Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-05 Thread OJ W
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 1:35 AM, Erik Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:26 AM, Matt Amos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> there have been occasions when "real" mappers have documented their
>> tags on the wiki, only to have the wiki pages overwritten by someone
>> else's "better ideas". maybe this puts some people off?
> Yes that is very cumbersome but how often does this happen

Several hundred times recently?

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-05 Thread Andy Allan
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:28 PM, Sascha Silbe
> On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 11:57:07AM +, Andy Allan wrote:
>> [...], which
>> triggered a virulent campaign by the wiki-types to repeatedly delete
>> the information that I had put up, [...]
> Who exactly are "the wiki-types" you mention?

I don't want to make it personal or pick out individuals. It's pretty
plain from the wiki-history who was doing what in the particular case
I was referring to - but the point is way more general than just my
one little illustration which is why I haven't even linked to it.

> IMO there shouldn't be "the wiki-types" and "the mappers", those should be
> one and the same. Without defining what tags (=syntax) mean (=semantic),
> it's hard to use them properly.

I agree with both your statements.

> From reading the discussions regularly popping up on the mailing lists, I'm
> getting the impression there's a minority on the wiki disturbing the work of
> others. That's vandalism to me, nothing more and nothing less.

I wouldn't necessarily say it's a minority on the wiki, and that's one
of the problems. It's a fairly large group of people now, probably
outnumbering all the people who write editors, rendering software, and
other stuff combined. It's a function of groupthink - people on the
wiki see the way the wiki-fiddlers work and accept it as the norm.
Battle-scarred veterans who have tried to straighten things out spend
their time working elsewhere - by their very nature. How could the
author of an OSM editor or renderer out-wiki a group of dedicated
wiki-fiddlers? We have other stuff that simply doesn't get done if we
aren't doing it.

And for vandalism I would simply say (deeply) misguided - I don't
think anyone appreciates their hard work being called vandalism,
misguided or not.

> So what about trying to get this minority to stop impeding our work, instead
> of splitting ourselves into "the wiki-types" (those defining the semantics)
> and "the mappers" (those using the syntax to enter data into the database)?

As they say, "Good luck with that".

> Of course there are other ways of communicating the semantics of the tags
> you use (e.g. mailing lists), but the wiki is currently the best we have in
> terms of successful information retrieval.

Absolutely. I've occasionally flirted with other ideas - bits on the website that are under strict editorial control, for
example, documenting how things actually work and safe from uninformed
opinions. But that is firstly time I could spend making the cycle map
even better, and also not really in the spirit of community building.
I'd rather that I could document stuff on the OSM wiki, but I've been
there before and it wasn't a pleasant experience.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-05 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Andy Allan wrote:

> I've been hit by it a few times, and one specific case that annoys me
> greatly. I invented a tag by using it (OMG!!), and then even rendering
> it. Other people started using it. Then the wiki-types made up their
> own alternative tag without making any reference to the existing ones
> that were in the db and being rendered. So I realised it was about
> time to document the already-in-use, already-rendered tag, which
> triggered a virulent campaign by the wiki-types to repeatedly delete
> the information that I had put up, ignore the evidence from the
> database, claim voting was the be-all and end-all, and label tags that
> are (still) in use and (still) rendered as "deprecated".

If I read it rightly, too, Andy's usage for a foot-and-bike crossing was


which is what they're called in the UK (because "two can" cross) -  
concise and certainly no more idiomatic than "trunk", say.

Whereas the Official Wiki Way Of Doing Things is, apparently,


Five tags. Utterly insane. The only way for human beings to make sense  
of that is for the editors to offer shortcuts, and do I see the voting  
guys even submitting one teeny patch to the simple, public-svn text  
 that would do this in Potlatch? Er,  


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-05 Thread Sascha Silbe

On Wed, Nov 05, 2008 at 11:57:07AM +, Andy Allan wrote:

[...], which
triggered a virulent campaign by the wiki-types to repeatedly delete
the information that I had put up, [...]

Who exactly are "the wiki-types" you mention?
IMO there shouldn't be "the wiki-types" and "the mappers", those should 
be one and the same. Without defining what tags (=syntax) mean 
(=semantic), it's hard to use them properly.
From reading the discussions regularly popping up on the mailing lists, 
I'm getting the impression there's a minority on the wiki disturbing the 
work of others. That's vandalism to me, nothing more and nothing less.
So what about trying to get this minority to stop impeding our work, 
instead of splitting ourselves into "the wiki-types" (those defining the 
semantics) and "the mappers" (those using the syntax to enter data into 
the database)?

