Re: [OSM-dev] Improvement to for mobile devices

2013-08-06 Thread Saman Bemel-Benrud
Hi Mark,

Thanks for taking interest in the OpenStreetMap mobile experience. I've
recently been working with John Firebaugh and
others on improving the design of Making the mobile experiecne
better is one of the tasks we plan to take on soon.

The best way forward is to adapt a responsive web design approach.
Implementation-wise, that means using as much of the same code and markup
that the desktop site uses as possible, and then adjusting styles based on
break points with CSS media queries. Now that table-based layouts have been
removed completely from, we'll be able to establish a responsive
grid across that transitions nicely from desktop to tablet to

Beyond just using media queries and a responsive grid, we need to address
two problems:

1. The mobile use case differs from the desktop use case. Mobile users tend
to be more focused on quickly consuming content rather than creating.
2. There are certain technical limitations that come with mobile/touch
devices (for example, no web-based editors currently work on mobile, so the
'edit' tab should either be remove or adjusted to link to apps that *do* work
on mobile devices).

I believe we'll be able to solve both these problems with a straightforward
responsive web design approach.

Delivering a different site with a different codebase to mobile users would
make maintenance and progress difficult. The most helpful thing you can do
right now is make specific issues about how the current mobile experience
falls short on the github issue tracker, and if you've got the technical
know-how, to start fixing things and submitting pull requests:

On Tue, Aug 6, 2013 at 5:00 PM, Mark Newnham wrote:

 Apologies if a duplicate post, I submitted the same message onto the list
 before I was approved and it seems to be in moderator limbo
 Stemming from a discussion on a diary entry I created , I'm trying
 to start a project about getting an improved home screen for when someone lands there while using a mobile
 device,especially a small device like a smartphone. I feel that it is
 extremely unfriendly (i know, i've used it) and that many potential
 contributors could be frightened away simply by the fact that there is no
 explanation to what is going on. A redirect to an extremely simple mobile
 framework screen would be better than what is going on now.
 I've recently placed a request in to the wiki team to get the mobile
 frontend installed on the wiki as part of the same request.
 I'm assuming that the mobile interface would have to be built in ruby, and
 I've no experience at all in that, and no real time to learn it. I've loads
 of experience in  php/javascript development and have used jquery wrappers
 to build mobile web apps, but I'm happy to be involved in building
 prototypes and  to donate bandwidth and disk space to such a project.
 I originally placed this message on the development forum, and it was
 suggested it should be placed here for a better response, so here it is...

 dev mailing list

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[OSM-dev] Designing a new OSM editor

2012-12-20 Thread Saman Bemel Benrud
Hi everyone,

Along with Tom Macwright and John Firebaugh, I've been sprinting on iD work
this week. Have a look at my early thoughts on improving the iD editor
If anyone has feedback or additional resources to recommend, I'd love to
hear more.
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Improving the OSM Rails Port

2012-10-30 Thread Saman Bemel Benrud
Hi OSM developers!

I want to make the OSM rails site better. I've already started submitting a
few small pull requests (thanks Tom for the merges!), but I thought I'd lay
out my plans and solicit suggestions from those of you who are more
familiar with things than myself.

I plan to approach the project by first making incremental, obvious
improvements, resisting the urge to design from the ground up. I want to
hold onto the brand identity, the paired-down aesthetic, and the
information architecture. Based on the solid foundation that is already in
place, I want to start shaping it into a more friendly, modern,
professional website. Here is our hit list of adjustments:

   - Remove table-based layout elements where they're inappropriate. Tables
   are hard to style, and often don't align cleanly with other elements on a
   page. (partially done in site-cleanup)
   - Start to establish a horizontal grid in the content area for better
   organization (partially done in site-cleanup)
   - Clean up typography, with stronger rhythm, more breathing room,
   consistent behavior  (done in site-cleanup)
   - Break up #content section of the site into two sections: .header and
   .body. This adds some much needed hierarchy to pages, and establishes
   a predictable pattern to help new users find their way around and interact
   with the site (partially done in site-cleanup)
   - Consistent and more prominent button styles
   - Consistent margins. I am using a 20px base for margins across the site
   right now (partially done in site-cleanup)
   - Better looking map markers and map popups
   - Improved 404 page
   - Perform a copy review and clarify UI text (IE, friends - contacts)
   (partially done in site-cleanup)
   - Simplify the 'examples' below the search box.
   - Rethink the where am I? and home buttons from the home page, turn
   them into a single button that does something more useful
   - Better, more consistent icons. (partially done in site-cleanup)
   - Consolidate all the graphics into sprites
   - Find a better home for the 'map key' link
   - Find a better home for the 'GPS traces' link
   - Restyle forms
   - Friendlier login / new account pages. These pages should include a
   concise statement + graphic encouraging users to join

If there are more no-brainer fixes to hit, I'd love to hear them and add
them to to this list.

Right now, I am close to having the site-cleanup branch ready for
There is one blocker though. I would like to build in a separation between
the header and content of the body of pages into the site logic. I taked to
Pavel about helping with implementation, so hopefully that can happen
soon. Here
are some details on what exactly needs to
I am going to cut off new additions to this branch and make sure everything
here works. I will try to keep pull requests more contained in the future.
This one started with a typography overhaul, but a lot of the 'typography'
problems were interrelated with other issues. Next up, I want to rework the
map markers and popups.

At the same time that I am making these small improvements, I will be
thinking about how to push the OSM site forward in more ambitious ways:
more inviting UI, new functionality, better tools, stronger visual
identity. How do we make this site a place both for map consumers to find
their way around, and the home for a more active, more connected mapping
community? How do we make the site dramatically more inviting to new
users? For now, I want to take care of the easy problems.

Lastly, here's a little bit of background about why I'm doing this and who
I am:

I'm a designer at MapBox As
you all probably know, we recently received a big grant from the Knight
Foundation to help OSM. Part of that money is going to fund improving the
website, mostly implemented by me. Yep. I work for the man. This man
specifically I also think
OSM is an amazing project and I want to do everything I can to make
productive contributions to it. My background is solidly in visual/UI
design (I can also write html/css  very bad javascript), and while I've
worked a little with CMS's, I am not much of a developer and don't have any
familiarity with Ruby on Rails. I hope to get more capable over the next
few weeks, but for now I'll probably be making mistakes and asking for help
from those of you who know their way around the Ruby side of things.

Looking forward to working more with all of you. Now would be a great time
to provide feedback on the list I have so far and also send advice my way
on how to best approach things.
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