Re: 4.1.2_release_blocker requested: [Issue 121492] Base can not filter by dates

2015-08-09 Thread Kay Schenk

On 07/24/2015 02:53 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
> On 18/07/2015 bugzilla wrote:
>> Kay has asked  for 4.1.2_release_blocker:
>> Issue 121492: Base can not filter by dates
> This one looks good. Patch written by Hanya, discussed at length, and
> available since January 2014, included by Kay in trunk in September
> 2014, 14 votes.
> If we get some more testing (it's easily available on any dev version)
> it would be absolutely OK for me to include it in OpenOffice 4.1.2.
> Comment from For
> better evaluation for inclusion in 4.1.2, it would help a lot if someone
> tested this with
> (recent Windows development builds; we have Linux builds available too,
> see link above for full list) and confirmed that everything works as
> expected. Thanks!
> Regards,
>   Andrea.

We had a Windows tester on this a few days after this post. I'm sure
you've seen the comments in the BZ entry. I think this one is ready to go.



“The journey of a thousand miles begins
 with a single step.”
  --Lao Tzu

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NOT EDITABLE ON WINDOWS 10: The Lingering-Lock Case

2015-08-09 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
After upgrading to Windows 10, some users notice that they have files 
OpenOffice reports as not editable.  There is a report that the named file is 
"locked for editing."  (This is slightly different than saying the files are 


If you followed the procedure given in the message, "REPORTING Windows 10 
Upgrade Issues: BASIC SITUATION" and you find that *some* of your existing 
files are "locked for editing" while *others* including new ones you make are 
completely usable, try this procedure.

 1. With any "locked for editing" file open, use File | Save As ... to save the 
file in the same place with a modification of the name.  Then use Windows File 
Explorer to find the location of the locked version and delete it.  This 
protects against opening the wrong one at a future time.

 2. For any document that was described as "locked for editing" when you opened 
it, close the document if it is open and perform the following procedure.
 a. Note the location of the folder for the document.  Open that folder in the 
Windows File Explorer.
 b. That folder probably has a hidden file named ".~lock.#", 
where  is the name of the file (without the folder part) that 
you found locked for editing.  Use the File Explorer to delete that file.
 c. If you don't see such a file, it may be that File Explorer is not showing 
them to you.  Here's how to make certain that they are visible:
(i) In the Windows File Explorer window that is opened to the folder that 
has the file, select the "View" tab.
(ii) In the Layout section of the View options, select Details.  You can 
always change the view of folders to any other case later.  Use Details for 
troubleshooting, as in this case.
(iii) In the Show/hide section of the View options, CHECK "File name 
extensions" and "Hidden items". 
(iv) That should reveal any hidden lock files in the folder you are 
viewing.  Delete the ones that apply to documents you are using in Apache 


If you have different messages when opening a file in OpenOffice, please create 
a new message.  This message and replies are solely about Windows 10 and 
"locked for editing" messages.

If your situation is as described at the top of this message and this procedure 
does not work, please reply to this message on  so 
we can explore further with you.  If you reply directly to me, that will be 
permission for me to forward your message to the list as I see fit.

 - Dennis

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Re: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Dear Dennis

Thank you for looking at this problem.  Please forgive the length of
the following e-mail; I suspect that when I have mastered the
environmental set-up of OpenOffice, then likely any subsequewnt
questions I can answer myself and will be far shorter.

From what you are saying, I think that although I may have re-built
the relevant modules where I changed the code, this of course did
not carry over to the already-installed software on Windows which I
installed immediately following the first complete build.

I have located using 'find' three 'soffice.bin' files in the
following directories of the code source:

The functionality is most times not in 'soffice.bin' but in the *.dll 
files. For example, if you make a change in module "svgio", then the 
corresponding dll "svgio.dll" will change.


That belongs to the outmost part of OpenOffice, which handles the 
applications. LibreOffice has put a README into each folder, which 
describes shortly the purpose of the module. There are differences 
between LibreOffice and Apache OpenOffice, nevertheless these READMEs 
are useful.


From instsetoo_native you can take\Apache_OpenOffice\msi\install\en-US to administrative 
install the application. That folder is the same as you get, when a 
downloaded, released version is unpacked in the first step of installation.


In the solver, you find all the separate files, which were used to pack 
the versions in instsetoo_native. Read my other mail, how to use them.

Kind regards

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Re: Purpose of "Export = FALSE" in the *.sdi files

2015-08-09 Thread Andrea Pescetti

On 04/07/2015 Regina Henschel wrote:

What is the purpose of "Export = FALSE" in the *.sdi files?
I do not find any explanation.

