Re: [dev] Re: Product Development

2010-04-02 Thread Sgauti

Hi Mathias,
Mathias Bauer wrote:

Hi Sophie,

Sophie wrote:

I feel that currently there is a deep smog on our communication flow, 
see Rene's feeling today, mine on l10n, others on lingu list, may be a 
not so well balanced mail from Bjoern, whatever the great work he has 
done and the not answered question from Volker about odficons01. I guess 
we have some strange times to pass along. That should not disturb us 
from what we have to do: keep the community strong, working in 
confidence, attach importance to what really has, and forget the rest.

Your last sentence really is a wise one and I thank you very much for
it. But at the beginning of this paragraph you mixed very different
things and put them together though they have completely different

Yes, but even though, they have the same resonance.

I don't know much about the things on l10n, linguistic and
odficons, but my own experience from may years lets me think that they
are the usual consequences of bad communication and mistakes on what
side ever - just normal life that happens at times, not only currently.
(Doesn't make it better, but also not an extraordinary event). The
problems mentioned in the release status meeting are somewhat similar,
though I dislike the reaction to them in the meeting.

If people make mistakes, this shouldn't be brushed under the carpet.
Nevertheless discussions about the mistakes should happen in a
respectful manner and with an appropriate tone. So if you mention Rene's
feeling in the meeting, what about the feelings of those being talked to
so rudely as it is documented in the IRC logs of several meetings?
Actually I feel like being a check box that has been unmarked, the 
option is no more the 'community voice' by default. This is what I'm 
highlighting, not the facts one by one (this should be discuss on the 
corresponding list of the corresponding projects).
When you feel like that, you have several ways to react, it depends on 
human behavior, we are also a society.

Now to the other things that IMHO should be seen as something different.

I don't think that Björn's mail was unbalanced. There is only one person
(Eric Bachard) that obviously read it as a personal attack. As Eric is
already known to take nearly everything personally, I wouldn't give that
too much attention. And Björn and I have reacted immediately to Eric's
mail (though it was quite impolite), just to make things clear.
Moreover, all the work from Björn has been presented and discussed on
the dev list upfront, nothing was done in secrecy. I can't see how we
could have done that much better (perhaps except of adding a footer
This mail is not an attack against the education project or one of its
members to every mail sent to an OOo list). There will always be people
who misunderstand even the most balanced mails you can think of. If you
are looking for not so well balanced mails: take the reply from Eric to
Björn (though IMHO naming it not so well balanced would be an euphemism).
The unbalanced was between the mail and the disclaimer on the wiki. 
Sorry that I didn't explain myself better adding confusion on something 
I found important. (BTW I never read Eric Bachard mails since almost 2 
years or really by accident, this is irrelevant to my eyes).
Björn has done a very important work and we should be all really 
thankfull to him. [you know there is always a but, here it comes ;-) ] 
But, when I saw this warning at the top of the log of the release 
minutes page [1], I thought of a contributor, where English is really 
not his beloved language. He will go away asap and won't contribute 
anymore once he has tried to read/understand this message. This not the 
goal of the wiki to discourage contributions... I will discuss this on 
the doc project when I have some time, but I wanted to clarify my not 
so balanced assertion.

And Martin's blog? He has reasons not to vote for Thorsten and IMHO he
is totally entitled to have them. He made them public to demonstrate
that his no vote for Thorsten is not founded in personal problems with
him, on the contrary: he doesn't want to give his vote to Thorsten in
spite of the respect and sympathy he has for him in person. I can't see
anything wrong here.
I've nothing to say about Martin's blog, it is his position, I respect 
it and have said nothing on it.
Still my position is to bring importance to what really has or is. 
Currently, communication in the product development area is going 
completely wrong, this should be underlined and the contributor willing 
to endorse the function  of representation at the CC should be aware of 
the area covered by its role and its importance.