Of course there are other ways of communicating the semantics of the 
tags you use (e.g. mailing lists), but the wiki is currently the best we 
have in terms of successful information retrieval.

CU Sascha


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dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-05 Thread Andy Allan
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 8:15 AM, Sebastian Spaeth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik Johansson wrote:
 Real mappers don't document; their tags are enough.  Wannabe mappers
 read documentation and follow templates. So how should you become a
 mapper if there is no documentation. There is a lack of people who are
 willing to write something on the wiki, not too many.
>>> there have been occasions when "real" mappers have documented their
>>> tags on the wiki, only to have the wiki pages overwritten by someone
>>> else's "better ideas". maybe this puts some people off?
>> Yes that is very cumbersome but how often does this happen, and does
>> it really warrant that flippant attitude? Having a better way to
>> handle multiple meanings of tags might help.
> Often enough that I have stopped caring about what the wiki says.

I've been hit by it a few times, and one specific case that annoys me
greatly. I invented a tag by using it (OMG!!), and then even rendering
it. Other people started using it. Then the wiki-types made up their
own alternative tag without making any reference to the existing ones
that were in the db and being rendered. So I realised it was about
time to document the already-in-use, already-rendered tag, which
triggered a virulent campaign by the wiki-types to repeatedly delete
the information that I had put up, ignore the evidence from the
database, claim voting was the be-all and end-all, and label tags that
are (still) in use and (still) rendered as "deprecated".

I've given up almost all hope with the wiki, since there appears to be
no place on it for honest documentation, unless you play by certain
rules which are incompatible with the founding spirit of OSM. So there
are now many features on the cycle map that are completely
undocumented - I'm not stirring the hornets nest any more, I'd rather
concentrate on productive stuff.

Suggestions welcome.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-05 Thread Sebastian Spaeth
Erik Johansson wrote:
>>> Real mappers don't document; their tags are enough.  Wannabe mappers
>>> read documentation and follow templates. So how should you become a
>>> mapper if there is no documentation. There is a lack of people who are
>>> willing to write something on the wiki, not too many.
>> there have been occasions when "real" mappers have documented their
>> tags on the wiki, only to have the wiki pages overwritten by someone
>> else's "better ideas". maybe this puts some people off?
> Yes that is very cumbersome but how often does this happen, and does
> it really warrant that flippant attitude? Having a better way to
> handle multiple meanings of tags might help.

Often enough that I have stopped caring about what the wiki says.

The wiki were a great help if it listed commonly used tags together with
a list of applications that are using/understanding those tags. (or
probably describing that a certain app actively refuses to 'understand'
a certain tag). That would allow people to help making their decision on
whether they want to tag something as highway=culdesac or add a
noexit=yes (a completely unneeded tag :-)).

But this is not how the wiki is used. I have been tagging stuff since
quite some time now and I refuse to have people telling me now that
highway=cycleway;foot=yes is not valid anymore because its deprecated.

If the wiki listed the formats of speed measurements that apps
understand together with the frequency of actual format used, that would
help much more than an eternal discussion on whether speed:mph is better
than speed=30mph or whether everyone is/should be using metric
measurement anyway.


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread jim
Third possibility...

I think that crrowd sourcing itself is actually different (in general  
and not just OSM being different).

In the case of OSM we clearly see emergent 'standards' and 'models,   
These are codefied in the wiki and, more importantly, in the tools  
that realize the data into maps, routes, geo-coded results etc.   
Editors want their data on maps (and routes etc.) and so try to make  
it useful and findable (just like photo taggers are trying to get  
their photos found).  And they share information about how to do it in  
the wiki.

The wiki emerges from the practices of the community AND serves as a  
reference point to document and debate/discuss these.

In the end the apps developers who realize the data will use the most  
descriptive and useful methods that exist in the data and participate  
in the wiki and mail list debate on best practices.  They reward the  
most useful and used models by showing that data.  (Hence a good  
address finder will show what is tagged to it's understanding and the  
crowd will move to tag that way - or reject it and up will pop new  
address finders.  And evolution continues.)

The genius of a good crowd sourced project (and OSM is very good) is  
that the data being sourced AND the encoding model itself are BOTH  
crowd sourced.  This fuels the evolution.

When you think about it, it is the obvious thing to do, but then, most  
really good ideas are both simple and obvious in retrospect.


