[OSM-dev] renderd - terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mapnik::config_error'

2009-09-05 Thread Radek Bartoň
Hello OSM developers.

Since last svn up (maybe few more, I'm not sure), my instance of renderd is 
failing with message:

terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mapnik::config_error'
  what():  Unable to find specified font face 'DejaVu Sans Book'

Here is my renderd.conf:


And here is find /usr/share/fonts -name *DejaVu*:


I would like to ask if this is a problem of missing font (I don't see any 
DejaVuSansBook.ttf) and in what package/version I can find this font or this 
font face shoud be already included in for example DejaVuSans.ttf file.

Nevertheless, shouldn't renderd/mapnik find alternative font instead of 
crashing with an excepiton?

Thank you for your help.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] renderd - terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mapnik::config_error'

2009-09-05 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne sobota 05 Září 2009 19:10:43 Richard Weait napsal(a):
  To check the fonts recognized by python, try
  from mapnik import *
  for face in FontEngine.face_names(): print face
  ... [Enter]
  DejaVu Sans Bold
  DejaVu Sans Bold Oblique
  DejaVu Sans Book

So missing font is not the problem:

from mapnik import *
for face in FontEngine.face_names(): print face
DejaVu Sans Bold
DejaVu Sans Bold Oblique
DejaVu Sans Book
DejaVu Sans Condensed
DejaVu Sans Condensed Bold
DejaVu Sans Condensed Bold Oblique
DejaVu Sans Condensed Oblique
DejaVu Sans ExtraLight
DejaVu Sans Mono Bold
DejaVu Sans Mono Bold Oblique
DejaVu Sans Mono Book
DejaVu Sans Mono Oblique
DejaVu Sans Oblique
DejaVu Serif Bold
DejaVu Serif Bold Italic
DejaVu Serif Book
DejaVu Serif Condensed
DejaVu Serif Condensed Bold
DejaVu Serif Condensed Bold Italic
DejaVu Serif Italic

Any other reason for the exception?

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] renderd - terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mapnik::config_error'

2009-09-05 Thread Radek Bartoň
renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: 

renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: 

renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSerif-
renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-
renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: 

renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans-
renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSans-
renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: 

renderd[16728]: DEBUG: Loading font: /usr/share/fonts/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono-
Running in foreground mode...   

renderd[16728]: Starting stats thread

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] renderd - terminate called after throwing an instance of 'mapnik::config_error'

2009-09-05 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne sobota 05 Září 2009 23:32:18 Jon Burgess napsal(a):

 It certainly used to work but looks like it was broken in r17329. I have
 applied a fix in SVN.


Yeah, I knew it was something in some of the last commits :-). Thank you for 
the fix (I tested that it's working).

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Multithread generate_tiles.py, generate_images.py and question about attribution.

2009-10-02 Thread Radek Bartoň
Hello everyone.

First of all, I want to share with my two scripts for Mapnik rendering. First 
is a modified version of generate_tiles.py to use multithread rendering. Second 
is a modified generate_image.py to generate large bitmap posters like [1,2]. It 
uses tiled rendering so it's possible to render very large areas with high 
DPI. Only limitation is that whole poster must fit into computer's memory 
during merging and texts drawing because I don't know any image rendering 
library which can draw to memory mapped files or such. See scripts' code and 
comments or ask for detailed information.

Seconly, I would like to ask how should I properly extend an OpenStreetMap 
attribution on the [1,2] to include my name and to mention an OpenTrackMap 
project [3]. Could you give me an advice about this?

Thank you in advance.

