaspect in OFBiz.


Le 02/09/2012 11:54, Adrian Crum a écrit :
This looks better, but I don't like the deprecation note in 
serviceName field description. There is no need to deprecate the field 
- some developers might PREFER to use a service.


On 9/2/2012 10:46 AM, wrote:

Author: jleroux
Date: Sun Sep  2 09:46:20 2012
New Revision: 1379937

A slightly modified patch from Nicolas Malin change serviceName by 
customMethod on Content

When you used a content as template, the content.serviceName value 
used to call the context populate service before rendering.
I propose to replace serviceName field by customMethodId and use 
customMethod pattern for more flexibility.

serviceName field is kept for backward compatibility

Thanks to Scott and Adrian for support



--- ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/data/AccountingTypeData.xml 
+++ ofbiz/trunk/applications/accounting/data/AccountingTypeData.xml 
Sun Sep  2 09:46:20 2012

@@ -728,11 +728,13 @@ under the License.
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_CAPTURE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account capture methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_REFUND 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account refund methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_RELEASE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account release methods/
+CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=FIN_PURCHASE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=FIN account purchase 
CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_AUTH 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=GIFT card authorize methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_CAPTURE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=GIFT card capture methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_REFUND 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=GIFT card refund methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_RELEASE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=GIFT card release methods/
+CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=GIFT_PURCHASE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=GIFT card purchase methods/
CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=PAYPAL_AUTH 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=PayPal authorize methods/
  CustomMethodType customMethodTypeId=PAYPAL_CAPTURE 
parentTypeId= hasTable=N description=PayPal capture methods/

@@ -809,6 +811,7 @@ under the License.
  CustomMethod customMethodId=FIN_CAPTURE_OFBIZ 
customMethodTypeId=FIN_CAPTURE customMethodName=ofbFaCapture 
description=FIN account capture/
  CustomMethod customMethodId=FIN_REFUND_OFBIZ 
customMethodTypeId=FIN_REFUND customMethodName=ofbFaRefund 
description=FIN account refund/
  CustomMethod customMethodId=FIN_RELEASE_OFBIZ 
customMethodTypeId=FIN_RELEASE customMethodName=ofbFaRelease 
description=FIN account release/
+CustomMethod customMethodId=FIN_PURCH_OFBIZ 
customMethodName=createPartyFinAccountFromPurchase description=FIN 
account purchase/
CustomMethod customMethodId=GIFT_AUTH_OFBIZ 
customMethodTypeId=GIFT_AUTH customMethodName=ofbGcAuthorize 
description=GIFT card authorize/
  CustomMethod customMethodId=GIFT_AUTH_ALWAYSAPPR 
customMethodName=alwaysApproveGCProcessor description=GIFT card 
always authorize/

@@ -820,6 +823,7 @@ under the License.
  CustomMethod customMethodId=GIFT_RELEASE_OFBIZ 
customMethodTypeId=GIFT_RELEASE customMethodName=ofbGcRelease 
description=GIFT card release/
  CustomMethod customMethodId=GIFT_RELEASE_TEST 
customMethodTypeId=GIFT_RELEASE customMethodName=testGCRelease 
description=GIFT card test release/

Re: SlimDown, convert mini-lang CRUD service to entity-auto

2012-08-13 Thread Malin Nicolas

Le 09/08/2012 08:48, Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

From: Adrian Crum

On 8/8/2012 10:06 PM, Malin Nicolas wrote:
I suggest to extend entity-auto engine with these fields management 
since they always have the same initialisation.

That sounds like a good enhancement.


+1, well spotted Nicolas, we must be sure to not miss any fields like 
this. Could there be other cases with incrementation or such?

Other case will be found during the migration :) .

What was the pb when only error label? I think we can migrate them 
keeping the error messages, right? Or should we get rid of them
and have something generalised? Or should we add error message to such 
migrated services? Just thinking aloud here, not really awake

yet ;o)
:) I check if is possible to manage error message en entity-auto. 
Pending, I will open a jira isssue to load my patch on the last proposal.


SlimDown, convert mini-lang CRUD service to entity-auto

2012-08-08 Thread Malin Nicolas
With OFBiz slimDown jacopo offert to convert crud service on mini lang 
to entity-auto. I start to convert crud service on marketing component, 
and before continue I prefere ask if it's ok for the community to work 
on this task because there is no jira slimDown version on it.

I follow this process :
 1. Check minilang service, if no specific process is present, pass the 
service definition on entity-auto

 2. Run test to detect first problem level
 3. create/update/delete entity on converted services

During the first conversion, I stop on some entities with some case :
 * field lastModifiedByUserLogin, lastModifiedDate, createdByUserLogin 
and createdDate are initialized on crud service.

 * Some service contains only error label

I suggest to extend entity-auto engine with these fields management 
since they always have the same initialisation.
Or other idea, these fields can be manage by entity-engine as 
createdTimestamp as like :

  entity name=TrackingCode follow-last-update-user=true

On customer site, there is possible to extend an entity to enable a 
first history level

Your opinion ?


Re: New Mini-language element - trace

2012-05-11 Thread Malin Nicolas
Thanks a lot adrian for this detail. It's a good enhancement for 
debugging mini-lang code


Le 08/05/2012 11:40, Adrian Crum a écrit :
No, the trace element would not have a message attribute or any 
means of specifying what to log. It is only an /on/off switch. All of 
the logging details are in the Mini-language Java code.

So, this Mini-language code:

trace level=info
entity-and... /

would produce something like:

2012-05-08 ... MyServices.xml, Line 243 entity-and element: 
Performing find operation on entity Party with field Map 
2012-05-08 ... MyServices.xml, Line 243 entity-and element: Find 
operation returned 5 items

or if there was an exception thrown, it would produce something like:

2012-05-08 ... MyServices.xml, Line 243 entity-and element: 
Performing find operation on entity Party with field Map 
2012-05-08 ... MyServices.xml, Line 243 entity-and element: 
Exception thrown during find operation, exception message was Error: 
2012-05-08 ... MyServices.xml, Line 243 entity-and element: Throwing 


On 5/8/2012 9:33 AM, Nicolas Malin wrote:

Nice idea.

Just to understand the log element can't be extend to support this 
functionnality ?

log level=info
messagethe list ${listName}/message

Or you want adding a new element trace to separate the log message 
than strace process ?

Le 07/05/2012 19:51, Adrian Crum a écrit :
I am considering adding an element to Mini-language - trace - to 
aid with development. The element would be used like so:

trace level=info
!-- code that needs debugging goes here --

Each contained element will log detailed information on its internal 
state using the specified log level.

A developer trying to debug a block of code can enclose it with the 
trace element to see what is happening internally.

What do you think?


