It seems that the question of adding the bibliographic reference data file in 
to the save package (.odt fils) is very simple-

The file you add must have a properly defined namespace declaration 
> Mathias Bauer wrote 
>" It doesn't need to be a registered Mime  type, it's just anything you like. 
> You should use reversed domain notation to have your own "namespace". So a 
> usual media type would be "org.myproject.myapplication.mytype" or
> "vnd.companyname.productname.type". OOo itself uses "org.openoffice" or
> in some places ""."

If the file does not a valid namespace declaration it is not preserved.

And the file needs to be defined in the /META-INF/manifest.xml file 
with a line like -

  <manifest:file-entry manifest:media-type="text/xml" 

I tested this with Bruce's data.rdf file ( which has all the proper namespace 
declarations) from the CiteProc examples and it survives opening, changing 
and saving the file. Now we just need some code to access it .......


David N. Wilson
Co-Project Lead for the Bibliographic 
OpenOffice Project

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