Jim Brown -CTO CloudMade

(Sent from my iPhone)

On 5 Nov 2008, at 02:36, Frederik Ramm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi,
> Erik Johansson wrote:
>> Yes that is very cumbersome but how often does this happen, and does
>> it really warrant that flippant attitude? Having a better way to
>> handle multiple meanings of tags might help.
> The core of this "flippant attitude" is easily explained.
> When OSM was started - that was before my time, so I'm just telling
> other people's stories here - it was not the only collaborative  
> mapping
> project around.
> Other, "competing" projects started out by first trying to set up a  
> good
> tagging scheme (an "ontology" as people say) for everything, and never
> got far beyond that.
> OpenStreetMap didn't bother, and just started mapping -  
> differentiating,
> initially, only between railway, waterway and highway and that was it.
> Things evolved from there to where we are now; OSM has swept away
> anything remotely comparable.
> Like many computer people, my instinct is to do exactly what the  
> failed
> projects have done; it is what you are taught at uni or in the
> workplace: Analyse problem, make data model, acquire data, process  
> data.
> OpenStreetMap managed to largely skip the initial phases, going  
> against
> perceived wisdom, and it worked out well.
> Now, with the ever larger influx of new people to the project, this
> "perceived wisdom", this "how things are usually done", comes in  
> through
> the back door. There's not a single day where you don't hear somebody
> say "but we need a unified tagging scheme", "everybody needs to adhere
> to the same standard", "it will never work otherwise", "the data  
> will be
> useless unless everybody means the same". (But "it will never work" is
> something that has been said about OSM from day one.)
> Things that are special about OSM, things that have been OSM's  
> strengths
> in the past, are often unreflectedly discounted as weaknesses by these
> newcomers: "Any database must ... blah blah blah ... lest it is
> completely useless."
> There are two possibilities:
> 1. OpenStreetMap did the right thing initially, but what was the right
> thing *then* is not the right thing *now* anymore; we really need  
> strict
> standards, a body to govern them, a dictionary of approved tags, and
> editors that will only allow you to tag things differently if you  
> press
> "I am sure" three times. That is, as far as I can see, the model that
> Google's Map Maker uses.
> 2. OpenStreetMap is really different from anything else, the usual  
> rules
> do not apply, and trying to apply perceived wisdom to OSM will break
> what is precious about it. The people calling for standards, rules,
> unified tagging and all that are just not flexible enough; they think
> they know what works and what doesn't, and fail to see that OSM is a
> different environment to which they cannot simply transport their
> experiences from the workplace or from software projects or from  
> Wikipedia.
> I tend to assume that 2. is correct and I also tend to make fun of  
> those
> who, I like to think, cannot adapt their brains to something that  
> works
> differently. But it is very well possible that I am wrong, or that at
> least situation 1. will be true at some time in the near future.
> Bye
> Frederik
> -- 
> Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23 
> '33"
> ___
> dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Frederik Ramm

Erik Johansson wrote:
> Yes that is very cumbersome but how often does this happen, and does
> it really warrant that flippant attitude? Having a better way to
> handle multiple meanings of tags might help.

The core of this "flippant attitude" is easily explained.

When OSM was started - that was before my time, so I'm just telling 
other people's stories here - it was not the only collaborative mapping 
project around.

Other, "competing" projects started out by first trying to set up a good 
tagging scheme (an "ontology" as people say) for everything, and never 
got far beyond that.

OpenStreetMap didn't bother, and just started mapping - differentiating, 
initially, only between railway, waterway and highway and that was it.

Things evolved from there to where we are now; OSM has swept away 
anything remotely comparable.

Like many computer people, my instinct is to do exactly what the failed 
projects have done; it is what you are taught at uni or in the 
workplace: Analyse problem, make data model, acquire data, process data. 
OpenStreetMap managed to largely skip the initial phases, going against 
perceived wisdom, and it worked out well.

Now, with the ever larger influx of new people to the project, this 
"perceived wisdom", this "how things are usually done", comes in through 
the back door. There's not a single day where you don't hear somebody 
say "but we need a unified tagging scheme", "everybody needs to adhere 
to the same standard", "it will never work otherwise", "the data will be 
useless unless everybody means the same". (But "it will never work" is 
something that has been said about OSM from day one.)

Things that are special about OSM, things that have been OSM's strengths 
in the past, are often unreflectedly discounted as weaknesses by these 
newcomers: "Any database must ... blah blah blah ... lest it is 
completely useless."