Re: [jira] [Commented] (OFBIZ-4709) Support jcr-stored file content within Applications

2012-02-24 Thread Malin Nicolas

Le 24/02/2012 08:04, Jacopo Cappellato (Commented) (JIRA) a écrit :


Jacopo Cappellato commented on OFBIZ-4709:

Another option (but please consider that I am not looking at the details and I 
am simply providing some ideas) can be that of keeping the Content entity (and 
its data) as it is currently and then we define a new dataResourceTypeId (for 

Content (ANNOTATION, DECORATOR, etc...) --  DataResource (OFBIZ_FILE...) --  
old content
Content (ANNOTATION, DECORATOR, etc...) --  DataResource (JCR) --  JCR (new 
+1 all information on storage method need to present en dataResource not 

This solution is pretty good :)

Support jcr-stored file content within Applications

 Key: OFBIZ-4709
 Project: OFBiz
  Issue Type: Sub-task
Affects Versions: SVN trunk
Reporter: Anne Jessel
Assignee: Sascha Rodekamp

My current requirements:
* store uploaded documents (pdf and scans), mainly for legal compliance reasons
* old document versions should be accessible
* documents should be associated with existing entities. So far I've identified 
a need to associate with Product, Party, OrderHeader, ShipmentItem, probably 
InventoryItemDetail and maybe WorkEffort. I would not be surprised if we 
discover more as this project proceeds.
* documents may have a type and a purpose, though sometimes I'm not sure of the 
difference. For example, type: drivers_licence might be purpose: 
identification, and/or purpose: permission_to_drive, while type: shipping_label 
would be purpose: shipping_label
* many documents have an expiry date (e.g. drivers licence)
* a document may become invalid before its expiry date (e.g. because the law 
* a specific version of a document may need to be associated with an entity. 
For example, a licence agreement document accessed via a Product should always 
be the latest version. However the version of that document actually shipped 
with the product should be associated with the ShipmentItem.
* a single document might be associated with more than one entity type: see the 
example in the previous point
Not all documents require all of the above. For example, there are some 
documents where we don't need to track which version was used when, and some 
without expiry dates.
I'm thinking of using the from/thruDate pattern to handle expiry related needs. 
I'd like to put as much information into the jcr path as possible, so less 
needs to go into entities, as per Sascha's suggestion on the dev ML. However 
(at least) from/thruDate and which version of a document was actually used 
where will presumably need to be stored in an entity.

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Re: Proposal about a time based release plan

2012-02-23 Thread Malin Nicolas

it's a clear vision for end user :)



Le 21/02/2012 10:18, Jacopo Cappellato a écrit :

Hi all,

I would like to share some ideas I have to make our release plan more clearer, 
public and well defined.

This plan doesn't require additional work from the community (apart from the 
due diligence when we will call for votes) because I will take care about 
preparing release candidate files, sign them and call for votes; then publish 
them if the vote is successful.
This is basically what we did in the last 2 years with the only (big) 
difference that the release schedule will be decided and announced in advance 
on fixed dates.
For example, we could decide that during the year 2012 (the same scheme could 
be used for 2013 etc...) we will issue a release from each branch every 4 
months like this:

* release 11.04 around 2012-04-15
* release 11.04.01 around 2012-08-15
* release 11.04.02 around 2012-12-15

* release 10.04.01 around 2012-03-15
* release 10.04.02 around 2012-07-15
* release 10.04.03 around 2012-11-15

* release 09.04.02 around 2012-02-15
* release 09.04.03 around 2012-06-15
* release 09.04.04 around 2012-10-15

Or we could decide on a less aggressive schedule and release each branch every 
6 months etc...

And we could also vote in advance for the time a release branch will be closed: 
for example we could vote that the community will not release and apply patches 
to the release branch 09.04 after the release 09.04.04 (this is just an example 
as I would like to propose to close the 09.04 branch earlier than this). New 
patches/contributions (always welcome) for that branch (after it is closed) 
will not be applied to the branch and will stay in Jira for interested parties 
(unless the community will decide to reopen it).

In this way users will know in advance when a branch will be deprecated, how 
many bug fix releases will be issued and based on this information could 
prepare in time for the upgrades (or switch between major releases).

Of course there will be exceptions: maybe we will have to release out of 
schedule to fix some major security issues or we could skip a release if no 
changes since the previous one were committed etc...

When the plan is in place we could then prepare a nice roadmap diagram to be 
published in our Download page. The roadmap will not be feature based and for 
this reason it should be doable with the current structure and resources we 
have in the community: I know it would be also nice to plan and work together 
on a features set, but this will definitely require more coordination, 
agreement and effort... we can (and should) always try to do that also but this 
is another topic (for another thread).
In the meantime, with this time based release plan we will have something real 
to play with.

Please let me know what you think.



Re: Apache license compatible icons

2011-04-22 Thread malin . nicolas
Yes but only on css. My idea on sumbit button is format label and icons

field name=submitsubmit type=add//field == field name=submit
title=${uiLabel.CommonAdd} widget-stylesubmit type=button//field

With this method it's easier to extend template to apply a dedicate css,
img or other for button type.


 Le 22/04/2011 00:54, Nicolas Malin a écrit :

 Ok, thanks jacques and Ryan for your comments : we are in the same line

 First step, I wait/correct famfam icons integration in OFBiz, and
 continue to put icons in menu
 Second step, I work on icon button with jqueryui. I have some idea to
 use prototype button to simplify form definition. 80% buttons are on
 four type : add / update / find / remove.

 H Nicolas,

 there is already this kind of css style for buttons.If you look to pages
 with the tomhawak theme, there is an addition sign for adding, etc..



Re: Apache license compatible icons

2011-04-20 Thread Malin Nicolas

I continue this post since i wish to integrate famfamfam icons in OFBiz

Is there an objection to set famfamfam icons on
framework/images/webapp/images/icons directory ?

To integrate icons to themes support I propose to add on glocalDecorator : 
set field=iconsLocation
from-field=layoutSettings.VT_ICONS_LOC[0] default-value=/images/icons

and for hyperlink and submit button we can call icons than : 
hyperlink description=${uiLabelMap.CommonEdit}
target=ManagePortalPages image-location=${iconsLocation}/edit.png

With this, if a theme want to surcharge standard icons the VT_ICONS_LOC
attribute can be redefined.

Any suggestions ?


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[jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-3983) Bad case to load WorkEffortUiLabels Properties

2010-10-08 Thread Malin Nicolas (JIRA)


Malin Nicolas commented on OFBIZ-3983:

Ho sorry hans,
You right, my ofbiz doesn't  up to date, my apology.

Thanks for your review

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

 Bad case to load WorkEffortUiLabels Properties

 Key: OFBIZ-3983
 Project: OFBiz
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: workeffort
Affects Versions: SVN trunk
Reporter: Nicolas Malin
Priority: Trivial
 Attachments: calendardScreens.patch

 just a correction on WorkEffortUiLabels case in Calendar screen to load 
 correctly labels

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[jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-3983) Bad case to load WorkEffortUiLabels Properties

2010-10-08 Thread Malin Nicolas (JIRA)


Malin Nicolas commented on OFBIZ-3983:

Ho sorry hans,
You right, my ofbiz doesn't  up to date, my apology.

Thanks for your review

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

 Bad case to load WorkEffortUiLabels Properties

 Key: OFBIZ-3983
 Project: OFBiz
  Issue Type: Bug
  Components: workeffort
Affects Versions: SVN trunk
Reporter: Nicolas Malin
Priority: Trivial
 Attachments: calendardScreens.patch

 just a correction on WorkEffortUiLabels case in Calendar screen to load 
 correctly labels

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[jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-3798) Add generic service to call xml-rpc request

2010-06-09 Thread Malin Nicolas (JIRA)


Malin Nicolas commented on OFBIZ-3798:

Arg, so speed :/

But it's not for inclusion, it's a draft :D (yes I know, stupid excuse ;) )


 Add generic service to call xml-rpc request

 Key: OFBIZ-3798
 Project: OFBiz
  Issue Type: New Feature
  Components: framework
Affects Versions: SVN trunk
Reporter: Nicolas Malin
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: SVN trunk

 Attachments: xml-rpc.diff, XmlRpcEngine.patch

 I add a generic service to call xml-rpc server. The goal is to have a 
 technical interface to make calls directly from mini-lang.
 The first patch it's my draft. I don't know where I do the service 
 definition. I add a servicedef in framework/webapp, I move service on 
 framework/common ? any suggest are welcom ;)

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Re: Ruppert and Hans conflict solved.

2009-10-23 Thread malin . nicolas
Hi Hans, Hi  Ruppert, It's good new for all contributor :) we can move
serenely on the right way.

Thks a lot for your work !


 We both regret what has happened which was caused by a number of
 irritations in the last 2 years. We discussed this history with each
 other to have a better understanding where we were coming from.

