Re: [osmosis-dev] nodes column in way table and way_nodes table

2011-12-22 Thread Brett Henderson
Hi Michel,

Yes, there is redundant data stored in the pgsnapshot schema.  It's there
for performance reasons.  If you compare the pgsnapshot schema to the
earlier pgsimple schema you'll notice that the way.nodes column is new, but
that the way_nodes table has always existed.  Both way-node mechanisms are
used for different purposes.

The pgsnapshot schema relies heavily on the PostgreSQL CLUSTER feature
where table contents can be sorted to align with one of the indexes.  The
nodes and ways tables are both organised by geographical location which
drastically improves performance when performing bounding box style queries
because data in the same geographical area will be stored close together on
disk.  The way_nodes table can't make use of geographical clustering which
means that joining the ways table to the nodes table via way_nodes is very
slow for large amounts of data due to large amounts of disk seeks.
Therefore the way-node information is duplicated inside the ways table for
fast lookup of nodes within ways.  This schema includes tags directly
against the node, way and relation tables in hstore columns for exactly the
same reason.  On typical SATA disks, the pgsnapshot schema performs
approximately 10 times faster than the pgsimple schema for bounding box

I can't drop the way_node table because it is still needed for two reasons
(may be others I've forgotten).  1. It is used for replication when a node
changes and the related way geometries have to be updated. 2. It is used
for bounding box queries if the ways table doesn't have any geometric
columns configured.

I hope that makes it clearer.
osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] nodes column in way table and way_nodes table

2011-12-22 Thread Michel Seuthe
Thanks for your detailed reply, Brett. Makes sense.

2011/12/22 Brett Henderson

 Hi Michel,

 Yes, there is redundant data stored in the pgsnapshot schema.  It's there
 for performance reasons.  If you compare the pgsnapshot schema to the
 earlier pgsimple schema you'll notice that the way.nodes column is new, but
 that the way_nodes table has always existed.  Both way-node mechanisms are
 used for different purposes.

 The pgsnapshot schema relies heavily on the PostgreSQL CLUSTER feature
 where table contents can be sorted to align with one of the indexes.  The
 nodes and ways tables are both organised by geographical location which
 drastically improves performance when performing bounding box style queries
 because data in the same geographical area will be stored close together on
 disk.  The way_nodes table can't make use of geographical clustering which
 means that joining the ways table to the nodes table via way_nodes is very
 slow for large amounts of data due to large amounts of disk seeks.
 Therefore the way-node information is duplicated inside the ways table for
 fast lookup of nodes within ways.  This schema includes tags directly
 against the node, way and relation tables in hstore columns for exactly the
 same reason.  On typical SATA disks, the pgsnapshot schema performs
 approximately 10 times faster than the pgsimple schema for bounding box

 I can't drop the way_node table because it is still needed for two reasons
 (may be others I've forgotten).  1. It is used for replication when a node
 changes and the related way geometries have to be updated. 2. It is used
 for bounding box queries if the ways table doesn't have any geometric
 columns configured.

 I hope that makes it clearer.

osmosis-dev mailing list

Re: [osmosis-dev] nodes column in way table and way_nodes table

2011-12-22 Thread Michel Seuthe
I got a question left... If i add the linestring-column to the ways table
_after_ I imported all the data, is there a way to fill this column without
re-import everything?


2011/12/22 Michel Seuthe

 Thanks for your detailed reply, Brett. Makes sense.

 2011/12/22 Brett Henderson

 Hi Michel,

 Yes, there is redundant data stored in the pgsnapshot schema.  It's there
 for performance reasons.  If you compare the pgsnapshot schema to the
 earlier pgsimple schema you'll notice that the way.nodes column is new, but
 that the way_nodes table has always existed.  Both way-node mechanisms are
 used for different purposes.

 The pgsnapshot schema relies heavily on the PostgreSQL CLUSTER feature
 where table contents can be sorted to align with one of the indexes.  The
 nodes and ways tables are both organised by geographical location which
 drastically improves performance when performing bounding box style queries
 because data in the same geographical area will be stored close together on
 disk.  The way_nodes table can't make use of geographical clustering which
 means that joining the ways table to the nodes table via way_nodes is very
 slow for large amounts of data due to large amounts of disk seeks.
 Therefore the way-node information is duplicated inside the ways table for
 fast lookup of nodes within ways.  This schema includes tags directly
 against the node, way and relation tables in hstore columns for exactly the
 same reason.  On typical SATA disks, the pgsnapshot schema performs
 approximately 10 times faster than the pgsimple schema for bounding box

 I can't drop the way_node table because it is still needed for two
 reasons (may be others I've forgotten).  1. It is used for replication when
 a node changes and the related way geometries have to be updated. 2. It is
 used for bounding box queries if the ways table doesn't have any geometric
 columns configured.