There are comments at the beginning of


that link this to visibility from Basic. Hope this helps!


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RE: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Jason Marshall
Hi Regina
Thank you for your response.  I have done as you advised and copied just the 
'vcl.dll' file into the existing location and having re-started OpenOffice, the 
menus are backwards, which would indicate that the installed software can now 
see the changes made in the vcl module following re-build and deliver.  I note 
that you indicate that simply replacing the relevant DLL file may not be 
sufficient when a header file has also been changed, as is the case with the 
other example involving the 'cui' module.  In this case, following a re-build 
and deliver, what in addition to copying the DLL files must also be done so 
that the installed code is aware of this change?
I am keen not to take too much of the time of you and your colleagues and 
wonder if I have perhaps missed a section of the OpenOffice website or 
documentation which would enable me to read about this type of thing and so 
solve these problems for myself.  If there is some information like this, would 
you be able to direct me to it?  My industry experience as a software engineer 
was primarily confined to data warehousing and ETL and due to working for a 
large software house, environment and infrastructure efforts were taken care 
of, which may explain why the learning curve here for me is initially a little 
> Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 19:47:17 +0200
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: Simple code practice to get started
> Hi Jason,
> Jason Marshall schrieb:
> > Hi everyone
> >
> > I have successfully built OpenOffice 4.1.1 on a 32 bit Windows 7
> > platform.  I have installed this with windows integration and it runs
> > with no problem.  I have then tried to make a couple of changes to
> > the code as defined by the following hacks on the OpenOffice wiki
> > (addition of extra 'OK' button in about dialog box and reversal of
> > menus):
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Within the directory of the relevant module changed (e. g.
> > /cygdrive/c/aoo44/main/vcl), I then call build and the build appears
> > to complete with no issue.
> After you build a module, call deliver in that module. Some modules do 
> that automatically but others not. So to be sure I run deliver each time.
>However, when I start OpenOffice from the
> > icon on the Windows taskbar, the changes do not appear to have
> > carried through, such that none of the coded changes are visible.
> The installations is not directly connected to the source, therefore the 
> installation knows nothing about your changes.
> The files, which will be packed to an installation set are located in 
> the folder main/solver//
> Sort the folder by date, so that you can easily find, which are altered. 
> Copy the altered *.dll files into the program folder of your 
> installation. If your change alters UI strings too, you might need to 
> copy a *.res file too. They go to program/resource.
> This method only works for small changes inside one module, without 
> changing the headers.
> >
> > I have taken care to ensure that OpenOffice is closed and then
> > re-opened following the build, but to no avail.  I am guessing that
> > for some reason I am not starting OpenOffice correctly, such that it
> > is still running on code which does not contain the changes that I
> > have made.  Alternatively, perhaps the build has not actually worked
> > correctly without me being aware of this.  I am aware that the
> > hacking guide stipulates that OpenOffice should be started from the
> > Cygwin command line.  I have tried this, but the bash states the
> > following:
> >
> > Jason and Emma@JasonandEmma-PC
> > /cygdrive/c/aoo411/main/solver/411/ $ . soffice.bin
> > -bash: .: soffice.bin: cannot execute binary file
> >
> > I suspect that my mistake is really rather elementary and perhaps
> > indicates my own lack of knowledge about how things work.
> > Accordingly, any advice would be much appreciated.
> When you start working on the code, you should make an administrative 
> installation fore-to keep your normal OpenOffice installation untouched. 
> Another effect is, that an administrative installation is even quick, 
> when you need to reinstall the whole OpenOffice, in case you have made 
> changes, which require a clean build or affect a lot of modules. A 
> normal installation is only needed, when you work on the system 
> integration itself.
> Kind regards
> Regina
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

RE: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
Jason, use the more-comprehensive advice from Regina.  

 - Dennis

-Original Message-
From: Jason Marshall [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 11:20
Subject: RE: Simple code practice to get started

Dear Dennis
Thank you for looking at this problem.  [ ... ]

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FW: REPORTING Windows 10 Upgrade Issues: BASIC SITUATION

2015-08-09 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
Janet Monk sent her response directly to me.  I am forwarding it to the list 
with permission.  I have a response for the *.odt files that I will post at 
once.  The *.odb files may be trickier.