[1] - http://blackhex.no-ip.org/raw-attachment/wiki/Files/poster_preview.png - 
OpenTrackMap poster, scaled down to 25% (13.4 MB)
[2] - http://blackhex.no-ip.org/raw-
attachment/wiki/Files/poster_small_preview.png - OpenTrackMap poster, scaled 
down to 10% (2.4 MB)
[3] - http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/ - OpenTrackMap project homepage.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Generates a single large PNG image for a UK bounding box
# Tweak the lat/lon bounding box (ll) and image dimensions
# to get an image of arbitrary size.
# To use this script you must first have installed mapnik
# and imported a planet file into a Postgres DB using
# osm2pgsql.
# Note that mapnik renders data differently depending on
# the size of image. More detail appears as the image size
# increases but note that the text is rendered at a constant
# pixel size so will appear smaller on a large image.

from math import pi,cos,sin,log,exp,atan
from mapnik import *
import sys, os

if __name__ == __main__:
# Use Mapnik template from MAPNIK_MAP_FILE environment variable or osm.xml
# file.
map_file = os.environ['MAPNIK_MAP_FILE']
except KeyError:
map_file = osm.xml

# Configuration options
poster_filename = poster.png # Name of output PNG file.
lonlat_bottom_left = Coord(12.10, 48.55) # Bottom-left corner of area of interest in Lon/Lat coordinates.
lonlat_top_right = Coord(18.86, 51.06) # Top-right corner of area of interest in Lon/Lat coordinates.
x_size = 14040 # A0 width at 300 DPI
y_size = 9930 # A0 height at 300 DPI
#x_size = 28080 # A0 width at 600 DPI
#y_size = 19860 # A0 height at 600 DPI
x_parts = 8 # Number of tiles in x-direction.
y_parts = 8 # Number of tile in y-direction
overlap = 32 # Number of pixels of tile's overlapping.
borders = (400, 600, 400, 800) # Left, bottom, right and top white border of the poster.
frame_line_width = 10 # Line width of frame around map.
title = OpenStreetMap - CTC Hiking Tracks Network - 30 September 2009 # Text of a title on the top.
title_font_size = 300 # Font size of the title.
title_offset = 700 # Offset of title bottom from the top of the poster.
attribution = \302\251 OpenStreetMap  contributors (http://www.openstreetmap.org/), CC-BY-SA # Text of an attribtuion on the bottom.
attribution_font_size = 100 # Font size of the attribution,
attribution_offset = 400 # Offset of attribution bottom from the bottom of the poster.

# Compute image size for map.
x_size = x_size - borders[0] - borders[2]
y_size = y_size - borders[1] - borders[3]

# Compute rendered area size in target projection.
projection = Projection(+proj=merc +a=6378137 +b=6378137 +lat_ts=0.0 +lon_0=0.0
   +x_0=0.0 +y_0=0 +k=1.0 +units=m +nadgri...@null +no_defs +over)
target_bottom_left = projection.forward(lonlat_bottom_left)
target_top_right = projection.forward(lonlat_top_right)

# Modify area to respect aspect ratio of image.
image_aspect = x_size / float(y_size)
target_center = Coord((target_bottom_left.x + target_top_right.x)  * 0.5,
  (target_bottom_left.y + target_top_right.y) * 0.5)
target_width = target_top_right.x - target_bottom_left.x
target_height = target_top_right.y - target_bottom_left.y
target_aspect = target_width / float(target_height)
if image_aspect  target_aspect:
target_bottom_left.x = target_center.x - (target_height * image_aspect * 0.5)
target_top_right.x = target_center.x + (target_height * image_aspect * 0.5)
target_bottom_left.y = target_center.y - (target_width / image_aspect * 0.5)
target_top_right.y = target_center.y + (target_width / image_aspect * 0.5)

# Update target dimensions.
target_width = target_top_right.x - target_bottom_left.x
target_height = target_top_right.y - target_bottom_left.y
target_aspect = target_width

Re: [OSM-dev] Multithread generate_tiles.py, generate_images.py and question about attribution.

2009-10-03 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne sobota 03 Říjen 2009 18:52:12 Dane Springmeyer napsal(a):
 Jon recently added threading to generate_tiles.py in svn as well:

Oh, I needed it two months ago so I wrote it.

 I would if you have compared your implementation yet?

Sorry, I don't understand the meaning of this sentence.

 Were you running into limitations within Mapnik or just memory when
 rendering large single images?

When rendering large image for large geospatial area - whole Czech Republic. 
For example if you set x_parts and y_parts to 1 in the script and when you run 
it on 2GB RAM machine with 32-bit operating system.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Multithread generate_tiles.py, generate_images.py and question about attribution.

