Request for a dump of database of OpenOffice bugzilla

2017-06-20 Thread Itzel Morales Ramírez
To whom it may concern,I am a researcher working on the analysis of online discussions. My colleagues and I recently published a paper that describes a work which uses an excerpt of database from the OpenOffice bugzilla tracking system. (’m contacting you because I need of your kind help and support to extend my current excerpt, since I only have threads from 2012-2013(August) of the Writer application.Would you mind sharing with me a dump of the threads for the Writer application from 2013(September) - 2017 (until now) in XML?Something like the attached file

Description: XML document
 I really appreciate your time and support in advance!Best regards

[REQUEST] database schema

2013-08-01 Thread Itzel Morales Ramírez
To whom it may concern,

I'm a PhD student at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (ref I am considering Apache OpenOffice 
bugzilla platform as a case study for my PhD research. I am writing to you 
because I would like to analyse an excerpt of the database (specifically bugs 
related to the product Writer) and specially the database schema, in order to 
understand how is the storage of the comments from a discussion and how they 
are linked.

I really appreciate your time and support.

Thanks in advance,
Best regards,