[ … ]
From: Janet Monk [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 02:05
Subject: Re: REPORTING Windows 10 Upgrade Issues: BASIC SITUATION
1. I am having problems with Corel Video Studio - some functions do not work.
1 Windows 10 home
  processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4460 CPU@3.20 GHz 3.20  GHz 3.20
  installed memory RAM 6.00 GB
  System type  64bit- Operating system, x64-based processor
  Pen and touch   no pen or touch input is available for this display
2 Open Office 4.1.1
   Apache openoffice 4.1.1
  1617669 rev
  10 items
 Items (odt) saved on OneDrive work and are not read only
 Databases (odb) open but are not editable
None of the databases identify themselves as non editable. 
They cant be edited or added to.
There are no read only files on this list of 10 items
 10  C:\Users\Janet\Documents\Books read\Books read 2013.odt
  9  C:\Users\Janet\Documents\Diary2015\August 2015.odt
  8  C:\Users\Janet\OneDrive\2.odt
  7  C:\Users\Janet\Documents\Books read\Books read.odb
  6  C:\Users\Janet\Documents\Film sseen\Films.odb
  5  C:\Users\Janet\Documents\ Film sseen\Films2015.odb
  4  C:\Users\Janet\Documents\Books read\Books2015toMarch.odb
  3  C:\Users\Janet\OneDrive\August 2015.odt
  2  C:\Users\Janet\Documents\cultural events and music\Cultural events2015.odb
  1  C:\Users\Janet\OneDrive\Untitled 1.odt
The files : 2,4, 5,6,7,8,9 and10 open but are not editable
[ ... ]

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RE: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Jason Marshall
Dear Dennis
Thank you for looking at this problem.  Please forgive the length of the 
following e-mail; I suspect that when I have mastered the environmental set-up 
of OpenOffice, then likely any subsequewnt questions I can answer myself and 
will be far shorter.
>From what you are saying, I think that although I may have re-built the 
>relevant modules where I changed the code, this of course did not carry over 
>to the already-installed software on Windows which I installed immediately 
>following the first complete build.
I have located using 'find' three 'soffice.bin' files in the following 
directories of the code source:

Only the 'soffice.bin' in the second path above shows a file date of today, 
which would indicate that it has been changed by the re-build of changed 
modules today.  Would it therefore be reasonable of me to infer that this is 
the correct version of the file out of the three that now presumably 
encapsulates the code changes following the re-build?
Accordingly, I copied this version of 'soffice.bin' into the Windows 
installation location of OpenOffice and replaced the original version of this 
file.  While OpenOffice runs as usual, again, I do not see any of the obvious 
changes that the hacks were intended to achieve.  Accordingly, I would infer 
from this that the re-builds of the two modules 'cui' and 'vcl' have not 
worked.  In your view, would this be the likely scenario?  Also, both builds 
appeared to run until completion with no obvious errors, so if this was the 
case, then I am unclear as to why the changes are not now apparent when 
OpenOffice is run.
When tinkering with code, I am imagining that it is not necessary to re-install 
OpenOffice every time a module is re-built and note that you advised me to 
simply copy the changed 'soffice.bin' into the install directory and run that 
within the original Windows installation.  Could you confirm if this is the 
typical way that one does test code changes, or is there another way to quickly 
run OpenOffice in order to see changes that have been made.
In terms of any full re-installation, I now note that since the 'cui' and 'vcl' 
module re-build today that the following directory appears to have disappeared:
However, the following directly has since appeared, which is empty and seems to 
have replaced it:
This appears to indicate that the installation files have now gone following 
re-build today.  Would I need to rebuild everything in order to get the install 
files back?
Thank you again for your help.
Best regards

> From:
> To:
> Subject: RE: Simple code practice to get started
> Date: Sun, 9 Aug 2015 09:54:30 -0700
> Building AOO does not put its results where an operating version of AOO has 
> been installed on Windows.  
> It sounds like you have not built the entire package.  Or you built it but 
> did not run the installer that you built.  Running the installer will replace 
> an existing version.  It would be good to not do that on a PC that you are 
> using for production purposes [;<).
>  - Dennis
> PS: If you have a new soffice.bin, you could rename the one in "Program Files 
> (x86)\OpenOffice 4\program\" and then copy your new one there.  Previous 
> warnings apply.  Good luck. 
> -Original Message-
> From: Jason Marshall [] 
> Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 09:03
> To:
> Subject: Simple code practice to get started
> Hi everyone
> I have successfully built OpenOffice 4.1.1 on a 32 bit Windows 7 platform.  I 
> have installed this with windows integration and it runs with no problem.  I 
> have then tried to make a couple of changes to the code as defined by the 
> following hacks on the OpenOffice wiki (addition of extra 'OK' button in 
> about dialog box and reversal of menus):
> Within the directory of the relevant module changed (e. g. 
> /cygdrive/c/aoo44/main/vcl), I then call build and the build appears to 
> complete with no issue.  However, when I start OpenOffice from the icon on 
> the Windows taskbar, the changes do not appear to have carried through, such 
> that none of the coded changes are visible.
> I have taken care to ensure that OpenOffice is closed and then re-opened 
> following the build, but to no avail.  I am guessing that for some reason I 
> am not starting OpenOffice correctly, such that it is still running on code 
> which does not contain the changes that