There are two possibilities:

1. OpenStreetMap did the right thing initially, but what was the right 
thing *then* is not the right thing *now* anymore; we really need strict 
standards, a body to govern them, a dictionary of approved tags, and 
editors that will only allow you to tag things differently if you press 
"I am sure" three times. That is, as far as I can see, the model that 
Google's Map Maker uses.

2. OpenStreetMap is really different from anything else, the usual rules 
do not apply, and trying to apply perceived wisdom to OSM will break 
what is precious about it. The people calling for standards, rules, 
unified tagging and all that are just not flexible enough; they think 
they know what works and what doesn't, and fail to see that OSM is a 
different environment to which they cannot simply transport their 
experiences from the workplace or from software projects or from Wikipedia.

I tend to assume that 2. is correct and I also tend to make fun of those 
who, I like to think, cannot adapt their brains to something that works 
differently. But it is very well possible that I am wrong, or that at 
least situation 1. will be true at some time in the near future.


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Erik Johansson
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:26 AM, Matt Amos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Erik Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> COn Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>> The people doing the "defining" are, in many cases, not the ones who
>>> are doing the mapping. There are plenty of people voting on things
>>> just because they like voting.
>>> If people refrained from discussing and voting unless they had
>>> _personally_ come up against the problem that the proposal was aiming
>>> to solve, I think the process would have a lot more respect.
>> Real mappers don't document; their tags are enough.  Wannabe mappers
>> read documentation and follow templates. So how should you become a
>> mapper if there is no documentation. There is a lack of people who are
>> willing to write something on the wiki, not too many.
> there have been occasions when "real" mappers have documented their
> tags on the wiki, only to have the wiki pages overwritten by someone
> else's "better ideas". maybe this puts some people off?

Yes that is very cumbersome but how often does this happen, and does
it really warrant that flippant attitude? Having a better way to
handle multiple meanings of tags might help.

But perhaps Frederik is right maybe it's just too much work to
translate wiki preferences automatically to JOSM, potlatch templates
(also stylesheets for Osmarender and Mapnik to take the common
complaint from people who wants new tags).

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Erik Johansson
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 12:27 AM, Ulf Lamping <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Any proposed features that see significant real world usage make there
>> way onto the map_features page.
> Well, I've recently added some often used tags indicated by tagwatch to
> the Map Features page. It wasn't easy for me to write a good tag
> description, as I couldn't get it from the database or any proposals.
> There are still some tags that are in significant use that I didn't
> added to Map Features, just because I wasn't sure what they really meant ...

Perhaps extract users using this tag from the extended API download,
and mail them?

I've included a hack that does that, but osmxapi includes all lots of
extra data you don't need so it's abit slow. Example:

perl FIXME survey

die("Usage $0  ") if($k eq "" || $v eq "");

open(XAPI, "curl '\\[$k=$v\\]'|");

   $user= $1 if(/ user=.([^'"]+)/);
   $stat{$user}+=1 if(/k=.FIXME. v=.survey./);

print "user:usage\n";
foreach $user (sort {$stat{$b} <=> $stat{$a} } keys %stat){
   print "$user:$stat{$user}\n"


dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Ulf Lamping
Chris Jones schrieb:
> On 4 Nov 2008, at 20:56, Ulf Lamping wrote:
>> It's simply a misconception that the voting process necessarily
>> needs that all people involved to be experts of the topic. If the
>> proposal is well prepared and discussed even by a very small number of
>> people knowing what they are talking about, you will - even as an
>> "outsider" - get a good idea if the feature is a good thing or not.
> Surely the only voting process that carries any weight in the long run 
> is people actually using a given key/value pair in the database...

Yes and no.

It's not a good idea to simply assume that the database is enough.

The database only carries the syntax. It can tell you what tags people 
use. However, it can not tell you the semantic of the tag - what people 
meant. As this seems pretty obvious at a glance it's unfortunately not 
that easy.

There is lot's of examples of these confusions:

landuse=forest vs. natural=wood

 From simply looking at both tags, it's just not possible to be sure 
about the differences. In fact at least here in germany since recently a 
lot of people weren't even aware that there are two such tags and that 
there are differences what they mean.

There are a lot more examples about these confusions, and without 
documenting the tags this will continue.

> Why not just provide a list of popular tags (like map_features does 
> now), and a long list of possibilities for things not on the 'popular' 
> list (basicly what the Proposed_features currently do).

We call that tagwatch: ;-)

> Any proposed features that see significant real world usage make there 
> way onto the map_features page.

Well, I've recently added some often used tags indicated by tagwatch to 
the Map Features page. It wasn't easy for me to write a good tag 
description, as I couldn't get it from the database or any proposals.