 Ruppert wanted to apologize for letting emotions get the better of him
 in responding to Hans's email about people Ruppert is working with not
 finishing something they started. Further Ruppert promised that he and
 his people will present the recommendations on best practice in a less
 frustrated way - and will also lead by example and fix some of the
 smaller ones instead of email about it.

 Hans wanted to apologize for the initial email plans are nice, but
 what then? insinuating that Ruppert his people people are good in
 plans but not in implementing everything they think about.  This
 should have been rephrased into Time to get SFA going again! in
 order getting the SFA application further developed.

 We agreed the following:
 1. Reviews of Commits
 a. We agree to follow the contributors guidelines and best practices.
 b. Variable naming can be fixed/committed without big emails to the
 original creator.
 c. Historically HTML was not the strongest point in OFBiz and HotWax
 has cleaned this up greatly.
 d. Styles in HTML code will now not be allowed anymore.
 e. Assistance to other contibutors will be provided to keep it clean.

 2. Form Widget vs FTLs
 a. Baggage around this debate is long and distinguished.
 b. The form widget used to be MUCH more difficult to use, so many
 things went the way of FTLs.
 c. Now that the form widgets are much more powerful and flexible, they
 have become the mostly defacto standard for backend apps
 d. New ftl's in the backend should be really an exception now.

 3. The SFA application.
 a. The SFA application was built on FTLs originally, but needs to find
 it's way into the form widget (like the Project Management app did).
 b. This will allow it to continue to grow in functionality and get
 this neglected piece of the system completed.

 So, the lessons learned? Focus on collaboration and discussion - there
 is no code ownership - and some people are better at building business
 functionality than others.  Continue reviews - with quick commits
 sometimes being the review instead of emails.  No more company based
 suggestions / attacks / etc - we all work for different companies, no
 need to bring people together in these groups - especially when
 they're not involved.  A new SFA application based upon the Form
 Widget is coming - business application maintainability is about cost/
 benefit, so it should be cost effective to maintain.

 Ruppert and Hans

Re: [jira] Closed: (OFBIZ-2916) Add confirm action before do submit action

2009-09-16 Thread Malin Nicolas

Thanks a lot Jacques for your review :)


Jacques Le Roux (JIRA) a écrit :


Jacques Le Roux closed OFBIZ-2916.

Resolution: Fixed
  Assignee: Scott Gray

Thanks Nicolas,

Your patch is in trunk at r815734.

Works well on forms and menus


Add confirm action before do submit action

Key: OFBIZ-2916
Project: OFBiz
 Issue Type: Improvement
 Components: framework
   Affects Versions: SVN trunk
   Reporter: nicolas malin
   Assignee: Scott Gray
Fix For: SVN trunk

Attachments: add-confirm.png, confirm.diff, delete-confirm.png, 

In old thread on dev mailing I explain a process to confirm an action before 
submit for xml form.
After a big latency, I create the patch.
On type submit and hyperlink, I added an attribute confirm that take a take to 
display in the confirm box. Exemple :
field name=submitButton title=${uiLabelMap.CommonAdd}submit button-type=button  
I added on example on example component : to test, after apply patch on 
rebuild, go to example component, add example and add example item. When you 
add a new exampleItem OFBiz ask to confirm and when you want delete it, he ask 
also confirmation before delete this element.
I create two screenshot.


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: svn commit: r810807 - in /ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget: src/org/ofbiz/widget/screen/ templates/htmlScreenMacroLibrary.ftl

2009-09-04 Thread Malin Nicolas

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
The idea is to find a separator that will not be found in any string. 
BTW, that could be also a string and not a sole character, as it's 
only used internally.
I suggested Nicolas to use ¤ (because I never found this character 
used in a string) but I guess he used µµ because he found a problem 
with ¤.

Let's Nicolas talk about it...
Yes , try to use jacques proposition but my keyboard layout d'ont have 
this, so I use µµ for internal separator. When I tested, I have no 
warning compilation, I strange that µµ not know in UTF-8 encode. Maybe a 
problem with the patch ? I search.



From: Scott Gray
FYI, I now get the following warning during compilation:
  [javac15] /Users/lektran/Documents/workspace/amazon/framework/
warning: unmappable character for encoding UTF-8
  [javac15] sr.append(menuString.replaceAll(\, ??));


On 3/09/2009, at 8:22 PM, wrote:

Author: jleroux
Date: Thu Sep  3 08:22:49 2009
New Revision: 810807

A patch from Nicolas Malin 'error whan parsing menu with  on  
screelet header'  - 



Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/screen/

= = = = = = = = 
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/screen/ (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/src/org/ofbiz/widget/screen/ Thu Sep  3 08:22:49 2009

@@ -673,7 +673,7 @@
sr.append(\ padded=);
sr.append( menuString=\);
-sr.append(menuString.replaceAll(\, '));//FIXME change  
the  to ' for fix the macro invoke

+sr.append(menuString.replaceAll(\, µµ));
sr.append(\ showMore=);
sr.append( collapsed=);

Modified: ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/templates/ 

= = = = = = = = 
--- ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/templates/ 
htmlScreenMacroLibrary.ftl (original)
+++ ofbiz/trunk/framework/widget/templates/ 
htmlScreenMacroLibrary.ftl Thu Sep  3 08:22:49 2009

@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@


#if !collapsed
/ulbr class=clear //divdiv #if collapsibleAreaId? 
has_content id=${collapsibleAreaId} #if collapsed 
style=display: none;/#if/#if#if padded class=screenlet- 


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Render menu problem on screenlet header

2009-08-26 Thread Malin Nicolas

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
+1 But to cover all cases I'd  prefer § or µ or even better ¤, I 
never found the last one used in any string :o)

:) Ok jacques, I create jira today and use the ¤ char



From: Nicolas


I convert some screen to screenlet system and during the test to pass 
menu on the screelet begin I lose menu link.

My menu-item is :


when is convert by the HtmlRenderer :

 lia href=javascript:ajaxUpdateArea( top-area= ,{= 
companyid= ,= linknametop= :=

companycoordonates= })=Coordonées/a/li


The problem came from at line  676
 sr.append(menuString.replaceAll(\, '));//FIXME change the  to 
' for fix the macro invoke

All  as replace by ' but ' is already use in the javascript call. I 
propose to convert  in other char as | and in ftl macro do a

revert replace ${menuString?replace(|, \)}

Any suggestion ? If no I create a Jira to correct it.


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: ofbiz database

2009-07-13 Thread Malin Nicolas

sajika1 a écrit :

Can i install ofbiz database to my local machine i am using microsoft OS
and mysql database server...
when i run ofbiz through command prompt it is running properly.But when 
network connection is disabled it will not work properly. 
Thank you very much for your consideration

Hi sajika,

OFBiz call database by network interface. You need localhost network 
interface otherwise it's impossible for OFBiz to works with Mysql database.

To valid your installation, try to contact Mysql server by localhost or 
IP . If it's works, see 
framework/entity/conf/entity-engine.xml for check the mysql connection 


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Proposal for adding an alternate-target element to the form's widget submit element

2009-07-01 Thread Malin Nicolas

It's really usefull idea,

+1 :)

Ashish Vijaywargiya a écrit :



On Wed, Jul 1, 2009 at 4:47 AM, Jacopo Cappellato wrote:



this too could be very useful.

Or even (more concise but less clear and probably more difficult to

form name=FindOrders type=single target=${outputFormat}
 field name=outputFormat
option key=SearchOrdersScreen description=Screen/
option key=SearchOrdersScreenPdf description=PDF/
option key=SearchOrdersScreenCsv description=CSV/
 field name=submitButton title=Searchsubmit



Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Ajax editor in list

2009-05-12 Thread Malin Nicolas


I found an error with ajax inPlaceEditor on list example. When you clic 
to open editor and you valid, the serviceEventHandler refuse the 
modifiction for security reason :

2009-05-12 16:44:48,793 (http- 
[] === Found URL parameter 
[exampleId] passed to secure (https)  .