Re: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Regina Henschel

Hi Jason,

Jason Marshall schrieb:

Hi everyone

I have successfully built OpenOffice 4.1.1 on a 32 bit Windows 7
platform.  I have installed this with windows integration and it runs
with no problem.  I have then tried to make a couple of changes to
the code as defined by the following hacks on the OpenOffice wiki
(addition of extra 'OK' button in about dialog box and reversal of

Within the directory of the relevant module changed (e. g.
/cygdrive/c/aoo44/main/vcl), I then call build and the build appears
to complete with no issue.

After you build a module, call deliver in that module. Some modules do 
that automatically but others not. So to be sure I run deliver each time.

  However, when I start OpenOffice from the

icon on the Windows taskbar, the changes do not appear to have
carried through, such that none of the coded changes are visible.

The installations is not directly connected to the source, therefore the 
installation knows nothing about your changes.

The files, which will be packed to an installation set are located in 
the folder main/solver//

Sort the folder by date, so that you can easily find, which are altered. 
Copy the altered *.dll files into the program folder of your 
installation. If your change alters UI strings too, you might need to 
copy a *.res file too. They go to program/resource.

This method only works for small changes inside one module, without 
changing the headers.

I have taken care to ensure that OpenOffice is closed and then
re-opened following the build, but to no avail.  I am guessing that
for some reason I am not starting OpenOffice correctly, such that it
is still running on code which does not contain the changes that I
have made.  Alternatively, perhaps the build has not actually worked
correctly without me being aware of this.  I am aware that the
hacking guide stipulates that OpenOffice should be started from the
Cygwin command line.  I have tried this, but the bash states the

Jason and Emma@JasonandEmma-PC
/cygdrive/c/aoo411/main/solver/411/ $ . soffice.bin
-bash: .: soffice.bin: cannot execute binary file

I suspect that my mistake is really rather elementary and perhaps
indicates my own lack of knowledge about how things work.
Accordingly, any advice would be much appreciated.

When you start working on the code, you should make an administrative 
installation fore-to keep your normal OpenOffice installation untouched. 
Another effect is, that an administrative installation is even quick, 
when you need to reinstall the whole OpenOffice, in case you have made 
changes, which require a clean build or affect a lot of modules. A 
normal installation is only needed, when you work on the system 
integration itself.

Kind regards

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[WEBSITE] Where to link in OpenOffice FAQ?

2015-08-09 Thread Kay Schenk
Having looked around a bit, I could not easily find where the general
FAQ is linked. It seems to be a link from the "about" page --

which is also no longer linked from the home page.

Should we link "About" from
in some way?


“The journey of a thousand miles begins
 with a single step.”
  --Lao Tzu

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RE: Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Dennis E. Hamilton
Building AOO does not put its results where an operating version of AOO has 
been installed on Windows.  

It sounds like you have not built the entire package.  Or you built it but did 
not run the installer that you built.  Running the installer will replace an 
existing version.  It would be good to not do that on a PC that you are using 
for production purposes [;<).

 - Dennis

PS: If you have a new soffice.bin, you could rename the one in "Program Files 
(x86)\OpenOffice 4\program\" and then copy your new one there.  Previous 
warnings apply.  Good luck. 