2009-10-03 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne sobota 03 Říjen 2009 18:52:12 Dane Springmeyer napsal(a):

 Were you running into limitations within Mapnik or just memory when
 rendering large single images?

Ah, now I remember, the memory error was caused by large memory needs when 
rendering hillshading layer in GeoTIFF file.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Multithread generate_tiles.py, generate_images.py and question about attribution.

2009-10-04 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne neděle 04 Říjen 2009 05:09:51 Dane Springmeyer napsal(a):

 I assume not since you wrote yours, as you say several months ago, but
 it would be interesting to test the speed of each version.

I'll try it but I suppose that mine would be slower because it's writing to 
the disk both versions of tiles - 24-bit tiles and 256 colours ditherted 

It'll also depend on the overlapping area of tiles. In former 
generate_tiles.py there was rendered 512x512 tiles and then cropped to 
256x256. I kept this setting but I think it can be much smaller like 
256+2*32x256+2*32 to speed it up. 

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Multithread generate_tiles.py, generate_images.py and question about attribution.

2009-10-05 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne neděle 04 Říjen 2009 05:06:52 Dane Springmeyer napsal(a):
 We have a fix for that now in Mapnik SVN trunk. Would be great to get
 your help testing:

This is what I'm getting with lastest SVN trunk:

(gdb) run generate_poster.py 
Starting program: /usr/bin/python generate_poster.py
[Thread debugging using libthread_db enabled] 
registered datasource : sqlite 
registered datasource : postgis 
registered datasource : raster 
registered datasource : osm 
registered datasource : ogr 
registered datasource : gdal 
registered datasource : shape 
Loading map of area (12.10 lon 48.395892 lat) - (18.86 lon 51.205865 
lat)...grammar(unknown): [kct_yellow]='ski'
rule(filter_statement): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(or_expr): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(and_expr): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(not_expr): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(cond_expr): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(equation): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(relation): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(expression): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(term): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(factor): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(function): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(literal): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(boolean): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
#rule(boolean): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(number): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
#rule(number): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(string_): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
#rule(string_): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
rule(property): [kct_yellow]='ski' 
/rule(property): ='ski' 
/rule(literal): ='ski' 
/rule(function): ='ski' 
/rule(factor): ='ski' 
/rule(term): ='ski' 
/rule(expression): ='ski' 
rule(regex): ='ski' 
#rule(regex): ='ski' 
/rule(relation): ='ski' 
rule(relation): 'ski' 
rule(expression): 'ski' 
rule(term): 'ski' 
rule(factor): 'ski' 
rule(function): 'ski' 
rule(literal): 'ski' 
rule(boolean): 'ski' 
#rule(boolean): 'ski' 
rule(number): 'ski'
#rule(number): 'ski'
rule(string_): 'ski'
bit_depth=8 color_type=6
*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/python: malloc(): memory corruption: 
0x086fe8b0 ***

I can send you more info, just tell me what you need.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Multithread generate_tiles.py, generate_images.py and question about attribution.

2009-10-05 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne neděle 04 Říjen 2009 05:09:51 Dane Springmeyer napsal(a):

 I meant to ask if you had yet compared your generate_tiles.py
 threading support to the recent additions in svn?
 I assume not since you wrote yours, as you say several months ago, but
 it would be interesting to test the speed of each version.

Now I tried and the results are quite interesting. I tested on 3GHz Intel Core 
2 Duo machine with 2GB RAM and using 2 threads.

Result for OpenStreetMap generate_tiles.py was:

real 42m10.608s
user 21m39.037s
sys 4m36.265s

Result for OpenTrackMap (mine) generate_tiles.py was:

real 56m57.562s
user 32m7.568s
sys 8m24.184s

Then I noticed that OSM version doesn't use any overlapping. When I removed 
overlapping from mine version the result (even when full color version of tile 
is stored to the disk and then converted to 256 color version using 
ImageMagick) was:

real 40m35.201s
user 21m42.249s
sys 6m42.197s

Anyway, OSM version should use some overlapping because then there are some 
artifacts on tile borders. Maybe the best solution would be to render for 
example 16x16 (or more) tiles image with small border and then cut the image 
to separated tiles. This could bring also another performace gain because of 
better memory utilization or less access to DB.

