Re: [OSM-dev] Disallowing certain characters in tag keys

2010-10-20 Thread Jochen Topf
On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 11:52:09AM +0100, Andy Allan wrote:
 On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 10:25 AM, Jochen Topf wrote:
  On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 10:06:15AM +0100, Tom Hughes wrote:
  On 16/10/10 19:44, Jochen Topf wrote:
  I am currently fighting some issues where tags with strange characters in 
  need to be represented in a URL for Taginfo. Lots of other websites 
  will have similar issues. Characters like /, ?,, etc. have special 
  in URLs so if they appear in tags I can't have those tags in URLs. 
  escaping characters as %XX helps, sometimes not. And those problems are 
  confined to web pages and URLs only. Special characters that need escaping
  are often a problem.
  I really don't understand the problem here - as far as I know all
  characters can be used in URLs so long as they are properly escaped. If
  your server software is not coping with that for some reason then I
  think it's a bug.
  That might well be a bug. But those bugs creep up all the time, because 
  things are hard to do and because the specs are not as clear as they should 
  I am not saying these things can't be done right, but wouldn't it be nice if
  we can get rid of that problem instead of everybody writing software for OSM
  having to make sure all those cases are handled properly?
  As a test I just created a file called '+?#;%.html' in an apache
  served directory and then asked Firefox to fetch:
  and it was retrieved just fine.
  And now try the same thing again creating a filename with a '/' in it and 
  whether it works this time. It doesn't, because '/' is special for Unix (and
  HTTP) and you need to create a directory with the first part of your name 
  then the second as file. If you would actually want to create one file for
  every key in the OSM database in your filesystem, you'd have a problem.
  You example basically proves my point. :-)
 No, it really doesn't.

Obviously I haven't made my point clear enough. I am saying, those special
characters don't work like normal characters in many cases. They have special
meanings. For instance as directory separators. Or in URLs or HTML code or
programming languages. So whenever you do anything where those characters
can appear, you have to take special care that your code doesn't break. And
programmers are notoriously bad at taking that special care.

 Let's put it this way - there is a subset[1] of unicode code points
 that is valid for both keys and values. If you find any characters
 emitted by OSM that lie outwith that range, then do let us know[3] But
 we've taken great care to permit all other code points in both keys
 and values alike, since we've no idea when someone is going to need
 them. Your example of why we need  (and presumably ) is actually
 great example to undermine your point.

Its really a case a weighting the different cases. On the one hand it
makes sense to allow everything, because you never know what you will
need. But on the other hand it makes sense to restrict what you allow
to make handling easier. We have restricted the number of characters
in keys and values for instance. There are certainly cases where it
would be nice to have more characters, but for practical reasons they
are restricted. We have put in a restriction that a key can only appear
once on an object. Thats also for practical purposes. I am arguing that
there are other things we can do to make working with OSM-tags more
convenient, for what I think, no extra cost.

Look at what happend with email addresses: You can have nearly every ASCII
character in email addresses, spaces and double quotes are allowed for
instance, but you have to escape them in the right way. Real mail programs
can handle that generally. But most scripts tha people write don't.  The result
is that in practice you can't use all those characters in email addresses,
because they work only half the time. If you send programmers to the RFC
and ask them to implement it properly, they can't figure out how to do that
and give up. And each one implements his own system, each having his own
list of characters that work and that don't work. The end-result is a rather
small list of characters that always work and some that work sometimes.
(See the details at )

I argue that if we disallow some characters we can actually expect developers
to implement our spec, if we leave the spec open too much, people will
ignore the difficult parts. If too many programs don't work with the difficult
bits those tags will in practice not be usable anyway, so why not forbid them
outright and all have an easier life?

 Some of these characters need escaping for particular purposes. If you
 find a unicode character that cannot be URLencoded[2], then do let us
 know. Or if you find another encoding scenario which can only encode a

[OSM-dev] FYI - job posting

2010-10-20 Thread Mike N.

 I don't know anything about this, but just in case anyone is interested...


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Renderd + expire_list

2010-10-20 Thread Samir Faci (Dev)
I found the a previous version of the render_expired does work for me,
so it wasn't an issue in my setup as much as code changes.

Looking at git hub:

This commit broke my intended behavior.

as far as I can tell there are 3 modes of operation.

1.)   -d, --delete-from=ZOOM  when expiring tiles of ZOOM or higher,
delete them instead of re-rendering (default is off)
(Which seems to delete the metal files affected)
2.)   -T, --touch-from=ZOOM   when expiring tiles of ZOOM or higher,
touch them instead of re-rendering (default is off)
(Which seems to update the timestamp to be Jan 1 00:00 2000,
either ways a time in the past which would force a re-render on the
next view by the user).
3.)  The last condition checked is if doRender is true, it would
render, but the variable is never set to true, so the program always
just falls through, and never does anything.