-Original Message-
From: Jason Marshall [] 
Sent: Sunday, August 9, 2015 09:03
Subject: Simple code practice to get started

Hi everyone
I have successfully built OpenOffice 4.1.1 on a 32 bit Windows 7 platform.  I 
have installed this with windows integration and it runs with no problem.  I 
have then tried to make a couple of changes to the code as defined by the 
following hacks on the OpenOffice wiki (addition of extra 'OK' button in about 
dialog box and reversal of menus):
Within the directory of the relevant module changed (e. g. 
/cygdrive/c/aoo44/main/vcl), I then call build and the build appears to 
complete with no issue.  However, when I start OpenOffice from the icon on the 
Windows taskbar, the changes do not appear to have carried through, such that 
none of the coded changes are visible.
I have taken care to ensure that OpenOffice is closed and then re-opened 
following the build, but to no avail.  I am guessing that for some reason I am 
not starting OpenOffice correctly, such that it is still running on code which 
does not contain the changes that I have made.  Alternatively, perhaps the 
build has not actually worked correctly without me being aware of this.  I am 
aware that the hacking guide stipulates that OpenOffice should be started from 
the Cygwin command line.  I have tried this, but the bash states the following:
Jason and Emma@JasonandEmma-PC 
$ . soffice.bin
-bash: .: soffice.bin: cannot execute binary file
I suspect that my mistake is really rather elementary and perhaps indicates my 
own lack of knowledge about how things work.  Accordingly, any advice would be 
much appreciated.
Thank you.

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Simple code practice to get started

2015-08-09 Thread Jason Marshall
Hi everyone
I have successfully built OpenOffice 4.1.1 on a 32 bit Windows 7 platform.  I 
have installed this with windows integration and it runs with no problem.  I 
have then tried to make a couple of changes to the code as defined by the 
following hacks on the OpenOffice wiki (addition of extra 'OK' button in about 
dialog box and reversal of menus):
Within the directory of the relevant module changed (e. g. 
/cygdrive/c/aoo44/main/vcl), I then call build and the build appears to 
complete with no issue.  However, when I start OpenOffice from the icon on the 
Windows taskbar, the changes do not appear to have carried through, such that 
none of the coded changes are visible.
I have taken care to ensure that OpenOffice is closed and then re-opened 
following the build, but to no avail.  I am guessing that for some reason I am 
not starting OpenOffice correctly, such that it is still running on code which 
does not contain the changes that I have made.  Alternatively, perhaps the 
build has not actually worked correctly without me being aware of this.  I am 
aware that the hacking guide stipulates that OpenOffice should be started from 
the Cygwin command line.  I have tried this, but the bash states the following:
Jason and Emma@JasonandEmma-PC 
$ . soffice.bin
-bash: .: soffice.bin: cannot execute binary file
I suspect that my mistake is really rather elementary and perhaps indicates my 
own lack of knowledge about how things work.  Accordingly, any advice would be 
much appreciated.
Thank you.

Re: requesting Apache Open Source for Iphone APP

2015-08-09 Thread Rita Sawaya

I am requesting an Apache Open Source for Iphone APP I find it very practical 
to work on iPhone especially when constantly on the go. Thanks for all your 

All the best!

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Re: Open office FAQ

2015-08-09 Thread Andrea Pescetti

Kay Schenk wrote:

On 08/06/2015 07:31 AM, Ivanka Skakun wrote:

would be really glad to translate your FAQ page as well.

Welcome, Ivanka! Sure, a more complete translation of our website into 
Russian would be very important.

You can download the English version of this page from:

Kay is right, but those FAQ pages are not the best to translate. They 
are outdated in the English version and translating them as they are 
would not be very helpful to users.

The Russian site --
seems to be organized in the new format

The Russian site is still incomplete. Only the home page has been 
translated, even if I understand that some translation work might have 
been done but not put online.

So in terms of importance we would need the Russian site to be 
translated first: all details are here and if Ivanka needs the 
"XX" package (the set of 30 pages ready for translation) she can request 
them directly here, or, better on the l10n mailing list where she can get in 
contact with previous translators and possibly retrieve incomplete 
existing work.


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Re: Can't access to "people" with SSH (was: [NOTICE] Windows build machine setted up)

2015-08-09 Thread jan i
On Sunday, August 9, 2015, Michal Hriň  wrote:

> you wrote you had uploaded the SSH keys to, that is a
> good
> first step.Next a couple of questions:
> - which terminal program do you use ?
> I use putty, and had to generate the keys with puttygen, you also have
> to
> remember to
> configure the terminal program to use SSH (not telnet) and give a path
> to
> your part of the key.
> - What exactly happens ? is your key rejected or do you get some kind
> of
> key error ?
> I am using graphical terminal emulator xfce-terminal, bash and openssh
> 6.9p1 ...
> so I need to generate keys : ssh-keygen -t rsa
> Done.
> Now I need to start agent and give to it keys:
> ssh-agent
> ssh-add
> I can check if the agent has keys with:
> ssh-add -L
> ssh-add -l
> Now I am going to id webadmin and copy paste here public ssh-key.
> I am awiting that I can connect:
> ssh myid@people... or
> ssh -2 myid@people... to force v2 protocol.
> The output is:
> --
> Note: logging in to this server with a password has been disabled.
> Please see :
> Remember to load your ssh key:-
> See:  ;
> See:
> Permission denied (publickey).
> --
> I remembered that, I had setted up keys connection some years ago,
> nowadays I do not have old keys. In that time I had to copy my public
> key, to .ssh/authorized_keys file on people machine. Now I am not able
> to do this. Maybe this is the problem.

no now ldap is used (, but I wonder if the problem could be
that you have old keys on people.