Mine version has small benefit compared to OSM version - it can be interrupted 
with CTRL+C keys, while mine version doesn't use job queue so it probably 
doesn't scale as well as OSM version.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Documentation about Tirex update strategies configuration

2011-01-01 Thread Radek Bartoň
Hello everyone.

I'm looking for documentation how to configure Tirex update strategy as 
described at http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tirex/Tile_Update_Strategies .

Thank you.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Documentation about Tirex update strategies configuration

2011-01-10 Thread Radek Bartoň
 Look for tirex-batch, tirex-tiledir-check, and tirex-tiledir-stat on
 http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tirex/Commands and read the man pages.

Thank you.

But if I understand it correctly, tirex-batch can only send request for 
immediate rendering. What I'm looking for is how to set expration time of set 
of tiles so they are re-rendered when accessed from mod_tile?

Another taks not explained is how do I derive what tiles has changed since the 
last replication interval as described at 

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Documentation about Tirex update strategies configuration

2011-01-10 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne pondělí 10 Leden 2011 15:49:28 Philipp Borgers napsal(a):

 I'm not totally sure but I think this is impossible to configure in
 mod_tile. Check for expiration is a global configuration option and done
 the same way for every tile in code.

IIRC, it is possible for mod_tile+renderd.
 Perhaps you write your own solution that checks sets of tiles and if
 they are expired you submit a render request to tirex for this set of
 tiles. Should not be that difficult.

Writing own parser of osc.gz files that determines which tiles are affected by 
the change is quite complex task and I'm quite sure there must be something 
already (it must run on the official OSM tile server). I just don't know how 
it's called and how can I setup it.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Documentation about Tirex update strategies configuration

2011-01-10 Thread Radek Bartoň
 Option 1: Have osm2pgsql write out a list of dirty tiles (options
 -e/-o). Process that with render_expired (in mod_tile directory). This
 will slow down your osm2pgsql runs by something like 25%, and IMHO it
 tends to re-render more than required because it makes an attempt to
 understand polygon relations.
 Option 2: (AFAIK this is used in the OSM production system) use a ruby
 script to parse the OSC diffs and generate rendering instructions:
 Option 3: (used by OpenPisteMap) use a python script that processes OSC
 diffs and stores expiry information in a database:

Thank you, this is exactly kind of information I needed.

One last sub-question: Is there a way how to delete expired tiles from the 
cache instead of re-rendering them? Othrerwise, I'd implement tirex-batch --
delete option if possible.

Radek Bartoň.

dev mailing list

[OSM-dev] Tirex - Rendering jobs stucked in the queue

2011-01-14 Thread Radek Bartoň
 heuristics: next planet render 345599; zoom level based 10800; last 
modified 0\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(337): [client] 
Setting tiles maxAge to 352215\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(693): [client] 
Update file info abs_path(/var/lib/mod_tile/tracks/7/0/0/0/50/136.meta), 
referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(693): [client] 
Update file info abs_path(/var/lib/mod_tile/tracks/7/0/0/0/50/136.meta), 
referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [info] [client] tile_handler_serve: 
xml(tracks) z(7) x(63) y(44), referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(693): [client] 
Update file info abs_path(/var/lib/mod_tile/tracks/7/0/0/0/50/136.meta), 
referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [info] [client] tile_handler_serve: 
xml(tracks) z(7) x(63) y(42), referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(288): [client] 
expires(tile_serve), uri(/tracks/7/63/44.png), 
filename(/var/lib/mod_tile/tracks/7/0/0/0/50/136.meta), path_info((null))\n, 
referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(326): [client] 
caching heuristics: next planet render 345599; zoom level based 10800; last 
modified 0\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [info] [client] tile_handler_serve: 
xml(tracks) z(7) x(63) y(43), referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(337): [client] 
Setting tiles maxAge to 350929\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(288): [client] 
expires(tile_serve), uri(/tracks/7/63/42.png), 
filename(/var/lib/mod_tile/tracks/7/0/0/0/50/136.meta), path_info((null))\n, 
referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(288): [client] 
expires(tile_serve), uri(/tracks/7/63/43.png), 
filename(/var/lib/mod_tile/tracks/7/0/0/0/50/136.meta), path_info((null))\n, 
referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(326): [client] 
caching heuristics: next planet render 345599; zoom level based 10800; last 
modified 0\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(326): [client] 
caching heuristics: next planet render 345599; zoom level based 10800; last 
modified 0\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(337): [client] 
Setting tiles maxAge to 352484\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/
[Thu Jan 13 16:08:48 2011] [debug] mod_tile.c(337): [client] 
Setting tiles maxAge to 348796\n, referer: http://opentrackmap.no-ip.org/