I do some modification on inPlaceEditor to put exempleId and other field 
not on url parameter but on hidden form field :

form class=inplaceeditor-form method=post id=exampleName_7-inplaceeditorinput value=EXST_IN_DESIGN name=statusId type=hiddeninput value=10007 name=exampleId type=hiddeninput class=editor_field 
name=exampleName size=40 type=textinput class=editor_ok_button value=ok type=submit input class=editor_cancel_button value=cancel type=submit/formspan style=background-color: rgb(255, 255, 153); display: none; 
title=Click to edit id=exampleName_7 class=tabletext falsee/span
script language=JavaScript type=text/javascript
ajaxInPlaceEditDisplayField('exampleName_7', '/example/control/updateExample', 
{paramName: 'exampleName', fieldName1: 'statusId', fieldValue1: 
'EXST_IN_DESIGN', fieldName2: 'exampleId', fieldValue2: '10007', cancelControl: 
'button', htmlResponse: false, savingText: 'Updating...', textBetweenControls: 
' ', updateAfterRequestCall: true, rows: '1', cols: '40'});

But when submission, the security problem already exists :( . Somebody 
can explain me how correct the problem, i don't understand really 
security URL and I have some difficult to create a good correction.



Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: backHome and backLast not secured

2009-04-27 Thread Malin Nicolas

Hans Bakker a écrit :

but do not waste too much time on this, they are not used anywhere.
I thinks the view-last and view-home is good to manage user screen 
process. On many case, we have some user who do a search and operate 
some data modification. After operate their modification, they whant 
return to the last search result.

Example, you list customer that missing last name, and for each put 
missed field. Actualy you need, do the search, select customer, save tel 
number, return to search, do the search.

With view-last we can do :
make the search, select customer, save tel number, select customer, save 
tel number, ...

I try to implement this with view-last but if we call with request we 
have some previous parameters that break the last search, and if we call 
with reques-redirect, we lost security.

If you add security on new uri backLast when can do that.


On Sat, 2009-04-25 at 19:10 -0600, David E Jones wrote:

Where do these come from?

The view-home and view-last response types should NEVER be used  
generically like this and instead should be specific for the  
particular request flow they are part of. Along with that, they should  
require https or not depending on the other requests they are working  


On Apr 25, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Jacques Le Roux wrote:

Is it normal that the backHome and backLast are  not securised ?

request-map uri=backHome
response name=success type=view-home/
request-map uri=backLast
response name=success type=view-last/



Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Proposal to change name of two entities in Portal

2009-04-23 Thread Malin Nicolas


Divesh Dutta a écrit :



Vikas Mayur wrote:


I would like to propose change in name of the following entities in 
Portal. This would also result in changing the name of few keys.

PortalPortlet  -- Portlet (since this is just about a portlet)
PortletPortletCategory -- PortletCategoryMember (as in 

IMO, they are more logical and clear names. I will open a jira issues 
if no body see any objections.


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: backLast and security

2009-04-21 Thread Malin Nicolas

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Hi Nicolas,

Are you not using an XML editor with completion tool ?
Yes, I use xml plugin in eclipse, but to understand more, I read the 
source code associate
Comments in XSD files are intended to help you. If you use a such tool 
they will pop when writing code, as for Java methods for instance.
The save-last-view not correspond. I want save the last search and 
save-current-view is better for do that. But I have always problem 
parameters present in request when I use the  requestType request and 
security problem when I use request-redirect



From: Malin Nicolas

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Hi Nicolas,

The attributes are save-last-view, view-last and view-home. They are 
documented in site-conf.xsd. Did you try to use save-last-view ?

HTH (I did not look into all code details)


Hi jacques,

My problem, I read only the source code and not documentation :) I 
try it tomorow.


From: Malin Nicolas


I work to create a simple system in ofbiz to return on the previous 
screen after creating or updating a record by a specific screen. 
all the solutions I have tested are too complex and too difficulte 
to create. I found the new request type save-* and this solution 
is really nice. After some tests on the example component I have 
just a problem with actual possibility.

I want follow this process :
1. do a search  on example entity by FindExample screen
2. create a new example by EditExample screen
3. When commit with success, I want return on FindExample screen 
with the result of the last search, which was done at the 1rst point

I've done for that some modifications :
Index: framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml
--- framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml
(révision 766684)
+++ framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml
(copie de travail)

@@ -53,15 +53,14 @@
request-map uri=authviewsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 

!-- Example Requests --
-request-map uri=FindExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
+request-map uri=FindExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
value=FindExample save-current-view=true/request-map
request-map uri=EditExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
request-map uri=ExampleReportHtmlsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
request-map uri=ExampleReportPdfsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 

request-map uri=createExample
security https=true auth=true
event type=service invoke=createExample
-response name=success type=request-redirect 

-redirect-parameter name=exampleId/
+response name=success type=request-redirect 

response name=error type=view value=EditExample/
@@ -140,7 +139,8 @@

The problem, when backLast is called, the request return on Http 
and not Https. I have then added a new request-map in 
common-controller.xml :

Index: framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
--- framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
(révision 766684)
+++ framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
(copie de travail)

@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
request-map uri=backLast
response name=success type=view-last/
+request-map uri=backLast-security
+security auth=true https=true
+response name=success type=view-last

!-- View Mappings --
view-map name=error page=/error/error.jsp/

I used first a request-type=request to keep the security but all 
parameters that were created in the example go to search. When I 
return to FindExample screen, the search operate isn't the same. I 
solved this problem with a request-type=request_redirect

Am I on the right path or do I not understand the new save request 
system ?

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

backLast and security

2009-04-20 Thread Malin Nicolas


I work to create a simple system in ofbiz to return on the previous 
screen after creating or updating a record by a specific screen. all the 
solutions I have tested are too complex and too difficulte to create. I 
found the new request type save-* and this solution is really nice. 
After some tests on the example component I have just a problem with 
actual possibility.

I want follow this process :
1. do a search  on example entity by FindExample screen
2. create a new example by EditExample screen
3. When commit with success, I want return on FindExample screen with 
the result of the last search, which was done at the 1rst point

I've done for that some modifications :
Index: framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml
--- framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml(révision 
+++ framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml(copie de 

@@ -53,15 +53,14 @@
request-map uri=authviewsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view value=main/request-map

!-- Example Requests --
-request-map uri=FindExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
+request-map uri=FindExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view value=FindExample 
request-map uri=EditExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
request-map uri=ExampleReportHtmlsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
request-map uri=ExampleReportPdfsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 

request-map uri=createExample
security https=true auth=true
event type=service invoke=createExample
-response name=success type=request-redirect 

-redirect-parameter name=exampleId/
+response name=success type=request-redirect value=backLast
response name=error type=view value=EditExample/
@@ -140,7 +139,8 @@

The problem, when backLast is called, the request return on Http and not 
Https. I have then added a new request-map in common-controller.xml :

Index: framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
--- framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
(révision 766684)
+++ framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml(copie 
de travail)

@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
request-map uri=backLast
response name=success type=view-last/
+request-map uri=backLast-security
+security auth=true https=true
+response name=success type=view-last

!-- View Mappings --
view-map name=error page=/error/error.jsp/

I used first a request-type=request to keep the security but all 
parameters that were created in the example go to search. When I return 
to FindExample screen, the search operate isn't the same. I solved this 
problem with a request-type=request_redirect

Am I on the right path or do I not understand the new save request system ?

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: backLast and security

2009-04-20 Thread Malin Nicolas

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

Hi Nicolas,

The attributes are save-last-view, view-last and view-home. They are 
documented in site-conf.xsd. Did you try to use save-last-view ?

