Hello everyone,

my name is André Pereira and I'm a Masters student at Universidade do Minho
in Portugal. I'm currently specializing in two areas: Computer Graphics;
Language Processing and Compilers. I've also studied Parallel Computing and

The language in which I'm most comfortable in is Java, and since I'm
specializing in Computer Graphics, I have experience in OpenGL and Computer
Vision, which are required for some of the projects.

I've looked at your project proposals and there are a few that I find

*a) Recording and Playback of Camera Movement in OSM2World*

   Do you have a format in the works or is it up to the student to develop

*b) A WebGL frontend for OSM2World*

    What is the format of the 3D data tiles?

    Do you want full 3D camera movement?

*c) JOSM Plugin to work with Mapillary imagesd) Image filters for Raster
layers in JOSM*

    Can you provide more details on this project?

Can you please tell me which of these projects are top priority, so that I
can focus in one of them?

Looking forward to a reply!

Best regards,
André Pereira
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