[OSM-dev] How to compile osm2pgsql without persistent node cache?

2012-09-02 Thread Steven te Brinke

Since I do not have lseek64 on the system that runs osm2pgsql, I cannot compile 
the latest version 
that uses a flat file persistent node cache. However, I do not care about the 
persistent node cache, 
since I'm only importing extracts and it's not well suited for that. So can 
anyone tell me how I can 
compile osm2pgsql without the flat node cache?


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to compile osm2pgsql without persistent node cache?

2012-09-02 Thread Steven te Brinke
Hi Kai,

Never mind, it works on a clean checkout.
It must have been caused by not starting with a clean state. I indeed use 
FreeBSD, which does not 
have lseek64, but I was using the latest version that had the commit you 
mention applied, and got to 
the error:
#error Flat nodes cache requires a 64 bit capable seek
Supposedly I could only get there if no support for large files was available, 
but apparently some 
state of a previous build was still left, even though I cleaned and 
reconfigured. Now, with a clean 
checkout, everything works fine.

Thanks for the explanation.


Op zondag 2 september 2012 18:09:11 schreef Kai Krueger:
 on what platform are you trying to compile osm2pgsl?
 Some systems that don't have lseek64 seem to use a 64bit off_t pointer
 anyway. So the normal lseek is fine for large files. I have added a
 compile check for this condition a couple of days ago [1].
 If your system doesn't support large files at all, then one would indeed
 have to disable the compilation of the persistent node cache. This
 currently isn't possible, but shouldn't be difficult to add.
 On 9/2/12 3:03 AM, Steven te Brinke wrote:
  Since I do not have lseek64 on the system that runs osm2pgsql, I cannot
  compile the latest version that uses a flat file persistent node cache.
  However, I do not care about the persistent node cache, since I'm only
  importing extracts and it's not well suited for that. So can anyone tell
  me how I can compile osm2pgsql without the flat node cache?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tagtransform

2009-05-03 Thread Steven te Brinke


Is the tagtransform plugin still maintained? Because it looks like the 
same problem as 3 months ago still exists: it does not work with the 
latest release of Osmosis.
The plugin looks very useful to me, so if noone maintains it, I'll give 
refactoring it a try, but because I have no experience with coding 
Osmosis plugins, I would prefer if someone else could do this.


Dave Stubbs schreef:

2009/2/13  marcus.wolsc...@googlemail.com:

On Thu, 12 Feb 2009 21:34:21 +0100, Rolf Bode-Meyer rob...@gmail.com

That indeed looks promissing.
Unfortunatelly one seems to have be a programmer to use osmosis. Every
problem is presented as a Java exception. Some of them contain at
least a faint idea of what could be wrong. But something like this
leaves me clueless:




This looks like the plugin was compiled against a different version of
My guess would be, that it was build against the latest development-version
and you are using
the last stable release of osmosis. Something like this.
It's something Randomjunk the developer of the plugin has to fix.
I have not seen any contact-info on his wiki-user-page so I hope he reads

It was built against v0.29 of Osmosis which is the version I'm still
using -- it should work with that.

I hadn't realised the plugin interface had changed. I'll have to take
a look some time.


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Re: [OSM-dev] asking for open layers

2009-04-22 Thread Steven te Brinke


OpenLayers can easily be used off-line, just change the URL where it 
should retrieve the tiles from to a local URL.


ahmed soua schreef:

Hi all,
my question is :  is it possible to work with Open layers and obtain 
slippy map of my country without an internet connection .
( I have downloaded the file tunisia .osm and put the data into a 
postgres data base and generate the necessary tiles with mapnik)


Le bonheur est comme l'écho : il vous répond : mais il ne vient pas.

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dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Generate image and tiles scripts

2008-07-29 Thread Steven te Brinke


I've changed the generate_tiles and generate_image scripts to suit my 
needs and like to share them. The changes are:

- they can be called from the command line
- generate_tiles can resume at a given tile
- generate_image zoom levels work more like the slippy map zoom levels
As a side effect, a dependency on optparse is added.

If anyone with svn access likes these changes, they can be added there. 
Otherwise, they just stay on the mailinglist for those interested.