 I hope that makes it clearer.

osmosis-dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] 0.6 API read load balancer/proxy prototype with lower limits

2011-12-22 Thread sly (sylvain letuffe)

Following :

I've set up a read load balancer/proxy to the main OSM API 

Better than a thousand words, here it is :

It should be usable wherever any osm editors, tools, bulk downloader use
- For example, you can put this adresse in JOSM F12 - connexion - API url
- It only supports the France area for now (it's a demo)
- You need valid credential at the 0.6 API dev server : if you want write operations to work

In a few words why :

The main API server is applying sanity restrictions in order to limit per IP, 
per area or per elapsed time calls sent to it. This simple proxy is reducing 
such calls by answering the data request calls itself. It's only a prototype 
showing one solution among many others to accelerate read calls and reduce 
load on the main API server.

In a few words how :

When handeling a request,  any of map, node, way, relation, nodes, ways, 
relations and capabilities GET calls are converted to the overpass API 
syntaxe and forwarded to a local (or even could do to a distant) overpass API 
When handeling any other PUT, POST, DELETE, WHATEVER or GET requests, it 
forwards the call to the 0.6 API dev server acting as a transparent proxy as 
much as possible.
Advantage beeing that no modifications are needed in the client if it supports 
the 0.6 API (beside changing the target URL of course)

note: Your credentials are clear text transmitted to my server, but no storing 
is done (you'll have to trust me or use unimportant credential from de dev 

note: the dev server does not have a live copy of the main osm API, so any 
modification done to existing data will fail with a version error (you have 
to create fresh data to test it)

note: please DO NOT try to force re-upload to the live API unless you are very 
sure of what your datas looks like, because I suspect a few bugs to still be 
hidding around

qui suis-je :
email perso : sylvain chez letuffe un point org

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Mapnik style Problem

2011-12-22 Thread Sven Geggus

I'm trying to render a hillshade+contour baselayer. This is loosely based on the
manual in the Wiki

Looks like my stylefile is somewhat broken because calling I get

Step: 14 // -- Extent of all layers: 
Step: 15 // -- Long/lat extent of all layers: 

This is certainly wrong and looks like mixed lat/long and google mercator
coordinates. The result is that my Objects from PGSQL are assumed to be
outside of the map.

Step: 16 // -- Long/lat center of all layers: 
Step: 17 // -- No layers intersecting map!

Here is how is called: hill_style.xml foo.png  -b -17.35010 28.07573 -17.31736 28.11230 
--no-open -v

And here is hill_style.xml:

?xml version=1.0 encoding=utf-8?
Map bgcolor=#B4B4B4 srs=+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 
+lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0.0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgrids=@null +no_defs +over

Style name=contours10
CssParameter name=stroke#66/CssParameter
CssParameter name=stroke-width0.3/CssParameter
Style name=contours50
CssParameter name=stroke#66/CssParameter
CssParameter name=stroke-width0.5/CssParameter
Style name=contours100
CssParameter name=stroke#55/CssParameter
CssParameter name=stroke-width0.5/CssParameter
Style name=contours-text50
TextSymbolizer name=height face_name=DejaVu Sans Book 
size=9 fill=#4F2B00 halo_radius=1 halo_fill= #ff placement=line 
max_char_angle_delta=30 /
Style name=contours-text100
TextSymbolizer name=height face_name=DejaVu Sans Book 
size=9 fill=#4F2B00 halo_radius=1 halo_fill= #ff placement=line  
max_char_angle_delta=30 /
TextSymbolizer name=height face_name=DejaVu Sans Book 
size=10 fill=#381D00 halo_radius=1 halo_fill= #ff placement=line  
max_char_angle_delta=30 /

Style name=raster
  CssParameter name=opacity1.0/CssParameter
  CssParameter name=scalingbilinear/CssParameter
  !--CssParameter name=modemultiply/CssParameter--

Layer name=srtm_10 status=on srs=+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84
Parameter name=typepostgis/Parameter
Parameter name=host/Parameter
Parameter name=port/Parameter
Parameter name=user/Parameter
Parameter name=password/Parameter
Parameter name=dbnamegeg/Parameter
Parameter name=estimate_extentfalse/Parameter
Parameter name=table(select way,height from contours WHERE 
height::integer % 10 = 0 AND height::integer % 50 != 0 AND height::integer % 
100 != 0) as contours-10/Parameter
Parameter name=extent-180,-90,180,89.99/Parameter
Layer name=srtm_50 status=on srs=+proj=latlong +datum=WGS84
Parameter name=typepostgis/Parameter
Parameter name=host/Parameter
Parameter name=port/Parameter
Parameter name=user/Parameter
Parameter name=password/Parameter
Parameter name=dbnamegeg/Parameter
Parameter name=estimate_extentfalse/Parameter
Parameter name=table(select way,height from contours WHERE 
height::integer % 50 = 0 AND height::integer % 100 