 3b.  There is a condition that checks if minZoom  touchFrom or
minZoom  deleteFrom to enable the rendering flag.

I was going to submit a patch... but I wanted to understand the
intended purpose of these changes.

it seems like the program flow now is to only render in combination
with touchFrom or deleteFrom.

I'd like an option that simply given a list of tiles to re-render
them.  I presume that touch/delete has some advantages in regards with
rendering them on demand via apache's mod_tile.

Would adding an option such as --render-from=ZOOM be acceptable? that
simply takes the list of tiles and re-renders all the meta files in
the list?


cat expire.list| render_expired --render-from=10  -z 10 -Z 13

On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:10 AM, Samir Faci (Dev) wrote:
 I'm having some issues with the expire_list method.  I wanted to run
 this by everyone and see if there's anything Im doing that's
 obviously wrong.

 I downloaded 48 hours of changes using osmosis which generated a
 changes.osc file.

 1.) write the changes to the database.

 osm2pgsql -U osmuser  -H localhost -d gis   -e10 -o
 /tiles/sandbox/expire.list --append --slim  /OSMbin/osmosis/change.osc

 Everything looks good so far.

 2.)  Now, at this point ideally, I'd like to just re-render the tiles
 in my expire.list.

 my usual command would be something like this:

 cat  /tiles/sandbox/expire.list  | render_expired  -v -all
 --socket=/var/run/renderd/renderd.sock   --min-zoom=10 --max-zoom=13

 which issues a lot of warnings about:  tile being already requested

 Looking at the output of renderd in the foreground shows me that no
 tiles are being rendered.

 I was following/reading the as a reference.

 as far as I can tell there are 2 options

 --touch-from (touch instead of render )   which I don't believe is
 what I want, but also complains about already requested
 --delete-from (delete instead of render) which is definitely not what I want..

 and the last option is the default behavior which is not working.

 I should be on svn r23377
 (git:f68f5dee3f50eaf12a6f7efbdcb9a6a9dda800b6 ) of mod_tile   , I can
 try to update to latest commit but it seems like it should be working.

 Any thoughts?

 Samir Faci
 *insert title*
 fortune | cowsay -f /usr/share/cows/tux.cow

Samir Faci
*insert title*
fortune | cowsay -f /usr/share/cows/tux.cow

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Renderd + expire_list

2010-10-20 Thread Lennard

On 20-10-2010 15:51, Samir Faci (Dev) wrote:

I was going to submit a patch... but I wanted to understand the
intended purpose of these changes.

The intended purpose was to remove the need to setup rendering threads 
with renderd, when they wouldn't be used anyway.

it seems like the program flow now is to only render in combination
with touchFrom or deleteFrom.

That's a bug. The default behaviour is to rerender tiles, and only when 
a suitable combination of min-zoom and touch-from/delete-from is given, 
to switch to those exclusively. I just committed a fix that does more 
explicit checking of these combinations.

So, for example:

Expire tiles z9 and up by setting their timestamp to the past. This 
causes mod_tile to issue a rerender the next time the expired tile is 

--min-zoom=9 --touch-from=9

Rerender tiles z8-11 and touch z12+. The lower zooms take much longer to 
render, so this rerenders those right away, while delaying rendering the 
higher zooms until someone actually looks at them.

--min-zoom=8 --touch-from=12

If you give no min-zoom/max-zoom (default is 0 and 18 respectively), and 
no touch-from/delete-from, it will go through all zooms and rerender 
them, based on the input file.


dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [OSM-talk] JOSM shp file plugin

2010-10-20 Thread Frederik Ramm


On 10/20/10 09:52, Sam Vekemans wrote:

I'm wondering if it is in the works to have a JOSM plugin where it can
automatically convert shp files (ie. run shp-to-osm.jar in the

No, that would only encourage people to do even more mindless imports 
than we have already. There's not a day gone past without somebody, 
somewhere, importing data without talking to anyone first - overwriting 
existing data, creating duplicate nodes, ignoring license questions, not 
thinking about updates, and whatnot.

Imports are a complex topic and they require a lot of thought and 
discussion. Making imports easier will enable everyone to go through the 
steps technically without necessarily having the proper understanding of 
OSM that is required.

Any editor offering a simple shp import functionality would soon be 
regarded as the software that causes more harm than good. Calls for 
banning that editor would ensue.


josm-dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] [OSM-talk] JOSM shp file plugin

2010-10-20 Thread Frederik Ramm


On 10/20/10 15:42, Tobias Wendorff wrote:

Any editor offering a simple shp import functionality would soon be
regarded as the software that causes more harm than good. Calls for
banning that editor would ensue.

Guns don't kill people...

... and still people call for banning them, q.e.d. ;)


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