Kind regards

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Re: [dev] Re: Product Development

2010-03-29 Thread Sgauti

Hi Thorsten, all,
Thorsten Behrens wrote:

Hi Martin, *,

this is in response to your blog post here:

(I'll separately post a blog entry about this, but would prefer
discussion on this mailing list)

You wrote:

The only candidate now for the non-code contributing projects for the
next round of council elections will be Thorsten Behrens. he's a well
known great supporter of the hacker driven Product Development, from
my perspective a good representative of the code contributors. But not
for the non-code contributing PD projects of OOo as the charter of the
CC states. It's difficult to do a no vote against the only candidate
for this seat, especially if the candidate does good things for the
project and I consider him as a good friend of mine. But we need a
general review of the PD part of the project, and therefore I want to
see a person representing the classical school of product development
and call for a no-vote and call for new candidates.


so do you really think someone capable of working on the strategic
marketing plan will have _more_ time doing so when being a member of
the CC? ;)

More seriously, and as I wrote in my intro mail, I firmly believe
that CC's central function is arbitration - i.e. talking to people,
convincing folks, finding compromise. It's decidedly not the place to
vote people into, because you need specific jobs A, B, or C done -
that's what the different projects are for, for your example the
marketing project. My selling point is surely not decades of
marketing experience, but rather my ties into the wider community,
for which I know very many people in person, and would call quite a
few of them friends.
I jump here. In your first introduction, that was not obvious that you 
will adopt this position of product dev representative. I for myself had 
also this question in mind. I've been one very concerned by the fact 
that nobody in the CC get the doc project or the QA project voices. For 
some times, product dev was only core code, and even if it's very 
important, that's not enough to deliver a good product. QA, is in the 
middle, Doc, Marketing and l10n are very important neighbors. This is 
the role of the product dev representative to give these projects a 
strong voice in the overall project.

I've done QA work on CWS  sponsoring a tinderbox, I know a fair bit
about the economies  strategies in FLOSS communities - and I do my
legwork in advertising OOo, e.g. at CeBIT. As stated in my
introduction mail, I'm explicitely running for this seat representing
projects outside of raw code contribution in the council - in fact,
I've always frowned upon the notion of being purely code
contributor, qa engineer, or marketer - core to my motivation is
my love for this project, that is OOo, and everything that's
necessary to further its success. Across all camps.

I've been able to see how you love this project, no doubt on that.
I feel that currently there is a deep smog on our communication flow, 
see Rene's feeling today, mine on l10n, others on lingu list, may be a 
not so well balanced mail from Bjoern, whatever the great work he has 
done and the not answered question from Volker about odficons01. I guess 
we have some strange times to pass along. That should not disturb us 
from what we have to do: keep the community strong, working in 
confidence, attach importance to what really has, and forget the rest.

I'm happy to see both Eike and you being candidates to the CC.

Kind regards

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Re: [dev] Need help with QUASTe updates - Thank you Sophie!

2009-12-30 Thread Sgauti

Hi Vito,
vito smolej wrote:

Sgauti wrote:

Hi Vito,
vito smolej wrote:

Hi everybody:

Context;: I am testing 320 m8 for the slovenian / Win version (and a
startup on OSX). After making my usual round of screwups and oversights
(no localized txt files, no access rights to userdata etc) I think I
have my environment pat - or at least far better than at the beginning.

I cant for whatever reason update the old (RED) test results with the
latest (light / deep greeen, no errors) cases. Nor can I delete the test
cases as indicated / promised (probably work in progress) in the QUASTe
wiki page.

If you are the one who upload them, you should be able to delete the
test, but only if you are the owner of them. You need to login on
QASTe and go to your language/plateform, when you get the list of test
per module, there is a check box in front of the test, and a button to
delete them at the bottom of the page.

Says the documentation. But therte's no checkboxes in the last column -
neither on my Win/FireFox nor OSX/Safari-generated page, just a dash,
and I can click on it until cows come home - no effect. Otherwise I
would not list cases below
Strange, you got the dash when you're not login, otherwise, you should 
have a check box in front of the test, and a red cross at the bottom of 
the column to delete the checked tests.
May be this is an issue between the address you gave for the TestTool 
and the one with which you login? it seems that the tool does not 
recognize you as the owner of the tests.

Here's the cases I would like to update - it's all 320 m8 / Slovenian :

*windows *

* e_update.bas
* f_window_functions.bas
* f_wizards.bas
the framework test are all green from what I see, you do not have to 
upload them again

* d_updt.bas
* i_updt_1,bas
* i_updt_2.bas
* m_updt.bas
* w_updt.bas


* ch_updt:calc


When you redo a test, delete the OOo user directory, it may also help
to get the green light :)

I have figured something like this myself in the mean time, but it is a
minor issue - one case of two category 0 scripts biting each other ... 
I am letting it all cool for a moment - if there's errors I should

either shut up (g) or get issues written.
regards and thank you!