Re: [OSM-dev] map disappear on YourS local installation

2011-12-22 Thread Anwar Azulfa
i have checkout from

now, map is appear. but when i try to make routing, i get error again

this is step which i did :

1. i following reference from and
checkout from …

2. i checkout gosmore source from …
ng/gosmore file .pak and rename to gosmore.pak.i put this file inside
gosmore folder

4. i put YOURS/* to /var/www so i can acces it via browser with
now i can access map, but when i make a route from one location to another
location and click find route, error message :Status: An unexpected error
occured in Gosmore: appear

i check on /var/log/apache2/error.log and i get this error message :

*[Thu Dec 22 22:29:48 2011] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
 Undefined index: format in /home/maple/yours/api/1.0/gosmore.php on line
105, referer: http://localhost/*

*nice: ./gosmore: No such file or directory*


What should i do to solve this ?

Help me, please

2011/12/21 Anwar Azulfa

 I try install yours on my computer, i have followed reference from

 But when i access it via browser, i can't found any map.

 then i get idea to pointing js to my map on local computer because i have
 own local tiles .

 I try to change init function on yournavigation.js with :

  function init() {
var options = {
 projection: new OpenLayers.Projection(EPSG:900913),
 displayProjection: new OpenLayers.Projection(EPSG:4326),
 units: m,
 maxResolution: 156543.0339,
 maxExtent: new OpenLayers.Bounds(-20037508.34,
  20037508.34, 20037508.34),
 numZoomLevels: 16,
 controls: [
 new OpenLayers.Control.Navigation(),
 new OpenLayers.Control.PanZoomBar(),
 new OpenLayers.Control.Permalink(),
 new OpenLayers.Control.ScaleLine(),
 new OpenLayers.Control.MousePosition(),
 new OpenLayers.Control.KeyboardDefaults()

 myFirstMap = new OpenLayers.Map(map,options);
 var newL = new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM(Default, 
 http://localhost/osm_tiles3/${z}/${x}/${y}.png;, {numZoomLevels: 19});
  if (!map.getCenter()) {
var center = new OpenLayers.LonLat(116.97,-2.56);
 map.setCenter(center, 5);


 But i stil l can't find map on it ?

 What should i do to solve this ?

 M.Iftakhul Anwar

M.Iftakhul Anwar
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] New version of API

2011-12-22 Thread Kozuch
Hi there,

what about new version of API (0.7)? Since 2009 demands on OSM changed 
drastically so new API is really needed... I can not really find any activity 
in this arey is going on...

We definitely need a kind of API-Lite for rendering of heavy relations at least 


dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Full history extracts

2011-12-22 Thread Simon Poole
I've regenerated all statistics on from the most recent 
full history dump (2011-12-08) and have uploaded most of the extracts to . I have more (continents, German states 
etc) that I can upload on request (uploading from home is simply -very- 
slow, that is why I just don't dump everything on the server)

The extracts were cut with the softcut algorithm and are in XML format.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] New version of API

2011-12-22 Thread Roland Olbricht
 Hi there,
 what about new version of API (0.7)? Since 2009 demands on OSM changed
  drastically so new API is really needed... I can not really find any
  activity in this arey is going on...

There is a lot of stuff. But I frankly say that it would be insane to do any 
API change before the license change, because all OSM tool writers are more or 
less busy at the moment with the license change.



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Merkaator port to Android

2011-12-22 Thread Samat K Jain
On Friday, December 02, 2011 12:56:02 PM Jaak Laineste wrote:
  as you may now, during GSoC QGIS was ported to Android tablets
 Merkaator has technically same base elements: Qt, GEOS, PROJ.4 etc, so
 based on this experience porting of Merkaator could be also possible
 with much smaller fuss. It should be even smaller work than getting
 JOSM working under Android.
  Question: do you know anyone who really would need and use it?

FYI, there is a Mobile Merkaartor in it's source repo:

No idea on it's status, though. I remember seeing something about a Merkaartor 
port to Lighthouse (Qt for Android) but can't find it now.

Samat K Jain ▪ GPG: 0x4A456FBA

I don't know with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV 
will be fought with sticks and stones.
— Albert Einstein (267)

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dev mailing list

Re: [josm-dev] Stabilization ends

2011-12-22 Thread Matthias Julius
Jo writes:

 2011/12/21 Dirk Stöcker


  I can attach my config as a file to the ticket if you like, but in

 If that repoduces the error, do so.

 I'll have to try it first then.

And delete any passwords that might be in there.


josm-dev mailing list