HTH (I did not look into all code details)


Hi jacques,

My problem, I read only the source code and not documentation :) I try 
it tomorow.


From: Malin Nicolas


I work to create a simple system in ofbiz to return on the previous 
screen after creating or updating a record by a specific screen. all 
the solutions I have tested are too complex and too difficulte to 
create. I found the new request type save-* and this solution is 
really nice. After some tests on the example component I have just a 
problem with actual possibility.

I want follow this process :
1. do a search  on example entity by FindExample screen
2. create a new example by EditExample screen
3. When commit with success, I want return on FindExample screen with 
the result of the last search, which was done at the 1rst point

I've done for that some modifications :
Index: framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml
--- framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml
(révision 766684)
+++ framework/example/webapp/example/WEB-INF/controller.xml(copie 
de travail)

@@ -53,15 +53,14 @@
request-map uri=authviewsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 

!-- Example Requests --
-request-map uri=FindExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
+request-map uri=FindExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view value=FindExample 
request-map uri=EditExamplesecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
request-map uri=ExampleReportHtmlsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 
request-map uri=ExampleReportPdfsecurity https=true 
auth=trueresponse name=success type=view 

request-map uri=createExample
security https=true auth=true
event type=service invoke=createExample
-response name=success type=request-redirect 

-redirect-parameter name=exampleId/
+response name=success type=request-redirect 

response name=error type=view value=EditExample/
@@ -140,7 +139,8 @@

The problem, when backLast is called, the request return on Http and 
not Https. I have then added a new request-map in 
common-controller.xml :

Index: framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
--- framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
(révision 766684)
+++ framework/common/webcommon/WEB-INF/common-controller.xml
(copie de travail)

@@ -147,6 +147,10 @@
request-map uri=backLast
response name=success type=view-last/
+request-map uri=backLast-security
+security auth=true https=true
+response name=success type=view-last

!-- View Mappings --
view-map name=error page=/error/error.jsp/

I used first a request-type=request to keep the security but all 
parameters that were created in the example go to search. When I 
return to FindExample screen, the search operate isn't the same. I 
solved this problem with a request-type=request_redirect

Am I on the right path or do I not understand the new save request 
system ?

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :


2009-04-17 Thread Malin Nicolas

Thanks Tim for this operation.

Tim Ruppert a écrit :

No concern on spoofing - just wondering why it's all http instead of https - 
and now that we have a cert - let's go https.  Any objections let me know - but 
I'll likely roll this out today as well.

Tim Ruppert
HotWax Media


- Ean Schuessler wrote:

Is the concern that someone would spoof the doc content? 

- Tim Ruppert wrote: 

Just wondering if we can / should start using the https on I noticed that when you log in, it just goes back to
http - and now that we have a valid cert, shouldn't we change this? 

Let me know your thoughts. 

Ean Schuessler, CTO - - 214-720-0700 x 315


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Discussion: Adding the Unified Expression Language to the framework

2008-12-05 Thread Malin Nicolas


Marco Ruocco a écrit :



Sounds fine


From: Adrian Crum [EMAIL PROTECTED]

I'm considering integrating JUEL ( into the
FlexibleStringExpander class and maybe the FlexibleMapAccessor class.
Jacopo had expressed a desire to integrate Apache Commons EL in this
but the Commons EL project is based on an older EL specification.

Making this change would allow expressions like:

Order balance: ${order.amount - payment.amount}

anywhere the FlexibleStringExpander is used (simple methods, screen

What do you think?




Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Selenium Presentation for OFBiz - Re: OOTB Unit Tests (was Re: Stable trunk?)

2008-11-25 Thread Malin Nicolas
To remove all license problem, the Brett's solution to download all 
elements need to run selenium script with a bad license for ASF. We can 
create selenium script under Apache2.0 license without problem. It's the 
same for jdbc driver, mysql connector is under GPL.

We just have to gain for the stabilization functional.


David E Jones a écrit :

There are two sides of compatibility.

This means that GPL/LGPL licensed works can include Apache 2.0 
licensed works. It does NOT mean (and on that page it even clearly 
states) that ASF projects will not include works that are licensed 
more restrictively than the Apache 2.0 license, which means no 
GPL/LGPL stuff in OFBiz or any other ASF project.


On Nov 25, 2008, at 2:18 PM, BJ Freeman wrote:

Shi Yusen sent the following on 11/25/2008 11:09 AM:

Just curious on these:

Is GPL/LGPL 3.0 compatible with Apache License 2.0 in a single

Shi Yusen/Beijing Langhua Ltd.

在 2008-11-25二的 11:50 -0700,Brett Palmer写道:


The files that are not Apache compatible in the Selenium-RC 

come from selenium-server.jar and are as follows:


- cssQuery-p.js
- cssQuery-level2.js
- cssQuery-level3.js
- cssQuery-standard.js
- cssQuery.js
- xbDebug.js
- compiler.js
- strands.js

In my testing, the only files that seleniumXml needs to run (so far 
are the cssQuery files. These are LGPL licensed and written by Dean 
(  I wrote him to see if he would be 
willing to
change the license to something that is Apache compatible, but I 
never heard

back from him.

The seleniumXml code only depends on the selenium-java-client.jar 
which is
all Apache 2.0 licensed, so you should be able to compile the code 
in ofbiz
without having to comment stuff out.  The problem is you need the 

server to actually run a Selenium RC test.

We could work around the Apache hosting conflict by having an Ant 
download the selenium-server.jar from a non-Apache site (e.g. 
where seleniumXml is hosted right now).  The Apache Velocity 
project's build
does something like this to download Jar files that it needs to 

I would be interested in seeing your Selenium RC script that does the
updates, etc. Does your script integrate with an automated 

like Cruise Control?

We are happy to contribute the seleniumXml code to the project. If 
we can't

get the license problems resolved we can continue to use SourceForge ( as an immediate 



On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 11:03 AM, Erwan de FERRIERES 

so can we make it work, put everything in the trunk except the 

files, and let the user add himself the selenium files ?

In order to start the tests, we could think about the places to 
record the

tests, and also the different scenarios we would like to be tested.

Have we yet decided of the manner to do it :
* start with an ant run-install, load data and run tests for each 

* each component is independant from the others for the test ?
* have an ant task to launch the tests ?

Actually, we've made a beautiful shell script that updates, launch 
and run
the tests, with a selenium RC. Is this a good solution, or do we 
have to

think about something else ?

David E Jones a écrit :

There is a subtlety that has been mentioned a few times but may 
be easy to
miss: Selenium may be Apache 2.0 licensed but it evidently 
depends on
GPL/LGPL libraries (or at least it used to and may still, some 
people were
going to look into that again now), and we'd have to include 
those too, but

we can't do that in an ASF project.

In fact, if Selenium has code that depends on a GPL licensed 
library, then
technically they are not complying with the terms of the GPL 
because they
would have to license Selenium itself under the GPL to be 
compliant. That's

one of a few reasons why we can't just throw it into OFBiz.

Part of the point of the ASF legal strategy is to make sure that 
users of
ASF software don't have to worry about things like viral 
licenses, so this

is quite important.


On Nov 25, 2008, at 12:29 PM, Erwan de FERRIERES wrote:

Selenium projects are under the Apache 2.0 license. So, what are we

waiting to integrate it ?

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :

I just wanted to remember any interested person about the Selenium
lience issue we crossed some times ago and is still existing I'm
pretty sure (did not check though) 
is where we see what GPL viral issue is all about :(Just a 
little part

and all is polluted, at least from our POV)
From: Jacques Le Roux 

Re: [jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-1987) Change createOrderShipmentPlan service

2008-11-16 Thread Malin Nicolas

Yes Jacques, I want works on it during the week 48. I


Jacques Le Roux (JIRA) a écrit :
[ ] 

Jacques Le Roux commented on OFBIZ-1987:

Hi Nicolas,

Did you get a chance to look at this issue ?