2011-01-13T16:08:48 id=1294931328_172267672 map=tracks x=64 y=40 z=7 prio=1 
request_time=1294931328 expire= sources=MM render_time=86 success=1
2011-01-13T16:08:48 id=1294931328_173550768 map=tracks x=72 y=40 z=7 prio=1 
request_time=1294931328 expire= sources=MM render_time=89 success=1
2011-01-13T16:08:48 id=1294931328_173565296 map=tracks x=56 y=40 z=7 prio=1 
request_time=1294931328 expire= sources=MM render_time=87 success=1
2011-01-13T16:08:48 id=1294931328_173568768 map=tracks x=64 y=32 z=7 prio=1 
request_time=1294931328 expire= sources=MM render_time=85 success=1
2011-01-13T16:08:48 id=1294931328_173568080 map=tracks x=72 y=32 z=7 prio=1 
request_time=1294931328 expire= sources= render_time=90 success=1
2011-01-13T16:08:48 id=1294931328_173587752 map=tracks x=56 y=32 z=7 prio=1 
request_time=1294931328 expire= sources=M render_time=90 success=1


PostgreSQL log even with all queries logging is empty becase it never gets to 
actual rendering.

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: ibar...@fit.vutbr.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] How to delete metatiles?

2011-01-16 Thread Radek Bartoň
Dne neděle 16 Leden 2011 03:25:27 Frederik Ramm napsal(a):

 Ideally of course there would be a library that does all the
 metatile stuff (computing paths and so on) used by everyone, but that's
 maybe too hard because it would have to be usable from so many different


Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tirex - Rendering jobs stucked in the queue

2011-01-16 Thread Radek Bartoň
Any other thoughts what may cause it or how to debug where is the problem, 

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tirex - Rendering jobs stucked in the queue

2011-01-16 Thread Radek Bartoň

 You don't have renderd running in parallel to tirex, right?

No, there is just mod_tile installed.

 Are you sure it isn't a tile which is hitting the timeout? There was a
 bug some time ago where the Agg code can get stuck in an infinite loop
 rendering some tiles but it only occurs in very rare circumstances.
 Have you tried starting up a fresh instance and just feeding in the tile
 co-ordinates of that one stuck request?

I tired to stop apache2, tirex-master, tirex-backend-manager services, then 
delete all meta tiles and then start the services in order: tirex-backend-
manager, tirex-master, apache2 (I suppose this is the correct one) and then I 
requested a single tile from a high level (14-17) sevral times with different 

From what I've seen while debugging it it doesn't matter on the tile 
requested. It stucks anytime and even there are some success=1 lines in the 
jobs.log, the metatiles are all empty.

Isn't it possible that all this is caused by some problem with mod_deflate 
presence since it is the only difference between my working server and this 
new one, I'm aware of, except of hardware?

Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list

Re: [OSM-dev] Tirex - Rendering jobs stucked in the queue

2011-01-20 Thread Radek Bartoň
I'm not sure about a better place for this so I put it here: 


Ing. Radek Bartoň

Faculty of Information Technology
Department of Computer Graphics and Multimedia
Brno University of Technology

E-mail: black...@post.cz
Web: http://blackhex.no-ip.org
Jabber: black...@jabber.cz

dev mailing list