You're welcome :)

Kind regards

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Re: [dev] Need help with QUASTe updates

2009-12-29 Thread Sgauti

Hi Vito,
vito smolej wrote:

Hi everybody:

Context;: I am testing 320 m8 for the slovenian / Win version (and a
startup on OSX). After making my usual round of screwups and oversights
(no localized txt files, no access rights to userdata etc) I think I
have my environment pat - or at least far better than at the beginning.

I cant for whatever reason update the old (RED) test results with the
latest (light / deep greeen, no errors) cases. Nor can I delete the test
cases as indicated / promised (probably work in progress) in the QUASTe
wiki page.
If you are the one who upload them, you should be able to delete the 
test, but only if you are the owner of them. You need to login on QASTe 
and go to your language/plateform, when you get the list of test per 
module, there is a check box in front of the test, and a button to 
delete them at the bottom of the page.

Here's the cases I would like to update - it's all 320 m8 / Slovenian :

*windows *

* e_update.bas
* f_window_functions.bas
* f_wizards.bas
* d_updt.bas
* i_updt_1,bas
* i_updt_2.bas
* m_updt.bas
* w_updt.bas


* ch_updt:calc

put it simpler: anything that's not light or dark green, needs to be
replaced with newer test results.

If there's a way I can do it myself, I would gladly do it, but the
mechanism for updates is not as simple as I thought - possibly my
deleting the old RES files screws it up. Also, a hint or URL on the role
of OOo320m8/*.txt files would be welcome - do they get numbered, should
they be cleared between tests etc.

To summarize my errors (this may help others in a similar situation, I
i) do not screw around with keyboard and/or mouse, while Testtool is
running. This is especially dangerous on long tests - for instance on
w_updt. One mouse klick in the wrong moment and you can dump 30 or 40
minutes of your and machine time.
ii) localize the test environment: in some units (writer, graphics)  you
may find BAS files in the tools subdirectory that will expand the
environment. As far as I can tell, this is not expected / necessary for
level 0 tests.
iii) check the privileges for your program files /OOo subdirectory.
Some tests depend on write rights (extension test for instance).
When you redo a test, delete the OOo user directory, it may also help to 
get the green light :)

Kind regards

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Re: [dev] Errors using gsicheck on DEV300_m60

2009-09-30 Thread Sgauti

Kristján Bjarni Guðmundsson wrote:

I tried running gsicheck on the en-US.sdf file for the DEV300_m60 release
and I am getting these errors:

Error: File format, Line 72253, UniqueID uui/source\ids.src/title/)///:
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.
Error: File format, Line 72254, UniqueID uui/source\ids.src/title/)///:
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.
Error: File format, Line 72254, UniqueID uui/source\ids.src/title/)///:
Translation Language entry double. Checking both.
Error: File format, Line 72255, UniqueID uui/source\ids.src/title/)///:
Source Language entry double. Treating as Translation.
Error: File format, Line 72255, UniqueID uui/source\ids.src/title/)///:
Translation Language entry double. Checking both.
Error: File format, Line 72255, UniqueID uui/source\ids.src/title/)///:
Translation Language entry double. Checking both.

I there a newer version of gsicheck that I am supposed to use with the
DEV300_m60 version?

The latest version is 1.9.0, you can have it from here

Kind regards

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Re: [dev] Re: [l10n-dev] specs for Migration analysis module in 3.2

2009-08-10 Thread Sgauti

Hi Ivo,
Ivo Hinkelmann wrote:

Hi Sophie, brought that into the source code with cws paw06 . 
Please ask him for further info.

Thank you. EIS doesn't provide any information too, so I'll ask him.

Kind regards

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Re: [dev] Consolidating build instructions for the community

2009-07-15 Thread Sgauti

Hi Per,
Per Eriksson a écrit :

Thanks for all the kind words.

I have created the guide here: 

And these are the page created so far:
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Getting the source
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Basic Concepts
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Build Requirements
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Windows Build Requirements
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Mac OS X Build Requirements
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Linux Build Requirements
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Solaris Build Requirements

Now to the articles that describe the building for the various platforms.
I have read through the existing documentation, and come up with the 
following headlines. Do anyone feel it should look differently?

OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Building on Windows with Cygwin
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Building on Windows with Visual Studio
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Building on Mac OS X
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Building on Linux
OpenOffice.org_Building_Guide/Building on Solaris
thanks a lot for your work on this guide. Could you add the PDL licence 
on the pages so that we can help where we can? The template we use is 
{{PDL1}}. Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

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