Re: [dev] Namespace prefix is relevant for validity...?

2009-03-04 Thread Claus Agerskov

Florent Georges skrev:

Niklas Nebel wrote:

See issue 93558

  Huh?!  I can't believe it.  Anyway, thanks for the info.

You can cast some votes on the issue, so it gets more attention.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov ###= Analyze
Project Owner  ##== Requirements Project Management Tool   Design/model   Subproject

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Re: [dev] How to develop a new OOo application?

2009-02-23 Thread Claus Agerskov

Szalai KAMI Kálmán skrev:

You can check what is easier. Start from scratch or use already
available tools.

Project management tools is somehow close to draw or even closer to
calc (with many functions stripped).

I agree.

If you check Impress and Draw you will find it is a common module of
two. So this was not the first time when we use already developed app
as a base.

I did know that these two applications was close but I didn't know that 
one of them derived from the other.

Thanks for the suggestion.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov ###= Analyze
Project Owner  ##== Requirements Project Management Tool   Design/model   Subproject

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[dev] How to develop a new OOo application?

2009-02-23 Thread Claus Agerskov

Hi OOo developers

The Project Management Tool Subproject (OOPM) is near the 
phase where development is going to start.

The goal is that OOPM is going to be a new OOo application like Calc, 
Writer, Impress, Draw and Base. Like Microsoft Project is a part of the 
Microsoft Office suite.

But how would you start developing such an application?

Totally from scratch?

Using the code from one of the existing applications and remove/change 
all the parts which you can't reuse?

All suggestions are welcome.

Thanks in advance.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov ###= Analyze
Project Owner  ##== Requirements Project Management Tool   Design/model   Subproject

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[dev] OOPM five year Today

2009-02-20 Thread Claus Agerskov
Today it is exactly five years ago the incubator project to create a 
project management tool for the suite started when Gil 
Hauer sent a call for participation on the developer 
mailing list 20 Februar 2004.

So far the progress of the project has been far less than any of the 
participants have hoped for. The project doesn't have a running 
prototype - not even a single line of source code.

But from time to time in the past five year there have been periodes 
with activity which have created a big list of wishes and requirements 
for a coming prototype, a list of Open Source project management tools, 
a webpage with these information, 52 issues in the issue 
control system IssueZilla and a lot of discussions on the OOPM developer 
mailing list even though almost none software developers.

Gil Hauer was the first leader of the project where Claus Agerskov 
shortly after the start became a co-leader. Two years ago the project 
got its third co-leader Shawn Abigail. Hauer and Abigail have stepped 
down here in 2009 but will still follow the project so Agerskov will be 
the only project leader left - for now.

The next step is to go through some iterations of figuring out which 
requirements actually are going to be developed into the first prototype 
OOPM version 0.01. The first iterations has been done and can be viewed 
in the spreadsheet document "Requirements from Wish List" in the 
"Documents & Files" section of the OOPM website

OOPM needs a project management tool to manage the project. CollabNet is 
not the rigth tool and a webbased Open Source will be chosen. IssueZilla 
will still be used for issues but to follow the progress OOPM needs a 
better overview.

The OOPM mailing lists will change a bit too. The developer list which 
currently is the most active one will be used for debating development 
of OOPM. The main discussion of OOPM will be moved to the discuss 
mailing list.

To enhance the communication a wiki page at Wiki site and 
an IRC channel will be created within the next two weeks. The IRC 
channel will be used for meetings.

As you can see there is a lot going to happen with OOPM in the near 
future and all help and contributions are appreciated.

Let's create the project management tool of our dreams - let's create 
OOPM for

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov ###= Analyze
Project Owner  ##== Requirements Project Management Tool   Design/model   Subproject

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Re: [dev] Intro and advice sought

2006-01-12 Thread Claus Agerskov
On Thu, 12 Jan 2006, George Pitcher wrote:

> You might be asking 'What's all that got to do with OpenOffice?'. Well, one
> of the things I currently do on the Windows (NT4) version of one of my
> sites, is to build MS Word documents from scratch, using COM. This involves
> multi-page documents and image inclusion. I need to be able to do the same
> type of thing on Linux, so naturally thought that OpenOffice would be the
> equivalent application to MS Office.
> Has anyone done this type of document building, and if so, can they point me
> in the right direction to get me started? If I should be asking this
> question on another non-php list, please let me know.

The fileformat of is OpenDocument 1.0 which is XML files 
and included binaries (images, sounds etc.) ZIP-compressed to a single 

So you can create a template, save it and uncompress it and then change 
the data you want to create documents.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov ###= Analyze
Co-lead/owner  #=== Requirements Project Management Tool
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Design/model   Subproject Implement

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Re: [dev] Converting some files to OOo writer

2005-12-03 Thread Claus Agerskov
On Fri, 2 Dec 2005, Yannick Patois wrote:

> - My first thought was simply to create a simple OOo file with no text,
> unzip the .sxw generated, find the content.xml and insert the converted
> document text with the tags for formating, only a few tens of option
> this typewritter supported.

Don't use the old 1.0 Format (.sx?). Use the new open 
standard OpenDocument (.od?) which is also the default file format for 2.0 and newer.

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov ###= Analyze
Co-lead/owner  #=== Requirements Project Management Tool
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Design/model   Subproject Implement

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Re: [dev] Now that 2.0 is out, what's next?

2005-11-04 Thread Claus Agerskov
On Fri, 4 Nov 2005, Jason Alan Smith wrote:

> I was looking around but did not see anything on the web site for what
> is to come next for OOo, since 2.0 is out the door.

It looks like there is no plans - at all:

  The Roadmap ended with 2.0 (Q4 2004!!!)

And all the other links on " codelines and roadmap" page 
only point to 2.0 or later versions...

Is this the official roadmap? Or is there another place where it can be 

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov #=== Analyze
Content Developer   Requirements Project Management Tool
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Design/model   Subproject Implement

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Re: [dev] wiki(pedia) filter

2005-11-01 Thread Claus Agerskov
On Mon, 31 Oct 2005, Bernhard Haumacher wrote:

> Uwe Brauer wrote:
> > Hello 
> > 
> > Are there any plans to include a wiki(pedia) input or output filter in
> > OO?
> It's on my wishlist... :-)

Why haven't you voted for it then?

The most enjoyable greetings
Claus Agerskov #=== Analyze
Content Developer   Requirements Project Management Tool
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Design/model   Subproject Implement

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Re: [dev] new incubator : Call for Name

2005-10-26 Thread Claus Agerskov
On Wed, 26 Oct 2005, Laurent Godard wrote:

> - (already 1 vote)

Claus Agerskov #=== Analyze
Content Developer   Requirements Project Management Tool
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   Design/model   Subproject Implement

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