Change createOrderShipmentPlan service

Key: OFBIZ-1987
Project: OFBiz
 Issue Type: Improvement
 Components: product
   Affects Versions: SVN trunk
   Reporter: nicolas malin
   Priority: Minor
Fix For: SVN trunk

Attachments: createOrderShipmentPlan.patch

  Original Estimate: 2h
 Remaining Estimate: 2h

The service createOrderShipmentPlan works actally on order to create shipment 
and item. My proposal is change the service to works on OrderItemShipGroup. 
This entity is the relation between order process and shipment process.


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Confirmation option on submit button

2008-10-31 Thread Malin Nicolas

Hi Hans,

Ok I found it :)

   menu-item name=statusToCancelled 

   link target=javascript:confirmActionLink('You want to 
cancel this invoice number 


With confirm attribute the result will be :
${invoice.invoiceId} ? url-mode=plain/

The javascript call is create by the renderer, not direcly define in xml 
file. I try to separate the html technology from the xml sreen engine 
definition. But I am maybe in the wrong.


Hans Bakker a écrit :

Hi Nicolas
there are examples how to do that in OFBiz

try to cancel an invoice in accounting.


On Thu, 2008-10-30 at 11:45 +0100, Malin Nicolas wrote:

No suggestions ?

I will create a Jira for this new feature ?


Malin Nicolas a écrit :


I wish send to OFBiz a fonctionnality on submit button, ask to user a 
confirmation before send form (or call link on hyperlink). This is 
appreciable for end user when he do a delete or not reverse operation.

To operate, I add a new attribut on submit and hyperlink field : confirm
   Exemple :
 field name=closeTmpPeriod title= 


Now in ofbiz we can use event and action to do this, but for me :
 1. dedicated attribut is more easier to read and understand quickly 
the field

 2. if I use event and action the field contains javascript :
  field name=closeTmpPeriod title=  event=onClick 
action=if (! 

 So it is specific to the html renderer, and confirm an operation 
is possible on all interface language.

Do you have suggestions on the issue ?



Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Element filter on list form

2008-10-31 Thread Malin Nicolas

Hi Scott,

Yes it's possible to extend the ModelForm to look if exist a styleName 
in context.

I don't know if the better solution is to use the set element and create 
the conditionnal with the result style in value attribute or dedicate 
element with separate conditionnal and style.

An other solution is put the filter element in child of row-action ?


Scott Gray a écrit :

Can't the same thing be achieved by doing something like this:
set field=styleName value=${bsh:productHeight == null
|| productHeight == 0 ? 'warningRow' : 'normalRow'}/


2008/10/30 Malin Nicolas [EMAIL PROTECTED]:


I have an other enchancement for the Screen Engine.
When you have a list with many information, many user like to have some
line with different color to look quickly important information.

example : set line in blue when status order is created or line in red
if order amount is greater than 1

An other example, for the project with Decathlon we use this :

form name=ListReceiveInCrowd target=ReceiveInCrowd
paginate-target=ReceiveInCrowdSelection type=multi
list-name=listIt paginate=true
 entity-one entity-name=Product
   filter use-when=productHeight == null  || productHeight == 0
|| productWidth  == null  || productWidth  == 0 || productDepth  ==
null  || productDepth  == 0 || weight == null  || weight == 0
   field name=facilityId...

The goal is show receipt with a product that have missing information on
his measures and put the line in red. You can see the screenshot to for
visual result ;) .

To do that, we create new element Filter associate to a form that take a
use-when condition and if is true apply the style define in attribute.

Do you have concerned by this features or do you have some suggestions ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Element filter on list form

2008-10-30 Thread Malin Nicolas


I have an other enchancement for the Screen Engine.
When you have a list with many information, many user like to have some
line with different color to look quickly important information.

example : set line in blue when status order is created or line in red
if order amount is greater than 1

An other example, for the project with Decathlon we use this :

form name=ListReceiveInCrowd target=ReceiveInCrowd
paginate-target=ReceiveInCrowdSelection type=multi
list-name=listIt paginate=true
  entity-one entity-name=Product
filter use-when=productHeight == null  || productHeight == 0
|| productWidth  == null  || productWidth  == 0 || productDepth  ==
null  || productDepth  == 0 || weight == null  || weight == 0
field name=facilityId...

The goal is show receipt with a product that have missing information on
his measures and put the line in red. You can see the screenshot to for

visual result ;) .

To do that, we create new element Filter associate to a form that take a
use-when condition and if is true apply the style define in attribute.

Do you have concerned by this features or do you have some suggestions ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Confirmation option on submit button

2008-10-30 Thread Malin Nicolas

No suggestions ?

I will create a Jira for this new feature ?


Malin Nicolas a écrit :


I wish send to OFBiz a fonctionnality on submit button, ask to user a 
confirmation before send form (or call link on hyperlink). This is 
appreciable for end user when he do a delete or not reverse operation.

To operate, I add a new attribut on submit and hyperlink field : confirm
   Exemple :
 field name=closeTmpPeriod title= 


Now in ofbiz we can use event and action to do this, but for me :
 1. dedicated attribut is more easier to read and understand quickly 
the field

 2. if I use event and action the field contains javascript :
  field name=closeTmpPeriod title=  event=onClick 
action=if (! 

 So it is specific to the html renderer, and confirm an operation 
is possible on all interface language.

Do you have suggestions on the issue ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Element filter on list form

2008-10-30 Thread Malin Nicolas

Ok Jacques, I create Jira :
and associate the patch with an example to test it


Jacques Le Roux a écrit :
I can't see any problems with such an enhancement. A Jira seems 


From: Malin Nicolas [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have an other enchancement for the Screen Engine.
When you have a list with many information, many user like to have some
line with different color to look quickly important information.

example : set line in blue when status order is created or line in red
if order amount is greater than 1

An other example, for the project with Decathlon we use this :

form name=ListReceiveInCrowd target=ReceiveInCrowd
paginate-target=ReceiveInCrowdSelection type=multi
list-name=listIt paginate=true
  entity-one entity-name=Product
filter use-when=productHeight == null  || productHeight == 0
|| productWidth  == null  || productWidth  == 0 || productDepth  ==
null  || productDepth  == 0 || weight == null  || weight == 0
field name=facilityId...

The goal is show receipt with a product that have missing information on
his measures and put the line in red. You can see the screenshot to for

visual result ;) .

To do that, we create new element Filter associate to a form that take a
use-when condition and if is true apply the style define in attribute.

Do you have concerned by this features or do you have some suggestions ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Discussion: Individual logfiles for scheduled jobs

2008-10-28 Thread Malin Nicolas

It's good idea.

Just litle suggestions :) for more usefull, I think to have un link 
associate to the job on sheduled jobs interface to read log from html 
interface as runtime/logs/ofbiz.html permit a quick maintenance.


Philipp Hoppen a écrit :


In our OFBIz projects we often work with scheduled jobs. Since it is 
often useful to view the logging output of a job, we created a 
mechanism for writing this output to a file and making it accessable 
over the OFBIz JobList. We extended the service-declaration with a 
parameter called own-logfile with specifies the name of the logfile 
to use. When a job is executed, a timestamp is appended to this 
filename to guarantee unique filenames. We modified the class 
GenericServiceJob to register an appender for the current thread if 
this property is set and unregister it when the job is done. The name 
of the logfile is stored in JobSandbox and is used to allow 
downloading the file from the JobList and for deleting the logfile 
when the purgeOldJobs service runs. We would like to contribute our 
code if others find this idea useful. If you have any suggestions to 
improve our idea or to integrate it better with OFBIz, please let us 

Best regards

Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: Refactoring function for search Product

2008-10-27 Thread Malin Nicolas


I continue the improvement and connect the worker to pos and hhfacility.
I have no regression. The jira is created :


Malin Nicolas a écrit :


After my jira, I continue my improvement of generic function to search 
a product by id.
I found some functions that do the same operation to find a product 
and after is the product not found search on the view 
GoodIdentificationAndProduct (in, Pos component and 
hhfacility component).

