warnings after importing PT_Assistant plugin project

2020-03-02 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
I have recently moved on from eclipse to IntelliJ ide now the problem is
that when I imported the project in the IDE I got three following warnings
WARNING: Could not detect the project version, you are probably not
building inside a git repository!
WARNING: The project version is currently the default value `unspecified`.
WARNING: To change the version number, either build in a git-repository or
set the version manually by adding the line `project.version = "1.2.3"` to
the Gradle build script.

I think that there could be some build issues here. Please let me know what
it is
Thank you

[OSM-dev] JOSM project deployment in PT_Assistant plugin

2020-02-23 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
Vaibhav here, I have compiled the PT_Assistant plugin with Gradle but most
of the classes are extending from JOSM so my question is?

where can I find the JOSM source code inside the PT_Assistant plugin?

Is there any source code of JOSM inside the plugin or is there any .jar
file for JOSM inside PT_Assistant plugin. Please let me know where can I
find it inside my PT_Assistant plugin.
And also how would I update the JOSM code.
By the way, I already have the JOSM source code but I would like to know
where can I find it inside my PT_Assistant.
Thank you
Truly yours
dev mailing list

JOSM project deployment in PT_Assistant plugin

2020-02-23 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
Vaibhav here, I have compiled the PT_Assistant plugin with Gradle but most
of the classes are extending from JOSM so my question is?

where can I find the JOSM source code inside the PT_Assistant plugin?

Is there any source code of JOSM inside the plugin or is there any .jar
file for JOSM inside PT_Assistant plugin. Please let me know where can I
find it inside my PT_Assistant plugin.
And also how would I update the JOSM code.
By the way, I already have the JOSM source code but I would like to know
where can I find it inside my PT_Assistant.
Thank you
Truly yours

[OSM-dev] having problem in Installing pt_assistant manually in josm

2020-02-03 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
hello, OSM-dev  community,
Vaibhav here, currently I want to work on the josm projects
pt_assistant plugin but there is a problem I can't install it manually. I
tried the following link
https://josm.openstreetmap.de/wiki/DevelopersGuide/DevelopingPlugins but
then when I tried to compile the build.xml file inside the pt_assistant
directory it gave me this error   (BUILD FAILED
/home/dev135/pt_assistant/build.xml:9: Cannot find
/home/dev135/build-common.xml imported from

If Any of you know how can I install the pt_assistant plugin then please
let me know? Because When I am opening the build.xml file inside my ant
environment it's not showing any compile file like it was supposed to. Btw
I have forked it from the GitHub it from its repo here

PS - Currently I am using the eclipse with the ant environment.
Please help!
Yours's truly
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] No reply from josm community

2020-01-28 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
Hello devs of OSM community
   Vaibhav here recently I posted an email regarding GSoC on
the josm mailing list. There has been no reply from the last 3-days since I
have sent the email. I wanted to know if Josm is still active. here's the
link to my mail
If you have any information about it please help!
Yours sincerely
dev mailing list


2020-01-24 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
hello, Devs of JOSM community-
Vaibhav here, sir I am new to open source and in recent days I
came to know about JOSM from the osm dev mailing list. Sir, I wanted to
participate in GSoC  2020 and I chose the OSM organization for the purpose,
At first, I chose the merkaartor project but then someone from the dev
mailing list recommended the JOSM project.
Sir I would like to know if JOSM is still active and how should I proceed
to be one of the GSoC participants for JOSM. And if any of you willing to
be my mentor for GSoC 2020. Sir your advice is highly appreciated.
Have a nice day.
Yours Sincerely
Vaibhav Bisht

Re: [OSM-dev] Mentors in GSoC

2020-01-24 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
Thanks for the tip!

On Wed, Jan 22, 2020 at 10:46 PM Jo  wrote:

> Hi,
> You should get in touch with the developer of Merkaartor directly. Only
> they would be capable of mentoring you. Having said that, there is not much
> development on Merkaartor and the userbase is very small.
> If you know Java, it may make more sense to also make a proposal for JOSM.
> Josm.openstreetmap.de
> It has more developers, which is a plus and it is actively developed and
> used. Still only a handful of developers though, so even there it may be
> difficult to find a mentor for you.
> If you are interested in this, look at the bug tracker and try to fix some
> bugs.
> Polyglot
> On Wed, Jan 22, 2020, 17:18 Vaibhav Bisht 
> wrote:
>> Hello, osm dev community
>>   This is Vaibhav, recently I Posted a mail in the mailing list of
>> osm
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/dev/2020-January/030864.html
>> in which regard you replied that I need to ask the project dev to be my
>> mentor. Sir, I wanted to know that since right now I am a beginner will it
>> be fine to ask directly to the dev of osm/merkaartor to be my mentor, or
>> are there any specific mentors from osm for GSoC to whom I should resolve
>> my query.
>> Sir, I would definitely like to know your suggestions in this regard.
>> Apologies for any misunderstanding.
>> Yours sincerely
>> Vaibhav
>> ___
>> dev mailing list
>> dev@openstreetmap.org
>> https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listinfo/dev
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Mentors in GSoC

2020-01-22 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
Hello, osm dev community
  This is Vaibhav, recently I Posted a mail in the mailing list of osm
https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/dev/2020-January/030864.html   in
which regard you replied that I need to ask the project dev to be my
mentor. Sir, I wanted to know that since right now I am a beginner will it
be fine to ask directly to the dev of osm/merkaartor to be my mentor, or
are there any specific mentors from osm for GSoC to whom I should resolve
my query.
Sir, I would definitely like to know your suggestions in this regard.
Apologies for any misunderstanding.
Yours sincerely
dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Participation in GSoC

2020-01-17 Thread Vaibhav Bisht
Hello, Devs of OSM community-

   I am Vaibhav and right now I am a sophomore sir/mam I would like to
know as of which project under OSM should I contribute, in order to work
with OSM as a participatory student will any project do or are there any
specific ones for GSoC. Although right now I have already chosen a project
OpenStreetMap/Merkaartor but will update it according to your reply. Is
your organization going to participate this year too?

Hope to get a reply soon.

Thank you
dev mailing list