There are still some tags that are in significant use that I didn't 
added to Map Features, just because I wasn't sure what they really meant ...

Regards, ULFL

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Matt Amos
On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 10:46 PM, Erik Johansson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> COn Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> The people doing the "defining" are, in many cases, not the ones who
>> are doing the mapping. There are plenty of people voting on things
>> just because they like voting.
>> If people refrained from discussing and voting unless they had
>> _personally_ come up against the problem that the proposal was aiming
>> to solve, I think the process would have a lot more respect.
> Real mappers don't document; their tags are enough.  Wannabe mappers
> read documentation and follow templates. So how should you become a
> mapper if there is no documentation. There is a lack of people who are
> willing to write something on the wiki, not too many.

there have been occasions when "real" mappers have documented their
tags on the wiki, only to have the wiki pages overwritten by someone
else's "better ideas". maybe this puts some people off?

> Sure the wiki doesn't really define the database, it tells people how
> to tag stuff and that is a lot more important than anything else.

you're absolutely right - the wiki should help document the database
and help spread knowledge of tagging culture. maybe we should be
encouraging "wannabe" mappers to look for tags on tagwatch and, with
the help of the mailing lists / IRC / local meet-ups, document them on
the wiki?



dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Erik Johansson
COn Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 6:16 PM, Richard Fairhurst <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Erik Johansson wrote:
>> This is a really naive and contraproductive argument, nothing is black
>> and white.  You have to define what it is you are mapping, and you
>> don't do that in the database.
> Yeah, but therein lies the problem.
> The people doing the "defining" are, in many cases, not the ones who
> are doing the mapping. There are plenty of people voting on things
> just because they like voting.
> If people refrained from discussing and voting unless they had
> _personally_ come up against the problem that the proposal was aiming
> to solve, I think the process would have a lot more respect.

Real mappers don't document; their tags are enough.  Wannabe mappers
read documentation and follow templates. So how should you become a
mapper if there is no documentation. There is a lack of people who are
willing to write something on the wiki, not too many.

Sure the wiki doesn't really define the database, it tells people how
to tag stuff and that is a lot more important than anything else.

BTW, This is still on dev because dev is where the wiki FUD flows deepest.

Regards Erik.

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Chris Jones

On 4 Nov 2008, at 20:56, Ulf Lamping wrote:
> It's simply a misconception that the voting process necessarily
> needs that all people involved to be experts of the topic. If the
> proposal is well prepared and discussed even by a very small number of
> people knowing what they are talking about, you will - even as an
> "outsider" - get a good idea if the feature is a good thing or not.

Surely the only voting process that carries any weight in the long  
run is people actually using a given key/value pair in the database...

Why not just provide a list of popular tags (like map_features does  
now), and a long list of possibilities for things not on the  
'popular' list (basicly what the Proposed_features currently do).

Any proposed features that see significant real world usage make  
there way onto the map_features page.

Chris Jones, SUCS Admin

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Ulf Lamping
Richard Fairhurst schrieb:
> Erik Johansson wrote:
>> This is a really naive and contraproductive argument, nothing is black
>> and white.  You have to define what it is you are mapping, and you
>> don't do that in the database.
> Yeah, but therein lies the problem.
> The people doing the "defining" are, in many cases, not the ones who  
> are doing the mapping. There are plenty of people voting on things  
> just because they like voting.
> If people refrained from discussing and voting unless they had  
> _personally_ come up against the problem that the proposal was aiming  
> to solve, I think the process would have a lot more respect.


How do you know, that: "The people doing the "defining" are, in many 
cases, not the ones who are doing the mapping" ?!?

BTW: It's simply a misconception that the voting process necessarily 
needs that all people involved to be experts of the topic. If the 
proposal is well prepared and discussed even by a very small number of 
people knowing what they are talking about, you will - even as an 
"outsider" - get a good idea if the feature is a good thing or not.

Regards, ULFL

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] The wiki defines the database (was: relations)

2008-11-04 Thread Richard Fairhurst
Erik Johansson wrote:

> This is a really naive and contraproductive argument, nothing is black
> and white.  You have to define what it is you are mapping, and you
> don't do that in the database.

Yeah, but therein lies the problem.

The people doing the "defining" are, in many cases, not the ones who  
are doing the mapping. There are plenty of people voting on things  
just because they like voting.

If people refrained from discussing and voting unless they had  
_personally_ come up against the problem that the proposal was aiming  
to solve, I think the process would have a lot more respect.


dev mailing list