I create a patch to refactoring search function, remove duplicated 
code and create service to call the worker.

Do you have other remarks or suggestions that will be permit to 
improve my solution ?

If my refactoring is in the good way, I continue to replace code in 
POS and hhfacility.


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Confirmation option on submit button

2008-10-27 Thread Malin Nicolas


I wish send to OFBiz a fonctionnality on submit button, ask to user a 
confirmation before send form (or call link on hyperlink). This is 
appreciable for end user when he do a delete or not reverse operation.

To operate, I add a new attribut on submit and hyperlink field : confirm
   Exemple :
 field name=closeTmpPeriod title= 


Now in ofbiz we can use event and action to do this, but for me :
 1. dedicated attribut is more easier to read and understand quickly 
the field

 2. if I use event and action the field contains javascript :
  field name=closeTmpPeriod title=  event=onClick action=if 
(! window.confirm(${uiLabelMap.AccountingConfirmCloseTmpPeriod}))

 So it is specific to the html renderer, and confirm an operation 
is possible on all interface language.

Do you have suggestions on the issue ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Refactoring function for search Product

2008-10-23 Thread Malin Nicolas


After my jira, I continue my improvement of generic function to search a 
product by id.
I found some functions that do the same operation to find a product and 
after is the product not found search on the view 
GoodIdentificationAndProduct (in, Pos component and 
hhfacility component).

I create a patch to refactoring search function, remove duplicated code 
and create service to call the worker.

Do you have other remarks or suggestions that will be permit to improve 
my solution ?

If my refactoring is in the good way, I continue to replace code in POS 
and hhfacility.


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

### Eclipse Workspace Patch 1.0
#P OFBiz
Index: applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/product/
--- applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/product/	(revision 707362)
+++ applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/product/	(working copy)
@@ -1101,5 +1101,55 @@
 	   return ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+ * Finds productId(s) corresponding to a product reference, productId or a GoodIdentification idValue
+ * @param dctx
+ * @param context
+ * @param context.productId use to search with productId or goodIdentification.idValue 
+ * @return a GenericValue with a productId and a List of complementary productId found
+ */
+public static MapString, Object findProductById(DispatchContext ctx, MapString, Object context) { 
+GenericDelegator delegator = ctx.getDelegator();
+String idToFind = (String) context.get(idToFind);
+String goodIdentificationTypeId = (String) context.get(goodIdentificationTypeId);
+String searchProductFirstContext = (String) context.get(searchProductFirst);
+String searchAllIdContext = (String) context.get(searchAllId);
+boolean searchProductFirst = true;
+boolean searchAllId = false;
+if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(searchProductFirstContext)
+ N.equals(searchProductFirstContext)) {
+searchProductFirst = false;
+if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(searchAllIdContext)
+ Y.equals(searchAllIdContext)) {
+searchAllId = true;
+GenericValue product = null;
+ListGenericValue productsFound = null;
+try {
+productsFound = ProductWorker.findProductsById(delegator, idToFind, goodIdentificationTypeId, searchProductFirst, searchAllId);   
+} catch (GenericEntityException e) {
+Debug.logError(e, module);
+if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(productsFound)) {  
+LinkedListGenericValue productsList = new LinkedListGenericValue();
+// gets the first productId of the List
+product = EntityUtil.getFirst(productsFound);
+// remove this productId
+MapString, Object result = ServiceUtil.returnSuccess();
+result.put(product, product);
+result.put(productsList, productsFound);
+return result;
Index: applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/product/
--- applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/product/	(revision 707362)
+++ applications/product/src/org/ofbiz/product/product/	(working copy)
@@ -850,30 +850,65 @@
 return null;
-public static String findProductId(GenericDelegator delegator, String idToFind, String goodIdentificationTypeId) throws GenericEntityException {
-// first lookup and see if this is the Product PK
-GenericValue product = delegator.findByPrimaryKeyCache(Product, UtilMisc.toMap(productId, idToFind));
-String productId = null;
+ * Generic service to find product by id.
+ * By default return the product find by productId 
+ * but you can pass searchProductFirst at false if you want search in goodIdentification before 
+ * or pass searchAllId at true to find all product with this id (product.productId and goodIdentification.idValue) 
+ * @param delegator
+ * @param idToFind
+ * @param goodIdentificationTypeId
+ * @param searchProductFirst
+ * @param searchAllId
+ * @return
+ * @throws GenericEntityException
+ */
+public static ListGenericValue findProductsById( GenericDelegator delegator, 
+String idToFind, String goodIdentificationTypeId,
+boolean searchProductFirst, boolean 

[jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-1987) Change createOrderShipmentPlan service

2008-10-10 Thread Malin Nicolas (JIRA)


Malin Nicolas commented on OFBIZ-1987:

Salut jacques,

ça te dérange que je parle en français ? c'est super plus simple pour me 
faire comprendre ;) , je mettrais un laïus sur jira après.

avant j'utilise
 OISG  OrderItemShipGroup

En faite ce que je me suis aperçu c'est que lorsque tu avais plusieurs 
OISG sur un OH c'est que tu avais pour objectif de partialiser tes 
expéditions et donc de n'envoyer qu'un OISG à la fois. Hors si tu appels

createOrderShipmentPlan, fonction bien utile au demerant :) tu te retrouves 
avec les expéditions prévu de tes OISG même si tu ne voulais opérer qu'à 
l'expédition d'un seul. Les autres pouvant faire lieu de séparation/fusion mais 
avec les planifications d'expéditions faite il devient difficile de les 

D'où l'idée d'orienter le service non pas à l'order mais à l'OISG car 
c'est cette entité qui dirige l'expédition de l'order et non pas l'order 
(pour moi on biaise l'objectif de l'OISG)

Après il faut peut être que je rajoute une fonction 
createOrderShipmentPlanForAll qui ferait la demande pour tous les OISG 
d'un order.

Est ce que ça te parait plus claire, l'objectif de ma modification ?

PS: tu as reçu mon mail de toutes les ptites évole qu'on a faite et que 
tu serai intéressé que je monte les jira


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

 Change createOrderShipmentPlan service

 Key: OFBIZ-1987
 Project: OFBiz
  Issue Type: Improvement
  Components: product
Affects Versions: SVN trunk
Reporter: nicolas malin
Priority: Minor
 Fix For: SVN trunk

 Attachments: createOrderShipmentPlan.patch

   Original Estimate: 2h
  Remaining Estimate: 2h

 The service createOrderShipmentPlan works actally on order to create shipment 
 and item. My proposal is change the service to works on OrderItemShipGroup. 
 This entity is the relation between order process and shipment process.

This message is automatically generated by JIRA.
You can reply to this email to add a comment to the issue online.

Re: [jira] Commented: (OFBIZ-1987) Change createOrderShipmentPlan service

2008-10-10 Thread Malin Nicolas
Oh, excuse me, I send french mail for jacques to explain my improvement, 
and I do a bad replay on my mail reader.

I do a transalation in few time.