# Generates a single large PNG image for a UK bounding box
# Tweak the lat/lon bounding box (ll) and image dimensions
# to get an image of arbitrary size.
# To use this script you must first have installed mapnik
# and imported a planet file into a Postgres DB using
# osm2pgsql.
# Note that mapnik renders data differently depending on
# the size of image. More detail appears as the image size
# increases but note that the text is rendered at a constant
# pixel size so will appear smaller on a large image.

from mapnik import *
from optparse import make_option,OptionParser
import sys, os

def render_image(ll, mapfile, map_uri=image.png, z=10):
prj = Projection(+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m [EMAIL PROTECTED] +no_defs +over)
c0 = prj.forward(Coord(ll[0],ll[1]))
c1 = prj.forward(Coord(ll[2],ll[3]))

yfactor = (c1.y - c0.y) / 78097
xfactor = (c1.x - c0.x) / (c1.y - c0.y)
imgy = int(yfactor * (2 ** (z - 1)))
imgx = int(imgy * xfactor)

m = Map(imgx,imgy)
bbox = Envelope(c0.x,c0.y,c1.x,c1.y)
im = Image(imgx,imgy)
render(m, im)
view = im.view(0,0,imgx,imgy) # x,y,width,height

return (imgx, imgy) # return size of generated image

if __name__ == __main__:
mapfile = os.environ['MAPNIK_MAP_FILE']
except KeyError:
mapfile = osm.xml

#  Change this to the bounding box you want
bbox = (-6.5, 49.5, 2.1, 59)
map_uri = image.png
zoom = 10

option_list = [
make_option(-b, --bbox, type=float, nargs=4, dest=bbox, metavar=minLon minLat maxLon maxLat, help=Bounding box to render, default=bbox),
make_option(-u, --map_uri, type=string, dest=map_uri, help=URI to save the image to, default=map_uri),
make_option(-z, --zoom, type=int, dest=zoom, help=Zoom level to render, default=zoom),
parser = OptionParser(option_list=option_list)
(options, args) = parser.parse_args()

render_image(options.bbox, mapfile, options.map_uri, options.zoom)
from math import pi,cos,sin,log,exp,atan
from subprocess import call
from optparse import make_option,OptionParser
import sys, os

DEG_TO_RAD = pi/180
RAD_TO_DEG = 180/pi

def minmax (a,b,c):
a = max(a,b)
a = min(a,c)
return a

class GoogleProjection:
def __init__(self,levels=18):
self.Bc = []
self.Cc = []
self.zc = []
self.Ac = []
c = 256
for d in range(0,levels):
e = c/2;
self.Cc.append(c/(2 * pi))
c *= 2

def fromLLtoPixel(self,ll,zoom):
 d = self.zc[zoom]
 e = round(d[0] + ll[0] * self.Bc[zoom])
 f = minmax(sin(DEG_TO_RAD * ll[1]),-0.,0.)
 g = round(d[1] + 0.5*log((1+f)/(1-f))*-self.Cc[zoom])
 return (e,g)
def fromPixelToLL(self,px,zoom):
 e = self.zc[zoom]
 f = (px[0] - e[0])/self.Bc[zoom]
 g = (px[1] - e[1])/-self.Cc[zoom]
 h = RAD_TO_DEG * ( 2 * atan(exp(g)) - 0.5 * pi)
 return (f,h)

from mapnik import *

def render_tiles(bbox, mapfile, tile_dir, minZoom=1,maxZoom=18, name=unknown, start=(0,0), quiet=False):
if not quiet:
print render_tiles(,bbox, mapfile, tile_dir, minZoom,maxZoom, name, start,)

if not os.path.isdir(tile_dir):

gprj = GoogleProjection(maxZoom+1) 
m = Map(2 * 256,2 * 256)
prj = Projection(+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0 +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m [EMAIL PROTECTED] +no_defs +over)

ll0 = (bbox[0],bbox[3])
ll1 = (bbox[2],bbox[1])

for z in range(minZoom,maxZoom + 1):
px0 = gprj.fromLLtoPixel(ll0,z)
px1 = gprj.fromLLtoPixel(ll1,z)

# check if we have directories in place
zoom = %s % z
if not os.path.isdir(tile_dir + zoom):
os.mkdir(tile_dir + zoom)
for x in range(max(start[0],int(px0[0]/256.0)),int(px1[0]/256.0)+1):
# check if we have directories in place
str_x = %s % x
if not os.path.isdir(tile_dir + zoom + '/' + str_x):
os.mkdir(tile_dir + zoom + '/' + str_x)

Re: [OSM-dev] why does api not return nodes that are referenced from ways?

2008-02-06 Thread Steven te Brinke
I've found some missing nodes too and like to fix the problem. Is there 
an easy way to undelete them?


Frederik Ramm schreef:



Uh oh. I guess I need to teach pyroute to somehow ignore such nodes
completely. Any chance you could track down how exactly that node got

It seems to have happened with Potlatch (0.4b), end of August last
year. I think I remember there was a bug that did these things in
certain network timeout situations or so but I cannot remember, you
may want to check the mailing lists around that date if you're really

You can access the history of the way using



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