This would normally give you a key invalid error. Since you get the note it
seems key is rejected and it therefore falls back to the password, which is

Fastest solution for you is to jump on hip chat with infra, they have the
karma to e.g. remove your old keys.

jan i

> Regards,
> Michal Hriň
> -
> To unsubscribe, e-mail:
> For additional commands, e-mail:

Sent from My iPad, sorry for any misspellings.

Can't access to "people" with SSH (was: [NOTICE] Windows build machine setted up)

2015-08-09 Thread Michal Hriň
you wrote you had uploaded the SSH keys to, that is a
first step.Next a couple of questions:
- which terminal program do you use ?
I use putty, and had to generate the keys with puttygen, you also have
remember to
configure the terminal program to use SSH (not telnet) and give a path
your part of the key.

- What exactly happens ? is your key rejected or do you get some kind
key error ?

I am using graphical terminal emulator xfce-terminal, bash and openssh
6.9p1 ...

so I need to generate keys : ssh-keygen -t rsa

Now I need to start agent and give to it keys:

I can check if the agent has keys with:
ssh-add -L
ssh-add -l

Now I am going to id webadmin and copy paste here public ssh-key.

I am awiting that I can connect:
ssh myid@people... or
ssh -2 myid@people... to force v2 protocol.

The output is:
Note: logging in to this server with a password has been disabled. 

Please see :

Remember to load your ssh key:-

See:  ;

Permission denied (publickey).

I remembered that, I had setted up keys connection some years ago,
nowadays I do not have old keys. In that time I had to copy my public
key, to .ssh/authorized_keys file on people machine. Now I am not able
to do this. Maybe this is the problem.

Michal Hriň   

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4.1.2_release_blocker requested: [Issue 126454] Update English dictionary to version 2015.08.01

2015-08-09 Thread bugzilla
Andrea Pescetti  has asked  for 4.1.2_release_blocker:
Issue 126454: Update English dictionary to version 2015.08.01

--- Description ---
Version 2015.08.01 of the English dictionary contains significant improvements
and thousands of new words. Update source code to use it. See

This is one of the "routine" low-risk fixes included in the dev list discussion
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Re: build breaker/Issue 126449/ svx module

2015-08-09 Thread Don Lewis
On  8 Aug, Martin Bakker wrote:
> Hi There,
> I'm a developer using  AOO in some of my applications.
> To debug some AOO problems I decided to build AOO with symbols to try and 
> find a solution.
> I followed the instructions on how to build  but got stuck  when trying to 
> build the svx module.
> used svn to get fresh start and tried building without debug, same problem.
> I opend an Issue  on bugzilla but was kindly directed this way.
> see the issue for a complete log.
> configure was run like: 
> configure --with-package-format="installed" --disable-gnome-vfs
> trying to build fails with :
> [ build LNK ] Library/
> /home/martin/Downloads/aoo/main/solver/420/
> In function 
> `FmXGridControl::createPeer(com::sun::star::uno::Reference
> const&, com::sun::star::uno::Reference 
> const&)':
> fmgridif.cxx:(.text+0x68b2): undefined reference to `non-virtual thunk to 
> WindowListenerMultiplexer::acquire()'
> /usr/bin/ld: 
> /home/martin/Downloads/aoo/main/solver/420/
> relocation R_X86_64_PC32 against undefined symbol 
> `_ZThn48_N25WindowListenerMultiplexer7acquireEv' can not be used when making 
> a shared object; recompile with -fPIC

Looks like you are compiling with gcc 4.9.  I ran into this same problem
on FreeBSD and worked around it by changing the "-Os" optimization flag
in main/solenv/gbuild/platform/ and
main/solenv/inc/ to:
"-Os -fno-devirtualize -fno-devirtualize-speculatively"
The files controlling this on your platform will be different.

This is a gcc bug, see:

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