Malin Nicolas (JIRA) a écrit :
[ ] 

Malin Nicolas commented on OFBIZ-1987:

Salut jacques,

ça te dérange que je parle en français ? c'est super plus simple pour me 
faire comprendre ;) , je mettrais un laïus sur jira après.

avant j'utilise
 OISG  OrderItemShipGroup

En faite ce que je me suis aperçu c'est que lorsque tu avais plusieurs 
OISG sur un OH c'est que tu avais pour objectif de partialiser tes 
expéditions et donc de n'envoyer qu'un OISG à la fois. Hors si tu appels

createOrderShipmentPlan, fonction bien utile au demerant :) tu te retrouves 
avec les expéditions prévu de tes OISG même si tu ne voulais opérer qu'à 
l'expédition d'un seul. Les autres pouvant faire lieu de séparation/fusion mais 
avec les planifications d'expéditions faite il devient difficile de les 

D'où l'idée d'orienter le service non pas à l'order mais à l'OISG car 
c'est cette entité qui dirige l'expédition de l'order et non pas l'order 
(pour moi on biaise l'objectif de l'OISG)

Après il faut peut être que je rajoute une fonction 
createOrderShipmentPlanForAll qui ferait la demande pour tous les OISG 
d'un order.

Est ce que ça te parait plus claire, l'objectif de ma modification ?

PS: tu as reçu mon mail de toutes les ptites évole qu'on a faite et que 
tu serai intéressé que je monte les jira



Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: not working anymore(tested on 3 servers)

2008-10-07 Thread Malin Nicolas

Ray a écrit :

Does the same on my latest check out and test.

Hi confirm Ray. I start the server on first directory and I try to stop 
it with code in an other directory and return :

 Set OFBIZ_HOME to - /usr/local/workspace/OFBiz
 Shutting down server : FAIL


Hans Bakker wrote:

The last few versions in svn cannot be stopped anymore with the 

i have the problem on several servers.

the message is: Shutting down server : FAIL

i see there some changes in


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: désinscription listes ofbiz

2008-08-14 Thread Malin Nicolas

In french :

Bonjour Fabien,
As tu bien envoyer un message vide sur l'adresse de désinscription ? 


Fabien JALABERT a écrit :


j'ai essayé de multiples fois de me désinscrire des listes ofbiz, 
jamais je ne recois de mail et jamais je ne peux me désinscrire...

peux tu m'aider ?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: contribution: configurable OFBiz configuration :-)

2008-06-10 Thread Malin Nicolas

Hi Michael,

This system exist on Neogia project with config directory. At the root 
of the project, we put a that read all config files on 
the site directory.

I think, we can contribut all idea to ofbiz projet, if you want ;)



Michael Brohl a écrit :

Hi all,

we have changed the OFBiz configuration mechanism for our latest projects 
and I think this change could be useful also for the OFBiz standard.

The problem:
Our customers often have several server systems for one project, at least 
a development, a test and a production server. Some of them have even 
more, up to five systems.
All servers have different IP addresses, sometimes different port 
settings, different cache settings etc. This is hard to handle and it is 
error-prone to edit the configuration sets for every system after the 
project is checked out to the target server. Additionally it would be more 
convenient to edit the settings at a central place instead of many 
different files in the project.

So we thought about a more elegant solution for it.

The solution:
The solution is simple and implemented with the tools the project already 
contains: Ant and some template configuration files.

We have moved all necessary configuration files from their origin to a 
special folder called templates and removed the values from them. The 
values are written in a separate file. A new Ant target 
creates the target configuration files from the templates an the file and copies them to the original location. These 
files are in the svn ignore list so that they are not checked in by 

For every system we have additional property files like, etc. If we want a configuration other than the default 
from, the ant configuration target ist executed with the 
corresponding machine name (e.g. ant build.xml 
configure-and-build). These files only contain the changes from the build 
properties file.

If a property file exists, it will be processed after to have a local developers configuration available.

The following changes have to be made:

1. create a new folder configure and the folders templates and properties 
under it
2. create the configuration templates and corresponding 
file from the original configuration files
3. delete the original files after adding them to svn:ignore to avoid 
checking them back in
4. create a new build file in the configure folder to do the 

5. add a new configuration target to the main build file

This is a simple but powerful solution and we are quite happy with it. We 
would like to contribute this solution as a patch if you find it as useful 
as we  do.

I appreciate your feedback!


Michael Brohl

Michael Brohl
Leitung Consulting eCommerce
Agrenon GmbH
Johanniskirchplatz 6
33615 Bielefeld
Fon: +49 521 5247-0
Fax: +49 521 5247-250
Mobil: +49 160 36 64 918

Company and Management Headquarters:
Agrenon GmbH, Johanniskirchplatz 6, 33615 Bielefeld, Deutschland, Fon: +49 521 
5247-0, Fax: +49 521 5247-250,

Court Registration: Amtsgericht Bielefeld HRB 36795
Chief Executive Officer: Dirk Osterkamp

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Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
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Re: [VOTE] Security fixes and releases

2007-11-26 Thread Malin Nicolas

If I can vote :

1. +1
2. +1 if it's a critical security correction and for the last release only

Jacques Le Roux a écrit :


This is the official vote thread about security issues and fixes in releases

My proposition is to make a vote on 2 points

Please vote for each points
[+1] Yes
[+0] I'm fine either way
[-1] No

1. Do you vote for commiting the patch input-with-password.patch from Jira 
issue in
release4.0 (please see thread release4.0: OFBIZ-1106 (in or out?) in dev ML 
for history) ?

2. Do you vote for, in general, commiting security fixes in releases ?

Other examples of other security issues may be found from here :




Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Gift card demo data

2007-06-29 Thread Malin Nicolas


Actually I work on gift card and I found some error on source code and 
demo data.
I create a jira for 
source code but for second error I need your opinion.

For create gift card, after select it, we need fill survey. But the 
associate survey with demo data doens't works. Why ?

In data demo I found this :
ProductStoreSurveyAppl productStoreSurveyId=1000 
productStoreId=9000 surveyApplTypeId=CART_ADD surveyId=1100 
productId=FA-001 fromDate=2003-11-24 16:00:02.467 
lastUpdatedStamp=2003-12-04 21:40:23.27 lastUpdatedTxStamp=2003-12-04 
ProductStoreSurveyAppl productStoreSurveyId=1000 
productStoreId=9000 surveyApplTypeId=CART_ADD surveyId=1000 
productCategoryId=GC-101 fromDate=2003-11-24 16:00:02.467 
lastUpdatedStamp=2003-12-04 21:40:23.27 lastUpdatedTxStamp=2003-12-04 

When you load demo data , we obtain :

ProductStoreSurveyAppl productStoreSurveyId=1000 
productStoreId=9000 surveyApplTypeId=CART_ADD surveyId=1000 
productCategoryId=GC-101 fromDate=2003-11-24 16:00:02.467 
lastUpdatedStamp=2003-12-04 21:40:23.27 lastUpdatedTxStamp=2003-12-04 

And when we buy gift card, we haven't survey to fill because 
ProductStoreWorker.getProductSurver match first productId and not 

error is on demo data or  ProductStoreWorker.getProductSurver that to 
have match productId and also productCategory  if productId not equals?


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Re: problem with ant.bat run-install-seed

2007-06-26 Thread Malin Nicolas

sqlien a écrit :


I installed neogia 0.9.5 I have create an empty data base mysql and
configured entityengine.xml. I try to run ant.bat run-install-seed but the
process stops and I obtain the following error:

cannot use SUN  rmic , as it is not available. a common solution is to set
the environment variable JAVA_HOME or CLASSPATH


Hi sqlien,
Please for neogia project send your ask on Neogia mailing list project. 
OFBiz community not need this noise.



Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
Site :

Email encoding

2007-05-11 Thread Malin Nicolas


I 've some problem with ofbiz's mail engine. When I receive an email 
from ofbiz server, His encoding is US_ASCII but for use international 
char, it's necessary to use UTF8.

I search where encoding is define and I found nothing.
Can you help me to find the way ?

The encoding stream is define when the screen is create ? or when init 
OutputWriter stream ?


PS :


Nicolas MALIN
Tél :
Site projet :
Société LibrenBerry
Tél :
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